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Английский Этимологический словарь - then


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- adverb of time, from O.E. юanne, южnne, юonne (see than), from demonstrative root *юa-.
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Английский словарь американских идиом
  ~1 adv 1 at a particular time in the past or future  (It was then that I realised she'd tricked me. | I used to go to school with Mavis Butterwick, or Mavis O'Brien as she then was. | The furniture is being delivered next week so until then we'll have to sit on the floor. | from then on (=starting at that time))  (They met in 1942 and from then on they were firm friends. | just then)  (Silently she closed the door. Just then she heard a noise. | back then (=a long time ago in the past, when things were different))  (Back then we spent holidays in Blackpool. | then and only then)  (Tidy your room, then and only then can you go out with Mike.) 2 next; after something has happened  (You're doing it all wrong. Mix the flour and butter and then add the eggs. | First the passengers and then the stewards jumped from the wreckage.) 3 used to say that because of what you know about the situation, something else is probably true  (Still in your pyjamas? Have you just got out of bed then? | if...then...)  (If x =3 and y =5 then xy =15 .) 4 but then (again) especially spoken used to say that although something is true something else is also true which makes the first thing seem less important  (I don't spend much but then I don't really go out much.) 5 spoken used at the end of questions, statements etc, especially to agree with someone or to make people aware that you are speaking  (So, what do you do then? | Right then, shall we start? | "Mom, will you play tennis with me?" "Get the balls out then.") 6 especially spoken used when giving your opinion or advice about something  (If you're going to go then go. | "He's boring, rude and arrogant." "Then divorce him.") 7 so that something happens or so that someone does something  (Wear a big hat and dark glasses then no one will recognize you.) 8 used in a list of things when you have remembered something else you want to add  (I do all the washing and cleaning and then there's the ironing too.) 9 then and there also there and then immediately  (I expected to have to wait a few days, but...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. Then means at a particular time in the past or in the future. He wanted to have a source of income after his retirement; until then, he wouldn’t require additional money... The clinic opened for business last October and since then has treated more than 200 people. ADV: ADV with cl, oft prep ADV 2. Then is used when you refer to something which was true at a particular time in the past but is not true now. ...the Race Relations Act of 1976 (enacted by the then Labour Government)... ADJ: ADJ n • Then is also an adverb. Richard Strauss, then 76 years old, suffered through the war years in silence... ADV: ADV group 3. You use then to say that one thing happens after another, or is after another on a list. Add the oil and then the scallops to the pan, leaving a little space for the garlic... ADV: ADV cl/group, ADV before v 4. You use then in conversation to indicate that what you are about to say follows logically in some way from what has just been said or implied. ‘I wasn’t a very good scholar at school.’—‘What did you like doing best then?’... ADV: cl/group ADV 5. You use then at the end of a topic or at the end of a conversation. ‘I’ll talk to you on Friday anyway.’—‘Yep. Okay then.’ ADV: cl/group ADV 6. You use then with words like ‘now’, ‘well’, and ‘okay’, to introduce a new topic or a new point of view. Now then, you say you walk on the fields out the back? ADV: adv ADV 7. You use then to introduce the second part of a sentence which begins with ‘if’. The first part of the sentence describes a possible situation, and then introduces the result of the situation. If the answer is ‘yes’, then we must decide on an appropriate course of action... ADV: ADV cl 8. You use then at the beginning of a sentence or after ‘and’ or ‘but’ to introduce a comment or an extra piece of information to what you have already said. He sounded sincere, but then, he...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. adverb  Etymology: Middle English than, ~ ~, than, from Old English thonne, th?nne; akin to Old High German denne ~, than, Old English th?t that  Date: before 12th century  1. at that time  2.  a. soon after that ; next in order of time walked to the door, ~ turned  b. following next after in order of position, narration, or enumeration ; being next in a series first came the clowns, ~ came the elephants  c. in addition ; besides ~ there is the interest to be paid  3.  a.  (1) in that case take it, ~, if you want it so much  (2) — used after but to qualify or offset a preceding statement she lost the race, but ~ she never really expected to win  b. according to that ; as may be inferred your mind is made up, ~  c. as it appears ; by way of summing up the cause of the accident, ~, is established  d. as a necessary consequence if the angles are equal, ~ the complements are equal  II. noun  Date: 14th century that time since ~, he's been more cautious  III. adjective  Date: 1584 existing or acting at or belonging to the time mentioned the ~ secretary of state ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adv., adj., & n. --adv. 1 at that time; at the time in question (was then too busy; then comes the trouble; the then existing laws). 2 a next, afterwards; after that (then he told me to come in). b and also (then, there are the children to consider). c after all (it is a problem, but then that is what we are here for). 3 a in that case; therefore; it follows that (then you should have said so). b if what you say is true (but then why did you take it?). c (implying grudging or impatient concession) if you must have it so (all right then, have it your own way). d used parenthetically to resume a narrative etc. (the policeman, then, knocked on the door). --adj. that or who was such at the time in question (the then Duke). --n. that time (until then). Phrases and idioms then and there immediately and on the spot. Etymology: OE thanne, thonne, etc., f. Gmc, rel. to THAT, THE ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) далее 2) затем 3) значит then and only then — тогда и только тогда - only then ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
   1. adv.  1) тогда; he was a little boy then - тогда он был ребенком  2) потом, затем; the noise stopped and then began again - шум прекратился, затем начался снова  3) в таком случае, тогда; if you are tired then youd better stay at home - если вы устали, лучше оставайтесь дома  4) кроме того, к тому же; I love my job and then it pays so well - я люблю свою работу, к тому же она хорошо оплачивается; and then you should remember - кроме того, вам следует помнить  5) употр. для усиления значения при выражении согласия; all right then, do as you like - ну ладно, поступайте, как хотите  2. noun то время; by then - к тому времени; since then - с того времени every now and then - время от времени  3. adj. тогдашний, существовавший в то время; the then prime minister - тогдашний премьер-министр ...
Англо-русский словарь


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