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Англо-русский строительный словарь - belt


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Перевод с английского языка belt на русский

поясок (на кирпичной или каменной стене) лента (конвейера и т. п.) abrasive belt bucket belt chain belt cocktail belt commuter belt conveyor belt flat belt frost belt green belt life belt safety belt safety belt and harness sand belt seismic belt web belt weighing belt
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См. в других словарях

  ремень; лента – battery belt – drive belt – flat-toothed belt – phase belt – toothed belt ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) лента ленточный - accessory drive belt - armored belt - ore-picking belt - pick-up belt - sinter belt - troughed belt 2) полоса; пояс; ремень - channel belt - charging belt - safety belt - trunnion belt - tuyere belt 3) приводной ремень side of belt transmission — ветвь ременной передачи tined belt feeder — ременно-пальцевый питатель - round drive belt 4) лента конвейера to lace a conveyer belt — сшивать конвейерную ленту - conveyer belt - inspection belt 5) узкий пролив 6) пояс, зона - asteroid belt - confidence belt - radiation belt - steam belt ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  зона; поле (напр. допуска); пределы ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  сущ. пояс, зона - Black Belt - corn belt - shelter belt - wheat belt ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  пояс, зона, район; полоса – adhesion belt – Alpine belt – altitudinal belt – boreal belt – confidence belt – floral belt – forest belt – forest shelter belt – green belt – laminarian belt – land protective belt – life belt – marginal tree belt – nival belt – oreal belt – perpetual snow belt – plain belt – protective belt – shelter belt – subalpine belt – subnival belt – subtropical belt – tundra forest belt – wind belt – wind break belt – zosteran belt ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. пояс, кушак, ремень; портупея cross belt —- перевязь через плечо 2. пояс с подвязками; корсет; бандаж 3. пояс, зона, район; полоса corn belt —- ам. кукурузный пояс a green belt around the city —- зеленый пояс вокруг города shelter belt —- полезащитная лесная полоса belt planting —- с-х. ленточный посев belt of ice —- зона льдов belt of fire —- воен. полоса сплошного поражения belt of wire —- воен. полоса проволочных заграждений belt road —- воен. рокадная дорога 4. лес. шпалера belt of trees —- кулисы (деревья, оставляемые при сводке для лесовозобновления) 5. воен. пулеметная лента 6. мор. броневой пояс 7. тех. приводной ремень belt transmission —- ременная передача belt tightener —- натяжное устройство для ремня 8. лента конвейера 9. геогр. узкий пролив 10. астр. пояс belts of Jupiter —- пояса Юпитера 11. конвейер 12. архит. облом 13. сл. рюмка, стаканчик спиртного 14. сл. встряска; потрясение to get a belt out of smth. —- быть потрясенным чем-л. 15. сл. кайф, кейф 16. интервал в статистике Id: under one's belt —- в желудке; в прошлом; на счету у кого-л.; сл. при себе Id: to have a few Scotches under one's belt —- выпить несколько стаканчиков виски Id: he has three classical roles under his belt —- он сыграл три классические роли Id: keep the warning under your belt —- молчи в тряпочку Id: to hit below the belt —- нанести...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) пояс, ремень; портупея  2) пояс, зона - shelter belt  3) узкий пролив  4) tech. лента конвейера  5) tech. приводной ремень (тж. driving belt)  6) mil. патронная лента  7) naut. броневой пояс  8) archit. облом belt of fire mil. - огневая завеса to hit/strike/tackle below the belt -  а) sport нанести удар ниже пояса;  б) нанести предательский удар - hold the belt  2. v.  1) подпоясывать; опоясывать The soldier belted up and went out to fight.  2) пороть ремнем  3) sl. гнать, шпарить вовсю - belt along - belt down - belt up - belt out - belt up BELT up гнать вдоль (дороги) You got here fast! Yes, the new car belted along (the road). If you belt down the road, youll get to the shop before it closes. BELT out выскочить в спешке наружу When I opened the door, the cat belted out. BELT down гнать вдоль (дороги) You got here fast! Yes, the new car belted along (the road). If you belt down the road, youll get to the shop before it closes. BELT along гнать вдоль (дороги) You got here fast! Yes, the new car belted along (the road). If you belt down the road, youll get to the shop before it closes. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) ремень; лента 2) строит. пояс; связь опоясывать 3) архит. поясок 4) ленточный конвейер, ленточный транспортёр 5) приводной ремень 6) брекер (шины); брекерный пояс (радиальной или опоясанной диагональной шины) 7) бандаж (доменной печи) 8) швейн. пояс; ремень 9) зона; пояс; полоса 10) отделывать лентой бетонное дорожное покрытие belt with half-twist — полуперекрёстный ремень - abrasive belt - banded belt - banded back fan belt - battery belt - cable belt - cable-reinforced belt - canvas belt - car belt - chain belt - channel belt - character belt - cleated belt - coated abrasive belt - cogged belt - cone belt - confidence belt - conveyor belt - cord belt - cotton belt - covered conveyor belt - crawler belt - CVT belt - dead belt - discharge belt - divided-type sorting belt - driving belt - earthquake belt - elevating belt - elevator belt - emery belt - endless belt - extensible belt - face belt - false belt - fan belt - feed belt - filter remove belt - fire-resistant belt - flat belt - flat-indented belt - flaxpulling belt - folded-edge belt - forest shelter belt - freezing belt - gate belt - grading belt - green belt - grommet belt - half belt - high-pressure belt - ice belt - inextensible breaker belt - inspection belt - lap belt - life belt - link belt - loading belt - loosen belt - metal-mesh belt - molded belt - molded tooth belt - molding belt - mother belt - mounting belt - multicord belt - multiloop belt - multiribbed belt - panel belt - passenger conveyor belt - plasma belt - plastic slatted belt - pleated belt - poly-V-belt - power belt - power grip belt - pressure belt - proofing belt - protective belt - radiation belt - rain belt - raw edge belt - refrigerated belt - reinrorcing belt - replaceable mounting belt - residential belt - resin-bond cloth belt - rope...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a strip of leather or other material worn round the waist or across the chest, esp. to retain or support clothes or to carry weapons or as a safety-belt. 2 a belt worn as a sign of rank or achievement. 3 a a circular band of material used as a driving medium in machinery. b a conveyor belt. c a flexible strip carrying machine-gun cartridges. 4 a strip of colour or texture etc. differing from that on each side. 5 a distinct region or extent (cotton belt; commuter belt; a belt of rain). 6 sl. a heavy blow. --v. 1 tr. put a belt round. 2 tr. (often foll. by on) fasten with a belt. 3 tr. a beat with a belt. b sl. hit hard. 4 intr. sl. rush, hurry (usu. with compl. : belted along; belted home). Phrases and idioms below the belt unfair or unfairly; disregarding the rules. belt and braces (of a policy etc.) of twofold security. belt out sl. sing or utter loudly and forcibly. belt up Brit. 1 sl. be quiet. 2 colloq. put on a seat belt. tighten one's belt live more frugally. under one's belt 1 (of food) eaten. 2 securely acquired (has a degree under her belt). Derivatives belter n. (esp. in sense of belt out). Etymology: OE f. Gmc f. L balteus ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English; akin to Old High German balz ~; both from Latin balteus ~  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a strip of flexible material worn especially around the waist as an item of clothing or a means of carrying something (as tools)  b. a similar article worn as a corset or for protection or safety or as a symbol of distinction  2. a continuous band of tough flexible material for transmitting motion and power or conveying materials  3.  a. an area characterized by some distinctive feature (as of culture, habitation, geology, or life forms); especially one suited to a particular crop the corn ~  b. asteroid ~  4. ~way 1  • ~ed adjective  • ~less adjective  II. verb  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to encircle or fasten with a ~  b. to strap on  2.  a. to beat with or as if with a ~ ; thrash  b. strike, hit  3. to mark with a band  4. to sing in a forceful manner or style ~ing out popular songs  5. to drink quickly ~ed down a shot of whisky  intransitive verb  1. to move or act in a speedy, vigorous, or violent manner  2. to sing loudly  III. noun  Date: 1899  1. a jarring blow ; whack  2. drink a ~ of gin ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (belts, belting, belted) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A belt is a strip of leather or cloth that you fasten round your waist. He wore a belt with a large brass buckle. N-COUNT see also safety belt, seat belt 2. A belt in a machine is a circular strip of rubber that is used to drive moving parts or to move objects along. The turning disc is connected by a drive belt to an electric motor. N-COUNT see also conveyor belt, fan belt 3. A belt of land or sea is a long, narrow area of it that has some special feature. Miners in Zambia’s northern copper belt have gone on strike... = strip N-COUNT: with supp see also Bible Belt, commuter belt, green belt 4. If someone belts you, they hit you very hard. (INFORMAL) ‘Is it right she belted old George in the gut?’ she asked. = thump VERB: V n • Belt is also a noun. Father would give you a belt over the head with the scrubbing brush. N-COUNT 5. If you belt somewhere, you move or travel there very fast. (INFORMAL) We belted down Iveagh Parade to where the motor was. = dash VERB: V prep/adv 6. see also belted 7. Something that is below the belt is cruel and unfair. Do you think it’s a bit below the belt what they’re doing? ...this kind of below-the-belt discrimination. PHRASE 8. If you have to tighten your belt, you have to spend less money and manage without things because you have less money than you used to have. Clearly, if you are spending more than your income, you’ll need to tighten your belt. PHRASE: V inflects 9. If you have something under your belt, you have already achieved it or done it. Clare is now a full-time author with six books, including four novels, under her belt. PHRASE: have/with n PHR ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »CLOTHES« a band of leather, cloth etc that you wear around your waist 2 »AREA« a large area of land that has particular characteristics  (America's farming belt | the commuter belt)  (- see also green belt) 3 »MACHINE PART« a circular band of material such as rubber that connects or moves parts of a machine  (- see also conveyor belt, fan belt) 4 below the belt informal a remark or criticism that is below the belt is unfair or cruel  (That was a bit below the belt, Paul.) 5 have/get sth under your belt to have achieved something useful or important  (You need some work experience under your belt.) 6 (at) full belt spoken moving as quickly as possible  (Willy was off down the road at full belt.) 7 give sb a belt spoken to hit someone hard  (- see also chastity belt, garter belt, suspender belt, tighten your belt tighten (6)) ~2 v informal 1 to hit someone or something hard  (Dan belted the ball at goal.) 2 BrE to travel very fast + down/along etc  (We were belting down the motorway at 95 miles per hour.) belt sth out ~ phr v informal to sing a song or play an instrument loudly  (She was belting out old Broadway favourites.) belt up ~ phr v BrE spoken used to tell someone rudely to be quiet  (Belt up, for Christ's sake!) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  educ. abbr. Burks Early Learning Together religion abbr. Biblical Education And Leadership Training ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. belt, from P.Gmc. *baltjaz, from L. balteus, possibly from Etruscan. Transfered sense of "broad stripe encircling something" is from 1664; verb meaning "to thrash as with a belt" is from 1649. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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