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Англо-русский авиационный словарь - ratchet


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Перевод с английского языка ratchet на русский


1) неминуемое движение цены; 2) храповик

Рейтинг статьи:

См. в других словарях

  noun  1) храповик, трещотка  2) собачка RATCHET up v. углублять, расширять ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. тех. храповик, трещотка ratchet spanner —- ключ с трещоткой 2. тех. собачка ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) тех. трещотка ratchet spanner — гаечный ключ с трещоткой 2) тех. собачка 3) тех. храповик 4) эк., бирж. "храповик", "храповое колесо" (неизбежное движение цены вверх/вниз) the upward ratchet of oil prices — рост цен на нефть Syn: ratchet effect See: random-walk theory ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) рачка 2) трещотка 3) храповик 4) шестеренка вращательная - brake ratchet - dial ratchet - ratchet brake - ratchet effect - ratchet lift - ratchet wheel - ratchet wrench - starting ratchet ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  коловорот с трещоткой ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) храповой механизм, храповик; храповое колесо приводить в движение или задерживать движение при помощи храпового механизма 2) собачка (храпового механизма); трещотка 3) запор (замка застёжки-молнии) - brake ratchet - hoist ratchet - jack ratchet - roller-type ratchet ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a set of teeth on the edge of a bar or wheel in which a device engages to ensure motion in one direction only. 2 (in full ratchet-wheel) a wheel with a rim so toothed. --v. (ratcheted, ratcheting) 1 tr. a provide with a ratchet. b make into a ratchet. 2 tr. & intr. move as under the control of a ratchet. Etymology: F rochet blunt lance-head, bobbin, ratchet, etc., prob. ult. f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  also rachet  Etymology: alteration of earlier rochet, from French, alteration of Middle French rocquet ~, bobbin, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German rocko distaff — more at rock  Date: 1654  1. a mechanism that consists of a bar or wheel having inclined teeth into which a pawl drops so that motion can be imparted to the wheel or bar, governed, or prevented and that is used in a hand tool (as a wrench or screwdriver) to allow effective motion in one direction only  2. a pawl or detent for holding or propelling a toothed wheel  II. verb  also rachet  Date: 1972  transitive verb to cause to move by steps or degrees — usually used with up or down tried to ~ down the debt  intransitive verb to proceed by steps or degrees ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (ratchets, ratcheting, ratcheted) 1. In a tool or machine, a ratchet is a wheel or bar with sloping teeth, which can move only in one direction, because a piece of metal stops the teeth from moving backwards. The chair has a ratchet below it to adjust the height... N-COUNT 2. If a tool or machine ratchets or if you ratchet it, it makes a clicking noise as it operates, because it has a ratchet in it. The rod bent double, the reel shrieked and ratcheted... She took up a sheet and ratcheted it into the typewriter. VERB: V, V n 3. If you describe a situation as a ratchet, you mean that it is bad and can only become worse. (mainly BRIT) ...another raising of the ratchet of violence in the conflict. N-SING: with supp ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n a machine part consisting of a wheel or bar with teeth on it, which allows movement in only one direction ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  ocean sc. abbr. Regional Atmospheric Transport Code for Hanford Emission Tracking ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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