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Английский Этимологический словарь - smell


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- c.1175, "emit or perceive an odor," perhaps cognate with M.Du. smolen "to smolder" (see smolder). Ousted O.E. stenc (see stench) in most senses. Someone should revive smell-feast (n.) "one who scents out where free food is to be had" (1519). To smell a rat "be suspicious" is from 1550.
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  ~1 n 1 the quality that people and animals recognize by using their nose  (Some flowers have a stronger smell than others. | The wine has a light, lemony smell.) + of  (I opened the window to get rid of the smell of beer and cigarettes.)  (- compare aroma, fragrance) 2 an unpleasant smell  (Pooh! What a smell!)  (- compare odour, stink2 (1)) 3 the ability to notice or recognize smells  (A mole finds its food by smell alone. | sense of smell)  (Blind people often have an excellent sense of smell.) 4 C usually singular an act of smelling something  (Have a smell of this cheese; does it seem all right?) ~2 v past tense and past participle smelled especially AmE smelt ~ BrE 1 »A PARTICULAR SMELL« I always + adv/prep; linking verb + adj to have a particular smell  (smell nice/good/spicy etc)  (That soup smells delicious! | a sweet-smelling flower) + of  (The car smelled of leather and wood.) smell like  (It smells like a hospital in here - has anyone been using disinfectant?) 2 »UNPLEASANT« to have an unpleasant smell  (His breath smells. | We must clean out the bird-cage - it's starting to smell.) 3 »RECOGNIZE A SMELL« to notice or recognize a particular smell  (I think I smell gas! | smell that)  (I could smell that the milk wasn't fresh.) 4 »PUT YOUR NOSE NEAR STH« to put your nose near something to discover what kind of smell it has; sniff1 (2)  (Diane smelled his breath to see if he'd been drinking.) 5 »ABILITY TO SMELL« to have the ability to notice and recognize smells  (I've got a cold and I can't smell.) 6 smell trouble/danger etc to feel that something bad is going to happen  (He smelt trouble and got up to leave.) 7 smell a rat informal to guess that something wrong or dishonest is happening  (They know we hate them and will smell a rat if we try to be nice to them.) 8 smell fishy if a story, excuse etc smells fishy, you think it is likely to be untrue  (Max can't be working late again! It smells very fishy to me.) 9 »SEEM« linking verb informal to seem  (smell wrong/odd/worrying etc)...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (smells, smelling, smelled, smelt) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. Note: American English usually uses the form 'smelled' as the past tense and past participle. British English uses either 'smelled' or 'smelt'. 1. The smell of something is a quality it has which you become aware of when you breathe in through your nose. ...the smell of freshly baked bread. ...horrible smells... N-COUNT: oft N of n 2. Your sense of smell is the ability that your nose has to detect things. ...people who lose their sense of smell. N-UNCOUNT 3. If something smells in a particular way, it has a quality which you become aware of through your nose. The room smelled of lemons... It smells delicious. ...a crumbly black substance that smells like fresh soil. V-LINK: V of n, V adj, V like n 4. If you say that something smells, you mean that it smells unpleasant. Ma threw that out. She said it smelled... Do my feet smell? VERB: V, V 5. If you smell something, you become aware of it when you breathe in through your nose. As soon as we opened the front door we could smell the gas. VERB: V n 6. If you smell something, you put your nose near it and breathe in, so that you can discover its smell. I took a fresh rose out of the vase on our table, and smelled it. = sniff VERB: V n 7. to smell a rat: see rat ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. verb  (~ed or smelt; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English  Date: 12th century  transitive verb  1. to perceive the odor or scent of through stimuli affecting the olfactory nerves ; get the odor or scent of with the nose  2. to detect or become aware of as if by the sense of ~ I ~ trouble  3. to emit the odor of  intransitive verb  1. to exercise the sense of ~  2.  a.  (1) to have an odor or scent  (2) to have a characteristic aura or atmosphere ; smack the accounts…seemed to me to ~ of truth — R. S. Bourne; also seem, appear the story didn't ~ right  b.  (1) to have an offensive odor ; stink  (2) to be of bad or questionable quality all this from the moral point of view ~s — A. F. Wills  • ~er noun  II. noun  Date: 12th century  1. the property of a thing that affects the olfactory organs ; odor  2.  a. the process, function, or power of ~ing  b. the sense concerned with the perception of odor  3.  a. a very small amount ; trace add only a ~ of garlic  b. a pervading or characteristic quality ; aura the ~ of affluence, of power — Harry Hervey  4. an act or instance of ~ing Synonyms:  ~, scent, odor, aroma mean the quality that makes a thing perceptible to the olfactory sense. ~ implies solely the sensation without suggestion of quality or character an odd ~ permeated the room. scent applies to the characteristic ~ given off by a substance, an animal, or a plant the scent of lilacs. odor may imply a stronger or more readily distinguished scent or it may be equivalent to ~ a cheese with a strong odor. aroma suggests a somewhat penetrating usually pleasant odor the aroma of freshly ground coffee. ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 the faculty of perceiving odours or scents (has a fine sense of smell). 2 the quality in substances that is perceived by this (the smell of thyme; this rose has no smell). 3 an unpleasant odour. 4 the act of inhaling to ascertain smell. --v. (past and past part. smelt or smelled) 1 tr. perceive the smell of; examine by smell (thought I could smell gas). 2 intr. emit odour. 3 intr. seem by smell to be (this milk smells sour). 4 intr. (foll. by of) a be redolent of (smells of fish). b be suggestive of (smells of dishonesty). 5 intr. stink; be rank. 6 tr. perceive as if by smell; detect, discern, suspect (smell a bargain; smell blood). 7 intr. have or use a sense of smell. 8 intr. (foll. by about) sniff or search about. 9 intr. (foll. by at) inhale the smell of. Phrases and idioms smelling-bottle a small bottle of smelling-salts. smelling-salts ammonium carbonate mixed with scent to be sniffed as a restorative in faintness etc. smell out 1 detect by smell; find out by investigation. 2 (of a dog etc.) hunt out by smell. smell a rat begin to suspect trickery etc. Derivatives smellable adj. smeller n. smell-less adj. Etymology: ME smel(le), prob. f. OE ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) обоняние 2) запах 3) пахнуть, иметь запах to take a smell (at) — нюхать ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  запах, пахнуть - sense of smell ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) запах 2) обоняние; нюхать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. обоняние organ (sense) of smell —- орган (чувство) обоняния fine (keen) sense of smell —- тонкое обоняние, тонкий нюх 2. запах sweet smell —- аромат, благоухание to exude (to give off, to give out, to emit) a smell —- издавать (испускать) запах there is a smell of cooking (of gas, of fresh paint) —- пахнет кухней (газом, непросохшей краской) 3. дурной запах, вонь, зловоние what a smell! —- какая вонь! 4. намек, признак, след there is a smell of corruption (of treachery) here —- здесь пахнет коррупцией (предательством) 5. атмосфера, дух there is a smell of affluence (of power) here —- здесь все дышит богатством (властью) 6. капелька, чуточка add only a smell of garlic —- положите только самую малость чеснока 7. нюханье to take a smell at smth. —- понюхать что-либо Id: a smell of powder —- боевой опыт Id: a smell of the lamp —- кабинетность, вымученность (стиля и т. п.); нудный педантизм; наукообразность 8. smelt, редк. smelled (-t) 9. обонять; чувствовать запах; чуять to smell gas —- слышать (чувствовать) запах газа the camels smelt the water a mile off —- верблюды чуяли воду за милю от колоодца 10. чуять, чувствовать he smelt a plot —- он почувствовал, что готовится заговор he smelt trouble —- он почувствовал, что дело неладно 11. нюхать, вдыхать запах to smell smth., to smell at smth. —- понюхать что-либо the dog smelt at my shoes —- собака обнюхала мои башмаки 12. пахнуть; иметь...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  about принюхиваться; разнюхивать, выслеживать SMELL  1. noun  1) обоняние; to have a good sense of smell - иметь тонкое обоняние  2) to take a smell (at) - понюхать  3) запах Syn: aroma, bouquet, fragrance, odour, scent, stench, stink  2. v.  1) чувствовать запах, чуять; обонять  2) нюхать (at)  3) пахнуть; the perfume smells good - эти духи хорошо пахнут; to smell of paint - пахнуть краской - smell about - smell out - smell round - smell up to smell powder - понюхать пороху to smell of the lamp (или of the candle, of oil) - быть вымученным (о слоге и т.п.) SMELL a rat чуять недоброе; подозревать SMELL up провонять; наполнить (комнату и т.п.) вонью Please dont smoke, your cigarettes smell up the car SMELL of powder боевой опыт SMELL out  а) выследить, учуять Some dogs are used to smelt out unlawful drugs which travellers are carrying.  б) разнюхать, раскрыть He has a strange ability for smelling out a mystery.  в) провонять; наполнить (комнату и т.п.) вонью Those terrible cigarettes smell the whole room out. SMELL round = smell about ...
Англо-русский словарь


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