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Английский Этимологический словарь - region


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- 13c., from Anglo-Fr. regioun, O.Fr. region, from L. regionem (nom. regio) "direction, boundary, district, country," from regere "to direct, rule."
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  ~ n 1 a fairly large area of a country or of the world, usually without exact limits  (oil fields in the Appalachian region of the US | The invaders occupied important coastal regions. | America's main ally in this region)  (- see area) 2 a particular part of someone's body  (a pain in the lower back region) 3 (somewhere) in the region of used to describe an amount of time, money, etc without being exact  (The school received a grant somewhere in the region of -2,500.) 4 the regions the parts of a country that are away from the capital city  (Government policy is to relocate jobs from the capital to the regions.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (regions) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A region is a large area of land that is different from other areas of land, for example because it is one of the different parts of a country with its own customs and characteristics, or because it has a particular geographical feature. ...Barcelona, capital of the autonomous region of Catalonia. N-COUNT 2. The regions are the parts of a country that are not the capital city and its surrounding area. (BRIT) ...London and the regions... N-PLURAL: the N 3. You can refer to a part of your body as a region. ...the pelvic region. = area N-COUNT: with supp 4. You say in the region of to indicate that an amount that you are stating is approximate. The scheme will cost in the region of six million pounds. = around PHRASE c darkgreen]vagueness ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   noun  Etymology: Middle English regioun, from Anglo-French regiun, from Latin ~-, regio line, direction, area, from regere to direct  Date: 14th century  1. an administrative area, division, or district; especially the basic administrative unit for local government in Scotland  2.  a. an indefinite area of the world or universe few unknown ~s left on earth  b. a broad geographic area distinguished by similar features the Appalachian ~  c.  (1) a major world area that supports a characteristic fauna  (2) an area characterized by the prevalence of one or more vegetational climax types  3.  a. any of the major subdivisions into which the body or one of its parts is divisible  b. an indefinite area surrounding a specified body part a pain in the ~ of the heart  4. a sphere of activity or interest ; field  5. any of the zones into which the atmosphere is divided according to height or the sea according to depth  6. an open connected set together with none, some, or all of the points on its boundary a simple closed curve divides a plane into two ~s ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. 1 an area of land, or division of the earth's surface, having definable boundaries or characteristics (a mountainous region; the region between London and the coast). 2 an administrative district esp. in Scotland. 3 a part of the body round or near some organ etc. (the lumbar region). 4 a sphere or realm (the region of metaphysics). 5 a a separate part of the world or universe. b a layer of the atmosphere or the sea according to its height or depth. Phrases and idioms in the region of approximately. Derivatives regional adj. regionalism n. regionalist n. & adj. regionalize v.tr. (also -ise). regionally adv. Etymology: ME f. OF f. L regio -onis direction, district f. regere direct ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) область; зона; район; регион 2) матем. область определения - region of adhesion - region of normal exposure - region of relay nonoperation - region of solarization - region of underexposure - accessible region - accumulation region - active region - age-hardening region - alloyed region - anode region - anthracite region - antinodal region - aridity region - atomic region - avalanche region - barrier region - base region - beam-forming region - blanket region - border region - Bragg region - breakdown region - buried region - cathode region - channel region - climatic region - coal region - collector region - compression region - core region - coverage region - crack tip region - crescent-shaped slipped region - crossover region - cutoff region - cutting region - D-region - dead region - deep UV region - depletion region - diffraction region - diffusion region - disposal region - doped region - double-avalanche region - double-drift region - downcomer region - drain region - drift region - E-region - eddy region - elastic region - electric field region - emitter region - enhanced region - entrance region - epitaxial region - equisignal region - extrinsic region - F-region - far-field region - field region - fissile region - floating potential region - forbidden region - Fraunhofer region - Fresnel region - gas region - gate region - Geiger-Muller region - Geiger region - glass-formaig region - graded region - growth region - Hardening temperature region - Hardening region - Hertzian region - hole-bottom region - humid region - hydrogenated region - hyetal region - illuminated region - impurity region - inactive region - infrared region - injection region - insulation region - interaction region - interface region - interfin region - intrinsic region - island region - linearity region - liquid-solid region - littoral region - n-region - natural synoptic region - near-field region - near-surface region - necking region - no-slip region - oil region - overlay region - p-region - photon-absorbing...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  область; регион; район; территория region of imperfections region of stress concentration arid region climatic region constant soil congelation region earthquake-prone region elastic region frozen region inelastic region initial linear elastic region physiographic region rural region stress region transition region unbounded region uninhabited region urban region urbanized region ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) область; зона 2) узел – active region – cladding region – cutoff region – D-region – diffraction region – E-region – F-region – F1-region – F2-region – far-field region – geometric line-of-site region – geometric shadow region – grain region – insulation region – interference region – intermediate-field region – long wavelength region – NAP region – near-field region – short wavelength region – spatial charge region – stable region ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) зона 2) область 3) полоса 4) район 5) регион 6) сфера 7) участок acceptable acceptance region — область принятия гипотезы; область допустимых значений cathode fall region — область прикатодная doubly connected region — двусвязная область extrinsic base region — внешняя зона базы в топологии ИС forward conduction region — область прямой проводимости joint confidence region — совместная доверительная область multiply connected region — многосвязная область nearly stationary region — почти стационарная область reactor seed region — запальная область реактора region of admissible deviations — область допустимых отклонений region of asymptotical stability — область асимптотической устойчивости region of definition of determination — область определения region under consideration — рассматриваемая область simply connected region — односвязная область size of critical region — размер критической области smoothly bounded region — гладко ограниченная область space charge region — физ. зона заполненная, электр. область пространственного заряда stability stable region — область устойчивости unbiased critical region — критическая область несмещенного критерия - Harvard region - acceptance region - accessible region - admitted region - angular region - anticlastic region - asymptotic region - boundary region - bounded region - closed region - coefficient region - collector region - confidence region - connected region - constraint region - convex region - critical region -...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сущ. область, край, округ, район - agricultural region - virgin regions ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) область, регион; зона, район 2) отдел тела, область тела – region of growth – region of homology – region of pairing – region of plant alimentation – abdominal region – acceptance region – Amazonian region – animal region – antebrachial region – antibody constant region – antibody variable region – antiboreal region – Arctogaeic region – Australian region – Austro-Columbian region – axillary region – basilar region – boreal region – C region – coding region – complementarity-determining region – confidence region – conserved region – constant region – critical region – crural region – DH-encoded region – divergent region – elbow regions – enhancer region – epigastric region – Ethiopian region – exchanged region – extended hinge region – extra-domain region – extra-domain hinge region – faunal region – flanking region – floral region – hinge region – Holarctic region – hypervariable region – hypochondriac region – immune response region – immunodominant region – indifferent region – inert chromosome region – infraclavicular region – inguinal region – intercistronic region – invariable region – Ir region – link region – lumbar region – Nearcticregion – Neotropic region – nondomain hinge region – occipital region – Oriental region – Palaearctic region – parietal region – perineal region – preference region – rejection region – similar region – source region – spectral region – switch region – temporal region – untranslated region – V region – vegetal region – VH-encoded region – zygomatic region ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  район 1) Экономико-статистическая единица, выделяемая Бюро переписи населения Bureau of the Census с 1942. Страна поделена на 4 района: Северо-Восток Northeast, Юг South, Средний Запад Midwest и Запад West. Тж. census geographic region См. тж. division 2) Экономико-статистическая единица и зона ответственности подразделений Службы иммиграции и натурализации Immigration and Naturalization Service, один из четырех районов - Восточный Eastern Region, Южный Southern Region, Северный Northern Region или Западный Western Region. ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. область, район, зона; край, страна the Arctic R. —- Арктика, арктический регион few unknown regions are left on the Earth —- на земле осталось мало неизученных мест 2. пространство the aquatic regions of the Earth —- водные пространства Земли 3. сфера, область every region of science —- каждая область науки the region of mythology —- сфера (область) мифологии in the region of —- в сфере, в области; поблизости 4. округ, район (страны, города) Moscow R. —- Московская область the city was divided into seven regions —- город делился на семь районов 5. воен. округ, район (дислокации войск) 6. слой (атмсферы и т. п.) in the upper regions —- в верхних слоях атмосферы 7. анат. область, часть тела the abdominal region —- область живота, абдоминальная область a pain in the region of the heart —- боль в области сердца 8. место, места (также перен.) the region is indicated on the diagram —- это место указано (обозначено) на диаграмме the back regions (of a house) —- кухня; подсобное помещение the upper regions —- небо the nether (the lower) regions —- ад, преисподняя the region beyond the grave —- загробное царство celestial regions —- небесные сферы ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  noun  1) страна; край; область; округа; fig. сфера, область; in the region of -  а) поблизости;  б) в сфере, в области  2) район (страны)  3) слой (атмосферы)  4) med. полость, часть тела; the abdominal region - брюшная полость Syn: see section ...
Англо-русский словарь


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