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Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь - guard


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Перевод с английского языка guard на русский


1) ограждение, защитное ограждение; оградительное устройство; защитный кожух; предохранительное устройство || ограждать; защищать; предохранять || оградительный; защитный; предохранительный

2) защита; предохранение

3) ограничитель хода; упор

to cover with guards — ограждать; закрывать оградительными устройствами

adjustable fixed guardbacksplash guardbellows-type guardbelt guardblade guardbridge guardbrow guardchain guardchin guardchip guardchuck guardclear bulletproof plastic guarddownholder guarddust guardfail-safe guardfixed guardgear guardgrinder guardhood guardinfrared light guardinterlocked guardlift-off guardlocal guardmovable guardnoncontact safety guardoil-splash guardoverhead guardprotective guardpulley guardsafety guardsplash guardsplash protection guardspring lift guardtelescoping guardtotal enclosure guardunderblade guardvalve guardway guardwheel guard

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См. в других словарях

  of honour почетный караул GUARD  1. noun  1) охрана, стража, конвой, караул - guard of honour - mount guard - relieve guard - stand guard  2) часовой; караульный; сторож; конвоир  3) pl. гвардия  4) бдительность; осторожность - be off guard - be on ones guard  5) оборонительное положение (в боксе)  6) railways кондуктор  7) предохранительное приспособление (напр.: fire guard каминная решетка и т.п.)  8) attr. сторожевой, караульный  2. v.  1) охранять; сторожить; караулить  2) защищать (against, from); стоять на страже (интересов и т.п.) Take care in your writing to guard against typical mistakes.  3) - guard against  4) сдерживать (мысли, выражения и т.п.) Syn: see protect GUARD against беречься, остерегаться; принимать меры предосторожности ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. охрана; страха; караул; конвой guard company —- воен. караульная рота guard dog —- караульная собака soldier on guard at the door —- боец, стоящий на страже у дверей guard of honour —- почетный караул to from a guard of honour —- выстроить почетный караул to be on guard —- быть в карауле to mount guard —- заступать в караул to relieve the guard —- сменять караул to come off guard —- смениться (о карауле) to keep guard —- стоять на часах; нести караульную службу to mount guard over smb. —- караулить кого-либо to keep smb. under guard —- держать кого-либо под стражей he was marched off under guard —- его увели под конвоем to set a guard on a house —- поставить охрану вокруг дома to set a guard on a bridge —- выставить охранение на мосту to set a guard on one's passions —- образ. обуздывать свои страсти, неусыпно следить за собой to keep a guard against suspicious stragners —- держать охрану на случай появления подозрительных лиц 2. часовой; караульный; конвоир; сторож the guard at the door —- часовой у двери museum guard —- музейный сторож; дежурный в зале музея prison guard —- тюремный надзиратель frontier guard —- пограничник 3. ж-д. кондуктор 4. гвардия one of the old guard —- образ. представитель старой гвардии 5. милиция 6. осторожность, осмотрительность; бдительность to be on guard —- быть настороже to be on one's guard against smth., smb —- остерегаться...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) осторожность, осмотрительность 2) оборонительное положение 3) рострум (белемнита) 4) защищать, охранять – to be on guard ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) беречься 2) защита 3) защитное приспособление 4) защищать 5) оградитель 6) ограждение 7) охрана 8) охранный 9) предохранительное устройство 10) принимать меры предосторожности 11) стережение interference guard band — радио полоса межевая, полоса защитная lock guard gate — аварийные шлюзные ворота time guard space — защитный временной интервал - cable guard - chain guard - face guard - guard against - guard arm - guard bad - guard band - guard beam - guard circuit - guard plate - guard railing - guard relay - guard ring - guard ship - guard space - propeller guard - side guard - splash guard ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  защита, предохранение, защитный интервал – lightning guard – memory guard – radio guard – safescan-perimeter guard – surge guard – voice guard ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  ограждение защита предохранитель; ограничитель boom guards ice guard safety guard wheel guard ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) защита; предохранение защищать; предохранять 2) ограждение ограждать 3) направляющая линейка, проводка (в прокатном стане) 4) англ. ж.-д. кондуктор 5) англ. ж.-д. проводник 6) радионаблюдение; дежурный режим в эфире осуществлять радионаблюдение; дежурить в эфире 7) связь, радио защитный интервал 8) блокировать цепь (в телефонии) - air guard - alternator guard - antipinch guard - antisplash guard - axle guard - bark guard - bird guard - bottom rod guard - bumper guard - chip guard - corner guard - crankcase guard - damage prevent guard - drive shaft guard - elevator guard - end guards - fan guard - fender guard - final drive guard - foil guard - frog guard - full-length undercarriage guard - hanging guard - heavy-duty undercarriage guard - hinged guard - hinged gate guard - ice guard - interlocked guard - lightning guard - memory guard - needle guard - no-contact safety guard - overhead guard - propeller guard - radiator guard - radio communication guard - radio guard - rise and fall screen guard - roller guard - side guard - sleeve guard - snow guard - splash guard - spray guard - sprocket dust guard - surge guard - train guard - valve guard - vandalism guard - window guard ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. & n. --v. 1 tr. (often foll. by from, against) watch over and defend or protect from harm. 2 tr. keep watch by (a door etc.) so as to control entry or exit. 3 tr. supervise (prisoners etc.) and prevent from escaping. 4 tr. provide (machinery) with a protective device. 5 tr. keep (thoughts or speech) in check. 6 tr. provide with safeguards. 7 intr. (foll. by against) take precautions. 8 tr. (in various games) protect (a piece, card, etc.) with set moves. --n. 1 a state of vigilance or watchfulness. 2 a person who protects or keeps watch. 3 a body of soldiers etc. serving to protect a place or person; an escort. 4 US a prison warder. 5 a part of an army detached for some purpose (advance guard). 6 (in pl.) (usu. Guards) any of various bodies of troops nominally employed to guard a monarch. 7 a thing that protects or defends. 8 (often in comb.) a device fitted to a machine, vehicle, weapon, etc., to prevent injury or accident to the user (fire-guard). 9 Brit. an official who rides with and is in general charge of a train. 10 in some sports: a a protective or defensive player. b a defensive posture or motion. Phrases and idioms be on (or keep or stand) guard (of a sentry etc.) keep watch. guard cell Bot. either of a pair of cells surrounding the stomata in plants. guard-rail a rail, e.g. a handrail, fitted as a support or to prevent an accident. guard ring Electronics a ring-shaped electrode used to limit the extent of an electric field, esp. in a capacitor. guard's van Brit. a coach or compartment occupied by a guard. lower one's guard reduce vigilance against attack. off (or off one's) guard unprepared for some surprise or difficulty. on (or on one's) guard prepared for all contingencies; vigilant. raise one's guard become vigilant against attack. Derivatives guarder n. guardless adj. Etymology: ME f. OF garde, garder ult. f. WG, rel. to WARD n. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English garde, from Anglo-French garde, ~e, warde, from garder, ~er, warder, to ~, defend, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German warten to watch, take care — more at ward  Date: 15th century  1. one assigned to protect or oversee another: as  a. a person or a body of persons on sentinel duty  b. plural troops attached to the person of the sovereign  c. British conductor b  2.  a. a defensive state or attitude asked him out when his ~ was down  b. a defensive position (as in boxing)  3.  a. the act or duty of protecting or defending  b. the state of being protected ; protection  4. a protective or safety device; specifically a device for protecting a machine part or the operator of a machine  5. archaic precaution  6.  a. a position or player next to the center in a football line  b. a player stationed in the backcourt in basketball  II. verb  Date: 1500  transitive verb  1. to protect an edge of with an ornamental border  2.  a. to protect from danger especially by watchful attention ; make secure police ~ing our cities  b. to stand at the entrance of as if on ~ or as a barrier  c. to tend to carefully ; preserve, protect ~ed their privacy  3. archaic escort  4.  a. to watch over so as to prevent escape, disclosure, or indiscretion  b. to attempt to prevent (an opponent) from playing effectively or scoring  intransitive verb to watch by way of caution or defense ; stand ~  Synonyms: see defend  • ~er noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (guards, guarding, guarded) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If you guard a place, person, or object, you stand near them in order to watch and protect them. Gunmen guarded homes near the cemetery with shotguns... ...the heavily guarded courtroom. VERB: V n, V-ed 2. If you guard someone, you watch them and keep them in a particular place to stop them from escaping. Marines with rifles guarded them... He is being guarded by a platoon of police. VERB: V n, be V-ed by n 3. A guard is someone such as a soldier, police officer, or prison officer who is guarding a particular place or person. The prisoners overpowered their guards and locked them in a cell. N-COUNT 4. A guard is a specially organized group of people, such as soldiers or policemen, who protect or watch someone or something. We have a security guard around the whole area... A heavily armed guard of police have sealed off the city centre. N-SING-COLL 5. On a train, a guard is a person whose job is to travel on the train in order to help passengers, check tickets, and make sure that the train travels safely and on time. (BRIT; in AM, use conductor) N-COUNT 6. If you guard some information or advantage that you have, you try to protect it or keep it for yourself. He closely guarded her identity. ...a threat to the country’s jealously guarded unity. VERB: V n, V-ed 7. A guard is a protective device which covers a part of someone’s body or a dangerous part of a piece of equipment. ...the chin guard of my helmet... A blade guard is fitted to protect the operator. N-COUNT: usu with supp 8. Some regiments in the British Army, or the soldiers in them, are referred to as Guards. ...the Grenadier Guards. N-IN-NAMES 9. see also guarded, bodyguard, coastguard, lifeguard, old guard 10. If someone catches you off guard, they surprise you by doing something you do not expect. If something catches you off guard, it surprises you by happening when you are not expecting it. ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »PERSON« a) someone whose job is to guard a place, person, or object in order to protect them from attack or from thieves  (The guards stopped us at the gate.)  (- see also security guard) b) someone whose job is to guard prisoners and prevent them from escaping 2 be on guard to be responsible for guarding a place or person for a specific period of time  (Who was on guard when the fire broke out?) 3 keep/stand/mount guard (over) to guard a person or place  (Catherine kept guard over the horses while we looked for water.) 4 »GROUP« a group of people, especially soldiers, who guard someone or something. 5 be under (armed) guard to be guarded by a group of people with weapons 6 »THING« something that is fitted to a machine or worn on a part of your body to protect you against damage or injury  (a football player's mouth guard) 7 catch/throw/take sb off guard to surprise someone by doing or saying something that they are not ready to deal with  (Senator O'Hare was caught off guard by the reporter's question.) 8 be on your guard to pay careful attention to what is happening so that you avoid being tricked or getting into danger  (Be on your guard - they always try to cheat tourists. | lower your guard/let your guard down (=forget to be careful)) 9 »ON A TRAIN« BrE an official in charge of a train; conductor (4) AmE 10 »BOXING« the position of your hands in boxing when you are holding them up to defend yourself 11 the Guards special groups of soldiers in the British army whose original duty was to guard the king or queen ~2 v 1 to protect a person, place, or valuable object by staying near them and watching them  (The Sergeant told Swift to guard the entrance to the building. | guard sb/sth against)  (There is no one to guard these isolated farms against possible attack.) 2 to watch a prisoner and prevent them from escaping 3 guard your tongue old-fashioned used to tell someone to be careful of what they say so that they do not tell a secret guard against sth phr v to try to prevent something from happening by...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом


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