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Английский Этимологический словарь - mad


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- O.E. gemжdde (pl.), earlier gemжded "rendered insane," pp. of *gemжdan "make mad," from gemad "mad," from P.Gmc. *gamaithaz, from PIE *moito-, from base *moi- "to change." Emerged in M.E. to replace the more usual O.E. word, wod. Meaning "beside oneself with anger" is 15c., deplored by Rev. John Witherspoon (1781) as an Americanism, and now competes in Amer.Eng. with angry for this sense. Madcap (n. and adj.) is from 1588; madhouse is from 1687. Phrase mad as a March hare is attested from 16c., via notion of breeding season; mad as a hatter is said to be from erratic behavior caused by prolonged exposure to poison mercuric nitrate, used in making felt hats. Mad as a wet hen is from 1823.
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  onc. abbr. Melanoma Awareness Day physiol. abbr. Morning Affective Disorder physiol. abbr. Multiple Avatar Disorder physiol. abbr. Maximum Adrenalin Dose U.S. gov. abbr. Mutually Assured Destruction transport. abbr. Make A Delivery mil. abbr. Mechanized Artillery Division mil. abbr. Mission Area Deficiency mil. abbr. Missile Attack And Defense mil. abbr. Mobile Armor Division mil. abbr. Magnetic Anomaly Detector 3-let. lang. abbr. Madurese airport code Madrid, Spain curr. abbr. Moroccan Dirham ocean sc. abbr. Mid Atlantic Ducati meteo abbr. Manipulating Aeromagnetic Data meteo abbr. Measured Air Device chemis. abbr. Multi-wavelength Anomalous Diffraction univ. abbr. Michigan Athletic Development hobby abbr. Multi Activity Day funny abbr. Malevolent Agency Of Destruction adult abbr. Men Are Dumb u.m. abbr. Mean Absolute Distance softw. abbr. Matlab Auditory Demonstrations network. abbr. Managing All Documents telec. abbr. Median Absolute Deviation file ext. abbr. Module shortcut (MS Access) perf. arts abbr. Music Art Drama perf. arts abbr. Music Acting And Dance media abbr. Music Art And Drama media abbr. Midi And Digital media abbr. Mpeg Audio Decoder educ. abbr. Making A Difference sport abbr. Michigan Athletic Development sport abbr. Mechanical Amusement Device museums abbr. Museum Accessibility Demonstration gen. bus. abbr. Motivation And Determination gen. bus. abbr. Maximum Administrative Delay gen. bus. abbr. Make A Decision NYSE symbols Madeco, S. A. pos. abbr. Musicians Artists And Dancers st. exc. abbr. Money All Day firm name abbr. Monument Album Discography AMEX symbols Mean Absolute Deviation ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  ~ adj madder, maddest 1 »ANGRY« informal especially AmE angry  (You make me so mad! | Stay clear of Tucker - he's mad as hell and looking for a fight. | mad at sb AmE)  (Don't get mad at me, I'm just telling you what Ray said. | mad with sb BrE)  (Mum's really mad with Peter since he borrowed her car. | go mad BrE informal (=become extremely angry))  (Joe will go mad when he finds out how much I paid for that dress. | hopping mad (=very angry) | as mad as a wet hen AmE (=very angry)) 2 »CRAZY« BrE very silly or unwise; crazy  (Surely no one would be mad enough to fly in this weather? | You've agreed marry him! Are you mad? | stark raving mad (=completely crazy))  (My friends all think I'm stark raving mad. | barking mad (=completely crazy, with very strange ideas)) 3 »MENTALLY ILL« old-fashioned, not technical mentally ill; insane (2)  (Mr Rochester's mad wife | There was a mad gleam in his bloodshot eyes.) 4 »WILD/UNCONTROLLED« especially BrE behaving in a wild, uncontrolled way, without thinking about what you are doing  (a mad dash/rush etc)  (We all made a mad dash for the door. | be mad with rage/grief etc)  (She was mad with grief when she heard about her son's death.) 5 go mad a) not technical to become mentally ill b) especially BrE to start behaving in an excited or uncontrolled way  (When Italy scored, the crowd went mad. | We went a bit mad and ordered a bottle of champagne.) c) BrE to start feeling crazy because you are very bored, annoyed, or anxious  (Sometimes I thought I'd go mad with loneliness. | I'll go mad if I have to spend another day in that place.) d) BrE informal to become very angry  (Mum will go mad when she finds out what I paid for this dress.) 6 don't go mad BrE spoken used to tell someone not to work too hard or to get too excited  (I know you've got a lot to do before tomorrow morning but don't go mad.) 7 you/she etc must be mad (to do sth) BrE spoken used when you think someone is very silly or stupid to do something  (You've given up your job? You must be mad!) 8 be mad...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (madder, maddest) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Someone who is mad has a mind that does not work in a normal way, with the result that their behaviour is very strange. She was afraid of going mad. = insane ADJ • madness He was driven to the brink of madness. N-UNCOUNT 2. You use mad to describe people or things that you think are very foolish. You’d be mad to work with him again... Isn’t that a rather mad idea? = crazy ADJ c darkgreen]disapproval • madness It is political madness. N-UNCOUNT 3. If you say that someone is mad, you mean that they are very angry. (INFORMAL) You’re just mad at me because I don’t want to go... ADJ: usu v-link ADJ, oft ADJ at/about n 4. If you are mad about or mad on something or someone, you like them very much indeed. (INFORMAL) She’s not as mad about sport as I am... He’s mad about you... He’s mad on trains. ADJ: v-link ADJ about/on n • Mad is also a combining form. ...his football-mad son... He’s not power-mad. COMB in ADJ 5. Mad behaviour is wild and uncontrolled. You only have an hour to complete the game so it’s a mad dash against the clock... The audience went mad. ADJ • madly Down in the streets people were waving madly. ADV: ADV with v 6. If you say that someone or something drives you mad, you mean that you find them extremely annoying. (INFORMAL) There are certain things he does that drive me mad... This itching is driving me mad. PHRASE: V inflects 7. If you do something like mad, you do it very energetically or enthusiastically. (INFORMAL) He was weight training like mad. PHRASE: PHR after v 8. mad keen: see keen see also madly ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   abbreviation mutual assured destruction; mutually assured destruction MAD  I. adjective  (~der; ~dest)  Etymology: Middle English medd, ~d, from Old English gem?d, past participle of *gem?dan to ~den, from gemad silly, ~; akin to Old High German gimeit foolish, crazy  Date: before 12th century  1. disordered in mind ; insane  2.  a. completely unrestrained by reason and judgment driven ~ by the pain  b. incapable of being explained or accounted for a ~ decision  3. carried away by intense anger ; furious ~ at myself ~ about the delay  4. carried away by enthusiasm or desire ~ about horses ~ for the boy next door  5. affected with rabies ; rabid  6. marked by wild gaiety and merriment ; hilarious  7. intensely excited ; frantic ~ with jealousy  8. marked by intense and often chaotic activity ; wild a ~ scramble  • ~dish adjective  II. verb  (~ded; ~ding)  Date: 14th century ~den  III. noun  Date: 1834  1. a fit or mood of bad temper  2. anger, fury ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adj. & v. --adj. (madder, maddest) 1 insane; having a disordered mind. 2 (of a person, conduct, or an idea) wildly foolish. 3 (often foll. by about, on) wildly excited or infatuated (mad about football; is chess-mad). 4 colloq. angry. 5 (of an animal) rabid. 6 wildly light-hearted. --v. (madded, madding) 1 tr. US make angry. 2 intr. archaic be mad; act madly (the madding crowd). Phrases and idioms like mad colloq. with great energy, intensity, or enthusiasm. mad keen colloq. extremely eager. Derivatives madness n. Etymology: OE gem{aelig}ded part. form f. gemad mad ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  (Mad (magazine)) "Мэд" Молодежный юмористический журнал. Основан в 1952. Публикует пародии на рекламу, политику, молодежных идолов и т. д. Издается 8 раз в год. Тираж 800 тыс. экз. (1992) MAD ист. МЭД Сокращенное название доктрины "взаимного гарантированного уничтожения" mutual assured destruction времен "холодной войны" cold war. Часто использовалось сторонниками разрядки международной напряженности. Акроним означает "безумие" ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. сумасшедший, помешанный stark (raving, staring) mad —- совсем (абсолютно) сумасшедший like mad —- как безумный; разг. изо всех сил; от всей души; с энтузиазмом и т. п. he ran like mad —- он бросился бежать со всех ног he is working like mad —- он работает как одержимый he laughed like mad —- он заливался смехом (захлебывался от смеха) to go (to run) mad —- сойти с ума, помешаться, спятить this is bureaucracy gone mad —- здесь бюрократия перешагнула все пределы to drive smb. mad —- свести кого-л. с ума 2. бешеный (о животном) 3. бешеный, неистовый; свирепый mad gallop —- бешеный галоп mad torrent —- бурный поток to be mad with fear —- обезуметь (с ума сойти) от страха mad with fealousy —- вне себя от ревности we had a mad dash for the bus —- мы бросились со всех ног, чтобы попасть на (не упустить) автобус I am in a mad rush —- у меня совсем нет времени; я в цейтноте 4. безрассудный, шальной; опрометчивый mad undertaking —- безрассудное предприятие mad escapade —- шальная выходка this idea is absolutely mad —- это совершенно нелепая (идиотская) идея this mad world —- этот безумный мир you're mad! —- разг. ты с ума сошел!; ты совсем спятил (одурел, резнулся)! what a mad thing to do! —- какая глупость!; какую глупость вы совершили he is not mad enough to do it —- у него хватит ума не делать этого 5. (about, after, for, on) разг....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  Mutual Assured Destruction noun взаимно-гарантированное уничтожение MAD  1. adj.  1) сумасшедший, безумный; to send smb. mad - свести с ума кого-л.  2) бешеный (о животном)  3) обезумевший, рассвирепевший (with - от чего-л.)  4) страстно любящий (что-л.); помешанный (after, for, on, about - на чем-л.); to run mad after smth. - быть без ума от чего-л., увлекаться чем-л.  5) сумасбродный, безрассудный; a mad venture - безрассудное предприятие  6) coll. рассерженный, раздосадованный (at, about - чем-л.); - get mad  7) буйно веселый; we had a mad time - мы очень веселились like mad - как безумный as mad as a wet hen - взбешенный mad as a hatter, mad as a March hare - совсем сумасшедший, спятивший  2. v.; rare  1) сводить с ума  2) сходить с ума; вести себя как безумный ...
Англо-русский словарь


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