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Англо-русский строительный словарь - club


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Перевод с английского языка club на русский

клуб night club
CLUBHOUSE клуб (здание)
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  энт. булава (антенны) – inarticulate club – lamellate club ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. дубинка 2. дубина, средство устрашения; угроза the club of a nation-wide strike —- угроза объявить всеобщую забастовку 3. булава (гимнастика) 4. клюшка (хоккей, гольф) 5. бита (бейсбол) 6. приклад (ружья) 7. бить дубинкой, прикладом 8. бить прикладом (ружья) 9. вынуждать, заставлять под нажимом the unions clubbed the employers into giving the workers better terms —- профсоюзы вынудили предпринимателей улучшить условия труда рабочих 10. клуб tennis club —- тенисный клуб nature-study club —- клуб натуралистов-любителей 11. "клуб", коммерческая организация, предоставляющая льготы своим клиентам book club —- клуб книголюбов (получающих книги со скидкой) 12. полит. жарг. группа (особ. держав); группировка, блок nuclear club —- "ядерный клуб", державы, обладающие ядерным оружием NATO club —- блок стран НАТО Common Market club —- "клуб Общего рынка", страны, входящие в Европейское экономическое сообщество 13. ночной клуб 14. помещение клуба he started for the club in the afternoon —- днем он поехал в клуб Id: in the club —- сл. беременная (особ. о незамужней) Id: join the club! —- сл. ты не один! 15. клубный 16. дежурный (о блюде) club breakfast —- стандартный завтрак 17. собираться вместе; объединяться 18. устраивать складчину to club the expense —- разделить на всех расходы the family clubbed...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  together  а) собираться вместе Why dont the boys club together and join each others activities?  б) устраивать складчину The family clubbed together to buy the car. CLUB I  1. noun  1) дубинка  2) sport клюшка; бита; булава  3) приклад (ружья)  2. v. бить (дубиной, прикладом) II noun; pl.; cards трефы, трефовая масть III  1. noun клуб Syn: association, federation, league, lodge, order, union  2. v.  1) собираться вместе  2) устраивать складчину (together, with) - club together ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) задерживающее устройство 2) дрейфовать с опущенным на дно якорем - braking club ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a heavy stick with a thick end, used as a weapon etc. 2 a stick used in a game, esp. a stick with a head used in golf. 3 a a playing-card of a suit denoted by a black trefoil. b (in pl.) this suit. 4 an association of persons united by a common interest, usu. meeting periodically for a shared activity (tennis club; yacht club). 5 an organization or premises offering members social amenities, meals and temporary residence, etc. 6 an organization offering subscribers certain benefits (book club). 7 a group of persons, nations, etc., having something in common. 8 = CLUBHOUSE. 9 a structure or organ, esp. in a plant, with a knob at the end. --v. (clubbed, clubbing) 1 tr. beat with or as with a club. 2 intr. (foll. by together, with) combine for joint action, esp. making up a sum of money for a purpose. 3 tr. contribute (money etc.) to a common stock. Phrases and idioms club-class a class of fare on aircraft etc. designed for the business traveller. club-foot a congenitally deformed foot. club-footed having a club-foot. club-man (pl. -men) a member of one or more clubs (in sense 5 of n.). club-root a disease of cabbages etc. with swelling at the base of the stem. club sandwich US a sandwich with two layers of filling between three slices of toast or bread. in the club Brit. sl. pregnant. on the club colloq. receiving relief from the funds of a benefit society. Derivatives clubber n. Etymology: ME f. ON klubba assim. form of klumba club, rel. to CLUMP ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English ~be, from Old Norse klubba; akin to Old High German kolbo ~  Date: 13th century  1.  a. a heavy usually tapering staff especially of wood wielded as a weapon  b. a stick or bat used to hit a ball in any of various games  c. something resembling a ~  2.  a. a playing card marked with a stylized figure of a black clover  b. plural but singular or plural in construction the suit comprising cards marked with ~s  3.  a. an association of persons for some common object usually jointly supported and meeting periodically; also a group identified by some common characteristic nations in the nuclear ~  b. the meeting place of a ~ lunch at the ~  c. an association of persons participating in a plan by which they agree to make regular payments or purchases in order to secure some advantage  d. night~  e. an athletic association or team  4. ~ sandwich  • ~bish adjective  II. verb  (~bed; ~bing)  Date: 1593  transitive verb  1.  a. to beat or strike with or as if with a ~  b. to gather into a ~-shaped mass ~bed her hair  2.  a. to unite or combine for a common cause  b. to contribute to a common fund  intransitive verb  1. to form a ~ ; combine  2. to pay a share of a common expense  3. night~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (clubs, clubbing, clubbed) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. A club is an organization of people interested in a particular activity or subject who usually meet on a regular basis. ...the Chorlton Conservative Club. ...a youth club... He was club secretary. N-COUNT 2. A club is a place where the members of a club meet. I stopped in at the club for a drink. N-COUNT: oft poss N 3. A club is a team which competes in sporting competitions. ...Liverpool football club. N-COUNT 4. A club is the same as a nightclub. It’s a big dance hit in the clubs. ...the London club scene. N-COUNT 5. A club is a long, thin, metal stick with a piece of wood or metal at one end that you use to hit the ball in golf. ...a six-iron club. = golf club N-COUNT 6. A club is a thick heavy stick that can be used as a weapon. Men armed with knives and clubs attacked his home. N-COUNT 7. To club a person or animal means to hit them hard with a thick heavy stick or a similar weapon. Two thugs clubbed him with baseball bats... Clubbing baby seals to death for their pelts is wrong. VERB: V n, V n to n 8. Clubs is one of the four suits in a pack of playing cards. Each card in the suit is marked with one or more black symbols: ¦. ...the ace of clubs. N-UNCOUNT-COLL • A club is a playing card of this suit. The next player discarded a club. N-COUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »FOR AN ACTIVITY/SPORT« (also + plural v BrE) an organization for people who share a particular interest or enjoy similar activities, such as sports or politics  (the Ramblers Club | rugby/golf/squash club etc (=a club for people who play a particular sport) | join a club)  (It costs -15 to join the club. | belong to a club)  (She belongs to the local tennis club.) 2 »PROFESSIONAL SPORT« a professional organization including the players, managers, and owners of a sports team  (Tottenham Hotspur Football Club (also + plural v BrE))  (The club have added a new fast bowler to their line-up. | ball club AmE (=a baseball team)) 3 »FOR MEN« an organization, usually for men only, where they can relax and enjoy social activities 4 »BUILDING« the building or place where people who belong to an organization meet in order to do activities or play sports  (There's a party at the golf club.) 5 book/record club etc an organization which people join in order to buy books, records etc cheaply 6 »FOR DANCING/MUSIC« a place where usually young people go to dance, listen to music, and meet socially  (a jazz club | Shall we go to a club?) 7 »FOR HITTING BALL« a special stick used in golf to hit the ball; golf-club (2) 8 »WEAPON« a thick heavy stick used to hit people or things 9 »IN CARD GAMES« a) a black shape with three leaves printed on cards for games b) the suit (=group of cards) that has this shape printed on them  (the ace of clubs) 10 in the club BrE humorous if a woman is in the club, she is going to have a baby; pregnant 11 join the club BrE welcome to the club AmE used after someone has described a bad situation that they are in, to tell them that you are in the same situation  (- see also country-club, fan club fan 1 (1), youth-club) ~2 v clubbed, clubbing to hit someone hard with a thick heavy object  (club sb to death (=kill someone by hitting them several times with a heavy object)) club together phr v BrE to share the cost of something with other people  (We clubbed together to buy her a present.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  U.S. gov. abbr. Contractors Legislators Unions And Business sc. fict. abbr. Clandestine League Unified by Borock NASDAQ abbr. Golf Communities of America ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 12c., from O.N. klubba "cudgel," from P.Gmc. *klumbon; the sense "to associate" is first attested 1670, apparently for "form a mass like the thick end of a club." Specific sense of "bat used in games" is from c.1450. The club at cards is the right name for the suit (It. bastone), even though the pattern adopted is the Fr. trefoil. Club sandwich first recorded 1903; club-foot is from 1538. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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