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Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь - sequence


Связанные словари

Перевод с английского языка sequence на русский


1) последовательность; чередование; цикл (работы)

2) цепь (кинематическая, силовая); ряд последовательно действующих звеньев

3) направлять (напр. обрабатываемую деталь) в заданной технологической последовательности

4) управлять циклом

in any designated sequence — в любой заданной последовательности (о подаче деталей)

in a random sequence — в произвольной последовательности (о подаче деталей)

in the calloff sequence — в заданной последовательности (о подаче деталей)

sequence of instructionsback-chaining sequenceback-step sequenceblock sequencecall sequencecalling sequencechange sequencecoded sequencecomputer stored sequencescontrol sequencecutting sequencecut-to-cut pallet change sequencecycle sequencedesign sequencedrafting sequenceeject sequenceexecution sequenceforward-chaining cycle sequencegrinding sequenceimpulse input sequenceinstruction sequenceload-and-unload sequenceloading sequenceload/off-load sequencemachine sequencemachining sequencemanufacturing sequencemeasurement sequenceopen ended sequenceoperating sequenceoperation-routing sequenceorder sequencepacking sequencepallet change sequencepart mix sequencepreplanned sequenceprocessing sequenceproduction sequenceprogram sequenceprogrammed sequencepseudorandom sequencerandom sequencerough grinding sequencerouting sequenceshutdown sequencesparse sequence of pointsspecified sequencestart-up sequenceteachable sequence of motionstest sequencethroughput sequencetime-based process sequencetool-changing sequencetransfer sequenceunfinished sequenceunload sequenceunloading sequencewheel-dressing sequencework sequence

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См. в других словарях

  noun  1) последовательность; ряд; порядок (следования); sequence of events - ход событий; sequence of tenses gram. - последовательность времен; in historical sequence - в исторической/хронологической последовательности - in sequence  2) (по)следствие, результат  3) mus. секвенция  4) cin. последовательный ряд кинокадров, эпизод Syn: progression, series, succession ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. последовательность; ряд; порядок следования chronological sequence of smth. —- хронологический порядок чего-л. sequence of the seasons —- смена времен года there is little sequence in his arguments —- в его аргументах не хватает последовательности his story lacks sequence —- его рассказ бессвязен in rapid sequence of smth. —- быстро следуя за чем-л. in sequence —- подряд, один за другим sequence of events —- ход событий sequence of tenses —- грам. последовательность времен 2. последствие, результат a sequence to smth. —- результат (последствие) чего-л. a natural sequence to folly —- естественный результат безрассудства a sequence of crime is punishment —- преступление неизбежно влечет за собой наказание 3. муз. секвенция 4. кин. ам. также театр. несколько сцен, составляющих эпизод 5. последовательный ряд кинокадров 6. карт. три или более карты одной масти по старшинству 7. серия; цикл sequence of sonnets —- цикл сонетов ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) последовательность; ряд; чередование; порядок следования 2) последовательность (нуклеотидов в нуклеиновых кислотах или аминокислот в белках) – Alu sequence – amino acid sequence – amino-terminal sequence – arithmetic sequence – base sequence – bounded sequence – coding sequence – complementary sequence – consensus sequence – conserved sequence – degenerate sequence – extra sequence – flanking sequence – gapped sequence – generation sequences – geometric sequence – highly conserved sequence – intervening sequence – inverted repeat sequence – leader sequence – NH2-terminal sequence – nucleotide sequence – palindromic sequence – repetitive sequence – signal sequence – terminal sequence – untranslated sequence ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ. 1) последовательность 2) результат 3) последствие - sequence analysis SEQUENCE 1) последовательность, ряд 2) последствие, результат 3) эпизод – sequence of signs – indexing sequence ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) очередность 2) порядок следования 3) последовательность 4) секвенция 5) следование absolutely convergent sequence — абсолютно сходящаяся последовательность absolutely divergent sequence — абсолютно расходящаяся последовательность absolutely limited sequence — абсолютно ограниченная последовательность absolutely summable sequence — абсолютно суммируемая последовательность absolutely unbiased sequence — абсолютно беспристрастная последовательность adjusted cohomology sequence — усовершенствованная когомологическая последовательность adjusted homology sequence — топогр. последовательность гомологическая усовершенствованная almost periodic sequence — почти периодическая последовательность arrange ion sequence by name — упорядочивать по имени asymptotically continuous sequence — асимптотически непрерывная последовательность asymptotically convergent sequence — асимптотически сходящаяся последовательность asymptotically isotropic sequence — асимтотически изотропная последовательность asymptotically lattice sequence — асимтотически решетчатая последовательность basis of numerical sequence — базис числовой последовательности bordism spectral sequence — спектральная последовательность бордизмов closed martingale sequence — замкнутая мартингал-последовательность compactly convergent sequence — компактно...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) последовательность; ряд 2) цикл – Barker sequence – binary sequence – bipolar sequence – calling sequence – closing sequence – color-field sequence – contactor-closing sequence – control sequence – cycle sequence – direct sequence – frame-check sequence – key-frame sequence – n-bit sequence – operating sequence – progressive sequence – pseudorandom sequence – positive phase sequence – pulse sequence – quasi-periodic sequence – random sequence – reverse sequence – scanning sequence – scrambled sequence – signal-code sequence – standard sequence – stochastic sequence – switching sequence – test sequence – video sequence – zero-phase sequence ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) последовательность; порядок (следования); ряд задавать [устанавливать] последовательность; упорядочивать 2) порядок чередования, очерёдность устанавливать очерёдность 3) цепь (кинематическая) 4) машиностр. цикл управлять циклом 5) направлять (напр. обрабатываемую деталь) в заданной технологической последовательности 6) маршрут (в графе) 7) бтх последовательность мономерных звеньев (в полимере) to sequence by merging — упорядочивать (разбиением и) слиянием - sequence of deposition - sequence of extraction - sequence of fuel usage - sequence of operations - abort sequence - absorbability sequence - accident sequence - approach sequence - ascending sequence - assembly sequence - backstep sequence - backward sequence - battery-pushing sequence - binary sequence - bipolar sequence - block sequence - block check sequence - blowing-in sequence - blowing-out sequence - bounded sequence - calling sequence - charging sequence - closing sequence - code sequence - collating sequence - color sampling sequence - complementary sequence - consensus sequence - contactor sequence - control sequence - convergent sequence - cutting sequence - cyclic sequence - data sequence - decreasing sequence - design sequence - diamond-square sequence - divergent sequence - drafting sequence - elution sequence - execution sequence - exit sequence - Fibonacci sequence - finite sequence - firing sequence - fixed sequence - forward sequence - hardwired sequence - increasing sequence - instruction sequence - interspersed sequence - iteration sequence - landing sequence - laying sequence - load-and-unload sequence - machine sequence - majorized sequence - microcode sequence - mineral sequence - monotone sequence -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 succession, coming after or next. 2 order of succession (shall follow the sequence of events; give the facts in historical sequence). 3 a set of things belonging next to one another on some principle of order; a series without gaps. 4 a part of a film dealing with one scene or topic. 5 a set of poems on one theme. 6 a set of three or more playing-cards next to one another in value. 7 Mus. repetition of a phrase or melody at a higher or lower pitch. 8 Eccl. a hymn said or sung after the Gradual or Alleluia that precedes the Gospel. 9 succession without implication of causality (opp. CONSEQUENCE). --v.tr. 1 arrange in a definite order. 2 Biochem. ascertain the sequence of monomers in (esp. a polypeptide or nucleic acid). Phrases and idioms sequence of tenses Gram. the dependence of the tense of a subordinate verb on the tense of the principal verb, according to certain rules (e.g. I think you are, thought you were, wrong). Derivatives sequencer n. Etymology: ME f. LL sequentia f. L sequens pres. part. of sequi follow ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Medieval Latin sequentia, from Late Latin, sequel, literally, act of following, from Latin sequent-, sequens, present participle of sequi  Date: 14th century  1. a hymn in irregular meter between the gradual and Gospel in masses for special occasions (as Easter)  2. a continuous or connected series: as  a. an extended series of poems united by a single theme a sonnet ~  b. three or more playing cards usually of the same suit in consecutive order of rank  c. a succession of repetitions of a melodic phrase or harmonic pattern each in a new position  d. a set of elements ordered so that they can be labeled with the positive integers  e. the exact order of bases in a nucleic acid or of amino acids in a protein  f.  (1) a succession of related shots or scenes developing a single subject or phase of a film story  (2) episode  3.  a. order of succession  b. an arrangement of the tenses of successive verbs in a sentence designed to express a coherent relationship especially between main and subordinate parts  4.  a. con~, result  b. a subsequent development  5. continuity of progression the narrative ~  II. transitive verb  (~d; sequencing)  Date: 1941  1. to arrange in a ~  2. to determine the ~ of chemical constituents (as amino-acid residues or nucleic-acid bases) in ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (sequences) 1. A sequence of events or things is a number of events or things that come one after another in a particular order. ...the sequence of events which led to the murder. ...a dazzling sequence of novels by John Updike. = series N-COUNT: oft N of n 2. A particular sequence is a particular order in which things happen or are arranged. ...the colour sequence yellow, orange, purple, blue, green and white... The chronological sequence gives the book an element of structure. N-COUNT 3. A film sequence is a part of a film that shows a single set of actions. The best sequence in the film occurs when Roth stops at a house he used to live in. N-COUNT 4. A gene sequence or a DNA sequence is the order in which the elements making up a particular gene are combined. The project is nothing less than mapping every gene sequence in the human body. ...the complete DNA sequence of the human genome. N-COUNT: supp N ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 a series of related events, actions etc which have a fixed order and usually lead to a particular result  (sequence of events)  (the sequence of events leading up to the war) 2 the order that events or actions happen in, or are supposed to happen in  (in/out of sequence (=in or out of order))  (Please check that the page numbers are in sequence.) 3 one part of a story, film etc that deals with a single subject or action  (the dream sequence at the beginning of Ryder's film) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 14c., "hymn sung after the Hallelujah and before the Gospel," from O.Fr. sequence "answering verses," from M.L. sequentia "a following, a succession," from L. sequentem (nom. sequens), prp. of sequi "to follow." In Church use, a partial loan-translation of Gk. akolouthia, from akolouthos "following." General sense of "succession," also "a sequence at cards," appeared 1575. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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