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Английский Этимологический словарь - poor


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- 12c., from O.Fr. poure, from L. pauper "poor," perhaps a compound of paucus "little" and parare "to get." Replaced O.E. earm. Poorhouse is from 1781. The poor boy sandwich was invented and named in New Orleans in 1921. To poor mouth "deny one's advantages" is from 1965 (to make a poor mouth "whine" is Scot. dial. from 1822). Slang poor man's ________ is from 1854.
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  ~ adj 1 »NO MONEY« having very little money and not many possessions  (Her family were so poor they couldn't afford to buy her new clothes. | Ethiopia is one of the poorest countries in the world. | a poor neighborhood) 2 the poor people who are poor  (state subsidies to help the poor buy basic foods) 3 »NOT GOOD« not as good as it could be or should be; inferior1 (1)  (Poor sanitation can lead to the spread of diseases. | The soil in this area is very poor. | poor rates of pay | poor hearing/eyesight/memory)  (You'd better read it to me - my eyesight's pretty poor.) 4 poor boy/girl/Joe etc especially spoken used to show pity for someone because they are so unlucky, unhappy etc  (Poor kid, he's had a rough day. | I feel sorry for the poor horse with me riding it. | poor thing)  (You poor thing, you've had a hard time of it, haven't you? | poor old)  (Poor old Lou, having to work at weekends.) 5 »NOT GOOD AT STH« not good at doing something  (a poor public speaker) + a  (poor at spelling) 6 make a poor job of to do something badly  (The builders have made a really poor job of fixing our roof.) 7 »HEALTH« someone whose health is poor is ill or weak for a long period of time  (be in poor health)  (My parents are both in rather poor health.) 8 poor in sth lacking things that people need  (fatty snacks that are poor in nutrients) 9 poor loser someone who behaves badly if they lose a game 10 be a poor second/third etc to finish a race, competition etc a long way behind the person ahead of you 11 poor man's spoken often humorous a) used to say that someone is like a very famous performer, writer etc but is not as good as they are  (He's a kind of poor man's Richard Gere.) b) used to say that something can be used for the same purpose as something else, and is much cheaper  (The abacus is the poor man's pocket calculator.) 12 poor relation someone or something that is not treated as well as other members of a group or is much less successful than they are  (Theatre musicians tend to be the poor relations of the musical...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (poorer, poorest) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. Someone who is poor has very little money and few possessions. The reason our schools cannot afford better teachers is because people here are poor... He was one of thirteen children from a poor family. ? rich ADJ • The poor are people who are poor. Even the poor have their pride. N-PLURAL: the N 2. The people in a poor country or area have very little money and few possessions. Many countries in the Third World are as poor as they have ever been. ...a settlement house for children in a poor neighborhood. ? rich ADJ 3. You use poor to express your sympathy for someone. I feel sorry for that poor child... Poor chap–he was killed in an air crash... ADJ: ADJ n c darkgreen]feelings 4. If you describe something as poor, you mean that it is of a low quality or standard or that it is in bad condition. The flat was in a poor state of repair... The wine was poor. ADJ • poorly Some are living in poorly built dormitories, even in tents... ADV: ADV -ed, ADV after v 5. If you describe an amount, rate, or number as poor, you mean that it is less than expected or less than is considered reasonable. ...poor wages and working conditions. ADJ • poorly During the first week, the evening meetings were poorly attended... = badly ADV: ADV -ed, ADV after v 6. You use poor to describe someone who is not very skilful in a particular activity. He was a poor actor... Hospitals are poor at collecting information. ADJ: usu ADJ n, also v-link ADJ at -ing/n • poorly That is the fact of Hungarian football–they can play very well or very poorly. ADV: ADV after v 7. If something is poor in a particular quality or substance, it contains very little of the quality or substance. ...soil that is poor in zinc. ADJ: v-link ADJ in n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   adjective  Etymology: Middle English poure, from Anglo-French povre, pore, from Latin pauper; akin to Latin paucus little and to Latin parere to give birth to, produce — more at few, pare  Date: 13th century  1.  a. lacking material possessions  b. of, relating to, or characterized by poverty  2.  a. less than adequate ; meager  b. small in worth  3. exciting pity you ~ thing  4.  a. inferior in quality or value  b. humble, unpretentious  c. mean, petty  5. lean, emaciated  6. barren, unproductive — used of land  7. indifferent, unfavorable  8. lacking a normal or adequate supply of something specified — often used in combination oil-~ countries  • ~ish adjective  • ~ness noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adj. 1 lacking adequate money or means to live comfortably. 2 (foll. by in) deficient in (a possession or quality) (the poor in spirit). 3 a scanty, inadequate (a poor crop). b less good than is usual or expected (poor visibility; is a poor driver; in poor health). c paltry; inferior (poor condition; came a poor third). 4 a deserving pity or sympathy; unfortunate (you poor thing). b with reference to a dead person (as my poor father used to say). 5 spiritless; despicable (is a poor creature). 6 often iron. or joc. humble; insignificant (in my poor opinion). Phrases and idioms poor-box a collection-box, esp. in church, for the relief of the poor. poor law hist. a law relating to the support of paupers. poor man's an inferior or cheaper substitute for. poor man's weather-glass the pimpernel. poor-rate hist. a rate or assessment for relief or support of the poor. poor relation an inferior or subordinate member of a family or any other group. poor-spirited timid; cowardly. poor White offens. (esp. used by Blacks) a member of a socially inferior group of White people. take a poor view of regard with disfavour or pessimism. Etymology: ME & OF pov(e)re, poure f. L pauper ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) бедный 2) малоплодородный 3) недостаточный 4) незавидный 5) плохой 6) скудный 7) худородный poor conditioned surface — плохо обусловленная поверхность poor formation of paper — облачность бумаги poor man's casino — казино для бедных poor reception area — область плохого приема - poor approximation - poor contact - poor convergence - poor fit - poor formula - poor gas - poor geometry - poor matte - poor penetration - poor planning - poor quality - poor roof - poor statistic - poor strategy - poor workmanship ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  низкого плохого качества; недостаточный; неудовлетворительный ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  прил. 1) бедный, неимущий 2) плохой, низкий (урожай) 3) некачественный (о продуктах) 4) неплодородный (о почве) 5) непитательный (о корме) • - poor planning - poor quality ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. (the poor) собир. бедные, бедняки, беднота; неимущие the poor and the rich —- бедные и богатые 2. бедный, неимущий, малоимущий poor peasant —- крестьянин-бедняк poor people —- бедные (неимущие) люди 3. бедный, несчастный poor fellow —- бедняга, несчастный poor beggar (creature, soul, thing) —- бедняга, бедняжка; бедняжечка poor me! —- горе мне! 4. диал. покойный, умерший my poor old mother —- моя покойная мать 5. часто ирон. скромный; жалкий, ничтожный in my poor opinion —- по моему скромному мнению to the best of my poor abilities —- по мере моих скромных сил my poor retirement —- моя скромная уединенная жизнь 6. незначительный, небольшой, жалкий poor reception —- плохонький (убогий) прием a poor ten shillings —- жалкие десять шиллингов a poor chance for recovery —- слабая надежда на выздоровление the village is but poor five miles from here —- деревня находится всего на расстоянии каких-нибудь пяти миль отсюда 7. недостаточный, скудный; плохой poor crop —- плохой (низкий) урожай poor income —- скудные (ничтожные) доходы poor supply —- недостаточное (плохое) снабжение 8. (in) бедный, скудный (в каком-л. отношении) poor in coal —- с небольшими (с ничтожными) запасами угля he became poorer in ideas —- мысль его оскудела 9. плохой, низкого качества; скверный poor food —- плохая (скверная) пища poor butter —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  companion неинтересный собеседник POOR  1. adj.  1) бедный, неимущий, малоимущий; poor peasant - крестьянин-бедняк  2) бедный (чем-л.) (in)  3) несчастный; poor fellow! - бедняга!  4) жалкий, невзрачный  5) низкий, плохой, скверный (об урожае; о качестве)  6) неплодородный (о почве)  7) скудный, жалкий, плохой; ничтожный; убогий; in my poor opinion joc. - по моему скромному мнению; a poor 1 a week - жалкий фунт стерлингов в неделю  8) недостаточный, непитательный (о пище) Syn: hard up, lower-class, underprivileged, unemployable see deficient Ant: privileged, upper-class, wealthy, well-to-do  2. noun (the poor) pl.; collect. бедные, бедняки, беднота, неимущие POOR beggar бедняга POOR body бедняк POOR judgement недальновидность POOR devil бедняга POOR excuse неудачная, слабая отговорка POOR eyesight плохое зрение POOR fish никудышный человек POOR wretch бедняга ...
Англо-русский словарь


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