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Англо-русский политический словарь - idle


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Перевод с английского языка idle на русский



неработающий, простаивающий; незанятый, безработный (о рабочей силе); свободный, незанятый (о времени)

market is idle

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См. в других словарях

  1) простой (машины)2) работать на холостом ходу3) неработающий; бездействующий; простаивающий; холостой4) паразитный, промежуточный (о ЗК) ...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
  • незадействованный• режим малого газа ...
Англо-русский авиационный словарь
  talk пустая болтовня IDLE  1. adj.  1) незанятый; неработающий; безработный - lie idle - stand idle  2) ленивый, праздный  3) бесполезный, тщетный  4) пустой, неосновательный - idle talk  5) tech. бездействующий, холостой  6) electr. безваттный, реактивный (о токе)  2. v.  1) лениться, бездельничать (часто idle about) to idle away ones time - проводить время в безделье  2) работать вхолостую (о моторе и т.п.) (тж. idle away) If you leave your car idling away outside the house for an hour or more, you will burn more petrol than you think. IDLE space noun tech. вредное пространство ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. незанятый, неработающий, свободный our team will be idle tomorrow —- завтра наша команда не играет 2. безработный the depression rendered thousands idle —- из-за кризиса тысячи людей остались без работы 3. неиспользуемый, бездействующий, простаивающий idle plant —- простаивающее предприятие idle machines —- бездействующие машины idle capacity —- резервная мощность idle premises —- пустующее помещение idle capital —- мертвый капитал idle field —- незасеянное поле to lie idle —- не использоваться to stand idle —- не работать, простаивать the market is idle —- эк. на рынке царит застой 4. незаполненный, незанятый, свободный idle day —- день, свободный от работы idle hours —- свободные часы idle time —- простой, перерыв в работе; свободное время I have not an idle moment —- у меня нет свободной минуты 5. ленивый, праздный thoroughly idle and useless fellow —- очень ленивый и пустой парень the idle rich —- бездельники-богачи, живущие в праздности богачи 6. бесполезный, тщетный idle attempt —- тщетная попытка idle threats —- пустые угрозы it is idle to expect him to help us —- нельзя рассчитывать на его помощь 7. праздный, пустой; необоснованный idle chatter —- пустая болтовня idle gossip —- вздорные сплетни idle conceit —- пустое самодовольство idle dreams —- пустые мечты idle excuse —- пустая отговорка idle fears...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  прил. 1) незанятый 2) неработающий, бездействующий 3) праздный 4) неиспользуемый 5) пустой 6) бесполезный, тщетный - be idle - idle attempt - idle capacity - idle capital - idle labour - idle money - idle plant - idle premises - idle time - the market is idle ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  пауза (в работе программы) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1) бездействующий 2) безнагрузочный 3) вхолостую 4) недействующий 5) незадействованный 6) неработающий 7) нерабочий 8) положение "малый газ" 9) простаивающий 10) резервный 11) стоящий 12) холостой ship is lying idle — судно на приколе - idle burner - idle capacity - idle clock - idle coil - idle flame - idle pulley - idle running - idle shaft - idle stitch - idle time - idle winding - stand idle ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) холостой ход 2) бездействующий; резервный 3) паузная комбинация ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  холостой ход простой, нерабочее состояние, ожидание ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) возд. режим малого газа работать на режиме малого газа 2) холостой ход; режим холостого хода 3) ожидание; простой, нерабочее состояние 4) радио, связь паузная комбинация - approach idle - flight idle - ground idle - high idle - loping idle - low idle - medium idle ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  adj. & v. --adj. (idler, idlest) 1 lazy, indolent. 2 not in use; not working; unemployed. 3 (of time etc.) unoccupied. 4 having no special basis or purpose (idle rumour; idle curiosity). 5 useless. 6 (of an action, thought, or word) ineffective, worthless, vain. --v. 1 a intr. (of an engine) run slowly without doing any work. b tr. cause (an engine) to idle. 2 intr. be idle. 3 tr. (foll. by away) pass (time etc.) in idleness. Phrases and idioms idle wheel an intermediate wheel between two geared wheels, esp. to allow them to rotate in the same direction. Derivatives idleness n. idly adv. Etymology: OE idel empty, useless ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  (~r; ~st)  Etymology: Middle English idel, from Old English idel; akin to Old High German ital worthless  Date: before 12th century  1. lacking worth or basis ; vain ~ chatter ~ pleasure  2. not occupied or employed: as  a. having no employment ; inactive ~ workers  b. not turned to normal or appropriate use ~ funds ~ farmland  c. not scheduled to compete the team will be ~ tomorrow  3.  a. shiftless, lazy  b. having no evident lawful means of support  Synonyms: see vain, inactive  • ~ness noun  • idly adverb  II. verb  (~d; idling)  Date: 1592  intransitive verb  1.  a. to spend time in ~ness  b. to move idly  2. to run at low power and often disconnected usually so that power is not used for useful work the engine is idling  transitive verb  1. to pass in ~ness  2. to make ~ workers ~d by a strike  3. to cause to ~  • ~r noun Synonyms:  ~, loaf, lounge, loll, laze mean to spend time doing nothing. ~ may be used in reference to persons that move lazily or without purpose ~d the day away. loaf suggests either resting or wandering about as though there were nothing to do she does her work and then loafs the rest of the day. lounge, though occasionally used as equal to ~ or loaf, typically conveys an additional implication of resting or reclining against a support or of physical comfort and ease in relaxation he lounged against the wall. loll also carries an implication of a posture similar to that of lounge, but places greater stress upon an indolent or relaxed attitude lolling on the couch. laze usually implies the relaxation of a busy person enjoying a vacation or moments of leisure lazed about between appointments. ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (idles, idling, idled) 1. If people who were working are idle, they have no jobs or work. Employees have been idle almost a month because of shortages. ADJ: v-link ADJ 2. If machines or factories are idle, they are not working or being used. Now the machine is lying idle. ADJ: v-link ADJ 3. If you say that someone is idle, you disapprove of them because they are not doing anything and you think they should be. ...idle bureaucrats who spent the day reading newspapers... ADJ c darkgreen]disapproval • idleness Idleness is a very bad thing for human nature. N-UNCOUNT • idly We were not idly sitting around. ADV: ADV with v 4. Idle is used to describe something that you do for no particular reason, often because you have nothing better to do. Brian kept up the idle chatter for another five minutes. ADJ: ADJ n • idly We talked idly about magazines and baseball... ADV: ADV with v, ADV adj 5. You refer to an idle threat or boast when you do not think the person making it will or can do what they say. It was more of an idle threat than anything... = empty ADJ: ADJ n 6. To idle a factory or other place of work means to close it down because there is no work to do or because the workers are on strike. (AM BUSINESS; in BRIT, usually use shut down) ...idled assembly plants. VERB: V-ed, also V n 7. To idle workers means to stop them working. (AM BUSINESS; in BRIT, use lay off) The strike has idled about 55,000 machinists. VERB: V n 8. If an engine or vehicle is idling, the engine is running slowly and quietly because it is not in gear, and the vehicle is not moving. Beyond a stand of trees a small plane idled... VERB: V ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 not working or operating productively  (Owing to the electricity strike, a lot of factory workers were left idle. | We can't afford to have all this expensive machinery lying idle. | the | idle rich (=rich people who do not work for a living)) 2 lazy; wasting time  (- see also bone idle) 3 not based on fact or good reason  (idle rumour/gossip/talk | His words were just idle threats; he can't hurt us.) 4 having no particular purpose  (I don't know why I asked - just idle curiosity.) - idly adv - idleness n ~2 ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - O.E. idel "empty, void, useless," W.Gmc., of unknown origin. Idle threats preserves original sense; meaning "lazy" is 13c. The verb sense of "running slowly and steadily" (as a motor) first recorded 1916. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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