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Английский Этимологический словарь - grand


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- 1125, from Anglo-Fr. graunt, from O.Fr. grant, grand, from L. grandis "big, great," also "full-grown." It supplanted magnus in Romance languages; in Eng. with a special sense of "imposing." The connotations of "moral greatness, sublimity," etc., were in Latin. As a general term of admiration, 1816. The noun meaning "thousand dollars" is first recorded in Amer.Eng. underworld slang, 1915, from the adj. To grandstand "show off" is student slang from 1895 (grandstand play is attested in baseball slang from 1888). Grandfather (replacing O.E. ealdefжder) and grandmother (replacing M.E. grandame) both 15c. from M.Fr. (L. and Gk. had similar uses) Grandchild, grandson are later (16c.). The verb grandfather is from 1900. Grandfather clock is c.1880, from the popular song; they were previously known as tall case clocks or eight-day clocks.
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  ~1 adj 1 a grand building, occasion etc is very impressive  (We attended a grand ceremony at the Palace. | on a grand scale)  (Preparations for the wedding are taking place on a grand scale.) 2 a grand plan or idea aims to achieve something very impressive  (As a young minister he was full of grand ideas for social reform.) 3 people who are grand are rich and important but often too proud  (A very grand-looking gentleman entered the room.) 4 informal or dialect very good, pleasant, or enjoyable  (We had a grand day out at the seaside. | Wasn't it grand to see Ted again?) 5 grand total the final total you get when you add up several numbers or amounts 6 the Grand Old Man of a man who has been involved in an activity or a profession for a long time and is highly respected  (the Grand Old Man of British theatre) - grandly adv - grandness n ~2 n plural grand informal 1 a thousand pounds or dollars  (That new car of his cost him fifteen grand.) 2 informal a grand piano ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (grander, grandest, grands) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. Note: The form 'grand' is used as the plural for meaning 8. 1. If you describe a building or a piece of scenery as grand, you mean that its size or appearance is very impressive. ...this grand building in the center of town... The scenery of South Island is on a grand scale. = majestic ADJ 2. Grand plans or actions are intended to achieve important results. The grand design of Europe’s monetary union is already agreed. ADJ 3. People who are grand think they are important or socially superior. He is grander and even richer than the Prince of Wales... ADJ c darkgreen]disapproval 4. If you describe an activity or experience as grand, you mean that it is very pleasant and enjoyable. The dinner was a grand success... He was having a grand time meeting new sorts of people. = great ADJ 5. You can describe someone or something as grand when you admire or approve of them very much. (INFORMAL, SPOKEN) He was a grand bloke. = great, wonderful ADJ c darkgreen]approval 6. A grand total is one that is the final amount or the final result of a calculation. It came to a grand total of ?220,329. ADJ: ADJ n 7. Grand is often used in the names of buildings such as hotels, especially when they are very large. They stayed at The Grand Hotel, Budapest. ADJ: ADJ n 8. A grand is a thousand dollars or a thousand pounds. (INFORMAL) They’re paying you ten grand now for those adaptations of old plays. N-COUNT: usu a/num N 9. see also grandly ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   geographical name  1. river 260 miles (418 kilometers) SW Michigan flowing N & W into Lake Michigan  2. river 300 miles (483 kilometers) NW Missouri flowing SE into Missouri River  3. river 200 miles (322 kilometers) N South Dakota flowing E into Missouri River  4. the Colorado River from its source to junction with Green River in SE Utah — a former name  5. — see Neosho GRAND  I. adjective  Etymology: Anglo-French grant, ~, large, great, ~, from Latin ~is  Date: 1548  1.  a. having more importance than others ; foremost  b. having higher rank than others bearing the same general designation the ~ champion  2.  a. inclusive, comprehensive the ~ total of all money paid out  b. definitive, incontrovertible ~ example  3. chief, principal  4. large and striking in size, scope, extent, or conception ~ design  5.  a. lavish, sumptuous a ~ celebration  b. marked by a regal form and dignity  c. fine or imposing in appearance or impression  d. lofty, sublime writing in the ~ style  6.  a. pretending to social superiority ; supercilious  b. intended to impress a person of ~ gestures  7. very good ; wonderful a ~ time  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun Synonyms:  ~, magnificent, imposing, stately, majestic, ~iose mean large and impressive. ~ adds to greatness of size the implications of handsomeness and dignity a ~ staircase. magnificent implies an impressive largeness proportionate to scale without sacrifice of dignity or good taste magnificent paintings. imposing implies great size and dignity but especially stresses impressiveness an imposing edifice. stately may suggest poised dignity, erectness of bearing, handsomeness of proportions, ceremonious deliberation of movement the stately procession. majestic combines the implications of imposing and stately and usually adds a suggestion of solemn ~eur a majestic waterfall. ~iose implies a size or scope exceeding ordinary experience ~iose hydroelectric projects but is most commonly applied derogatorily to inflated pretension or absurd...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adj. & n. --adj. 1 a splendid, magnificent, imposing, dignified. b solemn or lofty in conception, execution, or expression; noble. 2 main; of chief importance (grand staircase; grand entrance). 3 (Grand) of the highest rank, esp. in official titles (Grand Cross; grand vizier; Grand Inquisitor). 4 colloq. excellent, enjoyable (had a grand time; in grand condition). 5 belonging to high society; wealthy (the grand folk at the big house). 6 (in comb.) in names of family relationships, denoting the second degree of ascent or descent (granddaughter). 7 (Grand) (in French phrases or imitations) great (grand army; Grand Monarch; Grand Hotel). 8 Law serious, important (grand larceny) (cf. COMMON, PETTY). --n. 1 = grand piano. 2 (pl. same) (usu. in pl.) esp. US sl. a thousand dollars or pounds. Phrases and idioms grand aunt a great-aunt (see GREAT adj. 11). grand duchy a State ruled by a grand duke or duchess. grand duke (or duchess) 1 a prince (or princess) or noble person ruling over a territory. 2 (Grand Duke) hist. the son or grandson of a Russian tsar. grand jury esp. US Law a jury selected to examine the validity of an accusation prior to trial. grand master 1 a chess-player of the highest class. 2 the head of a military order of knighthood, of Freemasons, etc. Grand National a steeplechase held annually at Aintree, Liverpool. grand nephew (or niece) a great-nephew or -niece (see GREAT adj. 11). grand opera opera on a serious theme, or in which the entire libretto (including dialogue) is sung. grand piano a large full-toned piano standing on three legs, with the body, strings, and soundboard arranged horizontally and in line with the keys. grand slam 1 Sport the winning of all of a group of championships. 2 Bridge the winning of 13 tricks. grand total the final amount after everything is added up; the sum of other totals. grand tour hist. a cultural tour of Europe, esp. in the 18th c. for educational purposes. Derivatives grandly adv. grandness n. Etymology: ME f. AF graunt, OF grant f. L grandis full-grown ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) большой 2) грандиозный 3) итоговый 4) очень важный 5) суммирующий grand canonical distribution — матем. ансамбль большой канонический grand unification theory — физ. модель большого объединения, модель великого объединения - grand average - grand coalition - grand disturbance - grand lot - grand mean - grand system - grand total ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  прил. 1) грандиозный, величественный 2) великий 3) важный, главный 4) серьезный 5) общий • - grand jury - grand people - grand problem - grand total ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  разг. тысяча долларов Тж. G ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. рояль concert grand —- концертный рояль baby grand —- (рояль-)миньон 2. ам. сл. тысяча долларов; "косая" five grand —- пять тысяч долларов you got two grand coming —- ты получишь (за это) две "косых" 3. грандиозный, величественный; большой grand project —- грандиозный проект grand spectacle —- величественное зрелище grand mountain —- огромная гора the view from here is grand —- отсюда открывается величественный вид 4. великий (также в титулах) grand general —- великий полководец G. Duke —- великий герцог; великий князь G. Turk —- турецкий султан G. Old Man —- великий старец (о видном пожилом общественном или политическим деятеле; первоначально - прозвище английского премьера Гладстона) 5. важный; серьезный grand question —- главный вопрос grand mistake —- ужасная ошибка grand rounds —- воен. поверка караулов командиром соединения или начальником гарнизона 6. главный, основной grand staircase —- главная (парадная) лестница grand entrance —- парадный (главный) вход 7. возвышенный, благородный grand conception —- благородная (возвышенная) идея grand style —- возвышенный стиль in grand style —- благородно, возвышенно grand character —- благородная душа 8. важный, знатный grand lady —- знатная дама grand people —- именитые господа, знать 9. светский I don't like grand company —- не люблю...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  question важный вопрос GRAND seignior важная персона GRAND  1. adj.  1) грандиозный, большой, величественный  2) великий (тж. в титулах)  3) возвышенный; благородный  4) главный, очень важный - grand question  5) великолепный, пышный; роскошный; импозантный; парадный  6) coll. богато, щегольски одетый  7) важный, знатный  8) важничающий, исполненный самомнения to do the grand coll. - важничать  9) coll. восхитительный, приятный  10) итоговый; суммирующий  2. noun  1) рояль  2) amer.; jargon тысяча долларов GRAND Duke великий князь GRAND jury noun leg. большое жюри; присяжные, решающие вопрос о предании суду GRAND Master noun chess гроссмейстер GRAND piano noun рояль GRAND Prix fr. noun большой приз, гран-при ...
Англо-русский словарь


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