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Английский Этимологический словарь - mystery


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- early 14c., from L. mysterium, from Gk. mysterion "secret rite or doctrine," from mystes "one who has been initiated," from myein "to close, shut," perhaps referring to the lips (in secrecy) or to the eyes (only initiates were allowed to see the sacred rites). Originally in Eng. especially of religious doctrine; the Gk. word used in Septuagint for "secret counsel of God," translated in Vulgate as sacramentum. Meaning "detective story" first recorded in Eng. 1908. Mystery play preserves a lost meaning "handcraft, trade," from M.L. misterium, alt. of L. ministerium "office, ministry," influenced by mysterium. The plays were often performed by members of craft guilds. The two senses of mystery formed a common pun in (secular) Tudor theater.
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  ~ n 1 something that is impossible to understand or explain or about which little is known  (remain a mystery)  (Twenty years after the event, his death remains a mystery. | solve/unravel a mystery (=find an explanation for it))  (They never solved the mystery of Gray's disappearance. | a mystery phone call/lover/package etc (=one that you know very little about, which therefore seems strange and interesting))  (If I tell you the mystery ingredient, my recipe won't be a secret. | be a mystery to (=used to say that you do not know or understand much about something))  (Jean's business affairs were always a mystery to him.) 2 It's a mystery to me spoken used to say that you cannot understand something at all  (It's a mystery to me how she manages to work so fast.) 3 a quality that makes someone or something seem strange, secret, or difficult to explain  (an air of mystery)  (There was an air of mystery about him. | be shrouded/veiled in mystery)  (The circumstances of his death were veiled in mystery.) 4 formal a quality that something has that cannot be explained in any practical or scientific way, especially because it is connected with God and religion + of  (the mystery of creation) 5  (a murder mystery) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (mysteries) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A mystery is something that is not understood or known about. The source of the gunshots still remains a mystery. ...the mysteries of mental breakdown. N-COUNT 2. If you talk about the mystery of someone or something, you are talking about how difficult they are to understand or know about, especially when this gives them a rather strange or magical quality. She’s a lady of mystery... It is an elaborate ceremony, shrouded in mystery. N-UNCOUNT 3. A mystery person or thing is one whose identity or nature is not known. The mystery hero immediately alerted police after spotting a bomb. ...a mystery prize of up to ?1,000. ADJ: ADJ n 4. A mystery is a story in which strange things happen that are not explained until the end. His fourth novel is a murder mystery set in London. N-COUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  (plural -teries)  Etymology: Middle English mysterie, from Latin mysterium, from Greek mysterion, from mystes initiate  Date: 14th century  1.  a. a religious truth that one can know only by revelation and cannot fully understand  b.  (1) any of the 15 events (as the Nativity, the Crucifixion, or the Assumption) serving as a subject for meditation during the saying of the rosary  (2) capitalized a Christian sacrament; specifically Eucharist  c.  (1) a secret religious rite believed (as in Eleusinian and Mithraic cults) to impart enduring bliss to the initiate  (2) a cult devoted to such rites  2.  a. something not understood or beyond understanding ; enigma  b. obsolete a private secret  c. the secret or specialized practices or ritual peculiar to an occupation or a body of people the mysteries of the tailor's craft  d. a piece of fiction dealing usually with the solution of a mysterious crime  3. profound, inexplicable, or secretive quality or character the ~ of her smile Synonyms:  ~, problem, enigma, riddle, puzzle mean something which baffles or perplexes. ~ applies to what cannot be fully understood by reason or less strictly to whatever resists or defies explanation the ~ of the stone monoliths. problem applies to a question or difficulty calling for a solution or causing concern problems created by high technology. enigma applies to utterance or behavior that is very difficult to interpret his suicide remains an enigma. riddle suggests an enigma or problem involving paradox or apparent contradiction the riddle of the reclusive pop star. puzzle applies to an enigma or problem that challenges ingenuity for its solution the thief's motives were a puzzle for the police.  II. noun  (plural -teries)  Etymology: Middle English ministry, office, craft, from Anglo-French mesterie, from Late Latin misterium, mysterium, alteration of ministerium service, occupation, from minister servant — more at minister  Date: 14th century  1. archaic trade, craft  2. archaic a body of persons engaged...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. n. (pl. -ies) 1 a secret, hidden, or inexplicable matter (the reason remains a mystery). 2 secrecy or obscurity (wrapped in mystery). 3 (attrib.) secret, undisclosed (mystery guest). 4 the practice of making a secret of (esp. unimportant) things (engaged in mystery and intrigue). 5 (in full mystery story) a fictional work dealing with a puzzling event, esp. a crime (a well-known mystery writer). 6 a a religious truth divinely revealed, esp. one beyond human reason. b RC Ch. a decade of the rosary. 7 (in pl.) a the secret religious rites of the ancient Greeks, Romans, etc. b archaic the Eucharist. Phrases and idioms make a mystery of treat as an impressive secret. mystery play a miracle play. mystery tour (or trip) a pleasure excursion to an unspecified destination. Etymology: ME f. OF mistere or L mysterium f. Gk musterion, rel. to MYSTIC 2. n. (pl. -ies) archaic a handicraft or trade, esp. as referred to in indentures etc. (art and mystery). Etymology: ME f. med.L misterium contr. of ministerium MINISTRY, assoc. with MYSTERY(1) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  мистерия ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. тайна unsolved mystery —- неразрешенная (неразгаданная) тайна wrapped in mystery —- окутанный тайной; покрытый мраком неизвестности to make a mystery of smth. —- делать из чего-л. тайну (секрет) it is a mystery to me how he managed to do it —- мне непонятно (для меня остается тайной), как ему удалось это сделать 2. таинственность I see no mystery about it —- я в этом не вижу ничего таинственного 3. церк. таиство 4. тайные обряды (особ. у древних народов) 5. театр. мистерия (также mystery play) 6. разг. детективный роман или рассказ (также mystery book) 7. уст. ремесло 8. ист. гильдия ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  novel детективный роман MYSTERY noun  1) тайна; to make a mystery of - делать секрет из  2) eccl. таинство  3) детективный роман, рассказ и т.п.  4) hist.; theatr. мистерия  5) attr. полный тайн; - mystery novel Syn: see puzzle ...
Англо-русский словарь


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