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Английский Этимологический словарь - queen


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- O.E. cwen "queen, woman, wife," from P.Gmc. *kwoeniz, from PIE *gwen- "woman, wife" supposedly originally "honored woman" (cf. Greek gynй "a woman, a wife," Gaelic bean, Skt. janis "a woman," gnб "a goddess," Goth. qino "a woman," qйns "a queen"). English seems unique in I.E. in having a word for "queen" that is not a fem. derivative of the one for "king." The original sense seems to have been "wife," specialized to "wife of a king." Of bees, 1609 (until late 17c., they generally were thought to be kings; cf. "Henry V," I.ii); of chess piece, 1440; of playing card, 1575. Meaning "male homosexual" (especially a feminine and ostentatious one) first recorded 1924; probably an alteration of quean in this sense. Queens, the New York borough, was named for Catherine of Braganza, queen of English King Charles II. Queen Anne first used 1881 for "style characteristic of the time of Queen Anne of Great Britain and Ireland," who reigned 1702-14.
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Английский словарь американских идиом
  ~1 n 1 »RULER« also Queen a) the female ruler of a country  (Elizabeth II became Queen of England in 1952.) b) the wife of a king 2 »CARD« a playing card with a picture of a queen on it  (the queen of hearts) 3 »HOMOSEXUAL« informal an insulting word for a male homosexual, especially one who behaves like a woman. 4 queen bee a woman who behaves as if she is the most important person in a place 5 the queen of a woman who is regarded as the best at a particular activity or in a particular field  (Tammy Wynette, the queen of country music.) 6 »INSECT« a large female bee, ant etc, which lays the eggs for a whole group 7 »CHESS« the most powerful piece in the game of chess  (- see also beauty queen, drag queen) ~2 v 1 queen it over informal to behave in an annoying way as if you are more important than other people 2 technical to change a pawn1 (1) into a queen in the game of chess ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (queens) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A queen is a woman who rules a country as its monarch. ...Queen Victoria... She met the Queen last week. N-TITLE; N-COUNT: oft the N 2. A queen is a woman who is married to a king. The king and queen had fled. N-TITLE; N-COUNT: oft the N 3. If you refer to a woman as the queen of a particular activity, you mean that she is well-known for being very good at it. ...the queen of crime writing. N-COUNT: with supp, N of n, n N see also beauty queen 4. In chess, the queen is the most powerful piece. It can be moved in any direction. N-COUNT 5. A queen is a playing card with a picture of a queen on it. ...the queen of spades. N-COUNT: oft the N of n 6. A queen or a queen bee is a large female bee which can lay eggs. N-COUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English quene, from Old English cwen woman, wife, ~; akin to Gothic qens wife, Greek gyne woman, Sanskrit jani  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. the wife or widow of a king  b. the wife or widow of a tribal chief  2.  a. a female monarch  b. a female chieftain  3.  a. a woman eminent in rank, power, or attractions a movie ~  b. a goddess or a thing personified as female and having supremacy in a specified realm  c. an attractive girl or woman; especially a beauty contest winner  4. the most privileged piece of each color in a set of chessmen having the power to move in any direction across any number of unoccupied squares  5. a playing card marked with a stylized figure of a ~  6. the fertile fully developed female of social bees, ants, and termites whose function is to lay eggs  7. a mature female cat kept especially for breeding  8. often disparaging a male homosexual; especially an effeminate one  II. verb  Date: 1611  intransitive verb  1. to act like a ~; especially to put on airs — usually used with it ~s it over her friends  2. to become a ~ in chess the pawn ~s  transitive verb to promote (a pawn) to a ~ in chess ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 (as a title usu. Queen) a female sovereign etc., esp. the hereditary ruler of an independent State. 2 (in full queen consort) a king's wife. 3 a woman, country, or thing pre-eminent or supreme in a specified area or of its kind (tennis queen; the queen of roses). 4 the fertile female among ants, bees, etc. 5 the most powerful piece in chess. 6 a court card with a picture of a queen. 7 sl. a male homosexual, esp. an effeminate one. 8 a an honoured female, e.g. the Virgin Mary (Queen of Heaven). b an ancient goddess (Venus, Queen of love). 9 a belle or mock sovereign on some occasion (beauty queen; queen of the May). 10 a person's sweetheart, wife, or mistress. 11 (the Queen) (in the UK) the national anthem when there is a female sovereign. --v.tr. 1 make (a woman) queen. 2 Chess convert (a pawn) into a queen when it reaches the opponent's side of the board. Phrases and idioms Queen-Anne in the style of English architecture, furniture, etc., in or about Queen Anne's time, the early 18th c. Queen Anne's lace cow-parsley. queen bee 1 the fertile female in a hive. 2 the chief or controlling woman in an organization or social group. queen-cake a small soft cake often with raisins etc. queen dowager the widow of a king. queen it play the queen. queen mother the dowager who is mother of the sovereign. queen of the meadows meadowsweet. queen of puddings a pudding made with bread, jam, and meringue. queen-post one of two upright timbers between the tie-beam and principal rafters of a roof-truss. Queen's bench see BENCH. queen's bishop, knight , etc. Chess (of pieces which exist in pairs) the piece starting on the queen's side of the board. Queen's bounty see BOUNTY. Queen's colour see COLOUR. Queen's Counsel see COUNSEL. the Queen's English see ENGLISH. Queen's evidence see EVIDENCE. Queen's Guide see GUIDE. Queen's highway see HIGHWAY. queen-size (or -sized) of an extra-large size, usu. smaller than king-size. Queen's Messenger see MESSENGER. queen's pawn Chess the pawn in front of the queen at the beginning of a...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  стандартное слово для буквы Q в фонетическом алфавите "Эйбл" ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  энт. матка, царица, плодущая самка – complemental queen – ergatoid queen – substitute queen ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. королева the Q. of England —- королева Англии queen dowager —- вдовствующая королева 2. богиня, царица Q. of heaven (of the night, of tides) —- царица ночи, Луна Q. of love —- богиня любви, Венера queen of beauty —- богиня красоты Q. of glory (of grace, of paradise, of women) —- дева Мария queen of seas —- ист. владычица морей the rose, queen of flowers —- роза - царица цветов 3. победительница конкурса beauty queen —- королева красоты 4. краса, жемчужина Venice, the queen of the Adriatic —- Венеция - жемчужина Адриатического моря 5. дама сердца queen of (all) hearts (of (all) society) —- покорительница сердец 6. карт. дама queen of hearts —- дама червей 7. шахм. ферзь, королева queen's Indian defence —- новоиндийская защита 8. энт. матка (у пчел, муравьев и т. п.) 9. первая красавица; первая дама she is the queen bee in her group —- среди своих подруг она самая привлекательная 10. заводила 11. сл. педераст Id: Q.'s Bench —- Суд королевской скамьи Id: Q.'s evidence —- юр. обвиняемый, изобличающий своих сообщников Id: Q.'s colours —- королевское знамя Id: Q.'s Counsel —- королевский адвокат Id: Q.'s peace —- общественный порядок Id: Q.'s English —- безукоризненно правильный литературный английский язык Id: in the reign of queen Dick —- никогда; когда рак на горе свистнет 12. короновать, сделать королевой 13. быть королевой; править, царить 14. пчел....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  of hearts  а) дама червей;  б) fig. покорительница сердец QUEEN  1. noun  1) королева; - Queens head  2) богиня, царица; queen of beauty - королева красоты  3) cards дама; - queen of hearts  4) chess ферзь  5) матка (у пчел) Queen Anne is dead! - открыл Америку! (ответ на запоздавшую новость) when Queen Anne was alive - при царе Горохе  2. v.  1) делать королевой  2) править; быть королевой; царить  3) chess проводить пешку или проходить в ферзи - queen it over QUEEN it over разыгрывать из себя начальницу; She may be the leading singer, but that does not give her the right to queen it over the other performers. ...
Англо-русский словарь


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