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Английский Этимологический словарь - this


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- O.E. юis, neuter demonstrative pronoun and adj. (masc. юes, fem. юeos), probably from a Gmc. pronoun formed by combining the base *юa- with -s, which is probably identical with O.E. se "the" (representing here "a specific thing"), but it may be O.E. seo, imperative of see (v.) "behold." Once fully inflected, with 10 distinct forms in masc., fem., neut.; the oblique cases and other genders gradually fell away by 15c. The O.E. plural was южs (nom. and acc.), which in Northern M.E. became thas, and in Midlands and Southern England became thos. The Southern form began to be used late 13c. as the plural of that (replacing M.E. tho, from O.E. юa) and acquired an -e (apparently from the influence of M.E. adj. plurals in -e; cf. alle from all, summe from sum "some"), emerging early 14c. as modern those. About 1175 thes (probably a variant of O.E. южs) began to be used as the plural of this, and by 1200 it had taken the form these, the final -e acquired via the same mechanism that gave one to those.
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Английский словарь американских идиом
  NASDAQ abbr. Terrace Food Group, Inc. ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  ~1 determiner plural these 1 used to talk about a person, thing, idea etc that has already been mentioned or that the person you are talking to already knows about  (Wait till you hear this joke. | What is the purpose of your visit to this country? | There will be another meeting later this week. | How can we help these poor children? | If we carry on at this rate we'll be bankrupt by the end of the week.) 2 used to talk about the person or thing nearest to you or the time that is soonest etc  (I'm going to visit my Mum this Wednesday. | I'll look in these rooms if you look in all the rest. | I'm surprised you like that photo - I prefer this one.) 3 spoken used in stories, jokes etc when you mean a person or thing, especially when you do not know their name  (When am I going to meet this boyfriend of yours? | I met this really weird guy tonight.) 4 this minute/second immediately  (I want to see you in my office this minute!) ~2 pronoun plural these 1 used to talk about a person, thing, idea etc that has already been mentioned or that the person you are talking to knows about already  (Where did you find these? | This is terrible. What on earth are we going to do? | If you think that's funny wait till you hear this.) 2 used to talk about the person or thing nearest to you, the time that is soonest etc  (These are your coats, aren't they? | That might be a much prettier dress but I feel more comfortable in this.) 3 a) informal used to introduce someone to someone else  (Sam, this is my sister, Liz.) b) used when you have answered the telephone and you want to give your name  ("Can I speak to Joan please?" "This is Joan speaking.") 4 a particular time  (I thought he would have been back before this. | Well young lady, what time do you call this?) 5 this, that and the other also this and that especially spoken various different things, subjects etc  ("What have you two been gossiping about all evening?" "Oh this, that and the other.") 6 what's (all) this? spoken used to ask what is happening, what someone's problem is etc  (What's...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. You use this to refer back to a particular person or thing that has been mentioned or implied. When food comes out of any oven, it should stand a while. During this delay the centre carries on cooking... On 1 October the US suspended a proposed $574 million aid package for 1991. Of this amount, $250 million is for military purchases. DET: DET sing-n/n-uncount • This is also a pronoun. I don’t know how bad the injury is, because I have never had one like this before. PRON 2. You use this to introduce someone or something that you are going to talk about. This is what I will do. I will telephone Anna and explain. PRON • This is also a determiner. This report is from David Cook of our Science Unit: ‘Why did the dinosaurs become extinct?’ DET: DET sing-n/n-uncount 3. You use this to refer back to an idea or situation expressed in a previous sentence or sentences. You feel that it’s uneconomic to insist that people work together in groups. Why is this?... PRON • This is also a determiner. There have been continual demands for action by the political authorities to put an end to this situation. DET: DET sing-n/n-uncount 4. In spoken English, people use this to introduce a person or thing into a story. I came here by chance and was just watching what was going on, when this girl attacked me... DET: DET sing-n 5. You use this to refer to a person or thing that is near you, especially when you touch them or point to them. When there are two or more people or things near you, this refers to the nearest one. ‘If you’d prefer something else I’ll gladly have it changed for you.’—‘No, this is great.’... ‘Is this what you were looking for?’ Bradley produced the handkerchief... PRON • This is also a determiner. This church was built in the eleventh century. DET: DET sing-n 6. You use this when you refer to a general situation, activity, or event which is happening or has just...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. pronoun  (plural these)  Etymology: Middle English, pronoun & adjective, from Old English thes (masculine), ~ (neuter); akin to Old High German dese ~, Old English th?t that  Date: before 12th century  1.  a.  (1) the person, thing, or idea that is present or near in place, time, or thought or that has just been mentioned these are my hands  (2) what is stated in the following phrase, clause, or discourse I can only say ~: it wasn't here yesterday  b. ~ time or place expected to return before ~  2.  a. the one nearer or more immediately under observation or discussion ~ is iron and that is tin  b. the one more recently referred to  II. adjective  (plural these)  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. being the person, thing, or idea that is present or near in place, time, or thought or that has just been mentioned ~ book is mine early ~ morning  b. constituting the immediately following part of the present discourse  c. constituting the immediate past or future friends all these years  d. being one not previously mentioned — used especially in narrative to give a sense of immediacy or vividness then ~ guy runs in had ~ urge to go shopping  2. being the nearer at hand or more immediately under observation or discussion ~ car or that one  III. adverb  Date: 15th century to the degree or extent indicated by something in the immediate context or situation didn't expect to wait ~ long ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  pron., adj., & adv. --demons.pron. (pl. these) 1 the person or thing close at hand or indicated or already named or understood (can you see this?; this is my cousin). 2 (contrasted with that) the person or thing nearer to hand or more immediately in mind. 3 the action, behaviour, or circumstances under consideration (this won't do at all; what do you think of this?). 4 (on the telephone): a Brit. the person speaking. b US the person spoken to. --demons.adj. (pl. these) 1 designating the person or thing close at hand etc. (cf. senses 1, 2 of pron.). 2 (of time): a the present or current (am busy all this week). b relating to today (this morning). c just past or to come (have been asking for it these three weeks). 3 colloq. (in narrative) designating a person or thing previously unspecified (then up came this policeman). --adv. to this degree or extent (knew him when he was this high; did not reach this far). Phrases and idioms this and that colloq. various unspecified examples of things (esp. trivial). this here sl. this particular (person or thing). this much the amount or extent about to be stated (I know this much, that he was not there). this world mortal life. Etymology: OE, neut. of thes ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1. это what is this? —- что это? who is this? —- кто это? perhaps these are they —- может быть, это они these are my children —- это мои дети this is a free country —- это свободная страна, мы находимся в свободной стране these are things we cannot do without —- таковы вещи, без которых мы не можем обойтись; без этих вещей нам не обойтись 2. это, этого и т.д.; вот что you will be sorry for this —- вы пожалеете об этом the thing is this —- дело вот в чем this is what he told me —- вот что он мне сказал this is what I think —- вот каково мое мнение, вот что я думаю what is all this? —- что все это значит? I don't like this at all —- мне это совершенно не нравится this is how it came about —- вот как это получилось I'll think about this —- я об этом подумаю this is why I object to your plan —- вот почему я возражаю против вашего плана this is where he lives —- вот где он живет, он живет (вот) здесь 3. в противопоставлении that: это will you have this or that? —- вы хотите этого или того? the bicycles are very much alike but this is new and that is old —- велосипеды очень похожи, но этот - новый, а тот - старый 4. эмоц-усил. разг. это; ну и ну, вот это да this is a regular ice-house! —- ну и холод (холодище) же в этом доме! this is the time to speak —- сейчас самое время высказаться; настало время сказать все; вот когда нужно все сказать they are no ordinary houses, these —- это тебе не простые дома 5. в...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  notwithstanding несмотря на это THIS pron.; demonstr. этот, эта, это  а) указывает на лицо, понятие, событие, предмет, действие, близкие по месту или времени;  б) противополагается that;  в) указывает на что-л., уже известное говорящему; this day - сегодня; these days - в наши дни; this week - на этой неделе; this day week (month, year) - ровно через неделю (месяц, год); this day last week - ровно неделю назад; this country - страна, в которой мы живем, находимся (обыкн. переводится названием страны, в которой находится говорящий или пишущий); this house parl. - эта палата (палата общин или лордов в зависимости от того, к какой палате обращается выступающий); take this book and Ill take that one - возьмите эту книгу, а я возьму ту; this is what I think - вот что я думаю; this will never do - это (никак) не годится, не подходит this much - столько-то; I know this much, that this story is exaggerated я знаю по крайней мере то, что эта история преувеличена this long - так долго; the meeting isnt going to last this long собрание не продлится так уж долго this side (of) - раньше, до (определенного срока); this side of midnight до полуночи this way - сюда like this - так, вот так; таким образом this, that and the other - то одно, то другое, то третье by this - к этому времени this many a day - давно, уже много дней these ten minutes - эти десять минут THIS bout на этот...
Англо-русский словарь


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