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Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь - tooth


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Перевод с английского языка tooth на русский


1) зуб || нарезать зубья

2) зацеплять, зацепляться

angled toothangular toothbarrel toothbolt toothburnishing toothcircular-arc toothclamped carbide toothclutch toothcog toothcommutating toothcontrol toothcorrected toothcrowned toothcurved toothcut toothdouble-helical toothend toothengaging toothfinish toothfinishing toothflat toothform-relieved toothhelical toothherringbone toothHirth toothHirth gear toothhook toothhunting toothinserted toothinvolute toothlamellar toothlong addendum toothmilled toothnicked toothnot-machined toothoblique toothoctoid toothperipheral toothpin toothplain toothpointed toothpoorly shaped toothrack toothratchet toothroller toothroughing toothrounded toothsaw toothsemifinish toothsemifinishing toothskew toothspiral toothspline toothspring-set toothstandard toothstandard involute gear toothstandard whole depth toothstopping toothstraight toothstub toothtapered toothundercut toothwaisted tooth

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См. в других словарях

   1. noun  1) зуб; crown (neck) of the tooth - коронка (шейка) зуба; root of the tooth - корень зуба; false teeth - искусственные зубы; a loose tooth - шатающийся зуб; he cut a tooth - у него прорезался зуб; to set/clench ones teeth - стиснуть зубы; to pull a tooth out - удалить зуб; I had my tooth out - мне удалили зуб  2) tech. зуб, зубец tooth and nail - изо всех сил; to fight tooth and nail бороться не на жизнь, a на смерть; to go at it tooth and nail энергично приняться за что-л. to get ones teeth into smth. - горячо взяться за что-л. to cast smth. in smb. s teeth - бросать кому-л. в лицо упрек in the teeth of -  а) наперекор, вопреки;  б) перед лицом (чего-л.) fed to the teeth - сыт по горло; надоело, осточертело long in the tooth - старый  2. v.  1) нарезать зубцы  2) зацеплять(ся) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. зуб milk (calf's, primary, first, baby's, deciduous) teeth —- молочные зубы he lost his milk teeth —- у него выпали молочные зубы second (permanent) teeth —- постоянные зубы false (artificial, prosthetic) teeth —- искусственные зубы a set of false teeth —- искусственные зубы, вставная челюсть natural teeth —- "свои" зубы even teeth —- ровные зубы anterior (front) teeth —- передние зубы posterior (back) teeth —- задние зубы lower (mandibular) teeth —- нижние зубы upper (maxillary) teeth —- верхние зубы unerupted (impacted) tooth —- непрорезавшийся зуб hollow tooth —- зуб с дуплом loose tooth —- шатающийся зуб the crown of a tooth —- коронка зуба the root of a tooth —- корень зуба to have one's teeth attended to —- лечить зубы to have one's teeth examined —- показываться зубному врачу to stop (to fill) smb.'s teeth —- пломбировать кому-л. зубы to extract (to pull out) smb.'s tooth —- удалять кому-л. зуб to have a tooth out —- вырвать зуб (у врача) to knock smb.'s tooth out —- выбить кому-л. зуб to crown a tooth —- поставить коронку на зуб to set (to clench) one's teeth —- стиснуть зубы to speak through clenched teeth —- говорить сквозь зубы to smth. between one's teeth —- процедить что-л. сквозь зубы to grit the teeth —- скрежетать зубами he has cut a tooth —- у него прорезался зуб he has a fine set of teeth —- у него прекрасные зубы 2. спец. зубец, зуб, зубок teeth of a saw —- зубья пилы teeth of a comb —- зубья гребенки teeth of a fork —- зубцы вил teeth of a gearwheel —- зубцы...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) зуб (см. тж. teeth) 2) бот. зубец – acrodont tooth – barred tooth – canine tooth – carnassial tooth – cheek tooth – cuspid tooth – cutting tooth – deciduous tooth – egg tooth – elephant's tooth – eye tooth – front tooth – laniary tooth – lateral tooth – milk tooth – molar tooth – permanent tooth – pharyngeal tooth – pleurodont tooth – premolar tooth – sectorial tooth – stomach tooth – wisdom tooth ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) зубец 2) зубной 3) зубовой 4) зубчатый 5) клевец root of a tooth — основание зуба threshing concave tooth — штифт подбарабанья threshing cylinder tooth — штифт молотильного барабана total depth of tooth — полная высота зуба - point of tooth - saw tooth curve - saw tooth setting - tooth addendum - tooth point - tooth profile - tooth space - tooth spacing - tooth surface ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  зуб; зубец шпонка шероховатость (поверхности после обработки) dragon's tooth ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) зуб; зубец нарезать или накатывать зубья 2) шпонка 3) шероховатость (поверхности после обработки) придавать шероховатость - armature tooth - beveled tooth - bucket tooth - corrected tooth - cut tooth - cutter tooth - film-perforation-engaging tooth - flat tooth - gear tooth - herring-bone tooth - hook tooth - idle tooth - insert tooth - involute tooth - involute-cycloid composite tooth - milled cutter tooth - ratchet tooth - registration tooth of claw - roughing tooth - saw tooth - segment tooth - sprocket tooth - straight tooth ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. (pl. teeth) 1 each of a set of hard bony enamel-coated structures in the jaws of most vertebrates, used for biting and chewing. 2 a toothlike part or projection, e.g. the cog of a gearwheel, the point of a saw or comb, etc. 3 (often foll. by for) one's sense of taste; an appetite or liking. 4 (in pl.) force or effectiveness (the penalties give the contract teeth). --v. 1 tr. provide with teeth. 2 intr. (of cog-wheels) engage, interlock. Phrases and idioms armed to the teeth completely and elaborately armed or equipped. fight tooth and nail fight very fiercely. get one's teeth into devote oneself seriously to. in the teeth of 1 in spite of (opposition or difficulty etc.). 2 contrary to (instructions etc.). 3 directly against (the wind etc.). set a person's teeth on edge see EDGE. tooth-billed (of a bird) having toothlike projections on the cutting edges of the bill. tooth-comb = fine-tooth comb (see FINE(1)). tooth powder powder for cleaning the teeth. tooth shell = tusk shell. Derivatives toothed adj. (also in comb.). toothless adj. toothlike adj. Etymology: OE toth (pl. teth) f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  (plural teeth)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English toth; akin to Old High German zand ~, Latin dent-, dens, Greek odont-, odous  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. one of the hard bony appendages that are borne on the jaws or in many of the lower vertebrates on other bones in the walls of the mouth or pharynx and serve especially for the prehension and mastication of food and as weapons of offense and defense  b. any of various usually hard and sharp processes especially about the mouth of an invertebrate  2. taste, liking  3. a projection resembling or suggesting the ~ of an animal in shape, arrangement, or action a saw ~: as  a. any of the regular projections on the circumference or sometimes the face of a wheel that engage with corresponding projections on another wheel especially to transmit force ; cog  b. a small sharp-pointed marginal lobe or process on a plant  4.  a. something that injures, tortures, devours, or destroys jealousy with rankling ~ — Thomas Gray  b. plural effective means of enforcement drug laws with teeth  5. a roughness of surface produced by mechanical or artificial means  • ~like adjective ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (teeth) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Your teeth are the hard white objects in your mouth, which you use for biting and chewing. If a tooth feels very loose, your dentist may recommend that it’s taken out. N-COUNT: oft poss N 2. The teeth of something such as a comb, saw, cog, or zip are the parts that stick out in a row on its edge. N-PLURAL 3. If you say that something such as an official group or a law has teeth, you mean that it has power and is able to be effective. The opposition argues that the new council will be unconstitutional and without teeth... The law must have teeth, and it must be enforced. N-PLURAL 4. see also wisdom tooth 5. If you say that someone cut their teeth doing a particular thing, at a particular time, or in a particular place, you mean that that is how, when, or where they began their career and learned some of their skills. ...director John Glen, who cut his teeth on Bond movies... PHRASE: V inflects, PHR prep, PHR -ing 6. If you say that something sets your teeth on edge, you mean that you find it extremely unpleasant or irritating. Their voices set your teeth on edge. PHRASE: V inflects 7. If you fight tooth and nail to do something, you do everything you can in order to achieve it. If you fight something tooth and nail, you do everything you can in order to prevent it. He fought tooth and nail to keep his job... PHRASE: V inflects, oft PHR to-inf 8. If you describe a task or activity as something you can get your teeth into, you mean that you like it because it is interesting, complex, and makes you think hard. (INFORMAL) This role gave her something to get her teeth into... PHRASE: V inflects, oft PHR n c darkgreen]approval 9. If you do something in the teeth of a difficulty or danger, you do it in spite of the difficulty or danger. I was battling my way along the promenade in the teeth of a force ten gale... In the teeth of the longest recession since the 1930s, the company continues to perform...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n plural teeth 1 »IN MOUTH« one of the hard white objects in your mouth that you use to bite and chew your food  (Brush your teeth twice a day. | I'm going to the dentist to have a tooth out. | cut a tooth (=grow a new tooth))  (The baby's cutting a tooth. | The Doberman sank its teeth into his leg.) 2 »ON A TOOL ETC« one of the pointed parts that sticks out from the edge of a comb, saw2 (1), cog (1) etc 3 fight tooth and nail to try with a lot of effort or determination to do something  (We fought tooth and nail to get our plans accepted.) 4 get your teeth into informal to start to do something with eagerness and energy  (I can't wait to get my teeth into the new course.) 5 in the teeth of a) in spite of opposition or danger from something  (The new law was passed in the teeth of public protest.) b) against a stormy wind  (sailing in the teeth of a storm) 6 set sb's teeth on edge if a sound, taste etc sets your teeth on edge, it makes you feel physically uncomfortable  (That scraping really sets my teeth on edge.) 7 »LAW« have teeth if a law, regulation etc has teeth, or if you give it teeth, it has the power to force people to obey it  (The agreement works because it has teeth.) 8 sharp-toothed/saw-toothed/fine-toothed etc having sharp parts that stick out of the edge, etc  (a fine-toothed comb)  (- see also armed to the teeth armed (1), cut your teeth on sth cut1 (16), by the skin of your teeth skin1 (5), be a kick in the teeth kick2 (4), lie through your teeth lie2 (1), have a sweet tooth sweet1 (7), take the bit between your teeth bit1 (17)) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. toр (plural teр), from P.Gmc. *tanth, *tunth, from PIE *dont-/*dent- "tooth" (cf. Skt. danta, Gk. odontos, L. dens). Application to tooth-like parts of other objects (saws, combs, etc.) first recorded 1523. Teethe is from 1410; toothache is 14c.; toothbrush is from 1651; toothpick is from 1488. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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