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Английский Этимологический словарь - sale


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- Late O.E. sala "a sale," from O.N. sala "sale," from P.Gmc. *salo. Related to O.E. sellan (see sell). Sense of "a selling at lower prices" first appeared 1860s. Salesman is from 1523.
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Английский словарь американских идиом
  NASDAQ abbr. Intellesale.Com, Inc. ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  ~ n 1 »ACT OF SELLING« the act of giving property, food, or other goods to someone in exchange for money + of  (The use and sale of marijuana remains illegal. | The house sale was completed in two weeks.) make a sale (=sell something)  (Every time Harvey makes a sale he gets $50 commission. | lose a sale (=not sell something that you were going to sell))  (Rather than lose a sale, car salesmen will often bring down the price.) 2 for sale available to be bought  (Excuse me, are these for sale? | There was a "for sale" sign in the yard. | put sth up for sale (=to make something, especially a house, available to be bought))  (Reluctantly, they put the family home up for sale.) 3 »LOWER PRICES« a period of time when shops sell their goods at lower prices than usual  (Marsdon's department store is having a sale this week. | the sales BrE (=when all the shops have a sale) | the January/summer/autumn etc sales)  (I picked up some real bargains in the January sales this year.) 4 »EVENT« an event at which things are sold to the person who offers the highest price; auction1  (a sale of 17th century paintings) 5 sales a) the total number of products that a company sells during a particular period of time  (We grossed more than $500,000 in sales last year. | sales figures/targets etc)  (We've already reached our sales targets for this year.) b) the part of a company that deals with selling products  (She found a job in sales. | a sales manager) 6 sales drive/campaign an effort made by a company to try to increase the number of products it sells 7 sales pitch/talk the things that someone says when they are trying to persuade you to buy something 8 on sale a) available to be bought in a shop  (Stephen King's new novel will go on sale next week.) b) especially AmE available to be bought at a lower price than usual  (I could only afford to buy the CD player because it was on sale.) 9 (on) sale or return if a shop buys something on sale or return, it can return the goods that it is unable to sell  (- see also bill of sale,...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (sales) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. The sale of goods is the act of selling them for money. Efforts were made to limit the sale of alcohol. ...a proposed arms sale to Saudi Arabia... N-SING: usu with supp 2. The sales of a product are the quantity of it that is sold. The newspaper has sales of 1.72 million. ...retail sales figures. N-PLURAL 3. The part of a company that deals with sales deals with selling the company’s products. Until 1983 he worked in sales and marketing... N-PLURAL 4. A sale is an occasion when a shop sells things at less than their normal price. ...a pair of jeans bought half-price in a sale... N-COUNT 5. A sale is an event when goods are sold to the person who offers the highest price. The painting was bought by dealers at the Christie’s sale. = auction N-COUNT 6. see also car boot sale, jumble sale 7. If something is for sale, it is being offered to people to buy. His former home is for sale at ?495,000... PHRASE 8. Products that are on sale can be bought in shops. (mainly BRIT) English textbooks and dictionaries are on sale everywhere... PHRASE 9. If products in a shop are on sale, they can be bought for less than their normal price. (AM) He bought a sports jacket on sale at Gowings Men’s Store. PHRASE 10. If a property or company is up for sale, its owner is trying to sell it. The castle has been put up for sale. PHRASE ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English sala; akin to Old High German sala transfer, Old English sellan to sell — more at sell  Date: before 12th century  1. the act of selling; specifically the transfer of ownership of and title to property from one person to another for a price  2.  a. opportunity of selling or being sold ; demand  b. distribution by selling  3. public disposal to the highest bidder ; auction  4. a selling of goods at bargain prices  5. plural  a. operations and activities involved in promoting and selling goods or services vice-president in charge of ~s  b. gross receipts SALE  or formerly Sallee  geographical name city & port NW Morocco, N suburb of Rabat population 289,391 ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. 1 the exchange of a commodity for money etc.; an act or instance of selling. 2 the amount sold (the sales were enormous). 3 the rapid disposal of goods at reduced prices for a period esp. at the end of a season etc. 4 a an event at which goods are sold. b a public auction. Phrases and idioms on (or for) sale offered for purchase. sale of work an event where goods made by parishioners etc. are sold for charity. sale or return an arrangement by which a purchaser takes a quantity of goods with the right of returning surplus goods without payment. sale-ring a circle of buyers at an auction. sales clerk US a salesman or saleswoman in a shop. sales department etc. the section of a firm concerned with selling as opposed to manufacturing or dispatching goods. sales engineer a salesperson with technical knowledge of the goods and their market. sales resistance the opposition or apathy of a prospective customer etc. to be overcome by salesmanship. sales talk persuasive talk to promote the sale of goods or the acceptance of an idea etc. sales tax a tax on sales or on the receipts from sales. Etymology: OE sala f. ON ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  продажа; сбыт chick sale ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) аукцион 2) продажа 3) продажный 4) сбывание 5) сбыт ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сущ. 1) эк. продажа, реализация, торговля, сбыт shares on sale - акции в продаже 2) торг. распродажа (продажа по сниженным ценам; любая продажа товара, при которой часть стоимости продаваемого товара является подарком, скидкой, субсидией покупателю) sale advertising - реклама распродаж, sale price - цена на распродаже, When we went to the sale it was four of us and we had a jolly good time. - Мы пошли на распродажу вчетвером и весело провели время. Syn: sell off I 1) sales event fair 3) See: closeout 1) closing-down sale bargain sale clearance sale one-cent sale one-day sale fire sale 2) 3) торг., юр. торговая сделка, сделка купли-продажи а)амер. (сделка, состоящая в передаче собственности, представляющей собой товар, от продавца покупателю за денежное вознаграждение) б) брит. (сама сделка продажи в отличие от соглашения о продаже) Syn: present sale See: agreement to sell 4) торг. продажа с аукциона, продажа с торгов saleroom - помещение для проведения аукционов See: auction SALE продажа; сбыт – sale by sample – sale of invention – sale of inventor's right – sale of licenses – sale of patent – bulk sale – consumption sale – exclusive sale – experimental sale – export sale – first sale – public sale – retail sale – total sales SALE сущ. 1) продажа, продажа с аукциона (торгов); реализация, сбыт 2) купля-продажа 3) распродажа (по сниженным ценам) 4) продажа по сниженным ценам 5)...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  распродажа Продажа товара по сниженной цене, обычно в крупных универмагах department store; chain store. Распродажи организуются в конце сезона и перед праздниками, например под Рождество Christmas, а также для сбыта крупной партии товара и при затоваривании перед получением новой партии См. тж. clearance sale ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. продажа; сбыт (goods) for sale —- (товары) в продаже (поступившие в продажу) "For S." —- "продается" (ярлык, объявление и т. п.) cash sale —- продажа за наличный расчет sale on credit —- продажа в кредит bill of sale —- закладная; купчая sale value —- продажная стоимость is this car for sale? —- эта машина продается? I have made no sale today —- сегодня я ничего не продал there is no sale for these articles —- эти товары не имеют сбыта these goods have a good sale —- эти товары хорошо идут, это ходкие товары to find a quick (ready) sale —- быстро распродаваться, расходиться (о товаре); пользоваться спросом to find no sale —- не находить покупателя; залежаться (о товаре) to command (to enjoy) a large sale —- пользоваться большим спросом 2. торговля; торговая сделка no sale took place during the day —- за день не было заключено ни одной торговой сделки sales are up this year —- в этом году торговля идет лучше the magazine is not on general sale —- этот журнал в общую продажу не поступает 3. продажа с аукциона, продажа с торгов (также an auction sale) forced (compulsory) sale —- принудительная продажа с торгов (с молотка) there will be a sale of all the furniture —- вся мебель будет продаваться с торгов to put up for sale —- продавать с молотка to knock smth. down to smb. at a sale —- продать кому-л. что-л. с аукциона 4. часто pl. распродажа по сниженным...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  noun  1) продажа; сбыт - be for sale - be on sale  2) продажа с аукциона, с торгов - put up for sale  3) usu. pl. распродажа по сниженной цене в конце сезона - bargain sale - clearance sale ...
Англо-русский словарь


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