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Английский Этимологический словарь - sun


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- O.E. sunne, from P.Gmc. *sunnon, from PIE *s(a)u-; possibly related to south. O.E. sunne was fem., and the fem. pronoun was used until 16c.; since then masc. has prevailed. The empire on which the sun never sets was originally the Spanish. The verb is from 1519. Sunbeam was in O.E.; sunburn is from sunne y-brent (c.1400); sunlight and sunshine are 12c.; sunny and sunset are first recorded 14c.; sunrise is first found 1440. Sundial is from 1599; sundown is from 1620; sunflower first recorded 1562 (introduced to Europe 1510 from America by the Spaniards); sunspot is from 1818; sunstroke is 1851, from Fr. coup de soleil. Egg served sunny side up first attested 1900.
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  See: UNDER THE SUN. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  3-let. lang. abbr. Sudanese airport code Sun Valley, Idaho USA railroad abbr. Sunset Railway Company univ. abbr. Stanford University Network days abbr. Sunday network. abbr. Stanford University Network file ext. abbr. Sun Rasterfile Raster graphics educ. abbr. Skills U Need educ. abbr. Schools Uniting Neighborhoods religion abbr. Stardrifter Unity Network NYSE symbols Sunoco, Inc. chat abbr. so u not ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  the written abbreviation of Sunday sun ~1 n 1 the large bright thing in the sky that gives us light and heat, and around which the Earth moves 2 the heat and light that come from the sun  (Too much sun is bad for you. | in the sun)  (Tanya sat in the sun, reading a book.) 3 any star around which planets move 4 catch the sun BrE get the sun AmE a) if someone catches or gets the sun, they become slightly red or brown because they have been outside in the sun b) if a place or room catches or gets the sun, it is very bright and warm when the sun shines 5 under the sun used to emphasize that you are talking about something that includes very large numbers of ideas or things etc  (Santos could talk about any subject under the sun.)  (- see also make hay while the sun shines hay (3)) ~2 v sunned, sunning sun yourself to sit or lie outside when the sun is shining  (a cat sunning itself on the patio) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (suns) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. The sun is the ball of fire in the sky that the Earth goes round, and that gives us heat and light. The sun was now high in the southern sky... The sun came out, briefly. ...the sun’s rays... The sun was shining. N-SING: usu the N 2. You refer to the light and heat that reach us from the sun as the sun. Dena took them into the courtyard to sit in the sun... N-UNCOUNT: usu the N 3. A sun is any star which has planets going around it. N-COUNT 4. Everything under the sun means a very great number of things. Anything under the sun means anything at all. We sat there for hours talking about everything under the sun... PHRASE: PHR after v 5. a place in the sun: see place ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   abbreviation ~day SUN  I. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~ne, from Old English; akin to Old High German ~na ~, Latin sol — more at solar  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. often capitalized the luminous celestial body around which the earth and other planets revolve, from which they receive heat and light, which is composed mainly of hydrogen and helium, and which has a mean distance from earth of about 93,000,000 miles (150,000,000 kilometers), a linear diameter of 864,000 miles (1,390,000 kilometers), and a mass 332,000 times greater than earth  b. a celestial body like the ~ ; star  2. the heat or light radiated from the ~ played in the ~ all day  3. one resembling the ~ (as in warmth or brilliance)  4. the rising or setting of the ~ from ~ to ~  5. glory, splendor  II. verb  (~ned; ~ning)  Date: 15th century  transitive verb to expose to or as if to the rays of the ~  intransitive verb to ~ oneself ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a the star round which the earth orbits and from which it receives light and warmth. b any similar star in the universe with or without planets. 2 the light or warmth received from the sun (pull down the blinds and keep out the sun). 3 poet. a day or a year. 4 poet. a person or thing regarded as a source of glory, radiance, etc. --v. (sunned, sunning) 1 refl. bask in the sun. 2 tr. expose to the sun. 3 intr. sun oneself. Phrases and idioms against the sun anticlockwise. beneath (or under) the sun anywhere in the world. in the sun exposed to the sun's rays. on which the sun never sets (of an empire etc.) worldwide. sun and planet a system of gearing cog wheels. sun-baked dried or hardened or baked from the heat of the sun. sun-bath a period of exposing the body to the sun. sun bear a small black bear, Helarctos malayanus, of SE Asia, with a light-coloured mark on its chest. sun-blind Brit. a window awning. sun-bonnet a bonnet of cotton etc. covering the neck and shading the face, esp. for children. sun-bow a spectrum of colours like a rainbow produced by the sun shining on spray etc. sun-dance a dance of N. American Indians in honour of the sun. sun-deck the upper deck of a steamer. sun-disc a winged disc, emblematic of the sun-god. sun-dog = PARHELION. sun-dress a dress without sleeves and with a low neck. sun-dried dried by the sun, not by artificial heat. sun-glasses glasses tinted to protect the eyes from sunlight or glare. sun-god the sun worshipped as a deity. sun-hat a hat designed to protect the head from the sun. sun-helmet a helmet of cork etc. formerly worn by White people in the tropics. sun in splendour Heraldry the sun with rays and a human face. one's sun is set the time of one's prosperity is over. sun-kissed warmed or affected by the sun. sun-lamp 1 a lamp giving ultraviolet rays for an artificial suntan, therapy, etc. 2 Cinematog. a large lamp with a parabolic reflector used in film-making. sun lounge a room with large windows, designed to receive sunlight. sun parlor US = sun lounge. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  солнце – microwave sun – radio sun ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  солнцезащитный, солнечный eclipse of the Sun — солнечное затмение - apparent sun - disturbed Sun - mean Sun - quiet Sun - real Sun - sun compass - sun deck - sun gear - sun glasses - sun heating - sun spot - sun track - sun wheel ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. солнце the S. —- астр. Солнце the midnight sun —- полуночное (незаходящее) солнце (в полярных областях) to take (to shoot) the sun —- мор. брать высоту солнца 2. (the sun) солнечный свет; солнечные лучи; солнечное тепло in the sun —- на солнце to sit (to bask) in the sun —- греться на солнце to take the sun —- загорать don't lie in the sun all day —- не валяйся на солнце целый день the sun is in my eyes —- солнце светит мне в глаза the room never gets any sun at all —- в эту комнату солнце не заглядывает we have two hours of the sun yet —- до заката еще два часа, стемнеет только через два часа 3. солнце; звезда, являющаяся центром системы планет there are many suns larger than ours —- есть много солнц, которые больше нашего 4. год; день 5. восход или заход солнца to rise with the sun —- вставать чуть свет (на рассвете, с петухами) from sun to sun —- от восхода до заката Id: under the sun —- под солнцем, в этом мире, на земле, на свете; также эмоц-усил.т. значение Id: there is nothing new under the sun —- ничто не ново под луной Id: from every country under the sun —- из всех стран мира (планеты) Id: what under the sun do you mean? —- что же именно вы хотите сказать?; я не понимаю - в чем дело? Id: where under the sun did you go? —- куда это вы провалились? Id: with the sun —- по часовой стрелке Id: against the sun —- против часовой стрелки Id: in the sun —- спокойно,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) солнце; to take/shoot the sun naut. - измерять высоту солнца секстантом; mock sun astr. - ложное солнце  2) солнечный свет; солнечные лучи; in the sun - на солнце; to bask in the sun - греться на солнце; to take the sun - загорать; to close the shutters to shut out the sun - закрыть ставни, чтобы затемнить комнату  3) obs. восход или закат солнца; to rise with the sun - рано вставать; from sun to sun - от восхода (и) до заката (солнца)  4) poet. год, день against the sun - против часовой стрелки with the sun - по часовой стрелке under the sun - на нашей планете, в этом мире to hail/adore the rising sun - заискивать перед новой властью his sun is rising (is set) - его звезда восходит (закатилась) a place in the sun - тепленькое местечко; выгодное положение to hold a candle to the sun - заниматься ненужным делом, зря тратить силы let not the sun go down upon your wrath joc. - не сердитесь больше одного дня the morning sun never lasts a day prov. - ничто не вечно под луной  2. v.  1) греть(ся) на солнце; to sun oneself - греться на солнце  2) выставлять на солнце; подвергать действию солнца ...
Англо-русский словарь


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