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Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь - head


Связанные словари

Перевод с английского языка head на русский


1) головка

2) головная часть; передняя часть || головной; передний; верхний

3) шпиндельная головка; шпиндельная бабка (см. тж headstock)

4) суппорт

5) крышка (цилиндра)

6) насадка, насадок

7) прибыль (отливки)

8) боёк (молота)

9) подвижный штамп

10) напор; давление

head with collar — головка с цилиндрическим буртом, головка винта с цилиндрическим буртом

head with flange — головка с фланцем, головка винта с фланцем

head with nib — головка (напр. винта) с усом

head with oval neck — головка (напр. винта) с овальным подголовком

head with square neck — головка (напр. винта) с квадратным подголовком

head with washer face — головка с опорной шайбой, головка винта с опорной шайбой

added headadjustable boring headair gage headair plasma arc cutting headall-angle milling headangle headangled probe headangle gage dividing headangular headangular-positioning headarticulating headassembling headattachment headautoindexing headautomatic two-speed geared headaxial tapping headball-shaped headbelt headbending headbidirectional planing headbinding headbirotary headbolt headboring headboring-and-facing headboring, drilling and milling headboring/milling headbroaching headbroach pull headbuffing headbutton headcapstan headcartridge headcassette headcassette-type spindle headcenter headchamfering headcheese headchisel headcircular-type die headclamping headcluster headCNC angular-positioning headCNC milling headscombination headcompound-angle headcompound swivel spindle headcontact headcontacting headcontouring headcontrol wheel headcopying headcounterbalanced headcounterboring headcountersunk headcoupling headcross headcross beam headcross feed headcross feed facing headcross milling-and-drilling headcross-rail headcup headcup-shaped headcutter headcutting headcylinder headdetecting headdetector headdiamond knurled headdie headdirect-drive headdirect-indexing headdischarge headdistributor headdividing headdouble swivel-mounted spindle headdraw headdrawing headdressing headdrill headdrilling headdrilling-and-tapping headdrill/tap headdriving headdual chucking headsdual grinding headdynamic headeffective headeffective head of pump wheeleffective head of turbine wheelelectric gage headelectric switching gage headelectronic gage headend-rolling headengagement headerase headerasing headexchange gripper headextension headface-milling headface-mill-type cutter headfacing headfang headfastener installation headfeeding headfeed-out headfilister headfilister binding headfinish boring headfixed headflame tube headflange headflat headflexible spanner headflexible wrench headflush headforcing headfork headfull CNC-controlled dividing headgage headgang headgear headGeneva headgib headglobe headgrinding headgrinding wheel headgripper headhalf-countersunk headhammer headhexagon headhexagonal headhexagon turret headhexagon head with collarhexagon head with flangehexagon head with washer facehex washer headHF headhigh-speed headhob swivel headhoning headhorizontal milling headhorizontal spindle headhorizontal/vertical cutter headhorizontal/vertical machining headhydraulically counterbalanced headimpeller headindex headindexing headindicating headinductance-type gage headinductive gage headinsertion headinstrument headintegral facing headinterchangeable headinterchangeable horizontal spindle headkeyway-cutting headknurled headknurling headL headlaser headlaser-cutting headlaser gage headlever headlive headlive-tooling headloose headlow headlubrication mist headlug headmachine headmachining headmagnetic headmanually indexable headmaster headmaximum headmeasuring headmechanical dividing headmicro-adjustable boring headmicrometer headMIG welding headmilling headmilling-drilling headmilling spindle headminimum headmist headmodified boring headmodular headmovable headmovable-armature gage headmultiaxis headmultidrill headmultidrill/tap headmultiple-blade gear-cutting headmultiple-cutter headmultiple-drill headmultiple-sensor headmultiple-spindle drill headmultiple-spindle drilling headmultiple-spindle machining headmultipoint facing headmultipurpose headmultipurpose spindle headmultispindle headmultispindle drilling-and-tapping headmultistation turret drilling headmultitapping headmultitool planing headmultivertical spindle headmushroom headNC indexing headNC/TP headnet positive suction headnonrotating die headnontilting headnotched headnumbering headnutating headnut installation headoctagonal headoffset headoffset boring headoffset drill headoil-cooled rotating machining headoil-pressure headoptical dividing headoptical scanning headorbiting headoutfeed headoval binding headoven headpan headperception headPhilips headphotoelectric detector headphotooptical reader headpickup headpinched headpipe-threading die headpiston headpivot-action cutting headplain dividing headplain index headplain indexing headplaner headplaner milling headplanetary thread-milling headplaning headplasma-arc cutting headplotting headplunge milling head12 points headpoppet headpositive suction headpower headprecision concentric laser headpre-gaged cutting headpressure headprimary headprinter headprobe headprofiling headpulling headpump headpunching-and-cutting headquill-adjustable cutter headquill-type headradial tapping headrag headrail headrail tool headraised cheese headraised countersunk headram headram-milling headram-mounted machining headram-type cutter headram-type machining headrandomly selectable headrated headread headreading headreader headreading and writing headread-record headread/write headreaming headrecessing headrecord headrecording headremote receiver headreproducing headresistance welding headretriever headright-angle headright-angled headright-angle milling headright-angled milling headright angle drill headriveted-over headrotary feeding headrotating reading headrotating tool headrough boring headround headround rivet headrouter headrouting headsaw headscanning headscanning tracing headscrew die headself-opening die headsensing headsensor headset headshifting headside headside tool head5-side turret headsimple spindle headsingle-cutter headsingle-cutter boring headsingle plate headsingle swivel-mounted spindle headsleeve-milling headslide-milling headsliding headsliding drill headsliding spindle headsliding vertical saddle spindle headslotted headslotting headsnap headsocket headsolid headspark-erosion headspiked headspindle headspiral-cutting headspiral index headspiral-milling headspray headsquare headsqueeze headstart-up headstatic headstatic suction headsteep headsteeple headstock headstopper headstraight knurled headstraight side binding headsuction headsuperfinishing headsurfacing headswing-aside spindle headswinging headswing-on vertical headswivel headswivel-block headswiveling headswiveling horizontal/vertical spindle headswiveling two-axis headswiveling vertical/horizontal headswivel-mounted headswivel spindle headT-headtandem-milling headtangential die headtapping headteaching headtension headtheoretical headthread headthread-cutting headthread-cutting die headthreading headthread-rolling headthumb headtilting headtilting spindle headtool headtool-carrying headtool-feeding headtoolholder headtool-holding headtool post side headtool-support headtool-supporting headtorsion headtotal headtracer headtracing headtransferrable headtraveling headtraversing spindle headtrepanning headtriangle headtrigger probe headtripet turret headtriple spindle headtruss headturning headturret headturret drilling headtwin-axis contour-facing headtwin-cutter boring headtwin-tool boring headtwo-flute boring headtwo-fluted boring headtwo-position cutter headtwo-position spindle headundercut countersunk headundercut raised countersunk headunit headunit spindle headunit-type boring headunit-type drill headunit-type mill headunit-type milling headuniversal boring headuniversal cutter headuniversal dividing headuniversal indexing headuniversal milling headupset headupstroking headvacuum headvalve headvelocity headvertical head for horizontal milling machinevertical/horizontal rotary headvertical milling headV-shaped headwaisted headwasher headwelding headwheel headwobble headwobble broaching headwork-carrying headworkpiece-gripping headwrench headwrite headwrite-read headwriting headX axis-controlled headY axis-controlled headZ axis-controlled head

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См. в других словарях

  office noun правление HEAD  1. noun  1) голова (by) a head taller - на голову выше from head to foot/heel, head to foot - с головы до пят - win by a head  2) человек 5 shillings per head - по пяти шиллингов с человека - count heads  3) pl. invar. голова скота fifty head of cattle - пятьдесят голов скота  4) глава; руководитель; начальник (учреждения, предприятия) the head of the school - директор школы  5) ведущее, руководящее положение to be at the head of the class - быть лучшим учеником в классе  6) что-л., напоминающее по форме голову a head of cabbage - кочан капусты the head of a flower - головка цветка  7) способность; ум he has a good head for mathematics - у него хорошие способности к математике he has a head on his shoulders - у него хорошая голова two heads are better than one - ум хорошо, а два лучше  8) передняя часть, перед (чего-л.) the head of the procession - голова процессии  9) верхняя часть (лестницы, страницы и т.п.) the head of a mountain - вершина горы  10) нос (судна) head to sea - против волны by the head -  а) naut. на нос;  б) fig. подвыпивший  11) мыс  12) изголовье (постели)  13) исток реки  14) верхушка, верхняя часть, крышка  15) шляпка (гвоздя); головка (булавки); набалдашник (трости)  16) назревшая головка нарыва to come/draw to a head -  а) назреть (о нарыве);  б) fig. достигнуть критической/решающей стадии  17) перелом, кризис...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. голова bald head —- лысая голова, лысина bullet head —- круглая голова taller by a head, a head taller —- на голову выше a blow on the head —- удар по голове a nod of the head —- утвердительный кивок головы to shake one's head —- отрицательно покачать головой to toss one's head —- тряхнуть головой to fall head first —- упасть головой вперед to dive head downwards (foremost) —- нырять головой вниз; действовать опрометчиво (необдуманно) to feel heavy in the head —- ощущать тяжесть в голове to cut off smb.'s head —- обезглавить кого-л.; снести голову кому-л. to win by a head —- спорт. опередить на голову; еле-еле выиграть (на скачках; также to win by short head) a price was set on his head —- за его голову была назначена награда my head aches —- у меня болит голова my head swims —- у меня голова кружится, у меня все плывет перед глазами the blood rushed (in)to his head —- кровь бросилась ему в голову 2. головной портрет, изображение головы 3. жизнь it will cost him his head —- он поплатится за это головой, это будет стоить ему жизни 4. ум, рассудок; способности a clear head —- ясный ум a cool head —- трезвый ум, рассудительный человек a hot head —- горячая голова, горячий (вспыльчивый) человек a wise head —- умная голова, умница; ирон. умник a wooden head —- тупица to have a (good) head on one's shoulders —- иметь хорошую (светлую) голову to use one's head...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) голова 2) головка; верхушка; крона (у дерева); формировать крону (дерева) 3) колос; метёлка (у злаковых) 4) корзинка (тип соцветия) 5) кочан (капусты) 6) напор, давление – articular head – avert head – ear head – phage head ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) человек 2) голова, глава 3) заголовок • - be at the head of business - cattle head - division head - head of agency - head of department - head of the curriculum department - head of the teaching department - per head 2. гл. 1) возглавлять 2) направлять 3) озаглавливать 3. прил. главный, ведущий HEAD 1. сущ. 1) а) общ. голова to bare one's head — обнажать голову, снимать шапку to hang one’s head — склонить голову to lift raise one's head — поднимать голову to nod one's head — кивнуть б) общ., разг., амер. головная боль (особенно вызванная алкогольным опьянением) 2) а) общ. ум, интеллект, умственные способности to use one's head — шевелить мозгами to have a (good) head (up)on one's shoulders — иметь светлую голову; быть умным, искусным to keep clear cool, calm head — владеть собой, сохранять спокойствие to lose one's head — потерять спокойствие, выйти из себя cool level head — рассудок, рассудительность, спокойствие, хладнокровие Those wise heads came to the conclusion that there was hope. — Эти мудрецы решили, что есть надежда. He's a hot head. — Он горячая голова, горячий человек. б) общ. (физиологическая) переносимость, способность to have a good head for heights — хорошо переносить высоту a bad head for heights — боязнь высоты He has a good strong head for drink. — Он может много выпить. 3) а) общ. изображение головы; головной портрет a head of Titian by his own hand — изображение...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) бабка 2) верховье 3) возглавлять 4) герб на монете 5) главный 6) голова 7) головка 8) головной 9) головок 10) директор 11) днище котла 12) заголовок 13) кочан 14) кочанный 15) кочень 16) наголовник 17) надшахтный 18) наконечник 19) налобный 20) напор 21) напорный 22) насадка 23) околотный 24) погон 25) космонавт. устройство ассенизационно-санитарное 26) устройство ассенизационное 27) фракция 28) шефствовать 29) шляпка barb bolt head — заершить головку болта block head of hammer — боек механического молота chip rivet head — срубать заподлицо головка заклепки cup head of rivet — головка заклепки под обжимку detachable cylinder head — съемная головка цилиндра drive head of conveyer — приводная головка транспортера expand rivet head — раздавать головку заклепки finned cylinder head — ребристая головка цилиндра gear-shaping cutter head — зуборезная головка grinding wheel head — шлифовальная бабка head drag coefficient — коэффициент лобового сопротивления head end of train — голова поезда head lamp lens — рассеиватель фары head of cylinder block — головка блока цилиндров head of the household — большак head reference plane — базовая плоскость магнитной головки high-tension fuse head — мостик высокого сопротивления integral cylinder head — неотъемная головка цилиндра knife head ball — шаровая головка ножа lens turret...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) головная часть 2) головка; наконечник – ac erasing head – air-floating magnetic head – amorphous laser head – bias head – cable head – camera head – capacitance pick-up head – ceramic pick-up head – control head – dc-erasing head – detector head – ferrite head – fluid head – flying-erase head – hyperbolic hard permalloy head – inductive head – laser head – loudspeaker control head – loudspeaker radial head – loudspeaker trumpet head – magnetic head – magnetodynamic pick-up head – magnetoresistive head – mosaic printing head – movable head – optical sound head – preread head – radio-frequency head – read head – read-write head – receiving head – recording/playback/erasing head – rotary erase head – scanning head – sendust head – sound head – strip-type head – talking synthetic head – thin-film magnetoresistive head – video head ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  верхняя часть, верхний элемент (конструкции), оголовок верхний брус дверной или оконной коробки концевая черепица, "половинки" (статический) напор, высота нагнетания головная часть гидросооружения (напр. дока, шлюза) высота падения, перепад, разность уровней галечниковая морена головка (болта, заклёпки), шляпка (гвоздя); голова (сваи) замочный (ключевой) камень свода наконечник (горелки); боёк (молотка); насадок; патрубок; насадка; сопло капитель (колонны); оголовок (стойки, стрелы) днище (резервуара) head of set of sorting sidings head of stack artesian head available head available net positive suction head axe head beam head beetle head bell head of column bolt head boom head breakwater head buttress head canal head cat head cheese head chimney head circular cutting head circulating head cistern head column head conductor head countersunk head critical head cross head culvert head delivery head depression head design head discharge head door head drag head drag suction head drain head dredge cutter head drencher head drive head dynamic head dynamic delivery head dynamic suction head effective head elevation head entrance head flared column head free head friction head geodetic head geodetic suction head grinding head hammer head hopper head hydrostatic head infiltration head jet head jib head Johnson head kinetic head L head leader head lock head mushroom head nail head net positive suction head no-flow shutoff head operating pressure head piezometric head pile head position head potential head pressure head pump head rail head rainwater head rivet head rose head safety head seepage head shore head shower head signal head...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) голова (напр. дока, сваи, форштевня) 2) головка (напр. болта, заклёпки, рельса); шляпка (гвоздя) 3) верхняя часть; верхний элемент (конструкции, аппарата) 4) передняя часть (конструкции) 5) головная часть (напр. тоннеля, слитка) 6) штрек 7) мн. ч. руда, поступающая на обогатительную фабрику 8) метал. прибыль 9) замочный камень (свода печи) 10) дека (сотрясательного стола) 11) наконечник (газовой или сварочной горелки) 12) боёк (молота) 13) пробка (разливочного ковша) 14) гидр. головное сооружение 15) оголовок (напр. контрфорса) 16) верхний бьеф 17) высота столба (жидкости); напор 18) высота (сооружения, конструкции) в свету 19) насадок; патрубок 20) насадка; сопло 21) шпиндельная бабка 22) дно, днище (бочки, барабана); верхнее днище (резервуара) 23) мн. ч. головная фракция, головной погон 24) продвижение 25) направление 26) интервал (на транспорте) 27) англ. крыша (автомобиля) 28) авто головка цилиндра 29) крышка цилиндра (поршневого насоса) 30) мор. носовая часть, нос 31) барабан (напр. якорного шпиля) 32) экструзионная головка 33) капитель (колонны) 34) черепица половинной длины 35) ригель; верхний брус (рамы) 36) обух (топора) 37) вчт. первый элемент списка 38) вчт. дескриптор 39)...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  suffix = -HOOD (godhead; maidenhead). Etymology: ME -hed, -hede = -HOOD HEAD n., adj., & v. --n. 1 the upper part of the human body, or the foremost or upper part of an animal's body, containing the brain, mouth, and sense-organs. 2 a the head regarded as the seat of intellect or repository of comprehended information. b intelligence; imagination (use your head). c mental aptitude or tolerance (usu. foll. by for: a good head for business; no head for heights). 3 colloq. a headache, esp. resulting from a blow or from intoxication. 4 a thing like a head in form or position, esp.: a the operative part of a tool. b the flattened top of a nail. c the ornamented top of a pillar. d a mass of leaves or flowers at the top of a stem. e the flat end of a drum. f the foam on top of a glass of beer etc. g the upper horizontal part of a window frame, door frame, etc. 5 life when regarded as vulnerable (it cost him his head). 6 a a person in charge; a director or leader (esp. the principal teacher at a school or college). b a position of leadership or command. 7 the front or forward part of something, e.g. a queue. 8 the upper end of something, e.g. a table or bed. 9 the top or highest part of something, e.g. a page, stairs, etc. 10 a person or individual regarded as a numerical unit ({pound}10 per head). 11 (pl. same) a an individual animal as a unit. b (as pl.) a number of cattle or game as specified (20 head). 12 a the side of a coin bearing the image of a head. b (usu. in pl.) this side as a choice when tossing a coin. 13 a the source of a river or stream etc. b the end of a lake at which a river enters it. 14 the height or length of a head as a measure. 15 the component of a machine that is in contact with or very close to what is being processed or worked on, esp.: a the component on a tape recorder that touches the moving tape in play and converts the signals. b the part of a record-player that holds the playing cartridge and stylus. c = PRINTHEAD. 16 a a confined body of water or steam in an engine etc. b the pressure exerted by...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English hed, from Old English heafod; akin to Old High German houbit ~, Latin caput  Date: before 12th century  1. the upper or anterior division of the animal body that contains the brain, the chief sense organs, and the mouth  2.  a. the seat of the intellect ; mind two ~s are better than one  b. a person with respect to mental qualities let wiser ~s prevail  c. natural aptitude or talent a good ~ for figures  d. mental or emotional control ; poise a level ~  e. ~ache  3. the obverse of a coin — usually used in plural ~s, I win  4.  a. person, individual count ~s  b. plural ~ one of a number (as of domestic animals)  5.  a. the end that is upper or higher or opposite the foot the ~ of the table ~ of a sail  b. the source of a stream  c. either end of something (as a drum) whose two ends need not be distinguished  6. director, leader: as  a. ~master  b. one in charge of a division or department in an office or institution the ~ of the English department  7.  a. capitulum 2  b. the foliaged part of a plant especially when consisting of a compact mass of leaves or close fructification a ~ of lettuce  8.  a. the leading element of a military column or a procession  b. ~way  9.  a. the uppermost extremity or projecting part of an object ; top  b. the striking part of a weapon, tool, or implement  c. the rounded proximal end of a long bone (as the humerus)  d. the end of a muscle nearest the origin  e. the oval part of a printed musical note  10.  a. a body of water kept in reserve at a height; also the containing bank, dam, or wall  b. a mass of water in motion  11.  a. the difference in elevation between two points in a body of fluid  b. the resulting pressure of the fluid at the lower point expressible as this height; broadly pressure of a fluid  12.  a. the bow and adjacent parts of a ship  b. a ship's toilet; broadly toilet 3  13. the approximate length of the ~ of a horse won by a ~  14. the place of leadership,...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (heads, heading, headed) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Note: 'Head' is used in a large number of expressions which are explained under other words in the dictionary. For example, the expression ‘off the top of your head’ is explained at ‘top’. 1. Your head is the top part of your body, which has your eyes, mouth, and brain in it. She turned her head away from him... N-COUNT 2. You can use head to refer to your mind and your mental abilities. ...an exceptional analyst who could do complex maths in his head. N-COUNT 3. The head of a line of people or vehicles is the front of it, or the first person or vehicle in the line. ...the head of the queue... N-SING: with supp 4. If someone or something heads a line or procession, they are at the front of it. The parson, heading the procession, had just turned right towards the churchyard. VERB: V n 5. If something heads a list or group, it is at the top of it. Running a business heads the list of ambitions among the 1,000 people interviewed by Good Housekeeping magazine. VERB: V n 6. The head of something is the highest or top part of it. ...the head of the stairs... Every day a different name was placed at the head of the chart. = top N-SING: usu N of n 7. The head of something long and thin is the end which is wider than or a different shape from the rest, and which is often considered to be the most important part. Keep the head of the club the same height throughout the swing. N-COUNT: usu with supp 8. The head of a school is the teacher who is in charge. (mainly BRIT) = head teacher N-COUNT 9. The head of a company or organization is the person in charge of it and in charge of the people in it. Heads of government from more than 100 countries gather in Geneva tomorrow. ...the head waiter. N-COUNT: with supp 10. If you head a department, company, or organization, you are the person in charge of it. ...Michael Williams, who heads the department’s Office of Civil...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n TOP OF BODY 1 the top part of your body which has your eyes, mouth, brain etc in it  (My head aches. | He turned his head and looked at me. | severe head injuries) 2 from head to foot/toe over your whole body  (He was shaking from head to foot. | dressed in black from head to toe) 3 a bad/sore head informal a pain in your head  (I woke up with a bad head the next morning.) 4 have a good/fine head of hair to have a lot of hair on your head MIND 5 your mind  (My head was full of strange thoughts. | in/inside sb's head)  (All the details are in my head. | do sth in your head (=calculate something in your mind))  (I can do the figures in my head.) 6 sth never entered sb's head used to say that you never thought of something  ("Do you think she's crazy?" "The thought never entered my head!") 7 don't bother/trouble your head about it spoken used to tell someone not to worry about something 8 put sth out of your head spoken to stop worrying about something 9 can't get something out of your head to be unable to stop thinking about something 10 put your heads together informal to discuss a difficult problem together  (We'll gave to put our heads together and see if we can come up with some ideas.) 11 have your head in the clouds to spend too much time thinking about things that you would like to do »UNDERSTAND« 12 get your head round BrE informal to understand something difficult 13 can't make head nor tail of to be completely unable to understand something  (I can't make head nor tail of this letter - does it mean anything to you?) 14 go over your head to be too difficult for you to understand  (The discussions went completely over my head.) 15 get sth into your head informal to understand and realize something  (I wish he'd get it into his head that I don't want to go out. | get sth into sb's head (=make someone understand and realize something)) »TOP PERSON« 16 the leader or person in charge of a group or organization + of  (Eileen is head of the family now. | the former head of the FBI, J Edgar Hoover) 17 head...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  environ. abbr. Hydrology Ecology And Disturbance sec. abbr. Hand-held Encryption Authentication Device ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. heafod "top of the body," also "upper end of a slope," also "chief person, leader, ruler," from P.Gmc. *khaubuthan, from PIE *kauput- "head," also "bowl" (as in skull). Modern spelling is c.1420, representing what was then a long vowel (as in heat). Meaning "obverse of a coin" is from 1684; meaning "foam on a mug of beer" is first attested 1893; meaning "toilet" is from 1748, based on location of crew toilet in the bow (or head) of a ship. Synechdocic use for "person" (as in head count) is first attested 1551. Headquarters is from 1647; heady is M.E. in sense of "headstrong," 1577 in sense of "apt to go to the head." Headlong is 14c. (see grovel); to give head "perform fellatio" is from 1950s. Headway is c.1300, ultimately nautical (cf. leeway); generalized sense of "motion forward" first attested 1748; the verb head "to shape one's course toward" (1835) is also originally nautical. Head over heels is "a curious perversion" [Weekley] of M.E. heels over head. Phrase heads will roll "people will be punished" (1930) translates Adolf Hitler. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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