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Англо-русский политический словарь - die


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Перевод с английского языка die на русский



умирать; погибать

to die in unexplained circumstances — погибнуть при невыясненных обстоятельствах

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См. в других словарях

  1) штамп; матрица; пуансон2) винторезная головка3) плашка; лерка; клупп4) пресс-форма5) форма, металлическая форма; кокиль6) pl кузнечная оснастка; кузнечный инструмент7) боёк молота8) обжимка9) волочильная доска; волока10) накатный ролик; резьбонакатный инструмент•adjustable diealuminum extrusion dieassembling dieautomotive stamping diebending dieblank dieblanking diebottom diebronze diebulging dieburnishing diebutton diechaser diecircular split diecircular thread-rolling dieclosed diecoining diecold-heading diecombination diecomplete diecompound diecounter diecropping diecupping diecurling diecutoff diecutting diediamond roll diediecasting diedouble-action diedraw diedrawing diedrop-through blanking dieeccentric dieembossing dieextrusion diefemale dieflat dieflat-faced dieflat thread rolling diefollow dieforging dieform dieforming diegang diegripper diegripping diehammer dieheader dieheading diehot-press diehydrostatic bulging dieinjection molding dieinsert dieinserted chaser dieinward flanging dieironing dieKirksite dielancing dielower diemovable diemoving dienotching dieopen dieoutward flanging dieparting dieperforating diepiercing diepipe dieplain dieplain curling dieplain drawing dieplanetary thread rolling dieplastic injection dieplastic-molding dieplunger diepress diepressing diepress-tool dieprogressive diepunching diequick-opening diequick-opening thread-cutting dieradial dieradius dieraw microcircuit dieredrawing diereducing dierethreading diering dieriveting dierocker dieroll dierolling dierolling-impression dierotating diesround diescrew plate diescrew-tapping diescrew-threading diescrew-thread rolling diesectional diesegmented bulging dieself-aligning dieself-opening dieself-opening thread-cutting dieshaving dieshearing diesizing diesplit diesplit bulging diestamping diestationary diestock diestretch diestretch-forming...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
  I  1. noun  1) pl. diceигральная кость to play with loaded dice - жульничать  2) штамп, пуансон; штемпель; матрица  3) tech. винторезная головка; клупп  4) archit. цоколь (колонны)  5) tech. волочильная доска; фильера the die is cast/thrown - жребий брошен, выбор сделан to be upon the die - быть поставленным на карту  2. v. штамповать, чеканить II v.  1) умереть, скончаться (of, from - от чего-л.; for - за что-л.) In a severe winter, wild animals can die from lack of food. Christians believe that Christ died for them. to die in ones bed - умереть естественной смертью  2) coll. томиться желанием (for) I am dying for a glass of water - мне до смерти хочется пить. I am dying to see him - я ужасно хочу его видеть  3) кончаться, исчезать; быть забытым  4) становиться безучастным, безразличным  5) затихать (о ветре, звуке)  6) испаряться (о жидкости)  7) заглохнуть (о моторе; тж. die out) - die away - die back - die down - die off - die out - die game - die hard to die in the last ditch стоять насмерть to die in harness умереть за работой; умереть на своем посту to die in ones boots умереть скоропостижной или насильственной смертью a man can die but once prov. двум смертям не бывать, a одной не миновать never say die prov. никогда не следует отчаиваться to die by ones own hand кончать жизнь самоубийством Syn: bite the dust, depart, expire, kick the bucket, pass away, pass on, perish Ant: exist, persist, survive DIE down  а) увядать...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. игральная кость (чаще one of the dice) 2. pl. = dice 3. (pl. dice) редк. риск, удача 4. (pl. dice) кубик to cut smth. into dice —- нарезать что-л. кубиками 5. (pl. dies) тех. штамп (пуансон или матрица; также stamping die, embossing die); штемпель, мундштук (пресса) 6. (pl. dies) тех. клупп; винторезная головка, плашка 7. (pl. dies) тех. волочильная доска, фильера (также die plate); пресс-форма 8. (pl. dies) архит. кубическая часть пьедестала 9. (pl. dies) тех. деталь, имеющая форму кубика 10. (pl. dies) спец. сапожный нож (для вырезания заготовок) 11. (pl. dies) шотл. игрушка 12. (pl. dies) полупроводниковая пластина (заготовка под интегральную схему) Id: as smooth as a die —- гладкий как мрамор Id: as straight as a die —- прямой, честный; такой не подведет; прямой как стрела Id: to risk everything on an uncertain die —- совершить прыжок в неизвестность Id: to set smth. upon the die —- поставить что-л. на карту Id: the die is cast (thrown) —- жребий брошен 13. тех. штамповать 14. умирать to die well —- хорошо держаться перед смертью to die of hunger —- умереть голодной смертью to die by violence —- умереть насильственной смертью to die by an enemy's hand —- пасть от руки врага to die by one's own hand —- кончить жизнь самоубийством to die from (of) wounds —- умереть от ран to die on the scaffold —- умереть на эшафоте to die in battle —- погибнуть в бою to die in poverty —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) умирать, погибать 2) увядать, засыхать to die out — вымирать DIEBACK фтп. суховершинность ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  бирж., брит. сокр. от designated investment exchange ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  кристалл(ик) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1) волока; фильера; волочильная доска волочильный 2) матрица; пуансон 3) плашка; лерка 4) замирать 5) (игральная) кость 6) штамп 7) строит. подколонник 8) лит. металлическая форма; кокиль; кристаллизатор 9) пресс-шайба to cast a die — бросать игральную кость to die out — 1. т. вер. обрываться (о процессе) 2. геол. выклиниваться (о складке) - balanced die - briquetting die - carbide die - coiling die - cored die - dinking die - extruding die - fair die - flanging die - hammer die - loaded die - multiple impression die - n-faced die - nice die - notching die - outward flanging die - riveting die - seaming die - sectional die - shearing die - single-impression die - single-stage die - six-sided die - standard die - swaging die - ten-sided die - threading die - trimming die - wire drawing die ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) кристалл интегральной схемы, кристалл ИС 2) контактная колодка 3) матрица ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  подколонник плашка (для нарезания резьбы); штамп; пуансон; матрица; металлическая форма pipe die ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) штамп 2) пуансон; матрица 3) пресс-форма 4) металлическая форма; кокиль; кристаллизатор 5) волочильная доска; волока; фильера 6) мундштук 7) форм-блок (гибочного пресса) 8) обжимка (для кузнечной сварки) 9) головка (экструдера) 10) винторезная головка 11) плашка; лерка 12) архит. грань пьедестала 13) квадратное основание или квадратный оголовок деревянной стойки перил 14) кристалл (ИС) 15) швейн. резак (для вырубания деталей из настила) 16) сварка контактная колодка; контактная плита 17) мн. ч. зажимные губки (сварочных машин) 18) мн. ч. кузнечный инструмент; кузнечная оснастка 19) боёк (молота) die for extruding — матрица для прессования; to die away — затухать, ослабляться; to die out — глохнуть (о двигателе) - air bend die - annular die - assembling die - backup die - beading die - bed die - bending die - blanking die - blind die - bolt die - bottom die - breakdown die - bridge die - butt welding dies - capillary die - centrifugal casting die - ceramic-faced die - chaser die - chop-out die - cold-heading die - cold-stamping die - collapsible die - compound die - counter die - creasing die - cropping die - cupping die - curling die - cutting die - diamond die - double-action die - drawing die - drop die - drop-forging die - ejector die - electroforging die - embossing die - epoxy-faced concrete die - extruder die - extrusion die - female die - finishing die - fixed die - flash welding dies - flat die - flat extrusion die - follow die - forging die - forming die - gang die - granulating die - gravity die - gripper die - hard metal-faced...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. v. (dies, died, dying) 1 intr. (often foll. by of) (of a person, animal, or plant) cease to live; expire, lose vital force (died of hunger). 2 intr. a come to an end, cease to exist, fade away (the project died within six months). b cease to function; break down (the engine died). c (of a flame) go out. 3 intr. (foll. by on) die or cease to function while in the presence or charge of (a person). 4 intr. (usu. foll. by of, from, with) be exhausted or tormented (nearly died of boredom; was dying from the heat). 5 tr. suffer (a specified death) (died a natural death). Phrases and idioms be dying (foll. by for, or to + infin.) wish for longingly or intently (was dying for a drink; am dying to see you). die away become weaker or fainter to the point of extinction. die-away adj. languishing. die back (of a plant) decay from the tip towards the root. die down become less loud or strong. die hard die reluctantly, not without a struggle (old habits die hard). die-hard n. a conservative or stubborn person. die out become extinct, cease to exist. never say die keep up courage, not give in. Etymology: ME, prob. f. ON deyja f. Gmc 2. n. 1 sing. of DICE n. 1a. Usage Dice is now standard in general use in this sense. 2 (pl. dies) a an engraved device for stamping a design on coins, medals, etc. b a device for stamping, cutting, or moulding material into a particular shape. 3 (pl. dice) Archit. the cubical part of a pedestal between the base and the cornice; a dado or plinth. Phrases and idioms as straight (or true) as a die 1 quite straight. 2 entirely honest or loyal. die-cast cast (hot metal) in a die or mould. die-casting the process or product of casting from metal moulds. the die is cast an irrevocable step has been taken. die-sinker an engraver of dies. die-stamping embossing paper etc. with a die. Etymology: ME f. OF de f. L datum neut. past part. of dare give, play ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. intransitive verb  (~d; dying)  Etymology: Middle English ~n, from or akin to Old Norse deyja to ~; akin to Old High German touwen to ~  Date: 12th century  1. to pass from physical life ; expire  2.  a. to pass out of existence ; cease their anger ~d at these words  b. to disappear or subside gradually — often used with away, down, or out the storm ~d down  3.  a. sink, languish dying from fatigue  b. to long keenly or desperately dying to go  c. to be overwhelmed by emotion ~ of embarrassment  4.  a. to cease functioning ; stop the motor ~d  b. to end in failure the bill ~d in committee  5. to become indifferent ~ to worldly things  II. noun  (plural dice or ~s)  Etymology: Middle English dee, from Anglo-French de  Date: 14th century  1. plural dice a small cube marked on each face with from one to six spots and used usually in pairs in various games and in gambling by being shaken and thrown to come to rest at random on a flat surface — often used figuratively in expressions concerning chance or the irrevocability of a course of action the ~ was cast  2. plural ~s dado 1a  3. plural ~s any of various tools or devices for imparting a desired shape, form, or finish to a material or for impressing an object or material: as  a.  (1) the larger of a pair of cutting or shaping tools that when moved toward each other produce a desired form in or impress a desired device on an object by pressure or by a blow  (2) a device composed of a pair of such tools  b. a hollow internally threaded screw-cutting tool used for forming screw threads  c. a mold into which molten metal or other material is forced  d. a perforated block through which metal or plastic is drawn or extruded for shaping ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (dies, dying, died) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. When people, animals, and plants die, they stop living. A year later my dog died... Sadly, both he and my mother died of cancer... I would die a very happy person if I could stay in music my whole life... ...friends who died young. VERB: no passive, V, V of/from n, V n, V adj 2. If a person, animal, or plant is dying, they are so ill or so badly injured that they will not live very much longer. The elm trees are all dying... Every working day I treat people who are dying from lung diseases caused by smoking. ? recover VERB: only cont, V, V of/from n 3. If someone dies a violent, unnatural, or painful death, they die in a violent, unnatural, or painful way. He watched helplessly as his mother died an agonizing death... VERB: no passive, V n 4. If a machine or device dies, it stops completely, especially after a period of working more and more slowly or inefficiently. (WRITTEN) Then suddenly, the engine coughed, spluttered and died. VERB: V 5. You can say that you are dying of thirst, hunger, boredom, or curiosity to emphasize that you are very thirsty, hungry, bored, or curious. (INFORMAL) Order me a pot of tea, I’m dying of thirst. VERB: only cont, V of n c darkgreen]emphasis 6. You can say that you are dying for something or are dying to do something to emphasize that you very much want to have it or do it. (INFORMAL) I’m dying for a breath of fresh air... She was dying to talk to Frank. VERB: only cont, V for n, V to-inf c darkgreen]emphasis 7. You can use die in expressions such as ‘I almost died’ or ‘I’d die if anything happened’ where you are emphasizing your feelings about a situation, for example to say that it is very shocking, upsetting, embarrassing, or amusing. (INFORMAL, mainly SPOKEN) I nearly died when I learned where I was ending up... I nearly died of shame... I thought I’d die laughing. VERB: V, V of n, V -ing c darkgreen]emphasis 8. A die is...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v past tense and past participle diedpresent participle dying 1 »BECOME DEAD« to stop living and become dead  (He was very sick and we knew he might die. | of/from)  (The animals died of starvation in the snow. | My grandfather died from a heart attack.) + for  (Do you believe in anything enough to die for it?) die happy/poor/young etc  (He died young, at the age of 27. | die a hero/martyr/rich man etc)  (Van Gogh died a broken man. | die a natural/horrible etc death (=die in a particular way) | to your dying day (=until you die) | die by your own hand literary (=kill yourself) | die in your sleep)  (She died peacefully in her sleep at the age of 98.) 2 »DISAPPEAR« to disappear or stop existing  (Our love will never die. | die with sb (=disappear or be finished when someone dies))  (The family name will die with him.) 3 »MACHINES« informal to stop working  (The car's engine spluttered and died. | die on sb (=stop working while they are using it))  (The mower just died on me.) 4 be dying for spoken to want something very much  (I'm dying for a cup of coffee.) 5 be dying to do sth spoken to want to do something very much, so that it is difficult to wait  (We're dying to get started.) 6 be dying of hunger/thirst spoken to be very hungry or thirsty 7 I nearly died/I could have died spoken used to say that you felt very surprised or embarrassed  (I nearly died when my ex-husband walked into the room!) 8 I'd rather die spoken used to say very strongly that you do not want to do something  (I'd rather die than work for him!) 9 old habits die hard used to say that it takes a long time to change to a new way of doing something 10 never say die spoken used to encourage someone to continue doing something that is difficult 11 die laughing spoken to laugh a lot  (I nearly died laughing when I saw him with that ridiculous haircut.) 12 die the death informal to gradually fail or be destroyed  (Eventually the photography club died the death.) 13 dying breath/wish someone's very last breath or wish before they die  (No matter...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  physiol. abbr. Device Intended For Exploration airport code Antsirananan, Madagascar st. exc. abbr. Designated Investment Exchange ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом


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