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Английский Этимологический словарь - dot


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- O.E. dott "speck, head of a boil," perhaps related to tit "nipple." Original sense was of "lump," meaning "mark" emerged when the word reappeared 16c.
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  See: ON THE DOT also ON THE BUTTON. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  physiol. abbr. Diet's Our Thing physiol. abbr. Directly Observed Therapy physiol. abbr. Date of transfer NASA abbr. Damage Over Time U.S. gov. abbr. Department of Transportation transport. abbr. Department of Transportation mil. abbr. Department of Transportation ocean sc. abbr. Department of Transportation meteo abbr. Department of Transportation funny abbr. Dumb Old Template funny abbr. Dizzy On Testing farm. abbr. Dear Old Tractor softw. abbr. Delphi Opengl Toolkit gen. comp. abbr. Damage Over Time network. abbr. Distributed Object Technology telec. abbr. Department Of Transport file ext. abbr. Document template (MS Word) file ext. abbr. Line-type definition file (CorelDraw) educ. abbr. DARE Officer Training educ. abbr. Department of Transportation law abbr. Department of Transportation gen. bus. abbr. Designated Order Turnaround gen. bus. abbr. Designated Order Turn-around int. bus. abbr. Department of Transportation int. bus. abbr. Department of Treasury chat abbr. Do One Thing ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a small round mark or spot 2 on the dot informal exactly at a particular time  (on the dot of five (o'clock)/at five (o'clock) on the dot)  (Mr Green arrived at six on the dot.) 3 something that looks like a small spot because it is so far away  (The plane was just a dot in the sky.) 4 a short sound or flash of light used when sending messages by morse code  (- compare dash2, - see also the year dot year (11)) ~2 v dotted, dotting 1 to mark something by putting a dot on it or above it  (She never dots her i's.) 2 often passive to spread things over a wide area and quite far apart  (be dotted with)  (The lake was dotted with sailboats. | be dotted about/around etc)  (The company now has over 20 stores dotted around the country.) 3 to put a very small amount of something on a surface or in several places on a surface  (Dot some rouge on your cheeks, then blend carefully.) 4 dot the i's and cross the t's informal to pay attention to all the details when you are finishing something  (Well, we haven't dotted the i's and crossed the t's, but the contract's nearly ready.)  (- see also dotted line) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (dots, dotting, dotted) 1. A dot is a very small round mark, for example one that is used as the top part of the letter ‘i’, as a full stop, or as a decimal point. N-COUNT 2. You can refer to something that you can see in the distance and that looks like a small round mark as a dot. Soon they were only dots above the hard line of the horizon. = speck, spot N-COUNT 3. When things dot a place or an area, they are scattered or spread all over it. Small coastal towns dot the landscape. VERB: V n 4. see also dotted, polka dots 5. If you arrive somewhere or do something on the dot, you arrive there or do it at exactly the time that you were supposed to. They appeared on the dot of 9.50 pm as always... = punctually PHRASE 6. If you say that someone dots the i’s and crosses the t’s, you mean that they pay great attention to every small detail in a task; often used to express your annoyance because such detailed work seems unnecessary and takes a very long time. PHRASE: Vs inflect ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English *~, from Old English ~t head of a boil; akin to Old High German tutta nipple  Date: 1674  1. a small spot ; speck  2. a small round mark: as  a.  (1) a small point made with a pointed instrument a ~ on the chart marked the ship's position  (2) a small round mark used in orthography or punctuation put a ~ over the i  b. a centered point used as a multiplication sign (as in 6 • 5 = 30)  c.  (1) a point after a note or rest in music indicating augmentation of the time value by one half  (2) a point over or under a note indicating that it is to be played staccato  3. a precise point especially in time arrived at six on the ~  4. a short click or buzz forming a letter or part of a letter (as in the Morse code)  II. verb  (~ted; ~ting)  Date: circa 1740  transitive verb  1. to mark with a ~  2. to intersperse with ~s or objects scattered at random boats ~ting the lake  intransitive verb to make a ~  • ~ter noun  III. noun  Etymology: French, from Latin ~-, dos dowry  Date: 1855 dowry 2 DOT  abbreviation Department of Transportation ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a a small spot, speck, or mark. b such a mark written or printed as part of an i or j, as a diacritical mark, as one of a series of marks to signify omission, or as a full stop. c a decimal point. 2 Mus. a dot used to denote the lengthening of a note or rest, or to indicate staccato. 3 the shorter signal of the two used in Morse code (cf. DASH n. 6). 4 a tiny or apparently tiny object (a dot on the horizon). --v.tr. (dotted, dotting) 1 a mark with a dot or dots. b place a dot over (a letter). 2 Mus. mark (a note or rest) to show that the time value is increased by half. 3 (often foll. by about) scatter like dots. 4 partly cover as with dots (a sea dotted with ships). 5 sl. hit (dotted him one in the eye). Phrases and idioms dot the i's and cross the t's colloq. 1 be minutely accurate, emphasize details. 2 add the final touches to a task, exercise, etc. dot matrix printer Computing a printer with characters formed from dots printed by configurations of the tips of small wires. dotted line a line of dots on a document, esp. to show a place left for a signature. on the dot exactly on time. the year dot Brit. colloq. far in the past. Derivatives dotter n. Etymology: OE dott head of a boil, perh. infl. by Du. dot knot 2. n. a woman's dowry. Etymology: F f. L dos dotis DOT abbr. (in the UK) Department of Transport. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) точка ставить точку 2) проводить (наносить) пунктирную линию 3) точка растра; элемент (разложения) изображения 4) марка (в штукатурных работах) 5) элемент матрицы 6) мушка; точка (дефект глазури или эмали) 7) капля 8) партия изделий (в теории надёжности) to build up (to place) dot — устраивать марку - alternate picture dots - chain dots - color-emitting phosphor dots - color dots - elevated dot - elliptical dot - half-tone dot - landed beam dot - picture dot - primary-color dots - screen dot - square dot - trio dots - vignetted dot DOT сокр. от Department of Transportation Министерство транспорта (США) ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  точка штукатурная марка мушка (дефект стекла, глазури) plaster dot ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  точка растра, элемент изображения – blue dot – green dot – primary color dots – red dot – white dot ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) бирж., амер. сокр. от designated order turn-around 2) эк. тр., амер. сокр. от Dictionary of Occupational Titles DOT 1) бирж., амер. сокр. от "Designated Order Turnaround 2) общ., амер. сокр. от Department of Transportation 3) стат., эк. тр. сокр. от. Dictionary of Occupational Titles DOT точка ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  точка, пятнышко – black dot – fruit dot – Maurer's dots ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  см. Department of Transportation ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. точка three dots —- отточие, многоточие dots and dashes —- точки и тире (в азбуке Морзе) 2. пятнышко 3. крошка; малютка; крохотное существо 4. муз. точка (знак увеличения длительности ноты или паузы в полтора раза или знак стаккато) Id: to a dot —- до мельчайших подробностей; до последней запятой Id: to correct smth. to a dot —- исправить все до мелочей; вылизать Id: off one's dot —- тронутый, свихнувшийся; придурковатый Id: to pay on the dot —- платить наличными Id: (to come) on the dot —- (прийти) минута в минуту (тютелька в тютельку) Id: in the year dot —- давным-давно 5. ставить точки 6. отмечать пунктиром; наносить пунктирную линию 7. усеивать; испещрять a field dotted with flowers —- поле, усеянное цветами boulders dotted (about (over)) the lunar landscape —- поверхность Луны была усеяна камнями the islands are dotted all round the coast —- вдоль (всей) береговой линии были разбросаны (рассыпаны) островки Id: to dot the i's —- ставить точки над i Id: to dot and carry one —- переносить в следующий разряд (при сложении) Id: to dot and go one —- редк. переносить в следующий разряд (при сложении) Id: to dot and go one —- редк. ковылять, плестись еле-еле Id: to dot smb. one —- дать кому-л. затрещину Id: to dot smb. one in the eye —- поставить кому-л. синяк (фонарь) под глазом 8. юр. приданое ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  and go one  1. noun  1) ковыляющая походка  2) калека на деревянной ноге  2. v. хромать, ковылять DOT I  1. noun  1) точка (тж. в азбуке Морзе)  2) пятнышко  3) крошечная вещь a dot of a child - крошка, малютка  4) mus. точка для удлинения предшествующей ноты - to a dot to come on the dot coll. (прийти) минута в минуту - off ones dot  2. v.  1) ставить точки  2) отмечать пунктиром  3) усеивать to dot the is and cross the ts - ставить точки над i, уточнять все детали to dot and carry one - переносить в следующий разряд (при сложении) II noun приданое DOT and carry one noun  1) перенос в следующий разряд (при сложении)  2) joc. учитель арифметики DOT Department Of Transportation noun министерство транспорта (США) ...
Англо-русский словарь


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