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Англо-русский строительный словарь - view


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Перевод с английского языка view на русский


1) вид; перспектива

2) поле зрения

3) вид, аспект, сторона, план

4) вид, проекция

5) осматривать, смотреть

angle of viewaxonometric viewback view

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См. в других словарях

  1) вид; изображение; проекция2) представление (информации)•view along arrow — вид по стрелкеview from above — вид сверху, вид в планеview from behind — вид сзадиview from below — вид снизуview from the left — вид слеваview from the right — вид справаview in longitudinal section — продольный разрезview in vertical section — вертикальный разрезview taken along line 1-1 — разрез по линии 1-1view with the front cover cut away — вид при снятой передней крышкеauxiliary viewbottom viewbroken-out section viewbroken-out sectional viewcross-sectional viewcutaway view3D viewdiagrammatic viewelevation viewend viewenlarged viewexploded viewface viewfragmentary viewfragmentary sectional viewfront viewfront elevation viewfront plan viewgeneral viewhead-on viewisometric viewlayout viewleft-hand viewleft-hand end viewlongitudinal viewpart viewpartial viewpart-sectioned viewplan viewrear elevation viewrevolved section viewrevolved sectional viewright-hand viewright-hand end viewscrap viewsectional viewside viewside elevation viewtop viewtop plan viewtransverse cross-sectional view ...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
  • вид• обзор ...
Англо-русский авиационный словарь
   1. noun  1) вид; пейзаж; a house with a view of the sea - дом видом на море  2) поле зрения, кругозор; we came in view of the bridge -  а) мы увидели мост;  б) нас стало видно с моста; to burst/come into view - внезапно появиться; to pass from smb. s view - скрыться из чьего-л. поля зрения; certain modifications may come in view - предвидятся некоторые изменения; in full view of everybody - у всех на виду; to have/keep in view - не терять из виду; иметь в виду - out of view - be in view - to the view - in view of  3) взгляд, мнение, точка зрения; to form a clear view of the situation - составить себе ясное представление о положении дел; to hold extreme views in politics - придерживаться крайних взглядов в политике; to take a rose-coloured view of smth. - смотреть сквозь розовые очки на что-л.; to exchange views on smth. - обменяться взглядами или мнениями по поводу чего-л. - in my view - short views  4) намерение; will this meet your views? - не противоречит ли это вашим намерениям?; to have views on smth. - иметь виды на что-л.; with the view of, with a view to - с намерением; с целью  5) осмотр; to have/take a view of smth. - осмотреть что-л.; - on view - private view - on the view - at first view - upon a closer view  6) картина (особ. пейзаж) Syn: see opinion  2. v.  1) осматривать; an order to view - разрешение на осмотр (дома, участка и т.п.)  2) poet. узреть  3) рассматривать, оценивать, судить (о чем-л.); he views the matter in a different light - он иначе...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. вид, пейзаж, панорама a room with a view of the mountains —- комната с видом на горы 2. вид, пейзаж, изображение (рисунок, картина, фотоснимок) to do a view of smth. —- рисовать что-л. postcards with views of Paris —- открытки с видами Парижа to do a view of smth. —- рисовать что-л. 3. видимость, поле зрения (также field of view) angle of view —- угол зрения lost to (passed out of) view —- скрывшийся из виду (из поля зрения) out of view —- вне поля зрения out of human view —- недоступный глазу человека to the view —- открыто, на виду, у всех на глазах to rise to view —- появиться, предстать перед глазами to burst into (upon the) view —- внезапно появиться to fade from view —- постепенно исчезнуть, скрыться с глаз, растаять in view —- на виду; в пределах видимости to come in view (of) —- увидеть; попасть в поле зрения he came in view of the castle —- он увидел замок; его стало видно из замка land in view! —- земля (видна)! not a person in view —- никого не видно he fell off the horse in full view of his friends —- он упал с лошади на глазах у друзей the car came in (into) view round the bend —- автомобиль показался из-за поворота 4. взгляд, мнение, суждение; точка зрения (также point of view) exchange of views —- обмен мнениями in my view —- по-моему; по моему мнению, на мой взгляд to state one's views on (about) smth. —- изложить (высказать) свое мнение (свои соображения) о...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  вид – dorsal view – habit view – lateral view – rear view – ventral view ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ. 1) взгляд, мнение, точка зрения, суждение 2) кругозор 3) цель, намерение 4) осмотр, обозрение 5) план • - Schumpeter-Galbraith view - differing view VIEW вид; изображение; проекция – detached view ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) взгляд 2) вид 3) зрение 4) изображение 5) кругозор 6) наблюдать 7) осматривать 8) перспектива 9) проекция 10) рассматриваемый 11) точка зрения bottom view — "лягушачья" перспектива have in keep in view — иметь в виду, не терять из виду in view of the fact that — ввиду того что opposite hand view — зеркальное изображение - auxiliary view - bottom view - conceptual view - cross-sectional view - cutaway view - dorsal view - edge view - expanded view - front view - general view - hyperscopic view - hyposcopic view - in plain view - in view of - isometric view - keep in view - lateral view - left-side view - longitudinal view - mirror view - normal view - orthographic view - orthoscopic view - partial view - phantom view - pictorial view - plan view - point of view - principal view - read view - rear view - relational view - right-side view - standard view - three-dimensional view - top view - view downward - view forward - view the image - view to port - view to starboard - view upwards ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  вид; изображение; пейзаж; поле зрения; видимость; цель all-around view assembly view back view bottom view close view cross-sectional view cut-away view elevation view exploded view frontal view general view perspective view plan view rear view sectional view side view top view ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) вид 2) перспектива; поле зрения; обзор 3) (видимое) изображение 4) вид; проекция 5) фотоснимок 6) кадр 7) вчт. представление 8) рассматривать to obscure in-flight view — мешать обзору в полёте; to take views — производить (фото)съёмку, фотографировать - view of data - axonometric view - back view - bird's eye view - bottom view - close view - close-up signal view - cross-sectional view - diagrammatic view - downward in-flight view - elevation view - end view - exploded view - flight compartment view - forward in-flight view - fragmentary view - frontal view - front view - general view - in-flight view - line-of -sight view - logical view - opposite hand view - orthographic view - perspective view - plan view - radar view - rear view - relational view - sectional view - side view - sideways in-flight view - three-dimensional view - top view - upward in-flight view - user's view - worm's eye view ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 range of vision; extent of visibility (came into view; in full view of the crowd). 2 a what is seen from a particular point; a scene or prospect (a fine view of the downs; a room with a view). b a picture etc. representing this. 3 an inspection by the eye or mind; a visual or mental survey. 4 an opportunity for visual inspection; a viewing (a private view of the exhibition). 5 a an opinion (holds strong views on morality). b a mental attitude (took a favourable view of the matter). c a manner of considering a thing (took a long-term view of it). --v. 1 tr. look at; survey visually; inspect (we are going to view the house). 2 tr. examine; survey mentally (different ways of viewing a subject). 3 tr. form a mental impression or opinion of; consider (does not view the matter in the same light). 4 intr. watch television. 5 tr. see (a fox) break cover. Phrases and idioms have in view 1 have as one's object. 2 bear (a circumstance) in mind in forming a judgement etc. in view of having regard to; considering. on view being shown (for observation or inspection); being exhibited. view halloo Hunting a shout on seeing a fox break cover. with a view to 1 with the hope or intention of. 2 with the aim of attaining (with a view to marriage). Derivatives viewable adj. Etymology: ME f. AF v(i)ewe, OF veue fem. past part. f. veoir see f. L videre ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English vewe, vyewe, from Anglo-French, from feminine of veu, ~e, past participle of veer to see, from Latin videre — more at wit  Date: 14th century  1. extent or range of vision ; sight tried to keep the ship in ~ sat high in the bleachers to get a good ~  2. the act of seeing or examining ; inspection; also survey a ~ of English literature  3.  a. a mode or manner of looking at or regarding something  b. an opinion or judgment colored by the feeling or bias of its holder in my ~ the plan will fail  4. scene, prospect the lovely ~ from the balcony  5. the foreseeable future no hope in ~  6. a pictorial representation  Synonyms: see opinion  II. transitive verb  Date: 1523  1. to look at attentively ; scrutinize, observe ~ an exhibit ~ the landscape  2.  a. see, watch ~ a film  b. to look on in a particular light ; regard doesn't ~ himself as a rebel  3. to survey or examine mentally ; consider ~ all sides of a question  • ~able adjective ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (views, viewing, viewed) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. Your views on something are the beliefs or opinions that you have about it, for example whether you think it is good, bad, right, or wrong. Washington and Moscow are believed to have similar views on Kashmir... My own view is absolutely clear. What I did was right... You should also make your views known to your local MP. N-COUNT: usu with supp, oft N on n, N that 2. Your view of a particular subject is the way that you understand and think about it. The drama takes an idealistic, even a naive view of the subject... The whole point was to get away from a Christian-centred view of religion... N-SING: with supp, oft N of n 3. If you view something in a particular way, you think of it in that way. First-generation Americans view the United States as a land of golden opportunity... Abigail’s mother Linda views her daughter’s talent with a mixture of pride and worry... We would view favourably any sensible suggestion for maintaining the business. = regard VERB: V n as n/-ing, V n with/in n, V n with adv 4. The view from a window or high place is everything which can be seen from that place, especially when it is considered to be beautiful. The view from our window was one of beautiful green countryside... N-COUNT 5. If you have a view of something, you can see it. He stood up to get a better view of the blackboard... N-SING: with supp, oft N of n, poss N 6. You use view in expressions to do with being able to see something. For example, if something is in view, you can see it. If something is in full view of everyone, everyone can see it. She was lying there in full view of anyone who walked by... A group of riders came into view on the dirt road... N-UNCOUNT: in/into N 7. If you view something, you look at it for a particular purpose. (FORMAL) They came back to view the house again... VERB: V n 8. If you view a television programme, video, or film, you watch it. (FORMAL) ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »OPINION« what you think or believe about something + on/abou  (We'd like to find out young people's views on religion.) in my/your etc view (=I, you etc think)  (In my view, what this country needs is a change of government. | point of view (=opinion))  (No one seemed to want to listen to my point of view. | express the view that (=say you think that))  (The chairman expressed the view that it would be better not to increase investments. | take the view that (=have the opinion that))  (The judge took the view that a prison sentence would not be appropriate in this case.) 2 »WAY OF CONSIDERING« C usually singular a way of considering or understanding something + of  (Has your view of the role of women changed since you got married? | James always did have a rather romantic view of life.) an inside view (=based on actual experience in an organization, group etc)  (Healey's autobiography gives the reader an inside view of the Labour party.) clear view (=a definite and specific idea about something)  (Before doing anything you need to have a clear view of the kind of book you want to write. | take a dim/poor view of (=disapprove))  (She takes a pretty dim view of her son's recent behaviour.) 3 »SIGHT« what you are able to see or the possibility of seeing it  (have a good/bad/wonderful etc view (of) (=be able to see a lot, very little etc))  (We had a really good view of the whole stage from where we were sitting.) be in view (=can be seen from where you are)  (She waited until the whole island was in view and then took a photograph. | come into view (=begin to be seen))  (As we rounded the bend in the river the castle came into view. | in full view of (=happening where people can see it clearly))  (Francine screamed and slapped her husband in full view of all the guests. | block sb's view (=stop someone from seeing something))  (There was a tall guy sitting in front of me, blocking my view completely. | bird's eye view (=a view seen from above))  (We've got a bird's eye view of the football stadium...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  softw. abbr. Virtual Interactive Environment For Workgroups gen. comp. abbr. Virtual Interactive Environment Workstation educ. abbr. Vital Information For Education And Work law abbr. Verbal Inquiry Effective Witness ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом


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