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Англо-русский политический словарь - struggle


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Перевод с английского языка struggle на русский

1. n


to abandon the struggle — отказываться от борьбы

to be a symbol of struggle for smth — быть символом борьбы за что-л.

to be engaged in the struggle for smth — вести борьбу за что-л.

to be locked in a struggle with smb — схватиться в борьбе с кем-л.

to carry on the struggle — вести борьбу

to complicate the struggle — осложнять борьбу

to coordinate the struggle — координировать борьбу

to embark on a struggle — подниматься на борьбу

to enter into struggle — вступать в борьбу

to escalate the struggle — усиливать борьбу

to give up on one's struggle — признать бесплодность своей борьбы

to intensify struggle — обострять / усиливать борьбу

to join the struggle — включаться в борьбу

to mount a struggle — организовывать борьбу

to proclaim the struggle — провозглашать борьбу

to promote the struggle — способствовать борьбе

to pursue one's struggle — вести борьбу; продолжать борьбу

to rally to struggle — поднимать на борьбу

to renew one's struggle against smb — возобновлять борьбу против кого-л.

to resort to armed struggle — прибегать к вооруженной борьбе

to resume the struggle — возобновлять / продолжать борьбу

to rise to struggle — подниматься на борьбу

to serve a symbol of struggle for smth — служить символом борьбы за что-л.

to settle down for a struggle — готовиться к борьбе

to step up one's struggle — усиливать борьбу

to support a struggle — поддерживать борьбу

to take part in a struggle — участвовать в борьбе

to use one or another form of struggle — использовать ту или иную форму борьбы

to wage a struggle — вести борьбу

to win the struggle — побеждать в борьбе

struggle for dignitystruggle for existencestruggle for markets and spheres of influencestruggle for national liberationstruggle for peace and security of peoplesstruggle for successionstruggle to divert the threat of waractive struggleacute struggleage-old struggleantifeudal struggleantimonopoly strugglearmed strugglebitter strugglecenturies-old strugglecommon struggleconscious strugglecontinuous strugglecourageous strugglecovert struggledaily struggledecisive strugglediplomatic struggledomestic struggledrawn-out struggleeconomic struggleemancipatory strugglefactional strugglefierce strugglefreedom strugglegender strugglegeneral struggleguerrilla strugglehard struggleheroic struggleholy struggleideological struggleinner-party struggleintensive struggleinternal struggleinternational strugglejoint strugglejust struggleleadership struggleliberation strugglelife and death strugglelong strugglemass strugglemilitary strugglemounting strugglenational liberation struggleorganized struggleoverall struggleovert struggleparliamentary strugglepeaceful struggle

Рейтинг статьи:

См. в других словарях

   1. noun  1) борьба; class struggle - классовая борьба; the struggle for existence - борьба за существование  2) напряжение, усилие Syn: see effort  2. v.  1) бороться; to struggle for peace - бороться за мир; to struggle against difficulties - бороться с трудностями; to struggle for ones living - биться из-за куска хлеба  2) биться, отбиваться  3) делать усилия; стараться изо всех сил; to struggle to ones feet - с трудом встать на ноги; to struggle with a mathematical problem - биться над задачей; he struggled to make himself heard - он всячески старался, чтобы его услышали  4) пробиваться (through/out of); One by one, the insects struggled out of the smoke-filled hole. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. борьба the class struggle —- классовая борьба desperate struggle —- отчаянная борьба (схватка) power struggle —- борьба за власть mental (spiritual) struggle —- душевная борьба the struggle for existence (for survival) —- борьба за существование a struggle of attrition —- воен. борьба на истощение struggle to the last breath —- ожесточенный бой at struggle with —- в борьбе с 2. напряжение, усилие in the death struggle —- в агонии to give in without a struggle —- сдаться без боя (без сопротивления) they had serious difficulties in their struggle with a strange tongue —- они столкнулись с серьезными трудностями в своих попытках овладеть незнакомым языком 3. бороться to struggle for smth. —- бороться за что-л. to struggle for peace —- бороться за мир to struggle for existence —- бороться за существование to struggle for a position (for a place) —- бороться за положение (за место) (в соревнованиях, гонках и т. п.) to struggle against difficulties —- бороться с трудностями to struggle to the last breath —- бороться до последнего вздоха 4. биться, отбиваться to struggle in smb.'s arms —- вырываться из чьих-л. рук the child struggled and kicked —- ребенок отбивался руками и ногами 5. делать усилия; стараться изо всех сил to struggle to one's feet —- с трудом подняться (встать) на ноги to struggle with a problem —- биться над задачей to struggle through the thicket —- пробиться через (сквозь) чащу to struggle against the stream —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  борьба struggle for existence — борьба за существование struggle for life — борьба за жизнь struggle for survival — борьба за выживание ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) борьба 2) битва - struggle for existence - wage-struggle 2. гл. 1) бороться 2) биться 3) делать усилия ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  борьба ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
   I. intransitive verb  (~d; struggling)  Etymology: Middle English struglen  Date: 14th century  1. to make strenuous or violent efforts in the face of difficulties or opposition struggling with the problem  2. to proceed with difficulty or with great effort ~d through the high grass struggling to make a living  • ~r noun  II. noun  Date: 1560  1. contest, strife armed ~ a power ~  2. a violent effort or exertion ; an act of strongly motivated striving a ~ to make ends meet  3. tussle 1 during the ~ the gun went off ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (struggles, struggling, struggled) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If you struggle to do something, you try hard to do it, even though other people or things may be making it difficult for you to succeed. They had to struggle against all kinds of adversity... Those who have lost their jobs struggle to pay their supermarket bills. VERB: V prep, V to-inf 2. A struggle is a long and difficult attempt to achieve something such as freedom or political rights. Life became a struggle for survival. ...a young lad’s struggle to support his poverty-stricken family... He is currently locked in a power struggle with his Prime Minister. N-VAR: oft N prep, N to-inf 3. If you struggle when you are being held, you twist, kick, and move violently in order to get free. I struggled, but he was a tall man, well-built. VERB: V 4. If two people struggle with each other, they fight. She screamed at him to ‘stop it’ as they struggled on the ground... There were signs that she struggled with her attacker. V-RECIP: pl-n V, V with n • Struggle is also a noun. He died in a struggle with prison officers less than two months after coming to Britain. N-COUNT 5. If you struggle to move yourself or to move a heavy object, you try to do it, but it is difficult. I could see the young boy struggling to free himself... I struggled with my bags, desperately looking for a porter. VERB: V to-inf, V prep 6. If a person or organization is struggling, they are likely to fail in what they are doing, even though they might be trying very hard. The company is struggling to find buyers for its new product... One in five young adults was struggling with everyday mathematics... By the 1960s, many shipyards were struggling. VERB: only cont, V to-inf, V prep, V 7. An action or activity that is a struggle is very difficult to do. Losing weight was a terrible struggle. N-SING: a N ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 to try extremely hard to achieve something, even though it is very difficult and you have a lot of problems  (struggle to do sth)  (She's struggling to bring up a family on a very low income.) + for  (a young artist struggling for recognition) 2 to fight someone who is attacking you or holding you, especially so that you can escape  (Liz struggled fiercely with her attacker.) 3 if two people struggle, they fight each other for something, especially something one of them is holding  (They struggled briefly, then Ray grabbed the bag and ran.) 4 to move somewhere with great difficulty + towards/into etc  (Kim struggled out of the wreckage, her head bleeding badly.) struggle on phr v to continue doing something that you find difficult, tiring etc  (We've lost two of our best players, but we're struggling on.) ~2 n 1 a long hard fight to get freedom, political rights etc  (the nation's struggle for independence | power struggle (=a fight to get power in a country or organization)) 2 a fight between two people for something, especially something one of them is holding  (After a short struggle I got the knife off him.) 3 an attempt to fight or escape from someone who is attacking you or holding on to you  (Police examined the body but found no signs of a struggle.) 4 be a struggle if an activity, job etc is a struggle for someone, they find it very difficult to do + for  (Reading is a struggle for Tim.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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