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Англо-русский политический словарь - south


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1) юг

2) (South) слаборазвитые страны; страны третьего мира

the Solid South

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  Pole noun Южный полюс SOUTH  1. noun  1) юг; naut. зюйд  2) (South) южная часть страны, особ. юг, южные штаты США  3) зюйд; южный ветер  2. adj.  1) южный  2) обращенный к югу  3. adv. на юг, к югу, в южном направлении  4. v.  1) двигаться к югу  2) astr. пересекать меридиан SOUTH America noun Южная Америка SOUTH Australia noun Южная Австралия SOUTH Carolina noun Южная Каролина SOUTH China Sea noun Южно-Китайское море SOUTH Dakota noun Южная Дакота SOUTH Korea noun Южная Корея ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. юг geographic(al) south —- географический юг magnetic south —- южный магнитный полюс to overlook the south —- выходить на юг (об окне) 2. мор. зюйд S. by East —- зюйд-тень-ост S. by West —- зюйд-тень-вест 3. юг, южная часть или область; южный район; южная окраина (города); южная оконечность (острова) the south of France —- юг Франции 4. (the S.) южные страны 5. (the S.) южные штаты США the slave-owning S. —- рабовладельческий юг 6. (the S.) южане, население южных районов 7. (the S.) ам. ист. южане 8. южный ветер 9. (the S.) полит-эк. Юг, менее развитые в техническом и экономическом отношении страны мира 10. "юг", один из четырех игроков в бридж, особ. объявляющий игру 11. южный south wind —- южный ветер 12. мор. зюйдовый 13. обращенный к югу, выходящий на юг south window —- окно, выходящее на юг 14. к югу, на юг, в южном направлении due south —- прямо на юг to travel south —- идти к югу Italy lies south of France —- Италия лежит к югу от Франции further south than... —- (еще) южнее... it lies north and south —- оно простирается с севера на юг 15. с юга (о ветре) the wind blows south —- ветер дует с юга 16. редк. двигаться, направляться, уклоняться на юг или к югу; принимать южное направление 17. редк. задувать с юга (о ветре) 18. редк. астр. пересекать меридиан ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I Юг Экономико-статистический район region, состоящий из Южно-Атлантических штатов South Atlantic States, Юго-Восточного Центра East South Central States и Юго-Западного Центра West South Central States II (University of the South) Университет Юга Частный университет в г. Суони, шт. Теннесси. Основан в 1857 протестантской епископальной церковью Protestant Episcopal Church. Практически полностью разрушен во время Гражданской войны Civil War, восстановлен в 1868; здания университетского городка campus построены в псевдоготическом стиле. Около 1 тыс. студентов. Библиотека насчитывает около 310 тыс. томов. Имеет теологический факультет. Издающийся в университете журнал "Суони ревью" "The Sewanee Review", основанный в 1892, является старейшим в США литературным ежеквартальником ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1) зюйд 2) зюйдовый 3) юг 4) южный South Equatorial Current — геогр. течение Южное Пассатное - seek South - south pole - true south ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  n., adj., adv., & v. --n. 1 the point of the horizon 90° clockwise from east. 2 the compass point corresponding to this. 3 the direction in which this lies. 4 (usu. the South) a the part of the world or a country or a town lying to the south. b the Southern States of the US. 5 Bridge a player occupying the position designated 'south'. --adj. 1 towards, at, near, or facing the south (a south wall; south country). 2 coming from the south (south wind). --adv. 1 towards, at, or near the south (they travelled south). 2 (foll. by of) further south than. --v.intr. 1 move towards the south. 2 (of a celestial body) cross the meridian. Phrases and idioms South African adj. of or relating to the republic of South Africa. --n. 1 a native or national of South Africa. 2 a person of South African descent. South American adj. of or relating to South America. --n. a native or citizen of South America. south by east (or west) between south and south-south-east (or south-south-west). south-east n. 1 the point of the horizon midway between south and east. 2 the compass point corresponding to this. 3 the direction in which this lies. --adj. of, towards, or coming from the south-east. --adv. towards, at, or near the south-east. South-East the part of a country or town lying to the south-east. south-easterly adj. & adv. = south-east. south-eastern lying on the south-east side. south pole see POLE(2). South Sea the southern Pacific Ocean. South Sea Bubble hist. a scheme for trading in the southern hemisphere to repay the British national debt, which started and collapsed in 1720. south-south-east the point or direction midway between south and south-east. south-south-west the point or direction midway between south and south-west. south-west n. 1 the point of the horizon midway between south and west. 2 the compass point corresponding to this. 3 the direction in which this lies. --adj. of, towards, or coming from the south-west. --adv. towards, at, or near the south-west. South-West the part of a country or town lying to the south-west. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   biographical name Robert 1634-1716 English clergyman SOUTH  I. adverb  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English suth; akin to Old High German sund- ~ and probably to Old English sunne sun  Date: before 12th century  1. to, toward, or in the ~ a house facing ~  2. into a state of decline or ruin causes the sluggish economy to go ~ — G. F. Will  II. adjective  Date: 12th century  1. situated toward or at the ~ the ~ entrance  2. coming from the ~ a ~ wind  III. noun  Date: 13th century  1.  a. the direction of the ~ terrestrial pole ; the direction to the right of one facing east  b. the compass point directly opposite to north  2. capitalized regions or countries lying to the ~ of a specified or implied point of orientation; especially the ~eastern part of the United States  3. the right side of a church looking toward the altar from the nave  4. often capitalized  a. the one of four positions at 90-degree intervals that lies to the ~ or at the bottom of a diagram  b. a person (as a bridge player) occupying this position in the course of a specified activity; specifically the declarer in bridge  5. often capitalized the developing nations of the world ; third world 3 — compare north 2b ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  also South Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. The south is the direction which is on your right when you are looking towards the direction where the sun rises. The town lies ten miles to the south of here... All around him, from east to west, north to south, the stars glittered in the heavens. N-UNCOUNT: also the N 2. The south of a place, country, or region is the part which is in the south. ...holidays in the south of France. N-SING: usu the N, oft N of n 3. If you go south, you travel towards the south. We did an extremely fast U-turn and shot south up the Boulevard St. Michel... He went south to climb Taishan, a mountain sacred to the Chinese. ADV: ADV after v 4. Something that is south of a place is positioned to the south of it. They now own and operate a farm 50 miles south of Rochester... I was living in a house just south of Market Street. ADV: ADV of n 5. The south edge, corner, or part of a place or country is the part which is towards the south. ...the south coast of Alderney. ADJ: ADJ n 6. ‘South’ is used in the names of some countries, states, and regions in the south of a larger area. Next week the President will visit five South American countries in six days. ...the states of Mississippi and South Carolina. ADJ 7. A south wind is a wind that blows from the south. ADJ 8. The South is used to refer to the poorer, less developed countries of the world. The debate will pit the industrial North against developing countries in the South. N-SING: the N SOUTH see south ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 South written abbreviation S ~ n 1 the direction that is at the bottom of a map of the world, below the equator, and is on the right of someone facing the rising sun  (I'm lost; which direction is South? | from/towards the south)  (winds blowing from the south | to the south (of))  (Gatwick airport is a few miles to the south of London. | in the south)  (A strange star appeared in the south.) 2 the south the southern part of a country  (There'll be showers in the south tomorrow. | the South of France) 3 the South the southern states of the US  (the cotton fields of the South) ~2 adj only before noun 1 in the south or facing the south  (The south side of the building gets a lot of sun. | South America) 2 a south wind comes from the south ~3 adv 1 towards the south  (The swallows fly south in the winter. | The garden faces south so it gets a lot of sun.) 2 down south BrE informal in or to the southern part of England  (We moved down south about five years ago.) 3 go south AmE informal if a situation, organization, or set of standards goes south, it becomes very bad although it was once very good  (Seems like all our moral standards have just gone south.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - O.E. suр "southward, in the south," from P.Gmc. *sunthaz, perhaps related to base of *sunnon "sun." To go south "vanish, abscond," is 1920s, Amer.Eng., probably from mid-19c. notion of disappearing south to Mexico or Texas to escape pursuit or responsibility, reinforced by Native American belief (attested in colonial writing mid-18c.) that the soul journeys south after death. Go west was a 19c. British idiom for "die, be killed" (popularized during World War I), "probably from thieves' slang, wherein to go west meant to go to Tyburn, hence to be hanged, though the phrase has indubitably been influenced by the setting of the sun in the west." [Partridge] Southern is from O.E. suрerne, from suр "south" + -erne, suffix denoting direction. The Southern states of the U.S. have been collectively called The South since 1779. South country in Britain means the part below the Tweed, in England the part below the Wash, and in Scotland the part below the Forth. Southron (1470) is a Scottish word popularized in Eng. by Jane Porter's "Scottish Chiefs" (1810). The nauticual coat called a sou'wester protects the wearer against severe weather, such as a gale out of the southwest. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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