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Англо-русский юридический словарь - intended


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намеренный; умышленный

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  предназначенныйintended for testing — (образец) предназначенный для тестирования ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  noun coll. суженый (жених); суженая (невеста) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. разг. нареченный, суженый, жених; нареченная, суженая, невеста let me introduce you to my intended —- позвольте мне представить вас моей невесте 2. предполагаемый, имеющийся в виду intended journey —- предполагаемая поездка her intended husband —- разг. ее будущий муж 3. преднамеренный, умышленный the intended effect —- желаемый результат intended insult —- умышленное оскорбление 4. предназначенный a place intended for smb. —- место, предназначенное для кого-л. ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) замышленный 2) намеченный 3) предназначенный airdrome of intended landing — намеченный аэродром - intended for building - intended interpretation ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  adj. & n. --adj. 1 done on purpose; intentional. 2 designed, meant. --n. colloq. the person one intends to marry; one's fianc{eacute} or fianc{eacute}e (is this your intended?). Derivatives intendedly adv. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  Date: 15th century  1. expected to be such in the future an ~ career his ~ bride  2. intentional  • ~ly adverb  II. noun  Date: 1767 the person to whom another is engaged ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  You use intended to describe the thing you are trying to achieve or person you are trying to affect. The intended target had been a military building... ADJ: ADJ n INTENSE Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Intense is used to describe something that is very great or extreme in strength or degree. He was sweating from the intense heat... His threats become more intense, agitated, and frequent. ADJ • intensely The fast-food business is intensely competitive. ADV • intensity (intensities) The attack was anticipated but its intensity came as a shock. N-VAR: usu with poss 2. If you describe an activity as intense, you mean that it is very serious and concentrated, and often involves doing a great deal in a short time. The battle for third place was intense... ADJ 3. If you describe the way someone looks at you as intense, you mean that they look at you very directly and seem to know what you are thinking or feeling. I felt so self-conscious under Luke’s mother’s intense gaze... = piercing ADJ • intensely He sipped his drink, staring intensely at me. ADV: ADV with v 4. If you describe a person as intense, you mean that they appear to concentrate very hard on everything that they do, and they feel and show their emotions in a very extreme way. I know he’s an intense player, but he does enjoy what he’s doing... ADJ • intensity His intensity and the ferocity of his feelings alarmed me. N-UNCOUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n sb's intended old-fashioned or humorous the person that you are going to marry  (Meet my intended, Miss Robinson.) intense ~ adj 1 having a very strong effect or felt very strongly  (intense pain | The heat was intense.) 2 there is intense activity, effort etc when people are working, trying, or thinking extremely hard  (a period of intense concentration and study) 3 having feelings or opinions that are extremely strong, serious etc  (She can be so intense, it makes me exhausted. | an intense young man) - intensely adv  (intensely exciting) - intensity n ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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