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Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь - detection


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Перевод с английского языка detection на русский


1) обнаружение; детектирование

2) опознавание; распознавание

breakage detectionbroken-drill detectionbroken-tool detectioncollision detectioncontour detectioncrack detectionearly-warning failure detectionedge detectionend-of-stroke detectionerror detectionfailure detectionfaulty-cut detectionfigurine detectionfigurine-shaped detectionflaw detectiongap detectionin-process detectionintrusion detectionlight beam detectionlight-pen detectionmicrowave drill detectionno-voltage detectionoverload detectionpostprocess detectionprefailure detectionradiographic flaw detectiontactile edge detectiontool fault detectiontool there/not there detectionultrasonic flaw detectionvideo-edge detectionX-ray detection

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См. в других словарях

  noun  1) открытие, обнаружение  2) radio детектирование ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. открытие, обнаружение detection system —- система обнаружения detection rate —- процент раскрытых преступлений radar detection —- радиолокационное обнаружение long-range detection —- дальнее обнаружение automatic error detection —- автоматическое обнаружение ошибок detection of a fraud —- разоблачение обмана detection of crime —- раскрытие преступления detection of nuclear explosions —- обнаружение ядерных взрывов to avoid detection —- избежать обнаружения (разоблачения) to escape detection —- ускользнуть; скрыться; остаться незамеченной (об ошибке и т. п.) 2. расследование 3. рад. детектирование 4. спец. детектирование, регистрация 5. эл. выпрямление ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  – electron capture detection ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ. открытие, обнаружение, расследование - detection of nuclear explosions ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) обнаружение; выявление 2) детектирование; выпрямление 3) расследование infra-red ranging and detection — инфракрасная локация - angle detection - double error detection - dye penetrant flaw detection - fluoroscopic flaw detection - infinite-impedance detection - internal flaw detection - long-range detection - multigrid-injection detection - nonsequential detection - obstacle detection - plate detection - quadruple error detection - signal detection - single error detection - sound detection - square-law detection - statistical detection - triple error detection ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  обнаружение; детектирование – bit-frequency detection – built-in error detection – call detection – coherent detection – collision detection – electrostatic detection – energy-variant sequential detection – envelope detection – failure detection – fault detection – forward-error detection – frequency-modulation detection – header error detection – linear detection – noncoherent detection – power detection – ring detection – sound detection – synchronous detection – triple detection – video detection ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  обнаружение automatic detection defect detection fault detection flaw detection magnetic crack detection radar detection sonic flaw detection ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) обнаружение; выявление 2) эл. выпрямление 3) детектирование; демодуляция 4) приём (излучения) 5) укладка (слогов текста диалога при дубляже кинофильма) - amplitude detection - asymptotically robust detection - baseband detection - beat-frequency detection - broken tool detection - burst-error detection - coherent detection - collision detection - correlation detection - crack detection - differentially coherent detection - directional detection - discharge detection - Doppler detection - double-wave detection - early detection - eddy-current detection - edge detection - electromagnetic flaw detection - envelope detection - error detection - evacuation leak detection - exalted-carrier detection - failure detection - fatigue stress detection - fault detection - fire detection - flaw detection - full-wave detection - half-wave detection - heterodyne detection - high-level detection - image detection - imaging photon detection - incoherent detection - infrared detection - in-process detection - leak detection - linear detection - low-level detection - magnetic flaw detection - magnetic particle flaw detection - mase-spectrometric leak detection - maximum-likelihood detection - noncoherent detection - nuclear detection - null detection - null-zone detection - off-hook detection - over-the-horizon detection - partially coherent detection - passive detection - penetrant flaw detection - phase detection - photographic detection - post-process detection - pressurization leak detection - radar detection - radio detection - radiographic flaw detection - rotogenerative detection of corrosion - satellite detection - single-wave detection - singular point detection - slit pattern detection - synchronous detection - target detection - threshold detection - ultrasonic flaw detection - UV-VIS spectrophotometric detection - variable threshold detection - video signal detection - video detection - X-ray detection ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. 1 a the act or an instance of detecting; the process of being detected. b an instance of this. 2 the work of a detective. 3 Physics the extraction of a desired signal; a demodulation. Etymology: LL detectio (as DETECT) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Date: 15th century  1. the act of detecting ; the state or fact of being detected  2. the process of demodulating ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. Detection is the act of noticing or sensing something. ...the early detection of breast cancer. N-UNCOUNT: oft N of n 2. Detection is the discovery of something which is supposed to be hidden. They are cheating but are sophisticated enough to avoid detection. N-UNCOUNT: oft N of n 3. Detection is the work of investigating a crime in order to find out what has happened and who committed it. The detection rate for motor vehicle theft that year was just 11.7 per cent... N-UNCOUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n the process of detecting, or the fact of being detected  (the early detection of cancer) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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