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Английский Этимологический словарь - string


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- O.E. streng "line, cord, thread," from P.Gmc. *strangiz, from base *strang- "taut, stiff." Sense of "a number of objects arranged in a line" first recorded 1488. String bean is from 1759; first string, second string, etc. in athletics said to be from archers' custom of carrying spare bowstrings in the event that one breaks. To string (someone) along is slang from 1902; string (v.) in this sense is attested in British dialect from c.1812. Strung out "addicted" is from 1950s.
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Английский словарь американских идиом
  ~1 n 1 »THREAD« a strong thread made of several threads twisted together, used for tying or fastening things  (Can you find me some string to tie up this package? | Puppets are worked by strings. | a piece of string) 2 »GROUP/SERIES« a) a number of similar things or events coming one after another + of  (a string of hit albums) b) a group of similar things + of  (She owns a string of health clubs.) c) technical a group of letters, words, or numbers, especially in a computer program 3 a string of pearls/beads/onions several objects of the same kind connected with a thread 4 »MUSIC« a) one of the long thin pieces of wire, nylon etc that is stretched across a musical instrument and produces sound b) strings the people in an orchestra who play the instruments that have strings, such as violins 5 have sb on a string informal to be able to make someone do whatever you want  (Susie has her mother on a string.) 6 no strings (attached) if an agreement or relationship has no strings, there are no special conditions or limits  (The policy offers 15% interest with no strings attached.) 7 pull strings to secretly use your influence with important people in order to get what you want or help someone else  (Phil had to pull a few strings to get them to give me the job. | pull sb's strings (=control them)) 8 have more than one string to your bow to have more than one skill, idea, plan etc that you can use if you need to  (- see also G­string, hold/control the purse strings purse1 (6)) ~2 v past tense and past participle strung 1 to put things together onto a thread, chain etc  (beads strung on a silver chain) 2 always + adv/prep to hang things in a line, high up, especially for decoration + string sth up/along/across etc  (Dad had strung brightly-colored lights up in the back yard.) 3 to put a string or a set of strings onto a musical instrument string along phr v informal 1 to deceive someone for a long time by making them believe that you will help them, that you love them etc  (Timms will never pay you back; he's just stringing...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (strings, stringing, strung) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. String is thin rope made of twisted threads, used for tying things together or tying up parcels. He held out a small bag tied with string. ...a shiny metallic coin on a string. N-VAR 2. A string of things is a number of them on a piece of string, thread, or wire. She wore a string of pearls around her neck. ...a string of fairy lights. N-COUNT: usu N of n 3. A string of places or objects is a number of them that form a line. The landscape is broken only by a string of villages... A string of five rowing boats set out from the opposite bank. N-COUNT: usu sing, usu N of n 4. A string of similar events is a series of them that happen one after the other. The incident was the latest in a string of attacks... N-COUNT: usu sing, usu N of n 5. The strings on a musical instrument such as a violin or guitar are the thin pieces of wire or nylon stretched across it that make sounds when the instrument is played. He went off to change a guitar string. ...a twenty-one-string harp. N-COUNT 6. The strings are the section of an orchestra which consists of stringed instruments played with a bow. The strings provided a melodic background to the passages played by the soloist... There was a 20-member string section. N-PLURAL: oft N n 7. In computing, a string is a particular series of letters, numbers, symbols, or spaces, for example a word or phrase that you want to search for in a document. N-COUNT 8. If you string something somewhere, you hang it up between two or more objects. He had strung a banner across the wall. VERB: V n prep/adv • String up means the same as string. People were stringing up decorations on the fronts of their homes. PHRASAL VERB: V P n (not pron), also V n P 9. see also highly strung, purse strings, second string, strung out 10. If something is offered to you with no strings attached or with no strings, it is offered without any special...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English streng; akin to Old High German strang rope, Latin ~ere to bind tight — more at strain  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a cord usually used to bind, fasten, or tie — often used attributively a ~ bag  b. something that resembles a ~ garnished with potato ~s  2.  a. archaic a cord (as a tendon or ligament) of an animal body  b. a plant fiber (as a leaf vein)  3.  a. the gut, wire, or nylon cord of a musical instrument  b. plural  (1) the ~ed instruments of an orchestra  (2) the players of such instruments  4. the gut, wire, or cord of a racket or shooting bow  5.  a. a group of objects threaded on a ~ a ~ of fish a ~ of pearls  b.  (1) a series of things arranged in or as if in a line a ~ of cars a ~ of names  (2) a sequence of like items (as bits, characters, or words)  c. a group of business properties scattered geographically a ~ of newspapers  d. the animals and especially horses belonging to or used by one individual  6.  a. a means of recourse ; expedient  b. a group of players ranked according to skill or proficiency  7. succession 3a a ~ of successes  8. one of the inclined sides of a stair supporting the treads and risers  9.  a. balkline 1  b. the action of lagging for break in billiards  10. line 13  11. plural  a. contingent conditions or obligations  b. control, domination  12. a hypothetical one-dimensional object that is infinitely thin but has a length of 10-33 centimeters, that vibrates as it moves through space, and whose mode of vibration manifests itself as a subatomic particle  • ~less adjective  II. verb  (strung; ~ing)  Date: 15th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to equip with ~s  b. to tune the ~s of  2. to make tense ; key up  3.  a. to thread on or as if on a ~  b. to thread with objects  c. to tie, hang, or fasten with ~  d. to put together (as words or ideas) like objects threaded on a ~ strung her thoughts together  4. to hang by the neck — used with up...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 twine or narrow cord. 2 a piece of this or of similar material used for tying or holding together, pulling, etc. 3 a length of catgut or wire etc. on a musical instrument, producing a note by vibration. 4 a (in pl.) the stringed instruments in an orchestra etc. b (attrib.) relating to or consisting of stringed instruments (string quartet). 5 (in pl.) an awkward condition or complication (the offer has no strings). 6 a set of things strung together; a series or line of persons or things (a string of beads; a string of oaths). 7 a group of racehorses trained at one stable. 8 a tough piece connecting the two halves of a bean-pod etc. 9 a piece of catgut etc. interwoven with others to form the head of a tennis etc. racket. 10 = STRINGBOARD. --v. (past and past part. strung) 1 tr. supply with a string or strings. 2 tr. tie with string. 3 tr. thread (beads etc.) on a string. 4 tr. arrange in or as a string. 5 tr. remove the strings from (a bean). 6 tr. place a string ready for use on (a bow). 7 tr. colloq. hoax. 8 intr. (of glue etc.) become stringy. 9 intr. Billiards make the preliminary strokes that decide which player begins. Phrases and idioms on a string under one's control or influence. string along colloq. 1 deceive, esp. by appearing to comply with (a person). 2 (often foll. by with) keep company (with). string bass Mus. a double-bass. string bean 1 any of various beans eaten in their fibrous pods, esp. runner beans or French beans. 2 colloq. a tall thin person. string-course a raised horizontal band or course of bricks etc. on a building. string out extend; prolong (esp. unduly). string-piece a long timber supporting and connecting the parts of a framework. string tie a very narrow necktie. string up 1 hang up on strings etc. 2 kill by hanging. 3 make tense. string vest a vest with large meshes. Derivatives stringless adj. stringlike adj. Etymology: OE streng f. Gmc: cf. STRONG ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) тонкая верёвка; бечёвка, шпагат 2) строп 3) струна 4) горн. прожилок 5) связка сейсмоприёмников 6) колонна (1. труб, штанг 2. автомашин) 7) нитка, ветка; плеть (трубопровода) 8) косоур; тетива (лестницы) 9) затяжка (стропильной фермы) 10) архит. поясок 11) секция (солнечной батареи) 12) гирлянда (изоляторов) 13) нитевидная свиль (дефект стекла) 14) вчт. строка 15) цепочка; последовательность 16) натягивать; подвешивать (провода ЛЭП) string and button — метод заделывания бумажного мешка с помощью шнурка и пуговицы; to cement a casing string in place — цементировать обсадную колонну в скважине; to drill out a casing string — выбуривать цемент и внутреннее оборудование из низа обсадной колонны; to float a casing string — спускать обсадную колонну на плаву; to get a stuck string loose — освобождать прихваченную колонну; to pick up a string off bottom — приподнимать колонну над забоем; to pull a string — поднимать колонну (из строящейся скважины), to reciprocate a string — расхаживать колонну; to set a casing string — спускать обсадную колонну и цементировать пространство за ней; to set a casing string on the bottom hole — сажать обсадную колонну на забой; to set a string on slips — подвешивать колонну на клиньях; to slack off a string — сажать колонну на забой; to strip a drill string in —...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  шнур; верёвка, бечёвка тетива; косоур close string continuous string cut string drill string drive string face string finished string housed string insulating string open string outer string pipe string stone string wall string ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) строка 2) цепочка, последовательность (кодов) 3) комбинация (битов) – binary string – bit string – code string – digital string – isolated word string – symbol string ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) веревка 2) веревочный 3) нанизывать 4) натягивать 5) нитка 6) привязывать 7) строка 8) струна 9) тетива 10) шнуровой dead-end insulator string — гирлянда натяжная изоляторов double insulator string — сдвоенная гирлянда изоляторов drill pipe string — бурильная колонна line insulator string — гирлянда линейных изоляторов string insulator unit — гирляндный изолятор suspension insulator string — гирлянда подвесных изоляторов trivially braided string — тривиально заплетенная прядь - bounded string - braid string - braided string - casing string - character string - drill string - elastic string - empty string - finite string - homogeneous string - index of string - induction string - infinite string - insulator string - null string - ordered-pair string - output string - periodic string - plucked string - preterminal string - production string - string bead - string diagram - string extremum - string figure - string galvanometer - string graph - string of beads - string of roots - string of states - string of term - string polygon - string pulling - string tobacco - string variable - tubing string - unbounded string - zero string ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сущ. 1) ряд 2) серия - unbroken string of gains ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) бот. волокно; жилка 2) гроздь, кисть 3) сухожилие – auditory string – eye string – gene string – navel string ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. веревка, бечевка a ball of string —- клубок веревки (бечевки) 2. тесемка, завязка, шнурок 3. муз. струна string band (orchestra) —- струнный оркестр string quartet —- струнный квартет string tuner —- машинка для настройки струн (скрипки и т. п.) the highest string of violin —- квинта to touch the strings —- ударить по струнам; играть на струнном инструменте to pluck the strings of a guitar —- наигрывать на гитаре 4. муз. струнные инструменты оркестра 5. муз. музыканты, играющие на струнных инструментах 6. вереница, ряд; серия a string of houses —- ряд домов a long string of tourists —- длинная череда туристов an interminable string of cars —- нескончаемая вереница машин a string of oaths —- одно ругательство за другим a string of bursts —- воен. пулеметная очередь a string of islands —- гряда островов I had a string of questions to ask him —- я хотел задать ему ряд вопросов he had a string of successes —- его успехи следовали один за другим 7. группа предметов, принадлежащих одному владельцу a string of racehorses —- скаковые лошади одной конюшни a string of newpapers —- группа газет (одного владельца, корпорации и т. п.) 8. нитка a string of pearls —- нитка жемчуга 9. связка, косица (лука и т. п.) 10. нить (в приборе) 11. тетива (лука) 12. спорт. струна (ракетки) 13. волокно (стручка фасоли) 14. жила (в мясе) 15. геол. прожилок 16. ам....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  with coll. подшучивать; The older workers always enjoy stringing the new boys with stories about the directors fierce temper. STRING together связывать; The jewels are strung together on a fine silver chain. STRING  1. noun  1) веревка, бечевка; тесемка, завязка, шнурок  2) тетива (лука)  3) mus. струна; to touch the strings - играть на струнном инструменте  4) (the strings) pl. mus. струнные инструменты оркестра  5) нитка (бус и т.п.)  6) вереница, ряд; a string of people - вереница людей; a string of bursts - пулеметная очередь  7) волокно, жилка  8) amer.; coll. условие, ограничение  9) лошади, принадлежащие одному владельцу (на скачках)  10) тетива, косоур (лестницы)  11) attr. струнный; string orchestra - струнный оркестр on a string - в полной зависимости; на поводу first string - главный ресурс second string -  а) запасной ресурс;  б) theatr. дублер to have two strings to ones bow - иметь на всякий случай какие-л. дополнительные ресурсы, средства to harp on one (или on the same) string - тянуть все ту же песню; твердить одно и то же to touch a string - затронуть чью-л. слабую струнку  2. v.  1) завязывать, привязывать; шнуровать  2) снабжать струной, тетивой и т.п.  3) натягивать (струну)  4) напрягать (тж. string up)  5) нанизывать (бусы)  6) вешать; to string a picture - повесить картину  7) amer.; sl. обманывать; водить за нос - string along with - string out - string together - string up...
Англо-русский словарь


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