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Англо-русский юридический словарь - accuse


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обвинить; предъявить официальное обвинение (в совершении преступления); уведомить обвиняемого (о характере и содержании обвинения)

to accuse capitally — обвинить в совершении преступления, караемого смертной казнью;

to accuse criminally — обвинить в уголовном порядке; обвинить в совершении преступления;

to accuse falsely — ложно обвинить;

to accuse wrongly — обвинить противоправно, противозаконно; обвинить необоснованно

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  v.  1) обвинять, винить to accuse smb. of unfaithfulness - обвинять кого-л. в неверности to accuse the technicians of carelessness which caused the breakdown - возлагать на техников вину за аварию - accuse smb. of smth.  2) leg. обвинять кого-л.; выдвинуть обвинение против кого-л. (of) - accuse of a crime - accuse capitally  3) придираться; порицать; осуждать accusing the times is but excusing ourselves - обвинять во всём времена это значит просто оправдывать себя Syn: arraign, charge, impeach, incriminate, indict Ant: exonerate, pardon ACCUSE capitally обвинить в совершении преступления, карающегося смертной казнью ACCUSE of a crime обвинить кого-л. в преступлении ACCUSE smb. of smth. обвинять кого-л. в чём-л ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. обвинять, винить to accuse smb. of negligence —- обвинять кого-л. в халатности to accuse the technicians of carelessness which caused the breakdown —- возлагать на техников вину за аварию 2. юр. обвинять; выдвинуть обвинение to accuse smb. of a crime —- обвинить кого-л. в преступлении 3. придираться; порицать; осуждать accusing the times is but excusing ourselves —- обвинять во всем время - это значит просто оправдывать себя ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  гл. обвинять кого-л. в чем-л. (smb of smth.) ACCUSE обвинять ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  v.tr. 1 (foll. by of) charge (a person etc.) with a fault or crime; indict (accused them of murder; was accused of stealing a car). 2 lay the blame on. Phrases and idioms the accused the person charged with a crime. Derivatives accuser n. accusingly adv. Etymology: ME acuse f. OF ac(c)user f. L accusare (as AC-, CAUSE) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   verb  (~d; accusing)  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French ~r, from Latin accusare to call to account, from ad- + causa lawsuit  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. to charge with a fault or offense ; blame  2. to charge with an offense judicially or by a public process  intransitive verb to bring an accusation  • ~r noun  • accusingly adverb ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (accuses, accusing, accused) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If you accuse someone of doing something wrong or dishonest, you say or tell them that you believe that they did it. He was accusing my mum of having an affair with another man... Talk things through in stages. Do not accuse or apportion blame. VERB: V n of n/-ing, V 2. If you are accused of a crime, a witness or someone in authority states or claims that you did it, and you may be formally charged with it and put on trial. Her assistant was accused of theft and fraud by the police... All seven charges accused him of lying in his testimony... The accused men have been given relatively light sentences. VERB: be V-ed of n, V n of n, V-ed 3. see also accused, accusing 4. If someone stands accused of something, they have been accused of it. The candidate stands accused of breaking promises even before he’s in office... PHRASE: V inflects, PHR of n/-ing ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ v to say that someone is guilty of a crime or of doing something bad  (accuse sb of (doing) sth)  (Are you accusing me of lying? | He's accused of murder.) stand ~d of (=be officially accused of a serious offence)  (Local officials stand accused of gross mismanagement.) - ~r n ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1300, from L. accusare "to call to account," from ad- "against" + causari "give as a cause or motive," from causa "reason." Accusatory is first attested 1601. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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