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Английский Этимологический словарь - evil


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- O.E. yfel (Kentish evel) "bad, vicious," from P.Gmc. *ubilaz, from PIE *upelo-, giving the word an original sense of "uppity, overreaching bounds" which slowly worsened. The meaning "extreme moral wickedness" was in O.E., but did not become the main sense until 18c.
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English abbreviation dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 someone who is evil deliberately does very cruel things to harm other people  (an evil dictator responsible for the deaths of millions | An evil glint came into her eye when she picked up the knife.) 2 very unpleasant  (There's an evil smell coming from the drains.) 3 connected with the Devil or having special powers to harm people  (evil spirits) 4 having a very harmful influence on people  (the evil effects of materialism) 5 the evil eye the power, which some people believe exists, to harm people by looking at them  (traditional symbols to ward off the evil eye) 6 the evil hour/day etc a time when you expect something unpleasant or difficult to happen  (the evil hour when he would have to face his uncle's anger) - evilly adv ~2 n 1 a very harmful or unpleasant influence or effect  (the evils of capitalism) 2 a powerful force that makes people behave in a cruel way, or wicked behaviour in general  (the eternal struggle between good and evil)  (- see also the lesser of two evils lesser (2), necessary evil necessary1 (3)) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (evils) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Evil is a powerful force that some people believe to exist, and which causes wicked and bad things to happen. There’s always a conflict between good and evil in his plays. ? good N-UNCOUNT 2. Evil is used to refer to all the wicked and bad things that happen in the world. He could not, after all, stop all the evil in the world. N-UNCOUNT 3. If you refer to an evil, you mean a very unpleasant or harmful situation or activity. Higher taxes may be a necessary evil. ...a lecture on the evils of alcohol. N-COUNT 4. If you describe someone as evil, you mean that they are very wicked by nature and take pleasure in doing things that harm other people. ...the country’s most evil terrorists... She’s an evil woman. ADJ 5. If you describe something as evil, you mean that you think it causes a great deal of harm to people and is morally bad. After 1760 few Americans refrained from condemning slavery as evil... ADJ 6. If you describe something as evil, you mean that you think it is influenced by the devil. I think this is an evil spirit at work... ADJ 7. You can describe a very unpleasant smell as evil. Both men were smoking evil-smelling pipes. ADJ 8. If someone is putting off the evil day or the evil hour, they have to do something unpleasant and are trying to avoid doing it for as long as possible. You can simply go on putting off the evil day and eventually find yourself smoking as much as ever. PHRASE: usu v PHR 9. If you have two choices, but think that they are both bad, you can describe the one which is less bad as the lesser of two evils, or the lesser evil. People voted for him as the lesser of two evils... PHRASE ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. adjective  (~er or ~ler; ~est or ~lest)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English yfel; akin to Old High German ubil ~  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. morally reprehensible ; sinful, wicked an ~ impulse  b. arising from actual or imputed bad character or conduct a person of ~ reputation  2.  a. archaic inferior  b. causing discomfort or repulsion ; offensive an ~ odor  c. disagreeable woke late and in an ~ temper  3.  a. causing harm ; pernicious the ~ institution of slavery  b. marked by misfortune ; unlucky  • ~ adverb, archaic  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun  II. noun  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. the fact of suffering, misfortune, and wrongdoing  b. a cosmic ~ force  2. something that brings sorrow, distress, or calamity ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adj. & n. --adj. 1 morally bad; wicked. 2 harmful or tending to harm, esp. intentionally or characteristically. 3 disagreeable or unpleasant (has an evil temper). 4 unlucky; causing misfortune (evil days). --n. 1 an evil thing; an instance of something evil. 2 evil quality; wickedness, harm. Phrases and idioms evil eye a gaze or stare superstitiously believed to be able to cause material harm. speak evil of slander. Derivatives evilly adv. evilness n. Etymology: OE yfel f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1. зло good and evil —- добро и зло lesser (less) evil —- меньшее зло to believe evil of others —- дурно думать о других to speak evil —- злословить evil comes from evil —- зло порождает зло to return good for evil —- отплатить добром за зло keep thy tongue from evil —- библ. удерживай язык твой от зла 2. порок an evil of long standing —- закоренелый порок the social evil —- эвф. общественное зло (проституция) to lead a life of evil —- вести порочную жизнь to correct the evils of the system —- устранить пороки системы 3. бедствие, несчастье to wish smb. evil —- желать кому-л. беды 4. неудача 5. библ. грех to shun evil —- отойти от греха 6. горе evil be to him that... —- горе тому, кто... 7. уст. болезнь king's evil —- золотуха the falling evil —- падучая (болезнь) Id: but deliver us from evil —- библ. но избави нас от лукавого 8. злой, зловредный, злонамеренный the E. One —- рел. нечистый, сатана evil spirits —- злые духи evil tongue —- злой язык 9. испорченный, порочный evil conscience —- нечистая совесть evil fruit —- библ. плоды худые 10. развратный, порочный, грешный; преступный evil deeds —- преступления evil life —- распутная жизнь; путь разврата evil men —- библ. грешники a man of evil reputation —- человек, пользующийся дурной славой the evil institution of slavery —- позорный институт рабовладения 11. вредный, пагубный (о примере, совете и т. п.) 12. зловещий;...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) зло; вред evil comes from evil - зло порождает зло (the) lesser evil - меньшее зло - do evil  2) бедствие, несчастье  3) грех, порок  4) obs. болезнь - Kings evil - St. Johns evil of two evils choose the less prov. - из двух зол выбирай меньшее  2. adj.  1) дурной, злой; зловещий the Evil One - дьявол - evil tongue - evil eye  2) вредный; пагубный - evil results  3) злостный  4) порочный, дурной - evil life to fall on evil days/times - обнищать; попасть в полосу неудач Syn: see depraved EVIL conscience нечистая совесть EVIL eye дурной глаз EVIL life распутная жизнь EVIL results злосчастные последствия EVIL tongue злой язык ...
Англо-русский словарь


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