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Англо-русский строительный словарь - agent


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Перевод с английского языка agent на русский

вещество; средство; добавка представитель, агент; производитель работ; начальник строительства accelerating agent adhesion agent air-entraining agent antifoaming agent antifouling agent antisettling agent antiskinning agent antiskid agent antistatic agent binding agent blasting agent bleaching agent bonding agent colored release agent colored wax curing agent contractor's agent cooling agent curing agent deflocculating agent defoaming agent deicing agent densifying agent dispersing agent drying agent expansion producing agent fire-retardant agent flotation agent foaming agent form release agent heat carrying agent hydraulic binding agent parting agent powder release agent surface-active agent water-repellent agent wetting agent
Рейтинг статьи:

См. в других словарях

  1) агент, блок обмена сообщениями 2) служба (связи) – delivery agent – intellectual agent – message sharing agent – message transfer agent – multicast agent – user agent ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) агентагентский 2) средство, вещество, (ре)агент; добавка; реактив - activating agent - aerating agent - aggregating agent - air-entraining agent - aldehyde tanning agent - alkylation agent - anionic emulsifying agent - antiknock agent - antisludge agent - bleaching agent - bloating agent - cationic emulsifying agent - chlorinating agent - chrome tanning agent - color fixing agent - coloring agent - complexing agent - contact agent - control agent - cooling agent - corrosive agent - curing agent - decontaminating agent - deemulsifying agent - deflocculating agent - defoaming agent - dehydrating agent - depilating agent - discoloring agent - disinfectant agent - dispersing agent - dusting agent - extraneous agent - fixing agent - flatting agent - fogging agent - frothing agent - gelling agent - glossing agent - ignition agent - liquid carburizing agent - liquid decontaminating agent - metallized blasting agent - mineral tanning agent - moistening agent - oil tanning agent - oiling agent - oxidizing agent - persistent toxic agent - plumping agent - preservative agent - reducing agent - separating agent - short-stopping agent - sizing agent - solid carburizing agent - stabilizing agent - surface-active agent - swelling agent - thermal-sensitizing agent - thinning agent - toxic agent - vulcanizing agent - water-repelling agent - wetting agent ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  агент, представитель, поверенный, посредник, доверенное лицо – agent as representative of applicant – agent for an inventor – advertising agent – chartered patent agent – commercial agent – commission agent – common agent of several applicants – foreign agent – general agent – official agent – professional patent agent – registered patent agent – sales agent – statutory agent – trademark agent AGENT сущ. 1) эк., юр. агент, представитель, посредник; поверенный, доверенное лицо, уполномоченный (лицо, получившее право действовать от имени и по поручению принципала (доверителя) за определенное вознаграждение) to act as an agent - выступать в качестве агента, to be an agent of company - быть представителем (агентом) компании, agent for the purchase of wheat - агент по покупке пшеницы Syn: assignee See: agent's operation 2) общ. действующая сила, фактор, средство agents of production - факторы производства 3) мн. общ., агентура, агентство 4) тех. вещество, агент; реактив, реагент bonding agent - связующий материал, связующее вещество, связующий агент; chemical agent - химическое вещество, реактив, реагент, химический агент; 5) комп. агент, агент-программа (программа накомпьютере-клиенте, предназначенная для автономного выполнения заранее запрограммированных функций; обычно речь идет о программах, предназначенных для сбора и индексирования...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) агент 2) возбудитель (напр. болезни) 3) фактор 4) способ, средство – agent of disease – agent of infection – absorbing agent – activating agent – adrenoreceptor blocking agent – alkylating agent – antibacterial agent – antidoting agent – antifungal agent – anti-infective agent – anti-inflammatory agent – antimycotic agent – antiseptic agent – antiviral agent – archencephalic agent – binding agent – bulking agent – carrying agent – catalytic agent – causative agent – chelating agent – chlorinating agent – clarifying agent – coagulating agent – cooling agent – coupling agent – cytolytic agent – cytopathogenic agent – decontamination agent – dehydrating agent – depurinating agent – detergent agent – diluting agent – dispersion agent – dorsalizing agent – effective agent – emulsifying agent – etiological agent – external agent – fertilizer agent – filming agent – fixing agent – flocculating agent – foaming agent – fragmenting agent – fungicidal agent – gelling agent – germicidal agent – immune-response modulating agent – immunosuppressive agent – infectious agent – inhibiting agent – initiating agent – larvicidal agent – medicinal agent – membrane-acting agent – mesodermalizing agent – metalchelating agent – methylating agent – mutagenic agent – neuralizing agent – nitrifying agent – noxious agent – pathogenic agent – phase-specific agent – phylactic agent – plasmolyzing agent – pollution agent – polyploiding agent – preserving agent – promotoring agent – reducing agent – spinocaudal agent – staining agent – stimulating agent – surface-active agent – toxic agent – transforming agent – transmitting agent – vasoconstrictor agent ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. агент, представитель; посредник; доверенное лицо publicity agent —- агент по рекламе commercial agent —- коммерческий агент consular agent —- консульский агент diplomatic agent —- дипломатический представитель forwarding agent —- экспедитор ticket agent —- ам. кассир билетной кассы to act as smb.'s agent —- быть чьим-л представителем, выступать в качестве чьего-л представителя, представлять кого-л 2. pl. агентство joint agents —- совместное агентство purchasing agents —- снабженческая или закупочная фирма 3. агент (особ. о шпионе) secret agent —- тайный агент 4. ам. воен. связной; ординарец 5. ам. сотрудник (государственного учреждения) federal agents —- сотруники федеральных учреждений, особ. ФБР 6. организатор предвыборной кампании; доверенное лицо (кандидата) 7. действующая сила; фактор; средство rain and frost are natural agents —- дождь и мороз - естественные факторы chemical agent —- химическое вещество, реактив; реагент agent of fusion —- плавень, флюс of disease —- мед. болезнетворное начало many insects are agents of fertilization —- многие насекомые способствуют опылению растений 8. эк. хозяйственная единица (предприятие и т. п.) 9. ам. воен. отравляющее вещество agent blue —- хим. "агент синий", "эйджент блю" (дефолиант, использовавшийся США в войне против...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  noun  1) деятель  2) агент, представитель, посредник, доверенное лицо forwarding agent - экспедитор station agent amer. - начальник станции ticket agent amer. - кассир билетной кассы  3) pl. агентура  4) действующая сила; фактор; вещество - chemical agent - physical agent road agent amer. - разбойник с большой дороги agent provocateur pl. agents provocateurs; fr. - провокатор Syn: see performer ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) агент, средство, вещество; добавка; присадка 2) реагент, реактив; реагирующая среда 3) агент, представитель - accelerating agent - acidating agent - acid-binding agent - acid-condensing agent - activating agent - addition agent - adhesion agent - aerating agent - amphoteric surface active agent - anionic-activc agent - anionic agent - anionic surface active agent - antiaging agent - antiblocking agent - antiblock agent - antichecking agent - anticoagulating agent - anticrackle agent - anticreasing agent - antidandruff agent - antifatigue agent - antifoaming agent - antifoam agent - antifogging agent - antifog agent - antifouling agent - antifreezing agent - antigelation agent - antiknock agent - antilivering agent - antirust agent - antisag agent - antiscale agent - antisettling agent - antiskinning agent - antistatic agent - antistick agent - antitack agent - antitarnishing agent - antitarnish agent - authorized agent - bentonite-gelling agent - bifunctional agent - binding agent - blasting agent - bleaching agent - blending agent - blowing agent - bodying agent - boiling agent - bonding agent - bridging agent - brightening agent - bulking agent - burning agent - catalytic agent - cation-active agent - cation agent - cationic surface active agent - cellulating agent - cementing agent - chain-terminating agent - chain-transfer agent - chaotropic agent - chelating agent - chemical agent - chemical addition agent - chemical reducing agent - cleaning agent - cleansing agent - clearing agent - coagulating agent - coating agent - coloring agent - complexing agent - conditioning agent - conserving agent - cooling agent - corrosive agent - coupling agent - creaming agent - cross-linking agent - crystal-nucleating agent - curative agent - curing agent - cytostatic agent - decolorizing agent - decontamination agent - deemulsifying agent - deflocculating agent - defoaming agent - degreasing agent - degumming agent - dehydrating agent - demulsifying agent - dense...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. 1 a a person who acts for another in business, politics, etc. (estate agent; insurance agent). b a spy. 2 a a person or thing that exerts power or produces an effect. b the cause of a natural force or effect on matter (oxidizing agent). c such a force or effect. Phrases and idioms agent-general a representative of an Australian State or Canadian province, usu. in London. Derivatives agential adj. Etymology: L agent- part. stem of agere do ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Medieval Latin ~-, agens, from Latin, present participle of agere to drive, lead, act, do; akin to Old Norse aka to travel in a vehicle, Greek agein to drive, lead  Date: 15th century  1. one that acts or exerts power  2.  a. something that produces or is capable of producing an effect ; an active or efficient cause  b. a chemically, physically, or biologically active principle  3. a means or instrument by which a guiding intelligence achieves a result  4. one who is authorized to act for or in the place of another: as  a. a representative, emissary, or official of a government crown ~ federal ~  b. one engaged in undercover activities (as espionage) ; spy secret ~  c. a business representative (as of an athlete or entertainer) a theatrical ~  5. a computer application designed to automate certain tasks (as gathering information online) ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (agents) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. An agent is a person who looks after someone else’s business affairs or does business on their behalf. (BUSINESS) You are buying direct, rather than through an agent. = representative, rep N-COUNT see also estate agent, press agent, travel agent 2. An agent in the arts world is a person who gets work for an actor or musician, or who sells the work of a writer to publishers. N-COUNT 3. An agent is a person who works for a country’s secret service. All these years he’s been an agent for the East. N-COUNT 4. A chemical that has a particular effect or is used for a particular purpose can be referred to as a particular kind of agent. ...the bleaching agent in white flour. N-COUNT: supp N ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ S3 W2 n 1 »BUSINESS« a person or company that represents another person or company in business, in their legal problems etc  (Our agent in Rio deals with all our Brazilian business.) + for  (We're acting as agents for Mr Watson.)  (- see also estate agent, real estate agent, land agent) 2 »ARTIST/ACTOR« someone who is paid by actors, musicians etc to find work for them  (My agent has an exciting new script for me to look at.) 3 »GOVERNMENT AGENT« someone who works for a government or police department in order to get secret information about another country or organization; spy  (a Soviet agent in Czechoslovakia)  (- see also secret agent, double agent) 4 »CHEMICAL« technical a chemical or substance that makes other substances change  (Soap is a cleansing agent.) 5 »FORCE« someone or something that affects or changes a situation ~ for/of change  (Technological advances are the chief agents of change.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  See: FREE AGENT. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 1471, "one who acts," from L. agentem (nom. agens), prp. of agere (see act). Meaning "any natural force or substance which produces a phenomenon" is first recorded 1756. Agent Orange (c.1970) so called from the color strip on the side of the container, which distinguished it from Agent Blue, Agent Purple, Agent White, etc., other herbicides used by U.S. military. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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