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Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь - magazine


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Перевод с английского языка magazine на русский


1) магазин; накопитель; карман; приёмник

2) бункер

3) складировать; хранить

4) журнал (группа из 100 страниц телетекста)

arrival magazineATC magazineattachment magazineautomatic bar feeder magazineautomatic pallet magazineautomatic tool changer magazinebar feed magazinebar-loading magazinebar replacement magazinebelt magazinecarousel magazinechain-type tool magazinecutter magazinedisk tool magazinedisk-type tool magazinedouble-circle tool magazinedouble tool magazinedrum tool magazinedrum-type tool magazinefair-sized magazinefeed magazinegripper magazineindexing chain-type tool magazinein-feed magazineinput magazineintegral tool magazineinterconnected tool magazinesjaw magazineload magazinemachine-bound magazinemachine-tool magazinemultibar magazinemultiple-pallet magazinemultipocket toolholder magazinen-pocket tool magazinepallet magazinepallet storage magazinepreloading magazinerandom selection magazinerandom tool storage magazineraw part magazinerobot tool magazinerobot-loaded tool magazineseparate function tool magazineshelf magazineside-mounted magazinesix-pallet rotary magazinesquare loop pallet magazinestorage magazinestylus magazineswing-in magazinetool magazinetooling magazinetool holder magazinetool monitor magazinetool storage magazineturret magazineturret-type tool magazineworkpiece magazine

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См. в других словарях

  rifle магазинная винтовка MAGAZINE I noun  1) склад боеприпасов; вещевой склад  2) пороховой погреб  3) магазинная коробка (винтовки); магазин (для патронов)  4) cin. бобина  5) phot. кассета  6) tech. магазин  7) attr.; tech.; mil. магазинный; magazine case - магазинная коробка II noun (периодический) журнал ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. журнал; периодическое издание magazine article —- журнальная статья magazine editor —- редактор журнала 2. воен. склад боеприпасов; вещевой склад 3. артиллерийский погреб 4. мор. погреб боеприпасов 5. воен. пистолетная обойма; магазин (для патронов) 6. тех. магазин (для подачи изделий в автомат) 7. фот. кассета 8. кин. бобина 9. уст. склад, хранилище товаров ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  сущ. 1) (товарный) склад 2) иллюстрированный журнал - trade magazine MAGAZINE 1) журнал, периодическое издание 2) устройство для подачи или приема штучных предметов ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) журнал 2) журнальный 3) магазин 4) магазинный - coil magazine - disk magazine - magazine feed - magazine folder - magazine type - piler magazine - shutter magazine - tilting magazine - tubular magazine ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  приемник, накопительное устройство ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  склад ВВ ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) магазин; (приёмный) карман, приёмник; накопитель, накопительное устройство 2) кфт. кассета 3) журнал (в системе телетекста); тележурнал 4) журнал to charge a magazine — заряжать кассету to load a magazine — заряжать кассету - attached magazine - attachment magazine - automatic magazine - bifilar magazine - bipack magazine - blank magazine - blimped magazine - bottom magazine - chain magazine - chain-type tool magazine - circular bifilar magazine - coaxial chamber magazine - coaxial magazine - coded film magazine - coil magazine - common chamber magazine - consumer magazine - continuous magazine - cutter magazine - disk-type magazine - double-chamber magazine - double magazine - double tool magazine - drum tool magazine - feed magazine - film magazine - film-pack magazine - helical magazine - input magazine - inside magazine - interchangeable magazine - internal magazine - label magazine - lightproof magazine - lighttight magazine - load magazine - lower magazine - motion-picture film magazine - movie film magazine - multipocket toolholder magazine - N-pocket tool magazine - output magazine - outside magazine - pallet magazine - pallet rotary magazine - photographic magazine - piston feed magazine - plate magazine - random tool storage magazine - ratchet feed magazine - robot-loaded tool magazine - roll magazine - roller-type slab magazine - self-blimped magazine - sheet magazine - side-mounted magazine - single-chamber magazine - single magazine - slide magazine - sound-dampened magazine - spiral magazine - storage magazine - supply magazine - takeup magazine - tilting magazine - tool monitor magazine - tool storage magazine - tube magazine - twin magazine - upper magazine - workpiece magazine ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. 1 a periodical publication containing articles, stories, etc., usu. with photographs, illustrations, etc. 2 a chamber for holding a supply of cartridges to be fed automatically to the breech of a gun. 3 a similar device feeding a camera, slide projector, etc. 4 a store for arms, ammunition, and provisions for use in war. 5 a store for explosives. Etymology: F magasin f. It. magazzino f. Arab. makazin pl. of makzan storehouse f. kazana store up ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Etymology: Middle French, from Old Occitan, from Arabic makhazin, plural of makhzan storehouse  Date: 1583  1. a place where goods or supplies are stored ; warehouse  2. a room in which powder and other explosives are kept in a fort or a ship  3. the contents of a ~: as  a. an accumulation of munitions of war  b. a stock of provisions or goods  4.  a. a periodical containing miscellaneous pieces (as articles, stories, poems) and often illustrated; also such a periodical published online  b. a similar section of a newspaper usually appearing on Sunday  c. a radio or television program presenting usually several short segments on a variety of topics  5. a supply chamber: as  a. a holder in or on a gun for cartridges to be fed into the gun chamber  b. a lightproof chamber for films or plates on a camera or for film on a motion-picture projector ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (magazines) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A magazine is a publication with a paper cover which is issued regularly, usually every week or every month, and which contains articles, stories, photographs, and advertisements. Her face is on the cover of a dozen or more magazines. N-COUNT 2. In an automatic gun, the magazine is the part that contains the bullets. N-COUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 a large thin book with a paper cover that contains news stories, articles, photographs etc, and is sold weekly or monthly  (a glossy fashion magazine | a literary magazine) 2 the part of a gun that holds the bullets 3 the container that holds the film in a camera or projector 4 a room or building for storing weapons, explosives etc ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1583, from M.Fr. magasin "warehouse, depot, store," from It. magazzino, from Ar. makhazin, pl. of makhzan "storehouse," from khazana "to store up." The original sense is almost obsolete; meaning "periodical journal" dates from the publication of the first one, "Gentleman's Magazine," in 1731, from earlier use of the word for a printed list of military stores and information. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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