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Англо-русский дипломатический словарь - file


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• информационный файл

• передавать (сообщение) по телеграфу

• передавать (сообщение) по телефону

• подшивка

• регистратор

• регистрировать

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См. в других словарях

  out идти друг за другом When there is a fire, it is important that people file out of the building in an orderly way. FILE I  1. noun  1) tech. напильник  2) пилочка (для ногтей)  3) отделка, полировка - need the file  4) оглобля, дышло  5) sl. ловкач - close file - old file - deep file  2. v.  1) пилить, подпиливать  2) отделывать (стиль и т.п.) - file away - file down - file for - file out II  1. noun  1) скоросшиватель (для бумаг); шпилька (для накалывания бумаг)  2) подшитые бумаги, дело; досье  3) подшивка (газет)  4) картотека  2. v.  1) регистрировать и хранить (документы) в каком-л. определенном порядке; подшивать к делу (тж. file away)  2) сдавать в архив  3) amer. представлять, подавать какой-л. документ to file resignation - подать заявление об отставке  4) принять заказ к исполнению III  1. noun; mil.  1) ряд, шеренга; колонна (людей) a file of men - два бойца blank (full) file - неполный (полный) ряд to march in file - идти (в колонне) по два in single/in Indian file - гуськом, по одному  2) chess вертикаль  3) очередь, хвост  4) attr. - file leader - file closer  2. v. идти гуськом; передвигать(ся) колонной - file in FILE away запоминать Ill file his name away for future use. FILE down спиливать, обрабатывать, отшлифовывать The door wont fit, youll have to file it down. FILE for  а) начинать судебный процесс The actors wife has filed for divorce again.  б) amer. предлагать свои услуги...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. напильник, слесарная пила to touch a piece up with a file —- подпилить что-л. 2. пилочка (для ногтей) 3. шлифовка, отделка (особ. литературного произведения) the story needs the file —- рассказ требует доработки (отделки) 4. разг. хитрец, пройдоха old (deep) file —- продувная бестия Id: to bite (to gnaw) the file —- делать безнадежные попытки 5. пилить, подпиливать; шлифовать напильником to file a saw —- наточить пилу to file an iron bar in two —- (ножовкой) распилить брусок на две части to file one's fingernails —- подпилить ногти to file down (away, off) —- спиливать 6. отделывать, дорабатывать (произведение и т. п.) every sentence has been carefully filed —- каждое предложение было тщательно отделано 7. скоросшиватель, регистратор (для бумаг) 8. шпилька (для накалывания бумаг) 9. подшитые документы, бумаги do we have your application on file? —- вы уже подали заявление? 10. подшивка (газеты) a file of the "Times" —- комплект "Таймс" 11. дело, досье here is our file on the Far East —- вот наше досье по Дальнему Востоку to read one's own personal file —- прочитать свое личное дело to keep a file on smth., smb. —- вести досье на что-л., кого-л. to be on file —- быть подшитым к делу; быть в досье, быть под рукой для справок 12. ам. картотека; картотечный шкаф 13. ам. шкафчик для систематического хранения документов;...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  – stridulatory file ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) дело 2) подшитые бумаги 3) картотека • - bill file - credit file - file a claim - file a petition - file a report - file an application 2. гл. 1) регистрировать и хранить (документы) в каком-л. определенном порядке 2) представлять, подавать какой-л. документ 3) принять заказ к выполнению, исполнению FILE 1) картотека 2) подшивка 3) массив (данных), файл; формировать организовывать файл; заносить в файл; хранить в файле 4) архив 5) фонд 6) кассета 7) досье, дело 8) подавать заявку 9) регистрировать и хранить документы в определенном порядке – to file amendments to an application – to file amendments to claim – to file an action – to file an answer – to file a patent application – to file a petition – to file numerically – to file opposition – to file simultaneously two inventions – file of abstracts – file of issued patents – file of periodicals and serials – auxiliary file – backdated patent file – backlog file – bibliographical file – card file – cumulative file – current patent file – dead files – directory file – document file – duplicate file – entire file – hierarchical file – information system file – inverted file – microfilm file – national patent file – patent file – patent numerical file – search file – subsidiary file – union file – world backdated patent file ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) архив 2) вести картотеку 3) зарегистрировать 4) картотека 5) картотечный 6) компьют. массив 7) напилочный 8) напильник 9) обрабатывать 10) опиливать 11) рядный 12) файл 13) файловый check file for validity — проверять файл на достоверность file expiration date — срок хранения файлов file patent application — зарегистрировать заявку на патент - bastard file - blunt file - card file - circular file - dead-smooth file - double-cut file - expired file - file away - file cleaner - file computer - file maintenance - file saw - file server - file store - file system - file to shape - file updating - half-round file - hand file - instruction file - knife file - lozenge file - master file - mechanized file - optional file - register file - shank of file - start file - taper file - three-square file - update file ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  файл – active file – archived file – custom file – disk file – hidden file – memory file – polling file – remote file ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  напильник ряд картотека файл file of piles bastard file blunt point file coarse file double-cut file half-round file second file smooth file ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) папка(-регистратор), скоросшиватель регистрировать; хранить документы в определённом порядке 2) дело; подшитые документы подшивать 3) картотека, архив составлять картотеку 4) картотечное устройство 5) вчт. файл записывать (заносить) в файл 6) напильник; надфиль обрабатывать напильником, затачивать напильником; опиливать 7) ряд to file away — сдавать в архив; to close a file — закрывать файл; to establish a file — создавать файл; to mark a file — размечать файл; to open a file — открывать файл file of piles — свайный ряд - active file - aircraft's file - amendments file - angular file - arch file - arm file - backup file - barrette file - bastard file - batch file - blunt file - boundary file - broach file - bubble-lattice file - carousel file - chained file - change file - circular file - coarse file - color-coded file - command file - compressor bar file - contiguous file - crossing file - data file - dead file - destination file - detail file - differential file - direct-access file - direct file - directory file - disk file - display file - double-cut file - double-faced file - drawing file - dustproof file - expanding file - external file - father file - fine cut file - flat file - float-cut file - float file - fork file - hand file - hierarchical file - high-security file - image file - inactive file - index file - indexed file - indirect file - input file - internal file - inverted file - journal file - knife file - lateral file - lever arch file - link file - locked file - logical file - machine file - magneto file - main file - many-reel file - master file - material file - mechanical card file - microfiche file - microfilm file - model file - multireel file - multivolume file -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a folder, box, etc., for holding loose papers, esp. arranged for reference. 2 a set of papers kept in this. 3 Computing a collection of (usu. related) data stored under one name. 4 a series of issues of a newspaper etc. in order. 5 a stiff pointed wire on which documents etc. are impaled for keeping. --v.tr. 1 place (papers) in a file or among (esp. public) records. 2 submit (a petition for divorce, an application for a patent, etc.) to the appropriate authority. 3 (of a reporter) send (a story, information, etc.) to a newspaper. Phrases and idioms filing cabinet a case with drawers for storing documents. Derivatives filer n. Etymology: F fil f. L filum thread 2. n. & v. --n. 1 a line of persons or things one behind another. 2 (foll. by of) Mil. a small detachment of men (now usu. two). 3 Chess a line of squares from player to player (cf. RANK(1)). --v.intr. walk in a file. Phrases and idioms file off (or away) Mil. go off by files. Etymology: F file f. LL filare spin or L filum thread 3. n. & v. --n. a tool with a roughened surface or surfaces, usu. of steel, for smoothing or shaping wood, fingernails, etc. --v.tr. 1 smooth or shape with a file. 2 elaborate or improve (a thing, esp. a literary work). Phrases and idioms file away remove (roughness etc.) with a file. file-fish any fish of the family Ostracionidae, with sharp dorsal fins and usu. bright coloration. Derivatives filer n. Etymology: OE fil f. WG ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English feol; akin to Old High German fila ~  Date: before 12th century  1. a tool usually of hardened steel with cutting ridges for forming or smoothing surfaces especially of metal  2. a shrewd or crafty person  II. transitive verb  (~d; filing)  Date: 13th century to rub, smooth, or cut away with or as if with a ~  III. transitive verb  (~d; filing)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English fy?lan, from ful foul  Date: before 12th century chiefly dialect de~, corrupt  IV. verb  (~d; filing)  Etymology: Middle English, from Medieval Latin filare to string documents on a string or wire, from filum ~ of documents, literally, thread, from Latin; akin to Armenian jil sinew  Date: 15th century  transitive verb  1. to arrange in order for preservation and reference ~ letters  2.  a. to place among official records as prescribed by law ~ a mortgage  b. to send (copy) to a newspaper ~d a story  c. to return to the office of the clerk of a court without action on the merits  3. to initiate (as a legal action) through proper formal procedure threatened to ~ charges  intransitive verb  1. to register as a candidate especially in a primary election  2. to place items in a ~  3. to submit documents necessary to initiate a legal proceeding ~ for bankruptcy  • ~r noun  V. noun  Date: 1525  1. a device (as a folder, case, or cabinet) by means of which papers are kept in order  2.  a. archaic roll, list  b. a collection of papers or publications usually arranged or classified  c.  (1) a collection of related data records (as for a computer)  (2) a complete collection of data (as text or a program) treated by a computer as a unit especially for purposes of input and output  VI. noun  Etymology: Middle French, from ~r to spin, draw out, from Late Latin filare, from Latin filum  Date: 1598  1. single ~  2. any of the rows of squares that extend across a chessboard from one player's side to the other player's side  VII. intransitive verb...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (files, filing, filed) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A file is a box or a folded piece of heavy paper or plastic in which letters or documents are kept. He sat behind a table on which were half a dozen files. ...a file of insurance papers. N-COUNT 2. A file is a collection of information about a particular person or thing. We already have files on people’s tax details, mortgages and poll tax... You must record and keep a file of all expenses. N-COUNT: oft N of/on n 3. If you file a document, you put it in the correct file. They are all filed alphabetically under author. VERB: V n 4. In computing, a file is a set of related data that has its own name. N-COUNT 5. If you file a formal or legal accusation, complaint, or request, you make it officially. A number of them have filed formal complaints against the police... I filed for divorce on the grounds of adultery a few months later. VERB: V n, V for n 6. When someone files a report or a news story, they send or give it to their employer. Catherine Bond filed that report for the BBC from Nairobi... VERB: V n 7. When a group of people files somewhere, they walk one behind the other in a line. Slowly, people filed into the room and sat down. VERB: V prep/adv 8. A file is a hand tool which is used for rubbing hard objects to make them smooth, shape them, or cut through them. N-COUNT 9. If you file an object, you smooth it, shape it, or cut it with a file. Manicurists are skilled at shaping and filing nails. VERB: V n 10. see also nail file, rank and file 11. Something that is on file or on someone’s files is recorded or kept in a file or in a collection of information. His fingerprints were on file in Washington... We’ll keep your details on file... It is one of the most desperate cases on her files. PHRASE: v-link PHR, PHR after v 12. A group of people who are walking or standing in single file are in a line, one behind the other. We were walking in...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 information about a particular person or subject that is kept by an official organization + on  (Mendoza read over the file on the murders again.) keep a file on (=collect and store information)  (The government keeps a file on known terrorists.) 2 a box or folded piece of heavy paper that is used to store papers in the proper order  (Fran came in holding a blue file.) 3 a collection of information on a computer that is stored under a particular name  (a spreadsheet file) 4 on file a) kept in a file so that it can be used later  (We will keep your application on file.) b) officially recorded  (The petition has to be on file by March 3rd.) 5 a metal tool with a rough surface used to smooth other surfaces or to cut through wood, metal etc  (- see also nail file) 6 a line of people one behind the other  (in file)  (walking in file)  (- see also Indian file, single file, rank and file) ~2 v 1 to walk in a line of people, one behind the other + past/into/through etc  (The mourners filed past the coffin.) 2 I always + adv/prep, law to officially record something such as a complaint, law case, official document etc  (Mr Genoa filed a formal complaint against the department.) + for  (The Morrisons have filed for divorce.) 3 to keep papers with information on them in a particular place so that you can find them easily  (Contributors' contracts are filed alphabetically. | file sth away)  (The exam papers will be filed away in my office.) 4 I always + adv/prep, to cut or rub something or make something smooth, using a metal tool with a rough surface  (She was filing her nails.) + through/away/down etc  (I need to file down the sharp edges.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  NASDAQ abbr. Filenet Corporation ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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