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Английский Этимологический словарь - saddle


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- O.E. sadol "seat for a rider," from P.Gmc. *sathulaz, from PIE *sed- "sit." The verb is from O.E. sadolian; the meaning "to load with a burden" is first recorded 1693. Saddleback is from 1545.
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  See: IN THE SADDLE. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  ~1 n 1 a seat made of leather that is put on a horse's back so that someone can ride it 2 a seat on a bicycle or a motorcycle 3 be in the saddle informal a) to be in a position in which you have power or authority  (He's been in the saddle for 30 years now, and it's time he retired.) b) to be riding a horse  (They were weary after many hours in the saddle.) ~2 v to put a saddle on a horse saddle up phr v to put a saddle on a horse  (We saddled up and rode quickly back to the farm.) saddle sb with sth phr v to give someone a difficult or boring job  (It's his party, but I've been saddled with organizing the whole thing!) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (saddles, saddling, saddled) 1. A saddle is a leather seat that you put on the back of an animal so that you can ride the animal. N-COUNT see also side-saddle 2. If you saddle a horse, you put a saddle on it so that you can ride it. Why don’t we saddle a couple of horses and go for a ride? VERB: V n • Saddle up means the same as saddle. I want to be gone from here as soon as we can saddle up... She saddled up a horse. PHRASAL VERB: V P, V P n (not pron) 3. A saddle is a seat on a bicycle or motorcycle. N-COUNT 4. If you saddle someone with a problem or with a responsibility, you put them in a position where they have to deal with it. The war devastated the economy and saddled the country with a huge foreign debt. VERB: V n with n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English sadel, from Old English sadol; akin to Old High German satul ~  Date: before 12th century  1.  a.  (1) a girthed usually padded and leather-covered seat for the rider of an animal (as a horse)  (2) a part of a driving harness comparable to a ~ that is used to keep the breeching in place  b. a seat to be straddled by the rider of a vehicle (as a bicycle)  2. a device mounted as a support and often shaped to fit the object held  3.  a. a ridge connecting two higher elevations  b. a pass in a mountain range  4.  a. both sides of the unsplit back of a carcass including both loins  b. a colored marking on the back of an animal  c. the rear part of a male fowl's back extending to the tail — see duck illustration  5. the central part of the spine of the binding of a book  6. a piece of leather across the instep of a shoe  • ~less adjective  II. verb  (~d; saddling)  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1. to put a ~ on  2.  a. to place under a burden or encumbrance  b. to place (an onerous responsibility) on a person or group  intransitive verb to mount a ~d horse ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a seat of leather etc., usu. raised at the front and rear, fastened on a horse etc. for riding. 2 a seat for the rider of a bicycle etc. 3 a joint of meat consisting of the two loins. 4 a ridge rising to a summit at each end. 5 the part of a draught-horse's harness to which the shafts are attached. 6 a part of an animal's back resembling a saddle in shape or marking. 7 the rear part of a male fowl's back. 8 a support for a cable or wire on top of a suspension-bridge, pier, or telegraph-pole. 9 a fireclay bar for supporting ceramic ware in a kiln. --v.tr. 1 put a saddle on (a horse etc.). 2 a (foll. by with) burden (a person) with a task, responsibility, etc. b (foll. by on, upon) impose (a burden) on a person. 3 (of a trainer) enter (a horse) for a race. Phrases and idioms in the saddle 1 mounted. 2 in office or control. saddle-bag 1 each of a pair of bags laid across a horse etc. behind the saddle. 2 a bag attached behind the saddle of a bicycle or motor cycle. saddle-bow the arched front or rear of a saddle. saddle-cloth a cloth laid on a horse's back under the saddle. saddle-horse a horse for riding. saddle-sore chafed by riding on a saddle. saddle stitch a stitch of thread or a wire staple passed through the centre of a magazine or booklet. saddle-tree 1 the frame of a saddle. 2 a tulip-tree (with saddle-shaped leaves). Derivatives saddleless adj. Etymology: OE sadol, sadul f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) промежуточная опора (напорного трубопровода ГЭС или насосной станции) 2) хомутовая опора (трубопровода); ремонтный хомут с прокладкой (для трубопровода) 3) подушка; подкладка; башмак 4) салазки; суппорт; каретка суппорта 5) седло (клапана) 6) поперечина; траверса 7) резин. стыковая накладка 8) оправка (для раскатки колец) 9) фланец (ламповой панели) 10) седло (на фазовой плоскости) 11) текст. седёлка (вытяжного прибора) 12) дека, башмак (шелушильного станка) 13) тальвег; лощина; понижение (местности) 14) метео седло - auxiliary saddle - Berl saddle - capstan saddle - carriage saddle - contact saddle - downspout saddle - expansion pipe saddle - fixed pipe saddle - full-length saddle - main saddle - pipe saddle - rail head saddle - rope saddle - tap saddle - tower saddle - turning saddle - turret saddle ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  седловидный хомут (для крепления труб, кабелей) седловидная опора трубопровода стремя водосточной трубы порог седлообразное возвышение кровли (у мест примыкания к стене) раструбно-фланцевая муфта грузовая тележка (башенного крана) beam saddle cable saddle collar saddle pipe saddle ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  гл. 1) обременять (налогами) 2) взваливать (бремя) - be saddled with debts ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  – dryad's club saddle – Turkish saddle ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. седло flat saddle —- спортивное седло saddle spring —- седельная пружина saddle strap —- подпруга for the saddle —- для верховой езды to rise in the saddle —- ехать английской рысью to leap into the saddle —- вскочить на лошадь to jump out of the saddle —- соскочить с лошади 2. командное положение; "человек на коне" to be in the saddle —- верховодить to get into the saddle —- возглавить (что-л.) to get into the saddle again —- снова прийти к власти; снова оказаться на коне to be cast (thrown) from the saddle —- быть выбитым из седла; быть смещенным с (руководящей) должности 3. чересседельник 4. седелка 5. седло (туши) hind saddle —- задок бараньей или телячьей туши 6. седловина (горной цепи) 7. геол. антиклинальная складка 8. мат. седло, седловина (кривой); седлообразная поверхность 9. тех. подушка, подкладка 10. тех. опора (трубопровода и т. п.); суппорт; салазки Id: to lay (to put, to set) the saddle on the right horse —- правильно обвинять кого-л. Id: either to win the horse or lose the saddle —- либо пан, либо пропал 11. седлать; оседлать to saddle a horse —- седлать лошадь to saddle anew —- переседлать 12. вьючить, навьючивать 13. взваливать; обременять to saddle heavy responsibilities on (upon) smb. —- взвалить тяжелую ответственность на кого-л. saddled with heavy debts —- обремененный большими долгами he is saddles with a large family —- у него на руках...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  strap вьючный ремень SADDLE  1. noun  1) седло  2) седелка  3) седловина (горной цепи)  4) geol. антиклинальная складка  5) tech. подкладка, башмак; салазки; суппорт (станка); гнездо (клапана)  6) союзка (башмака); white shoes with brown saddles - белые туфли с коричневыми союзками  7) cul. седло; saddle of mutton - седло барашка to put the saddle on the right horse - обвинять кого следует; обвинять справедливо - be in the saddle  2. v.  1) седлать (тж. saddle up); садиться в седло; When all the riders have saddled up, we can set off.  2) взваливать (on, upon); обременять (with); Dont try to saddle your dirty work on me! I got saddled with three of the neighbours children for the whole afternoon. SADDLE shoes туфли с цветными союзками ...
Англо-русский словарь


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