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Английский Этимологический словарь - either


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- O.E. жgрer, contraction of жghwжрer "each of two, both," from a "always" + ge- collective prefix + hwжрer "which of two, whether."
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  ~1 conjunction 1 used to begin a list of two or more possibilities separated by `or'  (You add either one or two stock cubes. | She's the kind of person you either love or hate. | It was either pink, red, or orange.)  (- compare or (1)) 2 used to say that if one thing does not happen then something else will have to  (It's your choice! Either she leaves or I will! | &75 seems a lot to pay for a starter motor but it's either that or a new car!) ~2 determiner 1 one or the other of two things or people  (I've lived in New York and Chicago but don't like either city very much. | either way (=in one way or the other))  (You can get to Edinburgh by train or plane but either way it's very expensive. | "Shall we have Indian or Chinese?" "I don't mind either way really." | The baby's due on the 10th but the doctor said it could be a fortnight either way. (=it could be born two weeks early or two weeks late))  (- compare any1, any2, neither1) 2 one and the other of two things or people; each  (He sat in the back of the car with a policeman on either side. | There are shops at either end of the street.)  (- compare both) 3 an either-or situation a situation in which you cannot avoid having to make a decision or choice  (- see also) ~3 pronoun one or the other of two things or people  (There's tea or coffee - you can have either. | Do either of you know where I can buy a zip round here?) ~4 adv 1 (only in negatives) also  (I haven't seen the move and my brother hasn't either. (=both haven't seen it) | "I can't swim." "I can't, either.") 2 me either AmE spoken used to say that something is also true about you  ("I don't have any money right now." "Me either.")  (- compare neither3, too (2)) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. You use either in front of the first of two or more alternatives, when you are stating the only possibilities or choices that there are. The other alternatives are introduced by ‘or’. Sightseeing is best done either by tour bus or by bicycles... The former President was demanding that he should be either put on trial or set free... Either she goes or I go. CONJ 2. You use either in a negative statement in front of the first of two alternatives to indicate that the negative statement refers to both the alternatives. There had been no indication of either breathlessness or any loss of mental faculties right until his death. CONJ 3. You can use either to refer to one of two things, people, or situations, when you want to say that they are both possible and it does not matter which one is chosen or considered. There were glasses of champagne and cigars, but not many of either were consumed... PRON • Either is also a quantifier. Do either of you smoke or drink heavily? QUANT: QUANT of def-pl-n • Either is also a determiner. I don’t particularly agree with either group. DET: DET sing-n 4. You use either in a negative statement to refer to each of two things, people, or situations to indicate that the negative statement includes both of them. She warned me that I’d never marry or have children.—‘I don’t want either.’ PRON: with brd-neg • Either is also a quantifier. There are no simple answers to either of those questions. QUANT • Either is also a determiner. He sometimes couldn’t remember either man’s name. DET 5. You use either by itself in negative statements to indicate that there is a similarity or connection with a person or thing that you have just mentioned. He did not even say anything to her, and she did not speak to him either... ADV: ADV after v, with brd-neg 6. When one negative statement follows another, you can use either at the end of the second one to...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ?ghw?ther both, each, from a always + ge-, collective prefix + hw?ther which of two, whether — more at aye, co-  Date: before 12th century  1. being the one and the other of two ; each flowers blooming on ~ side of the walk plays ~ instrument well  2. being the one or the other of two take ~ road  II. pronoun  Date: before 12th century the one or the other take ~ of the two routes  III. conjunction  Date: before 12th century — used as a function word before two or more coordinate words, phrases, or clauses joined usually by or to indicate that what immediately follows is the first of two or more alternatives can be used ~ as a guest room or as an office  IV. adverb  Date: 15th century  1. likewise, moreover — used for emphasis after a negative not smart or handsome ~  2. for that matter — used for emphasis after an alternative following a question or conditional clause especially where negation is implied who answers for the Irish parliament? or army ~? — Robert Browning ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adj., pron., adv., & conj. --adj. & pron. 1 one or the other of two (either of you can go; you may have either book). 2 each of two (houses on either side of the road; either will do). --adv. & conj. 1 as one possibility (is either black or white). 2 as one choice or alternative; which way you will (either come in or go out). 3 (with neg. or interrog.) a any more than the other (I didn't like it either; if you do not go, I shall not either). b moreover (there is no time to lose, either). Phrases and idioms either-or n. an unavoidable choice between alternatives. --adj. involving such a choice. either way in either case or event. Etymology: OE {aelig}gther f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1. любой (из двух), один из двух; тот или другой you can go by either road —- вы можете пойти по любой из этих двух дорог he can take either side, it makes no difference —- к какой стороне он ни примкнет, это дела не меняет without taking either side —- не прнимая ни ту, ни другую сторону there is no evidence either way —- нет доказательств ни за, ни против take either cake —- берите любое пирожное 2. и тот и другой; оба; каждый, любой the river overflowed on either side —- река залила оба берега curtains hung on either side of the window —- гардины висели по обеим сторонам окна danger on either side —- опасность с обеих сторон they were sitting on either side of the fire —- они сидели по обе стороны камина 3. любой take either of the cakes —- берите любое пирожное do you want this flower or that one? - E. —- вы хотите взять этот цветок или тот - Любой you can take both these books. E. will illustrate what I say —- можешь взять обе книги, и та и другая подтвердят то, что я говорю take either of the two routes —- можешь пойти по одной из этих двух дорог either of these forms is possible —- обе эти формы возможны (употребительны) how different was the fate of either! —- как по-разному сложились их судьбы! 4. редк. кто-нибудь (из двух); что-нибудь (одно) (из двух) 5. также, тоже (в отрицательных предложениях) if he does not come I shall not either —- если он не придет, то и я не приду they didn't tell me either —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I  1. pron. indef.; as noun  1) один из двух; тот или другой either of the two boys may go - один из этих двух мальчиков может пойти  2) и тот и другой; оба; каждый, любой (из двух) either will do - подойдет и тот и другой  2. pron. indef.; as adj.  1) один из двух; такой или другой; этот или иной you may put the lamp at either end of the table - вы можете поставить лампу на тот или другой конец стола  2) каждый, любой (из двух) there are curtains on either side of the window - по обеим сторонам окна висят занавески - either way  3. pron. indef.; as adv. также (при отрицании) if you do not go I shall not either - если вы не пойдете, то и я не пойду II cj. или either ... or... - или... или... either come in or go out - либо входите, либо выходите EITHER way и так и этак ...
Англо-русский словарь


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