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Английский Этимологический словарь - tile


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- O.E. tigele, a W.Gmc. borrowing from L. tegula "tile," from tegere "roof, cover."
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  ~1 n 1 a flat square piece of baked clay or other material, used for covering roofs, floors etc  (bathroom tiles) 2 a thin curved piece of baked clay used for covering roofs 3 go out on the tiles BrE informal to go out drinking, dancing etc for enjoyment ~2 v to cover a roof, floor etc with tiles - tiled adj  (a tiled floor) - tiler n ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (tiles, tiling, tiled) 1. Tiles are flat, square pieces of baked clay, carpet, cork, or other substance, which are fixed as a covering onto a floor or wall. Amy’s shoes squeaked on the tiles as she walked down the corridor... The cabins had linoleum tile floors. N-VAR 2. Tiles are flat pieces of baked clay which are used for covering roofs. ...a fine building, with a neat little porch and ornamental tiles on the roof. N-VAR 3. When someone tiles a surface such as a roof or floor, they cover it with tiles. He wants to tile the bathroom... VERB: V n 4. see also tiling ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English tigele, from Latin tegula ~; akin to Latin tegere to cover — more at thatch  Date: before 12th century  1. plural ~s or ~  a. a flat or curved piece of fired clay, stone, or concrete used especially for roofs, floors, or walls and often for ornamental work  b. a hollow or a semicircular and open earthenware or concrete piece used in constructioncting a drain  c. a hollow building unit made of fired clay or of shale or gypsum  2. tiling  3. hat; especially a high silk hat  4. a thin piece of resilient material (as cork, linoleum, or rubber) used especially for covering floors or walls  5. a thin piece resembling a ceramic ~ that usually bears a mark or letter and is used as a playing piece in a board game (as mah-jongg)  II. transitive verb  (~d; tiling)  Date: 13th century  1. to cover with ~s  2. to install drainage ~ in  • ~r noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a thin slab of concrete or baked clay etc. used in series for covering a roof or pavement etc. 2 a similar slab of glazed pottery, cork, linoleum, etc., for covering a floor, wall, etc. 3 a thin flat piece used in a game (esp. mah-jong). --v.tr. cover with tiles. Phrases and idioms on the tiles colloq. having a spree. Etymology: OE tigule, -ele, f. L tegula ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) черепица крыть черепицей 2) облицовочная плитка; кафель; изразец облицовывать плиткой, кафелем, изразцами 3) керамический (стеновой) камень класть (напр. стену) из керамическою камня 4) керамическая труба 5) космонавт. теплозащитная плитка 6) тлв мозаика (видеоэффект) - acoustical tile - asphalt tile - bisque firing tile - bonnet tile - building tile - carpet ceramic tile - ceramic tile - ceramic mosaic tile - channel tile - clay tile - cork tile - crown tile - drain tile - Dutch tile - earthenware tile - encaustic tile - facing tile - faience tile - finish tile - fireproofing tile - fissured acoustic tile - floor tile - flooring tile - glass tile - glazed tile - gypsum tile - hexamethyldisilazane-coated tile - hip tile - hollow tile - hydrophobic-coated tile - instrumented tile - insulating tile - interlocking tile - lining tile - load-bearing structural tile - margin tile - metallic thermal tile - methylsiloxane-coated tile - nibbed tile - non-load-bearing tile - pan-and-roll tile - partition tile - perforated absorbent tile - porcelain tile - reusable surface insulation tile - ridge tile - roofing tile - roof tile - RSI tile - sewer tile - shuttle tiles - silica-based tile - SIP-attached tile - stove tile - structural clay tile - textured acoustic tile - thermal-insulation tile - tile-and-a-half tile - valley tile - vinyl-asbestos tile - wall tile - waterproofed tile ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  керамическая облицовочная плитка кровельная черепица керамический пустотелый стеновой камень (блок) керамическая дренажная труба abrasive tile absorbent tile acoustic tile angle hip tile armored paving tile arris tile asbestos-plastic flooring tile asphalt tile bonnet tile bonnet hip tile ceramic tile ceramic flooring tile ceramic wall tile chimney-flue tile clay tile clay tile for flooring clay wall tile concrete tile concrete interlocking tile con tile cork tile crease tile drain tile Dutch tile eaves tile enamelled tile encaustic tile English tile exposed finish tile extruded tile faced tile faience tile ferrocement tile field tile floor tile furring tile garden tile glass tile glazed tile glazed interior tile grooved tile gutter tile gypsum tile hip tile hollow tile horizontal cell tile interlocking tile Italian tile land tile mineral fiber tile mission tile nibbed tile nonload-bearing tile nonvitreous tile one-hand tile opaque ceramic-glazed tile partition tile paving tile plane tile PVC tile Roman tile roof tile Spanish tile terrazzo tile unglazed tile vaulting tile vinyl tile vinyl-asbestos tile vitreous tile wall tile ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) изразцовый 2) кафель 3) кафельный 4) кахель 5) крыть черепицей 6) плитка 7) черепица 8) черепичный structural clay tile — керамический камень - base tile - bent tile - ceramic tile - channel tile - clay tile - facing tile - fair tile - fire-proof tile - floor tile - glazed tile - good tile - gutter tile - gypsum tile - hip tile - hollow tile - insulating tile - local tile - margin tile - pressed tile - reinforced tile - ridge tile - roofing tile - slate tile - solid tile - thermoplastic tile - tile drain - tile drainage - tile roof ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. черепица, кафель, изразец, плитка Dutch tile —- кафель crest (ridge) tile —- коньковая черепица tile roof —- черепичная крыша (кровля) tile floor —- кафельный (мозаичный) пол 2. пустотелый кирпич tile masonry —- архит. кладка из пустотелого кирпича 3. гончарная труба 4. разг. цилиндр (шляпа) 5. косточка (в маджонге) Id: to have a tile loose —- быть "тронутым" ("чокнутым") Id: he has a tile loose —- у него не все дома Id: to be (to go) up(on) the tiles —- сл. кутить, гулять; вести разгульный образ жизни Id: it was pleasant to go on the tiles a little —- приятно было немного поразвлечься Id: to spend a night on the tiles —- бродить ночь напролет 6. крыть черепицей или кафелем to tile a house —- покрыть дом черепицей to tile the walls —- отделать стены кафелем 7. охранять от вторжения (масонскую ложу и т. п.) 8. связывать обетом молчания ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) черепица  2) кафель, изразец, плитка  3) coll. цилиндр (шляпа)  4) гончарная труба to have a tile loose sl. - винтика не хватает to be (out) on the tiles sl. - кутить, дебоширить  2. v. крыть черепицей или кафелем TILE tea кирпичный плиточный чай ...
Англо-русский словарь


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