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Английский Этимологический словарь - monitor


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- 1546, "senior pupil at a school charged with keeping order, etc.," from L. monitor "one who reminds, admonishes, or checks," from monere "to admonish, warn, advise," related to memini "I remember, I am mindful of," and to mens "mind." The lizard so called because it is supposed to give warning of crocodiles (1826).
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См. в других словарях

  ~1 v 1 to carefully watch and check a situation in order to see how it changes or progresses over a period of time  (British Aerospace has built a scanner that monitors damage to the ozone layer. | Their job is to monitor healthcare costs.) 2 to secretly listen to other people's phone calls, foreign radio broadcasts etc  (The Security Police had monitored all of his phone calls.) ~2 n 1 a television that shows a picture of what is happening in a particular place  (a row of monitors covering key areas of the building) 2 the part of a computer that looks like a television and that shows information; vdu 3 a piece of equipment that receives and shows information about what is happening inside someone's body  (a monitor that shows the baby's heartbeat) 4 a child who has been chosen to help the teacher in some way  (the milk monitors) 5 someone whose job is to listen to news, messages etc from foreign radio stations and report on them ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (monitors, monitoring, monitored) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If you monitor something, you regularly check its development or progress, and sometimes comment on it. Officials had not been allowed to monitor the voting... You need feedback to monitor progress. VERB: V n, V n • monitoring ...analysis and monitoring of the global environment. N-UNCOUNT 2. If someone monitors radio broadcasts from other countries, they record them or listen carefully to them in order to obtain information. Peter Murray is in London and has been monitoring reports out of Monrovia. VERB: V n 3. A monitor is a machine that is used to check or record things, for example processes or substances inside a person’s body. The heart monitor shows low levels of consciousness. N-COUNT: usu n N 4. A monitor is a screen which is used to display certain kinds of information, for example in airports or television studios. He was watching a game of tennis on a television monitor. = screen N-COUNT: oft N n 5. You can refer to a person who checks that something is done correctly, or that it is fair, as a monitor. Government monitors will continue to accompany reporters. N-COUNT: usu supp N ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Latin, one that warns, overseer, from monere to warn — more at mind  Date: 1546  1.  a. a student appointed to assist a teacher  b. one that warns or instructs  c. one that ~s or is used in ~ing: as  (1) a cathode-ray tube used for display (as of television pictures or computer information)  (2) a device for observing a biological condition or function a heart ~  2. ~ lizard  3. Monitor, first ship of the type  a. a heavily armored warship formerly used in coastal operations having a very low freeboard and one or more revolving gun turrets  b. a small modern warship with shallow draft for coastal bombardment  4. a raised central portion of a roof having low windows or louvers for providing light and air  • ~ial adjective  • ~ship noun  II. transitive verb  (~ed; ~ing)  Date: 1924 to watch, keep track of, or check usually for a special purpose ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 any of various persons or devices for checking or warning about a situation, operation, etc. 2 a school pupil with disciplinary or other special duties. 3 a a television receiver used in a studio to select or verify the picture being broadcast. b = visual display unit. 4 a person who listens to and reports on foreign broadcasts etc. 5 a detector of radioactive contamination. 6 Zool. any tropical lizard of the genus Varanus, supposed to give warning of the approach of crocodiles. 7 a heavily armed shallow-draught warship. --v.tr. 1 act as a monitor of. 2 maintain regular surveillance over. 3 regulate the strength of (a recorded or transmitted signal). Derivatives monitorial adj. monitorship n. Etymology: L f. monere monit- warn ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) контрольное устройство; контрольно измерительное устройство 2) видеоконтрольное устройство, ВКУ, (видео)монитор 3) осуществлять (текущий) контроль, контролировать 4) вчт. (программа-)монитор; диспетчер; управляющая программа 5) экол. осуществлять мониторинг; наблюдать 6) горн. гидромонитор 7) машиностр. устройство адаптивного управления 8) машиностр. монитор 9) фонарь верхнего света 10) сварка фирм. монитор (переносная газорезательная машина-тележка) - air activity monitor - air monitor - announcer monitor - area radiation monitor - area monitor - atmospheric composition monitor - background monitor - canvas monitor - coal pipe monitor - color picture monitor - color monitor - debug monitor - environmental noise monitor - failure monitor - feed-force monitor - frequency monitor - hands-and-feet contamination monitor - hydraulic monitor - leakage current monitor - limb infrared monitor of the stratosphere - low-power radiation monitor - machine tool monitor - machining monitor - methane monitor - modulation monitor - monochrome monitor - multichannel monitor - neutron monitor - outage monitor - output voltage monitor - ozone monitor - particle monitor - personal monitor - personal dust exposure monitor - phase monitor - picture monitor - pollution monitor - power monitor - power level monitor - process monitor - pulsed jet monitor - radiation monitor - real-time monitor - refreshed monitor - remote monitor - rock-burst monitor - ROM monitor - sequence monitor - spectrum monitor - system monitor - thread monitor - thunderstorm monitor - time-sharing monitor - tool breakage monitor - tool cycle time monitor - tool life monitor - video monitor - visual range monitor - voltage monitor...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  фонарная надстройка над крышей (покрытием), светоаэрационный фонарь гидромонитор контрольное устройство ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  (видео)контрольное устройство, монитор – actual monitor – announcer monitor – batch monitor – camera monitor – channel monitor – color monitor – contamination monitor – data-line monitor – diagnostic monitor – digital monitor – digital broadcasting monitor – frequency monitor – full-picture monitor – grounding-line monitor – hand-and-foot monitor – master monitor – multiformat monitor – multimedia monitor – multisync monitor – picture monitor – pivot monitor – power monitor – program monitor – SVGA monitor – system monitor – telecommunication monitor – teleprocessing monitor – television monitor – TFT monitor – transport stream monitor – TV monitor – waveform monitor ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) компьют. аппарат контрольный 2) варан 3) гидромонитор 4) гидромониторный 5) дисплей 6) контролировать 7) контрольное или предупредительное устройство 8) контрольное устройство 9) наставлять 10) подслушивать 11) проверять 12) советовать 13) устройство для обнаружения вредного излучения - area monitor - camera monitor - disconnect the monitor - modulation monitor - monitor autopilot - monitor copy - monitor counter - monitor entry - monitor loudspeaker - monitor receiver - monitor signal - monitor unit - output monitor - picture monitor - radiation monitor - radio monitor - reference monitor ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  гл. контролировать - monitor budget - monitor performance Syn: control, manage MONITOR упр. "аналитик" (по Минцбергу: одна из ролей, которые приходится играть менеджеру; собирает и анализирует управленческую информацию, выявляет управленческие проблемы, анализирует причины их возникновения; входит в группу информационных ролей) See: informational role ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) монитор (комплекс аппаратуры с системой сигнализации для слежения за состоянием организма) 2) герп. варан (Varanus); pl вараны (Varanidae) – Bengal monitor – Cape monitor – desert monitor – dwarf monitor – earless monitor – giant monitor – golden monitor – Indian monitor – Komodo dragon monitor – lace monitor – savanna monitor – short-tailed monitor – spotted tree monitor – stripe-tailed monitor – water monitor – yellow monitor ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. старший ученик, наблюдающий за порядком в младшем классе; староста (класса) 2. ученик, помогающий учителю (в чем-л.) Jimmy has been made dinner money monitor —- Джимми собирает с учеников деньги на обеды 3. уст. советник, наставник 4. радиоперехватчик 5. установка для радиоперехвата 6. рад. тлв. контролер передачи 7. тлв. видеоконтрольное устройство 8. кин. микшер, звукооператор 9. спец. монитор; управляющее или стабилизирующее устройство; контрольный аппарат; следящее устройство 10. тех. датчик 11. мор. монитор 12. тех. гидромонитор, водобой, брызгало 13. тех. револьверная головка 14. стр. световой фонарь (также monitor roof) 15. физ. дозиметр, дозиметрический прибор 16. зоол. варан (Varanus gen.) 17. наставлять, советовать 18. контролировать, следить (постоянно или время от времени), мониторировать 19. вести радиоперехват 20. наводить самолет с помощью радиолокационной станции 21. ав. передавать полетные данные 22. физ. вести дозиметрический контроль ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) наставник, советник  2) старший ученик, наблюдающий за порядком в младшем классе; староста класса  3) лицо, ведущее радиоперехват  4) naut. монитор  5) tech. гидромонитор  6) zool. варан  7) constr. световой фонарь  8) phys. дозиметр  9) radio; tv контролер передачи  2. v.  1) наставлять, советовать  2) radio; tv контролировать, проверять (качество передачи и т.п.)  3) вести радиоперехват  4) phys. вести дозиметрический контроль Syn: see overhear ...
Англо-русский словарь


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