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Английский Этимологический словарь - step


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- O.E. steop-, with connotations of "loss," in combinations like steopcild "orphan," related to astiepan, bestiepan "to bereave," from P.Gmc. *steupa-. Etymologically, a stepfather or stepmother is one who becomes father or mother to an orphan.
STEP - O.E. steppan (Anglian), stжppan (W.Saxon) "take a step," from W.Gmc. *stap- "tread." The noun is O.E. steppa (Mercian), stжpe, stepe (W.Saxon). Stepping stone first recorded c.1325; in the figurative sense 1653. Stepladder is from 1751. Step on it "hurry up" is 1923, from notion of gas pedal; step out (v.) is from 1907.
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Английский словарь американских идиом
  UN abbr. Science Technology And Economic Progress UN abbr. Striving To Experience Peace environ. abbr. Salmon and Trout Education Project environ. abbr. Students Together For Environmental Protection U.S. gov. abbr. Safety Training And Evaluation Process transport. abbr. Service Test and Evaluation Program mil. abbr. Standard for the Exchange of Product model data ( ISO 10303) mil. abbr. Software Test and Evaluation Plan mil. abbr. Standardized Tactical Entry Point ocean sc. abbr. Salmon Trout Enhancement Program ocean sc. abbr. Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchange Project univ. abbr. Sixth Term Examination Papers univ. abbr. Sixth Term Examination Paper univ. abbr. Sociocultural, Technological, Economic, And Political univ. abbr. Science And Technology Enhancement Program univ. abbr. Sinda Tutorials For Enhanced Performance electron. abbr. STandard for Exchange of Product Model Data ( ISO 10303) softw. abbr. Standard To Enhancement Pack network. abbr. Simple Transaction Exchange Protocol file ext. abbr. ISO-10303 STEP product data media abbr. Standard Template For Electronic Publishing media abbr. Satellite Telecommunications Educational Programming media abbr. Script Train Execute And Process educ. abbr. State Test Of Educational Progress educ. abbr. Students Teachers Employers And Parents educ. abbr. Strategic Teaching For Everyday Progress educ. abbr. Student Tobacco Education Program educ. abbr. Skills Training Education Program educ. abbr. Systematic Training For Effective Parenting educ. abbr. Secondary Transitional Educational Program educ. abbr. Student Transition And Educational Planning educ. abbr. Sixth Term Examination Paper educ. abbr. Student Transition Education Program educ. abbr. Student Teacher Enhancement Partnership educ. abbr. Student Transitional Enrichment Program educ. abbr. Students Teaching Early Prevention educ. abbr. Students Transitional English Program educ. abbr. School Transition Entry Program educ. abbr. Sustainable Technology Education Project educ. abbr. Science And...
English abbreviation dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »MOVEMENT« the movement you make when you put one foot in front of the other when walking  (With every step my bags seemed heavier. | take a step)  (Take two steps forward and one step back. | retrace your steps (=go back the way you came) | direct/bend your steps literary (=walk in a particular direction))  (The sun was setting as he bent his steps towards home.) 2 »ACTION« one of a series of things that you do in order to deal with a problem or to succeed  (Dole's first step will be to unite the party.) + towards  (The talks are an important step towards reconciliation.) take steps (=take action)  (We must take steps to make sure such an accident can never happen again. | a step forward)  (The discovery of penicillin was a major step forward in the treatment of infections. | a step in the right direction (=an action that is not complete, but is good as a beginning) | step backward (=something you do that makes a situation worse))  (Many teachers see an emphasis on written tests as a step backwards in education.) 3 »STAIR« a flat narrow piece of wood or stone, especially one in a series, that you put your foot on when you are going up or down in a building  (Jenny waited on the church steps. | flight of steps (=set of steps))  (- see also doorstep1 (1)) 4 »IN A PROCESS« a stage in a process or a position on a scale  (Every year you go up one step on the salary scale. | every step of the way (=continuously during every stage of something))  (Pam's husband has supported her every step of the way. | a step up)  (Nina's promotion is quite a step up for one so young.)  (- compare stage1 (1)) 5 »DANCING« a movement of your feet in dancing  (Wayne's learning the steps for the new routine.) 6 mind BrE /watch your step a) to be careful about what you say or how you behave  (You'll get into trouble if you don't watch your step.) b) to be careful when you are walking  (Mind your step - the railing's loose.) 7 be/keep in step a) if people or their ideas are in step, they agree with each other or with what...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (steps, stepping, stepped) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If you take a step, you lift your foot and put it down in a different place, for example when you are walking. I took a step towards him... She walked on a few steps... He heard steps in the corridor. N-COUNT 2. If you step on something or step in a particular direction, you put your foot on the thing or move your foot in that direction. This was the moment when Neil Armstrong became the first man to step on the Moon... She accidentally stepped on his foot on a crowded commuter train... VERB: V prep/adv, V prep/adv 3. Steps are a series of surfaces at increasing or decreasing heights, on which you put your feet in order to walk up or down to a different level. This little room was along a passage and down some steps... A flight of stone steps leads to the terrace. N-COUNT 4. A step is a raised flat surface in front of a door. A little girl was sitting on the step of the end house... N-COUNT see also doorstep 5. A step is one of a series of actions that you take in order to achieve something. He greeted the agreement as the first step towards peace... She is not content with her present lot and wishes to take steps to improve it... N-COUNT: oft N prep/adv 6. A step in a process is one of a series of stages. The next step is to put the theory into practice... = stage N-COUNT 7. The steps of a dance are the sequences of foot movements which make it up. = movement N-COUNT 8. Someone’s step is the way they walk. He quickened his step... N-SING: poss N 9. If you stay one step ahead of someone or something, you manage to achieve more than they do or avoid competition or danger from them. Successful travel is partly a matter of keeping one step ahead of the crowd... PHRASE: PHR after v, v-link PHR 10. If people who are walking or dancing are in step, they are moving their feet forward at exactly the same time as each other. If they are out of step, their feet...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English st?pe; akin to Old High German stapfo ~, stampfon to stamp  Date: before 12th century  1. a rest for the foot in ascending or descending: as  a. one of a series of structures consisting of a riser and a tread  b. a ladder rung  2.  a.  (1) an advance or movement made by raising the foot and bringing it down elsewhere  (2) a combination of foot or foot and body movements constituting a unit or a repeated pattern a dance ~  (3) manner of walking ; stride  b. footprint 1  c. the sound of a foot~ heard ~s in the hall  3.  a. the space passed over in one ~  b. a short distance just a ~ away from the bank  c. the height of one stair  4. plural course, way directed his ~s toward the river  5.  a. a degree, grade, or rank in a scale  b. a stage in a process was guided through every ~ of my career  6. a frame on a ship designed to receive an upright shaft; especially a block supporting the heel of a mast  7. an action, proceeding, or measure often occurring as one in a series taking ~s to improve the situation  8. a ~like offset or part usually occurring in a series  9. an interval in a musical scale  10. ~ aerobics  11. a slight lead in or as if in a race has a ~ on the competition  • ~like adjective  • ~ped adjective  II. verb  (~ped; ~ping)  Date: before 12th century  intransitive verb  1.  a. to move by raising the foot and bringing it down elsewhere or by moving each foot in succession  b. dance  2.  a. to go on foot ; walk  b. obsolete advance, proceed  c. to be on one's way ; leave — often used with along  d. to move briskly kept us ~ping  3. to press down with the foot ~ on the brake  4. to come as if at a single ~ ~ped into a good job  transitive verb  1. to take by moving the feet in succession ~ three paces  2.  a. to move (the foot) in any direction ; set the first man to ~ foot on the moon hasn't ~ped foot in our house since the quarrel  b. to traverse on foot  3. to go through...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a the complete movement of one leg in walking or running (took a step forward). b the distance covered by this. 2 a unit of movement in dancing. 3 a measure taken, esp. one of several in a course of action (took steps to prevent it; considered it a wise step). 4 a a surface on which a foot is placed on ascending or descending a stair or tread. b a block of stone or other platform before a door, altar, etc. c the rung of a ladder. d a notch cut for a foot in ice-climbing. e a platform etc. in a vehicle provided for stepping up or down. 5 a short distance (only a step from my door). 6 the sound or mark made by a foot in walking etc. (heard a step on the stairs). 7 the manner of walking etc. as seen or heard (know her by her step). 8 a a degree in the scale of promotion, advancement, or precedence. b one of a series of fixed points on a payscale etc. 9 a stepping (or not stepping) in time with others or music (esp. in or out of step). b the state of conforming to what others are doing (refuses to keep step with the team). 10 (in pl.) (also pair of steps sing.) = STEPLADDER. 11 esp. US Mus. a melodic interval of one degree of the scale, i.e. a tone or semitone. 12 Naut. a block, socket, or platform supporting a mast. --v. (stepped, stepping) 1 intr. lift and set down one's foot or alternate feet in walking. 2 intr. come or go in a specified direction by stepping. 3 intr. make progress in a specified way (stepped into a new job). 4 tr. (foll. by off, out) measure (distance) by stepping. 5 tr. perform (a dance). 6 tr. Naut. set up (a mast) in a step. Phrases and idioms in a person's steps following a person's example. mind (or watch) one's step be careful. step by step gradually; cautiously; by stages or degrees. step-cut (of a gem) cut in straight facets round the centre. step down 1 resign from a position etc. 2 Electr. decrease (voltage) by using a transformer. step in 1 enter a room, house, etc. 2 a intervene to help or hinder. b act as a substitute for an indisposed colleague etc. step-in attrib.adj. (of a...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) стадия; этап; ступень; переход (в цикле) 2) шаг 3) операция 4) ступень (лестницы) 5) горн. уступ разрабатывать уступами 6) ступень каскада гидроузлов, бьеф 7) упорный диск; прокладка (подпятника); вкладыш (подшипника) 8) проход, пропуск (при волочении) 9) авто ступень передачи (в трансмиссии) 10) мор. редан, уступ 11) интервал (шкалы) 12) трансформировать (напряжение) 13) скачок (тока, сигнала) 14) перепад (напр. уровней сигнала); ступенька (ступенчатой функции) 15) балл (устойчивости окраски) 16) мн. ч. шкала (устойчивости окраски) 17) мн. ч. стремянка in step — синхронно; to bring into step — синхронизовать; to step down voltage — понижать напряжение; to step on the gas — полностью нажать педаль акселератора, "выжать газ"; to pull in step — входить в синхронизм; to step up voltage — повышать напряжение - step of distribution - step of integration - step of iteration - step of network - aging step - automated manufacturing step - balanced step - brake step - button step - cantilever step - cleavage step - collar step - control step - current step - dancing step - drive-in step of diffusion - eligible job step - folding step - frequency step - gray scale step - growth step - hanging step - incremental step - input step - invoked job step - job step - kinked step - loading step - load step - loop step - machining step - masking step - mask step - mesa step - missed motor step - operating step - phase step - predeposition step of diffusion - processing step - process step - program step - propagation step -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  ступень; этап; стадия уступ; ступень (лестницы), ступенька шаг; интервал; перепад мн.ч.стремянка; лестница angle step barrage step bull-nose step commode step front steps lock step starting step ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) входной 2) наступать 3) переход в операции 4) редан 5) скачок 6) степс 7) ступенчатый 8) ступень 9) трансформировать 10) шаг 11) шагать 12) шаговый 13) этап to adjust in steps — регулировать ступенями bring into step — синхронизировать by-pass a job step — опускать шаг задания calibrated step wedge — шкала промежуточных тонов coming into step — вхождение в синхронизм fractional step method — метод дробных шагов resume an exploratory step — пробный шаг step down voltage — понижать напряжение step motor drive — шаговый электропривод unit step excitation — ступенчатое единичное воздействие unit step function — переходная функция - backward step - collar step - diagonal step - dual step - forward step - induction step - integration step - interpolation step - iteration step - ladder step - maximal step - merge step - pattern step - pull in step - quantization step - quantizing step - random step - rate-limiting step - restart job step - ride on step - select job step - skip job step - stair step - step SCAN - step approximation - step attenuation - step attenuator - step by step - step change - step curve - step down - step excitation - step function - step input - step ionization - step joint - step length - step motor - step of argument - step of calculation - step of correction - step of difference - step of distribution - step of grid - step of reaction - step of table - step on pedal - step pulley - step representation - step response - step roll - step sequence - step signal - step size - step sizing - step switch - step transformation - step up voltage - step up - step valve - step wedge - step welding - time step ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) шаг 2) мера • - be out of step with society - make a false step - step by step - step out - take steps 2. гл. 1) шагать, ступать 2) амер. продвигаться 3) увеличивать(ся) 4) ускорять(ся) STEP 1) стадия, ступень 2) ход, поступательное движение 3) ступень (ракеты) 4) вкладыш подшипника – in step – to step up – inventive step – mental step ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  шаг (вид аллюра) – easy step – prompt step – springy step ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. шаг long step —- длинный шаг at every step —- на каждом шагу step by step —- шаг за шагом; постепенно; последовательно; ступенчато in steps —- ступенчато step for step (with smb.) —- нога в ногу (с кем-л.) to make a false step —- оступиться to direct (to turn) one's steps —- направить шаги (свои стопы), направиться (куда-л.) in step with —- в ногу с (кем-л.); в соответствии с (чем-л.) to be out of step, to break step —- шагать (идти) не в ногу to be out of step with society —- идти не в ногу с обществом to retrace one's step —- вернуться обратно тем же путем 2. pl. звук шагов smb.'s steps were heard outside —- снаружи послышались чьи-то шаги 3. небольшое расстояние, расстояние в один шаг it's only a step to my house —- отсюда до моего дома всего один шаг it's a long step to the river —- до реки еще далеко it is a good step to the station —- до станции отсюда не так уж близко 4. след ступни (на песке и т. п.) 5. походка, поступь light step —- легкая походка to walk with a gymnastic step —- идти гимнастическим шагом she walks with a queen's step —- она выступает словно королева that's Lucy, I recognice her step —- это Люси, я узнаю ее походку we must hasten our steps —- нам надо прибавить шагу watch your step! —- не споткнитесь! 6. вид шага, шаг step away —- боковой шаг (конькобежный спорт) chasse step —- приставной шаг (конькобежный спорт) double step —- двойной шаг (конькобежный...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  on  а) наступать на ноги (в танце и т.п.; тж. перен.); I hate to be stepped on я не переношу толкотни;  б) ранить (чьи-л. чувства); Its difficult to avoid stepping on her sensitive feelings;  в) ругать; I shall step on her very firmly if she interrupts me again. STEP up  а) подойти; Would Mr Fisher please step up to receive his prize?;  б) продвигать; выдвигать;  в) увеличивать; ускорять; The firm will have to step up production if it is to defeat its competitors;  г) electr. повышать напряжение;  д) ставить (мачту и т.д.); Has the mast been properly stepped up? STEP  1. noun  1) шаг; step by step - шаг за шагом; at every step - на каждом шагу; in step -  а) в ногу;  б): to be in step соответствовать; out of step - не в ногу; to keep step with - идти в ногу с; to turn ones steps - направиться; to bring into step - согласовать во времени  2) звук шагов  3) поступь, походка  4) след (ноги); to follow smb. s steps, to tread in the steps of smb. fig. - идти по чьим-л. стопам  5) короткое расстояние; it is but a few steps to my house - до моего дома всего два шага  6) па (в танцах)  7) шаг, поступок; мера; a false step - ложный шаг; to take steps - принимать меры  8) ступень, ступенька; подножка, приступка; порог; подъем; flight of steps - марш лестницы  9) pl. стремянка (тж. a pair of steps)  10) naut. степс, гнездо (мачты)  11) tech. ход (спирали) to get ones step - получить повышение it is the first step that costs prov. - труден только первый шаг  2. v.  1) шагать,...
Англо-русский словарь


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