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Англо-русский строительный словарь - lap


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Перевод с английского языка lap на русский


1) перекрытие; накладка; нахлёстка; накрой; притир

2) полировальный, шлифовальный круг

3) виток (рулона, стальной ленты и т.п.)

4) сгиб; загиб

5) перекрывать; выдаваться; нахлёстывать

6) полировать, шлифовать

7) притирать; доводить

8) загибать, сгибать

lap of splicecoil lapDutch lapend lapside lap of corrugations

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См. в других словарях

  1) притир || притирать, доводить2) перекрытие, нахлёстка || соединять внахлёстку, перекрывать3) морщина (дефект слитка); закат (дефект проката)•adjustable lapdiamond laphole lapring lapsolid lap ...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
  of honour noun sport круг почета LAP over перекрывать, выходить за пределы (чего-л.) This mat is too big for the room, it laps over at the edges. LAP supper ужин из сандвичей и салатов, сервируемый не за общим столом LAP up  а) пить (о животных) The cat eagerly lapped up the milk that we offered it.  б) принимать, верить The singer laps up admiration from her public. These clever students lap up all the information that I can give them. How long will the public go on lapping up the lies of politicians? LAP I noun  1) пола, фалда; подол  2) колени the boy sat on/in his mothers lap - мальчик сидел у матери на коленях  3) мочка (уха)  4) ущелье in natures lap - на лоне природы in the lap of luxury - в роскоши in the lap of gods - одному богу известно in Fortunes lap - в полосе удач - lap supper II  1. noun  1) tech. перекрытие  2) круг, оборот каната, нити (на катушке и т.п.)  3) text. рулон (ткани)  4) sport часть, партия игры; круг, раунд, этап, тур (в состязании); заезд; дистанция  2. v.  1) завертывать, складывать, свертывать; окутывать (about/around/round) The ends of the cloth lap around the pole.  2) охватывать, окружать the house is lapped in woods - дом окружен лесом to be lapped in luxury - жить в роскоши  3) tech. перекрывать внапуск, соединять внахлестку - lap over - lap up III  1. noun  1) жидкая пища (для собак)  2) coll. жидкий, слабый напиток; помои  3) плеск (волн)  2. v.  1) лакать  2) жадно пить, глотать, поглощать (обыкн. lap up, lap...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. колени (сидящего человека) the mother had the baby on her lap —- мать держала ребенка на коленях the boy sat on his mother's lap —- мальчик сидел у матери на коленях 2. пола; фалда 3. подол (особ. в кот. что-л. несут) 4. запах (одежды) 5. лощина, ущелье 6. мочка уха 7. спорт. партия игры 8. раунд (в состязании) 9. заезд 10. круг беговой дорожки (легкая атлетика) 3 laps to go —- осталось бежать 3 круга 11. дистанция; этап дистанции one curve lap —- дистанция с одним поворотом two curve lap —- дистанция с двумя поворотами lap of honour —- спорт. круг почета 12. преим. возв. руки; власть; ответственность, зависимость in the lap of the gods —- в руках божьих, одному небу известно he's going to drop the whole thing in your lap —- он собирается все это свалить на вас the problem lies in the lap of the Defense Department —- разрешение этой проблемы зависит от министерства обороны the future is in the lap of Fortune —- будущее в руках судьбы 13. область, полоса; окружение in the lap of luxury —- в обстановке роскоши in nature's lap —- на лоне природы 14. тех. перекрытие 15. тех. круг или оборот каната, нить (на катушке) 16. держать на коленях (ребенка); держать в объятиях, прижимать к себе 17. подвертывать, загибать, закладывать 18. завертывать, окутывать lapped in velvet —- завернутый в бархат 19. окружать,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  лакать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) внахлест 2) доводочный диск 3) лаппинговать 4) накладка 5) нахлеснуть 6) нахлестка 7) нахлесточный 8) нахлестска 9) перекрывать 10) перекрытие 11) притир 12) притирать 13) пришлифовать 14) пришлифовывать 15) скатывающий 16) холстовый cut diamond on lap — гранить алмаз притиром - angle lap - casting lap - lap gate - lap of splice - lap riveted joint - lap roller - lap welding - ribbon lap machine - teeming lap ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  нахлёстка, накрой длина нахлёстки (накроя) виток (рулона) Dutch lap end lap ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) накрой; напуск; перекрытие; нахлёстка соединять внакрой; перекрывать; соединять внахлёстку 2) закат (дефект проката); плена; морщина (дефект стального слитка) 3) складка (дефект поверхности стеклоизделия) 4) виток (рулона стальной ленты, каната) 5) цел.-бум. лист влажной массы 6) притир (инструмент) притирать 7) доводочный диск 8) шлифовка (кристалла) 9) шлиф 10) холст (трепальной машины) 11) подол; пола 12) фалда 13) клапан кармана 14) сгиб, загиб заворачивать, загибать 15) отрезок нити, образующий новую петлю (при основовязании) 16) петля (основовязаного переплетения) 17) прокладка (кладка) нити (на основовязальной машине) 18) полигр. шлейф (тетради) - lap of splice - adjustable lap - angle lap - casting lap - closed lap - coil lap - cold lap - cold-rolled lap - Dutch lap - end lap - inlay lap - inside laps - open lap - overfilled lap - recurrent lap - rolling lap - side lap of corrugations - single lap - surface lap - teeming lap - underfilled lap - valve lap - zero lap LAP сокр. от link access protocol протокол доступа к каналу (связи) ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. 1 a the front of the body from the waist to the knees of a sitting person (sat on her lap; caught it in his lap). b the clothing, esp. a skirt, covering the lap. c the front of a skirt held up to catch or contain something. 2 a hollow among hills. 3 a hanging flap on a garment, a saddle, etc. Phrases and idioms in (or on) a person's lap as a person's responsibility. in the lap of the gods (of an event etc.) open to chance; beyond human control. in the lap of luxury in extremely luxurious surroundings. lap-dog a small pet dog. lap robe US a travelling-rug. Derivatives lapful n. (pl. -fuls). Etymology: OE l{aelig}ppa fold, flap 2. n. & v. --n. 1 a one circuit of a racetrack etc. b a section of a journey etc. (finally we were on the last lap). 2 a an amount of overlapping. b an overlapping or projecting part. 3 a a layer or sheet (of cotton etc. being made) wound on a roller. b a single turn of rope, silk, thread, etc., round a drum or reel. 4 a rotating disk for polishing a gem or metal. --v. (lapped, lapping) 1 tr. lead or overtake (a competitor in a race) by one or more laps. 2 tr. (often foll. by about, round) coil, fold, or wrap (a garment etc.) round esp. a person. 3 tr. (usu. foll. by in) enfold or swathe (a person) in wraps etc. 4 tr. (as lapped adj.) (usu. foll. by in) protectively encircled; enfolded caressingly. 5 tr. surround (a person) with an influence etc. 6 intr. (usu. foll. by over) project; overlap. 7 tr. cause to overlap. 8 tr. polish (a gem etc.) with a lap. Phrases and idioms half-lap = lap joint. lap joint the joining of rails, shafts, etc., by halving the thickness of each at the joint and fitting them together. lap of honour a ceremonial circuit of a football pitch, a track, etc., by a winner or winners. lap-strake n. a clinker-built boat. --adj. clinker-built. lap-weld v.tr. weld with overlapping edges. --n. such a weld. Etymology: ME, prob. f. LAP(1) 3. v. & n. --v. (lapped, lapping) 1 tr. a (also absol.) (usu. of an animal) drink (liquid) with the tongue. b (usu. foll. by up, down) consume...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~pe, from Old English l?ppa; akin to Old High German ~pa f~  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a loose over~ping or hanging panel or f~ especially of a garment  b. archaic the skirt of a coat or dress  2.  a. the clothing that lies on the knees, thighs, and lower part of the trunk when one sits  b. the front part of the lower trunk and thighs of a seated person  3. responsible custody ; control going to drop the whole thing in your ~ — Hamilton Basso  • ~ful noun  II. verb  (~ped; ~ping)  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to fold over or around something ; wind  b. to envelop entirely ; swathe  2. to fold over especially into layers  3. to hold protectively in or as if in the ~ ; cuddle  4.  a. to place over and cover a part of ; over~ ~ shingles on a roof  b. to join (as two boards) by a ~ joint  5.  a. to dress, smooth, or polish (as a metal surface) to a high degree of refinement or accuracy  b. to shape or fit by working two surfaces together with or without abrasives until a very close fit is produced  6.  a. to overtake and thereby lead or increase the lead over (another contestant) by a full circuit of a racecourse  b. to complete the circuit of (a racecourse)  intransitive verb  1. fold, wind  2.  a. to project beyond or spread over something  b. to lie partly over or alongside of something or of one another ; over~  3. to traverse a course  • ~per noun  III. noun  Date: 1800  1.  a. the amount by which one object over~s or projects beyond another  b. the part of an object that over~s another  2. a smoothing and polishing tool usually consisting of a piece of wood, leather, felt, or soft metal in a special shape used with or without an embedded abrasive  3. a doubling or layering of a flexible substance (as fibers or paper)  4.  a. the act or an instance of traversing a course (as a racing track or swimming pool); also the distance covered  b. one segment of a larger unit (as a journey)  c. one...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (laps, lapping, lapped) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If you have something on your lap when you are sitting down, it is on top of your legs and near to your body. She waited quietly with her hands in her lap... Hugh glanced at the child on her mother’s lap. N-COUNT: poss N 2. In a race, a competitor completes a lap when they have gone round a course once. ...that last lap of the race... On lap two, Baker edged forward. N-COUNT: usu ord/adj N, N num 3. In a race, if you lap another competitor, you go past them while they are still on the previous lap. He was caught out while lapping a slower rider. VERB: V n 4. A lap of a long journey is one part of it, between two points where you stop. I had thought we might travel as far as Oak Valley, but we only managed the first lap of the journey. = leg N-COUNT: N of n, ord/adj N 5. When water laps against something such as the shore or the side of a boat, it touches it gently and makes a soft sound. (WRITTEN) ...the water that lapped against the pillars of the boathouse... The building was right on the river and the water lapped the walls. VERB: V prep/adv, V n • lapping The only sound was the lapping of the waves. N-UNCOUNT: the N of n 6. When an animal laps a drink, it uses short quick movements of its tongue to take liquid up into its mouth. The cat lapped milk from a dish. VERB: V n • Lap up means the same as lap. She poured some water into a plastic bowl. Faust, her Great Dane, lapped it up with relish. PHRASAL VERB: V n P 7. If you say that a situation is in the lap of the gods, you mean that its success or failure depends entirely on luck or on things that are outside your control. They had to stop the operation, so at that stage my life was in the lap of the gods. PHRASE: v-link PHR ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »LEGS« the upper part of your legs when you are sitting down  (Come and sit on my lap, Ginny.) 2 »RACE« one journey around or along a running track, race course etc  (Hill finished a lap ahead of his team-mate. | do/run/swim a lap)  (Come on, let's do a few laps in the pool. | lap of honour BrE | victory lap AmE (=a lap that you do after winning)) 3 »PART OF JOURNEY« a part of a long journey  (The last lap of their journey was by ship.) 4 in the lap of luxury having an easy, comfortable life with plenty of money, possessions etc 5 in the lap of the gods if the result of something is in the lap of the gods, you do not know what will happen 6 drop/dump sth in sb's lap spoken to make someone responsible for dealing with something difficult  (Ben just dumped all this work in my lap and told me to get on with it.) ~2 v 1 »SEA/RIVER/LAKE« if water laps something or laps against something such as the shore or a boat, it moves against it or hits it in small waves + agains  (The water of the lake lapped gently against the rocks.) 2 »DRINK« if an animal laps something, it drinks it by making small tongue movements 3 »IN A RACE« a) to pass a competitor in a race after having completed a whole lap more than they have  (Casey gave up after being lapped twice.) b) to make a single journey around a track, race course etc in a particular time 4 »PARTLY COVER« technical if one thing laps another, a part of one covers part of the other; overlap1 5 »FOLD/WRAP« T always + adv/prep literary to fold or wrap something around something else - lapping n lap sth up phr v 1 to get a lot of pleasure and enjoyment from something, without worrying about whether it is good, true etc  (She seems to be lapping up all the attention she's getting. | They sat listening to his story, spellbound, lapping it up.) 2 to drink all of something eagerly ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  lab. abbr. Leucine AminoPeptidase physiol. abbr. Laparotomy physiol. abbr. Left Atrial Pressure physiol. abbr. Low Age Profile mil. abbr. Logistics Assistance Program airport code La Paz, Mexico ocean sc. abbr. Local Analysis and Prediction electron. abbr. Logic Audio Platinum gen. comp. abbr. Light And Power comp. assem. abbr. Linc Assembly Program network. abbr. Link Access Procedure network. abbr. Link Access Protocol educ. abbr. Learning Assistance Program law abbr. Lawyers Assistance Program ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом


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