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Англо-русский политический словарь - road


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Перевод с английского языка road на русский



дорога; путь

to barricade roads — строить баррикады на дорогах

to be left on the side of the road — оставаться на обочине (общественно-политической жизни)

to block a road — блокировать дорогу

to clear the road — расчищать путь

to close / to close down / to cut roads — перекрывать дороги

to embark upon road — брать курс, избирать путь

to follow / to take the road — брать курс, избирать путь

to seal off the roads — перекрывать дороги

road of progressroad to freedom and progressroad to successroad to the White Housemain roadsroyal roadthe Silk Roadprogressive road of developmentthe first step on the road of reconciliation

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См. в других словарях

  safety правила безопасности уличного движения ROAD hog неосторожный автомобилист, лихач, нарушитель дорожных правил ROAD hack дорожная верховая лошадь ROAD scraper tech. скрепер; грейдер ROAD show noun  1) гастрольное представление  2) репортаж с места событий ROAD tax noun налог на транспортное средство ROAD house придорожная закусочная, буфет; придорожная гостиница ROAD roller тяжелый дорожный каток ROAD up путь закрыт (дорожный знак) ROAD noun  1) дорога, путь, шоссе; country road - проселочная дорога; to be on the road - быть в пути  2) улица, мостовая, проезжая часть улицы; to cross the road - перейти улицу  3) amer. железная дорога  4) путь (к чему-л.), способ (достижения чего-л.); no royal road to smth. - нелегкий способ достижения чего-л.  5) usu. pl.; naut. рейд  6) mining штрек  7) attr. дорожный - be on the road - go on the road - be in the road - get in smb. s road - one for the road Syn: see street ROAD capacity пропускная способность дороги ROAD clearance mot. просвет, клиренс ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. дорога, шоссе arterial road —- магистраль, транспортная дорога country road —- грунтовая (проселочная) дорога; загородная дорога high road —- большая дорога, шоссе cable road —- подвесная дорога rule of the road —- правила движения транспорта по дорогам R. Up —- въезд запрещен (дорожный знак) R. Clear —- дорога открыта для движения (дорожный знак) road accidents —- несчастные случаи на дорогах; дорожно-транспортные происшествия road safety —- безопасность дорожного движения by road —- по шоссе, на машине to give smb. the road —- уступить кому-л. дорогу, пропустить кого-л. road works in progress —- ведутся дорожные работы (плакат) 2. (the road) большая дорога gentleman (knight) of the road —- рыцарь (разбойник) с большой дороги 3. направление, дорога to be uncertain of one's road —- не знать, куда идти, не знать дороги куда-л. your road lies straight before you —- вам идти прямо get out of my road! —- прочь с дороги! 4. путь (к чему-л.), способ (достижения чего-л.) royal road —- легкий путь (к чему-л.), простой способ достижения (чего-л.) there is no royal road to wisdom —- тернист путь к мудрости the road to fame —- путь к славе Britain's R. to Socialism —- "Путь Британии к социализму" (программа коммунистической партии Великобритании) to be on the road to smth. —- быть на пути к чему-л. the roads we take —- пути, которые...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  театр гастрольный маршрут В гастрольные турне чаще всего отправляются бродвейские театры Broadway, для которых гастроли означают любой выезд за пределы Манхэттена, хотя обычно это поездка по стране. В ходу выражения "take the show on the road" = "отправиться со спектаклем в гастрольную поездку" и "go on the road" = "отправиться в турне" ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1) дорога 2) дорожный маркировочный 3) тех. магистральный 4) путевой 5) путь 6) шлях barrel camber of road — выпуклость дорожного покрытия base of a road — дорожное основание logging sled road — санная лесовозная дорога motor road oiler — автогудронатор off-the road tire — шина для бездорожья pole tram road — круглолежневая дорога post road sign — выставлять дорожный указатель road and transportation division — отдел дорожно-транспортный road concrete placer — дорожный бетоноукладчик road construction division — отдел дорожно-строительный road grip of tire — сцепление шины с дорогой slag-ladle road transporter — транспортер для шлаковых ковшей temporary access road — констр. ус vertical alignment of road — продольный профиль пути - cart road - crowned road - dirt road - flexible-type road - lay road - local road - main road - minor road - motor road - plank road - re-surface road - road asphalt - road capacity - road cement - road engineering - road harrow - road making - road management - road marking - road paint - road safety - road sign - road tar - road train - trunk road ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  дорога, путь штрек road on snow access road all-purpose road approach road arterial road asphalt road backbone road bottle-neck road bypass road classified road county road cross roads crossover road densely-trafficked road deplaning road depressed road detour road dirt road distribute road district road divided road dual carriageway road earth road elevated road emplaning road estate road haul road ice road interior road land service road limited access road logging road lumber road main road major road minor road motor road mountain road occupation road paved road pioneer road principal road private road radial road relief road residential road ring road scenic road secondary road service road single-purpose road slip road specific road subsidiary road toll road township road trunk road unpaved road winter snow road ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) дорога; путь 2) улица 3) горн. штрек 4) технологический маршрут to bring road to grade — профилировать дорогу - access road - approach road - arterial road - asphaltic concrete road - backbone road - bituminous macadam road - bottle-neck road - bridge road - broken-stone road - by pass road - cable road - cambered road - cart road - clearing road - concrete road - crossover road - crowned road - depressed road - detour road - dirt road - dragging road - drag road - dummy road - earth road - elevated road - float road - forest road - gate road - grinding center/cell road - haul road - home road - logging road - main road - mine haul road - minor road - motor road - motorway slip road - paved road - pit road - primary road - service road - skidding road - spar road - supply road - three-lane road - track road - trunk road - two-way road ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. 1 a a path or way with a specially prepared surface, used by vehicles, pedestrians, etc. b the part of this used by vehicles (don't step in the road). 2 one's way or route (our road took us through unexplored territory). 3 an underground passage in a mine. 4 US a railway. 5 (usu. in pl.) a partly sheltered piece of water near the shore in which ships can ride at anchor. Phrases and idioms by road using transport along roads. get out of the (or my etc.) road colloq. cease to obstruct a person. in the (or my etc.) road colloq. obstructing a person or thing. one for the road colloq. a final (esp. alcoholic) drink before departure. on the road travelling, esp. as a firm's representative, itinerant performer, or vagrant. road fund Brit. hist. a fund for the construction and maintenance of roads and bridges. road fund licence Brit. a disc displayed on a vehicle certifying payment of road tax. road-hog colloq. a reckless or inconsiderate road-user, esp. a motorist. road-holding the capacity of a moving vehicle to remain stable when cornering at high speeds etc. road-house an inn or club on a major road. road hump = sleeping policeman (see SLEEP). road-manager the organizer and supervisor of a musicians' tour. road-map a map showing the roads of a country or area. road-metal broken stone used in road-making or for railway ballast. road sense a person's capacity for safe behaviour on the road, esp. in traffic. road show 1 a a performance given by a touring company, esp. a group of pop musicians. b a company giving such performances. 2 a radio or television programme done on location. road sign a sign giving information or instructions to road users. road tax a periodic tax payable on road vehicles. road test a test of the performance of a vehicle on the road. road-test v.tr. test (a vehicle) on the road. the road to the way of getting to or achieving (the road to London; the road to ruin). road train a large lorry pulling one or more trailers. rule of the road the custom or law regulating which side of the road...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Etymology: Middle English rode, from Old English rad ride, journey; akin to Old English ridan to ride  Date: 14th century  1. ~stead — often used in plural  2.  a. an open way for vehicles, persons, and animals; especially one lying outside of an urban district ; highway  b. ~bed 2b  3. a route or way to an end, conclusion, or circumstance on the ~ to success  4. railway  5. a series of scheduled visits or appearances (as games or performances) in several locations or the travel necessary to make these visits the team is on the ~ on tour with the musical's ~ company  • ~less adjective ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (roads) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. A road is a long piece of hard ground which is built between two places so that people can drive or ride easily from one place to the other. There was very little traffic on the roads... We just go straight up the Bristol Road... Buses carry 30 per cent of those travelling by road... ...road accidents... N-COUNT: oft in names, also by N 2. The road to a particular result is the means of achieving it or the process of achieving it. We are bound to see some ups and downs along the road to recovery. N-COUNT: usu sing, N to n 3. If you hit the road, you set out on a journey. (INFORMAL) I was relieved to get back in the car and hit the road again. PHRASE: V inflects 4. If you are on the road, you are going on a long journey or a series of journeys by road. He hoped to get a new truck and go back on the road. PHRASE: usu v-link PHR 5. If you say that someone is on the road to something, you mean that they are likely to achieve it. The government took another step on the road to political reform. PHRASE: usu PHR after v, PHR to n 6. the end of the road: see end ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 a specially prepared hard surface for cars, buses, bicycles etc to travel on  (a busy road | at the end of the road | up/down/along the road (=further along the road))  (We live just down the road. | by road (=driving))  (It takes three hours by road. | main road)  (Take the main road out of town and turn left at the first light. | side road (=a small road that is not used much) | dirt road especially AmE (=a road without a hard surface) | road accident/repairs/user etc)  (He was killed in a road accident. | road sense (=knowledge about how to behave sensibly near traffic))  (Kids of that age have no road sense. | road safety (=how to be safe when driving or walking on roads))  (a road safety campaign)  (- see street) 2 Road written abbreviation Rd used in addresses after the names of roads  (65 Maple Road) 3 on the road a) travelling in a car, especially for long distances  (I've been on the road since 5:00 a.m. this morning.) b) if a group of actors or musicians is on the road they are travelling from place to place giving performances c) if your car is on the road, you have paid for the repairs, tax etc necessary for you to legally drive it  (It costs a lot of money to keep these old cars on the road.) 4 on the road to success/recovery/peace etc developing in a way that will result in success etc  (It was this deal that set him on the road to his first million.) 5 go down a road informal to follow a particular course of action  (You could move your pension to a private scheme, but I wouldn't advise going down that road.) 6 one for the road spoken a last alcoholic drink before you leave a party, pub etc 7 get out of the road! BrE spoken a rude way of telling someone to move  (- see also the end of the road end1 (18), hit the road hit1 (16)) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  U.S. gov. abbr. Riders Of American Defence U.S. gov. abbr. Reclaim Our Allocated Dollars mil. abbr. Retired On Active Duty univ. abbr. Repository Of Academic Documents softw. abbr. Rapid Object Application Development gen. comp. abbr. Rapid Object Application Development NASDAQ abbr. Roadway Express, Inc. ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. rad "riding, hostile incursion," from P.Gmc. *ridanan, source of O.E. ridan (see ride). Also related to raid. Originally "a riding, a journey," sense of "open way for traveling between two places" is first recorded 1596. Modern spelling only established 18c. Roadster "open two-seat automobile" is 1908, earlier of light carriages (1892), originally "a ship lying near the shore" (1744), from the nautical sense of "narrow stretch of water" (cf. Hampton Roads). Road hog is attested from 1891; road rage is from 1988; roadie "laborer employed by pop groups while on tour" first recorded 1969; road kill (n.) in the figurative sense is from 1992. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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