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Английский Этимологический словарь - neck


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- O.E. hnecca "neck, back of the neck," from P.Gmc. *khnekkon, from PIE *knok- "high point, ridge." Replaced O.E. hals. The verb meaning "to kiss, embrace, caress" is 1825 in northern England dial., from the noun. Neckerchief is 14c.; necktie is 1838; necklace is c.1590, from lace "cord, string." Phrase neck of the woods is attested from 1839.
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Английский словарь американских идиом
  ~1 n 1 »PART OF THE BODY« the part of your body that joins your head to your shoulders  (She wore a string of pearls around her neck.) 2 »CLOTHING« the part of a piece of clothing that goes around your neck  (the neck of the shirt | The colour's all right, but the neck's a bit low.)  (- see also crew neck, polo neck, scoop neck, turtleneck, V-neck) 3 »BOTTLE« the narrow part of a bottle 4 be up to your neck in to be in a difficult situation, or to be very busy doing something  (Jim's always up to his neck in debt. | I've been up to my neck in paperwork all week.) 5 breathe down sb's neck to watch what someone is doing very carefully, in a way that makes them nervous or annoyed  (How can I, with accountants breathing down my neck the whole time!) 6 V-necked/open-necked etc also V-neck/open-neck etc if a piece of clothing is V-necked etc, it has that type of neck  (a navy V-necked sweater) 7 I'll break/wring your neck spoken used to tell someone that you are so angry with them you feel like hurting them 8 (hanging) around your neck if a problem or difficult situation is hanging around your neck, you are responsible for it, and this makes you worry 9 get it in the neck BrE spoken to be severely punished  (You'll really get it in the neck if you lose that watch!) 10 »MEAT« the neck of an animal, used as food  (neck of lamb) 11 neck and neck informal if two things are neck and neck in a competition or race, they both have an equal chance of winning 12 in this neck of the woods informal in this area or part of the country  (What are you doing in this neck of the woods?) 13 by a neck informal if a race is won by a neck, the winner is only a very short distance in front  (Our horse won by a neck.)  (- see also pain in the neck pain1 (4), risk your neck risk2 (1), save your own skin/neck save1 (10), stick your neck out stick1) 14 »LAND« a narrow piece of land that comes out of a wider part ~2 v informal if two people neck, they kiss for a long time in a sexual way - necking n ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (necks, necking, necked) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Your neck is the part of your body which joins your head to the rest of your body. She threw her arms round his neck and hugged him warmly... He was short and stocky, and had a thick neck. N-COUNT: usu poss N 2. The neck of an article of clothing such as a shirt, dress, or sweater is the part which surrounds your neck. ...the low, ruffled neck of her blouse... He wore a blue shirt open at the neck. N-COUNT: usu sing 3. The neck of something such as a bottle or a guitar is the long narrow part at one end of it. Catherine gripped the broken neck of the bottle. N-COUNT: usu the N of n 4. If two people are necking, they are kissing each other in a sexual way. (INFORMAL) They sat talking and necking in the car for another ten minutes... I found myself behind a curtain, necking with my best friend’s wife. = snog V-RECIP: usu cont, pl-n V, V with n, also V n (non-recip) 5. If you say that someone is breathing down your neck, you mean that they are watching you very closely and checking everything you do. Most farmers have bank managers breathing down their necks. PHRASE: V and N inflect 6. In a competition, especially an election, if two or more competitors are neck and neck, they are level with each other and have an equal chance of winning. The latest polls indicate that the two main parties are neck and neck... The party is running neck-and-neck with Labour. PHRASE: usu v-link PHR, oft PHR with n 7. If you say that someone is risking their neck, you mean they are doing something very dangerous, often in order to achieve something. I won’t have him risking his neck on that motorcycle. PHRASE: V and N inflect 8. If you stick your neck out, you bravely say or do something that might be criticized or might turn out to be wrong. (INFORMAL) During my political life I’ve earned myself a reputation as someone who’ll stick his neck out, a bit of a rebel. PHRASE: V and N...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English nekke, from Old English hnecca; akin to Old High German hnac nape  Date: before 12th century  1.  a.  (1) the part of an animal that connects the head with the body  (2) the siphon of a bivalve mollusk (as a clam)  b. the part of a garment that covers or is next to the ~  2. a relatively narrow part suggestive of a ~: as  a.  (1) the constricted end of a bottle  (2) the slender proximal end of a fruit  b. cervix 2  c. the part of a stringed musical instrument extending from the body and supporting the fingerboard and strings  d. a narrow stretch of land  e. strait 1b  f. the part of a tooth between the crown and the root — see tooth illustration  g. a column of solidified magma of a volcanic pipe or laccolith  3. a narrow margin won by a ~  4. region, part my ~ of the woods  II. verb  Date: 1842  transitive verb  1. to kiss and caress amorously  2. to reduce in diameter  intransitive verb  1. to engage in amorous kissing and caressing  2. to become constricted ; narrow ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a the part of the body connecting the head to the shoulders. b the part of a shirt, dress, etc. round or close to the neck. 2 a something resembling a neck, such as the narrow part of a cavity or vessel, a passage, channel, pass, isthmus, etc. b the narrow part of a bottle near the mouth. 3 the part of a violin etc. bearing the finger-board. 4 the length of a horse's head and neck as a measure of its lead in a race. 5 the flesh of an animal's neck (neck of lamb). 6 Geol. solidified lava or igneous rock in an old volcano crater or pipe. 7 Archit. the lower part of a capital. 8 sl. impudence (you've got a neck, asking that). --v. 1 intr. & tr. colloq. kiss and caress amorously. 2 a tr. form a narrowed part in. b intr. form a narrowed part. Phrases and idioms get it in the neck colloq. 1 receive a severe reprimand or punishment. 2 suffer a fatal or severe blow. neck and neck running level in a race etc. neck of the woods colloq. a usu. remote locality. neck or nothing risking everything on success. up to one's neck (often foll. by in) colloq. very deeply involved; very busy. Derivatives necked adj. (also in comb.). necker n. (in sense 1 of v.). neckless adj. Etymology: OE hnecca ult. f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) шейка; поперечное сужение 2) горн. узкое вертикальное рудное тело 3) дымоход 4) насадка; мундштук; наконечник 5) выточка; кольцевая канавка 6) сил. садка 7) шейка (колонны) 8) горловина (реки), пролив; устье (реки) 9) перешеек; шейка (меандра) 10) узкий пролив 11) хвост (турбинной лопатки) 12) тубус (баллона ЭЛТ) 13) горловина; горло ( напр. бутылки, стеклянной банки) 14) шейная часть (туши) 15) ворот; воротник - neck of land - air neck - back neck - boat shaped neck - chimney neck - chocked neck - chock neck - crankshaft neck - cylinder neck - filler neck - gas neck - gland neck - goose neck - hollow neck - meander neck - riser neck - roll neck - siphon neck - swan neck - tank neck - torch neck - torn neck ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  шейка (колонны, растянутого образца); горлышко, горловина; поперечное сужение боров; дымоход кольцевая канавка (выточка) коса, перешеек ворот; воротник filler neck gland neck goose neck swan's neck torch neck ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) горловина 2) некк 3) нэк 4) цапфа прокатного валка 5) шейка 6) шея botte neck problem — задача на узкие места bottle neck problem — задача на узкие места fuel tank neck — горловина - bulb neck - filler neck - roll neck - yard neck ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) шея 2) анат. шейка – neck of tooth – neck of womb – sperm neck – uterine neck ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. шея neck vertebrae —- шейные позвонки to break one's neck —- свернуть (сломать) себе шею to fall on (upon) smb,'s neck —- броситься кому-л. на шею up to one's neck —- по горло I'm up to my neck in debt —- я по уши в долгу to catch (to get, to take) it in the neck —- получить по шее, получить нагоняй (взбучку) 2. голова, жизнь to risk one's neck —- рисковать головой to save one's neck —- спасать свою шкуру to stick one's neck out —- ам. ставить себя под удар (особ. взявшись не за свое дело) 3. библ. выя 4. длина шеи лошади (на скачках) neck and neck —- голова в голову to lose by a neck —- спорт. отстать на голову; немного отстать to win by a neck —- спорт. опередить (выиграть) на голову; немного опередить 5. шейная часть (говяжей туши) 6. горлышко (бутылки и т. п.) 7. ворот (платья); воротник low neck —- глубокий вырез square neck —- каре round neck —- круглый вырез V neck —- удлиненный вырез, декольте в виде буквы V 8. узкая часть предмета neck of blade —- шейка весла 9. ножка (рюмки) 10. муз. шейка (струнных инструментов) 11. (of) трудная часть; что-л. неподатливое to break the neck (of smth.) —- уничтожить, сокрушить, сломить сопротивление; одолеть самую трудную часть (работы, задания и т. п.); суметь пережить самое трудное to break the neck of winter —- оставить позади большую часть зимы to break the neck of a job —- выполнить...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) шея; to break ones neck - свернуть себе шею; to get it in the neck coll. - получить по шее; получить здоровую взбучку; пострадать  2) горлышко (бутылки и т.п.); горловина  3) шейка (скрипки и т.п.)  4) ворот, воротник  5) anat. шейка  6) geogr. перешеек; коса; узкий пролив  7) geol. нэк; цилиндрический интрузив  8) tech. шейка, кольцевая канавка  9) tech. горловина  10) constr. шейка колонны  11) coll. наглость  12) attr. шейный up to the neck - по горло, по уши neck and crop -  а) совершенно, совсем, полностью;  б) быстро, стремительно; немедленно; throw him out neck and crop! гоните его вон! neck and neck sport - голова в голову neck or nothing - либо пан, либо пропал to break the neck of smth. - выполнить большую или наиболее трудную часть чего-л. [см. тж. break I  2. (i) ]; to break the neck of winter оставить позади большую часть зимы to risk ones neck - рисковать головой to harden the neck - делаться еще более упрямым on the neck - по пятам  2. v. coll. обниматься Syn: see caress ...
Англо-русский словарь


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