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Английский Этимологический словарь - dash


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- 13c., probably from a Scandinavian source, somehow imitative. The oldest sense (13c.) is that in dash to pieces and dashed hopes. Meaning "move quickly" appeared 14c., that of "stroke of a pen" is 16c. Sporting sense of "race run in one heat" is from 1881. Dashboard of an automobile is first recorded 1904, from earlier meaning "board in front of a carriage to stop mud from being splashed ("dashed") into the vehicle by the horse's hoofs" (1859).
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См. в других словарях

  physiol. abbr. Dietary Approach To Stopping Hypertension U.S. gov. abbr. DOT ( Department Of Transportation) Auto Safety Hotline transport. abbr. Downtown Anchorage Short Hop mil. abbr. Drone Anti Submarine Helicopter gen. comp. abbr. Digital Audio Stationary Head ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  ~1 v 1 to go or run somewhere very quickly + into/across/behind etc  (Olive dashed into the room, grabbed her bag and ran out again.) 2 T always + adv/prep to make something move violently against a surface, usually so that it breaks  (dash sth against/onto/to etc)  (The ship was dashed against the rocks.) 3 dash sb's hopes to disappoint someone by telling them that what they want is not possible  (Budget cuts dashed hopes for several plans proposed by NASA.) 4 must dash/ have to dash BrE spoken used to tell someone that you must leave quickly  (I must dash - I said I'd meet Daniel at eight o'clock.) 5 dash it (all)! BrE spoken used to show that you are slightly annoyed or angry about something  (Dash it! I can't find my scissors!) 6 if a wave or rain dashes against something it hits it hard  (Stormy waves dashed against the shore.) dash off phr v 1 to leave somewhere very quickly  (Harry dashed off before she had a chance to thank him.) 2 T dash something off) to write or draw something very quickly  (She dashed off a quick letter excusing him from school that day.) ~2 n 1 »LINE« a line (-) used in writing and printing, for example in the sentence `Go home - they're waiting for you.'  (- compare hyphen) 2 make a dash for to run very quickly in order to get away from something or in order to reach something  (make a dash for cover/freedom etc)  (The prisoners made a dash for freedom. | make a dash for it)  (It's pouring with rain - we'll have to make a dash for it.) 3 »SMALL AMOUNT« a very small amount of a liquid or other substance + of  (Add salt, pepper and a dash of vinegar.) 4 a mad dash informal an attempt to get somewhere or do something extremely quickly  (When the alarm went there was a mad dash for the exit.) 5 »SOUND« a long sound or flash of light used for sending messages in morse code  (- compare dot1 (4)) 6 »CAR« AmE informal dashboard 7 »STYLE« old-fashioned style, energy, and courage in someone such as a soldier 8 cut a dash to look very impressive and attractive in particular clothes...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (dashes, dashing, dashed) 1. If you dash somewhere, you run or go there quickly and suddenly. Suddenly she dashed down to the cellar... VERB: V adv/prep • Dash is also a noun. ...a 160-mile dash to hospital. N-SING 2. If you say that you have to dash, you mean that you are in a hurry and have to leave immediately. (INFORMAL) Oh, Tim! I’m sorry but I have to dash... = rush VERB: no cont, V 3. A dash of something is a small quantity of it which you add when you are preparing food or mixing a drink. Add a dash of balsamic vinegar. N-COUNT: usu N of n 4. A dash of a quality is a small amount of it that is found in something and often makes it more interesting or distinctive. ...a story with a dash of mystery thrown in. N-COUNT: usu N of n 5. If you dash something against a wall or other surface, you throw or push it violently, often so hard that it breaks. (LITERARY) She seized the doll and dashed it against the stone wall with tremendous force. VERB: V n against n, also V n prep 6. If an event or person dashes someone’s hopes or expectations, it destroys them by making it impossible that the thing that is hoped for or expected will ever happen. (JOURNALISM LITERARY) The announcement dashed hopes of an early end to the crisis... They had their championship hopes dashed by a 3-1 defeat. VERB: V n, have n V-ed 7. A dash is a straight, horizontal line used in writing, for example to separate two main clauses whose meanings are closely connected. N-COUNT 8. The dash of a car is its dashboard. N-COUNT 9. If you make a dash for a place, you run there very quickly, for example to escape from someone or something. I made a dash for the front door but he got there before me... PHRASE: V inflects, PHR n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English dasshen, probably from Middle French dachier to impel forward  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. to break by striking or knocking  2. to knock, hurl, or thrust violently  3. splash, spatter  4.  a. ruin, destroy the news ~ed his hopes  b. depress, sadden  c. to make ashamed  5. to affect by mixing in something different his delight was ~ed with bitterness over the delay  6. to complete, execute, or finish off hastily — used with down or off ~ed down a drink ~ off a letter  7. euphemism damn I,4  intransitive verb  1. to move with sudden speed ~ed through the rain  2. smash  II. noun  Date: 14th century  1.  a. archaic blow  b.  (1) a sudden burst or splash  (2) the sound produced by such a burst  2.  a. a stroke of a pen  b. a punctuation mark — that is used especially to indicate a break in the thought or structure of a sentence  3. a small usually distinctive addition a ~ of salt a ~ of humor  4. flashy display  5. animation in style and action  6.  a. a sudden onset, rush, or attempt  b. a short fast race  7. a long click or buzz forming a letter or part of a letter (as in Morse code)  8. ~board 2 ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. & n. --v. 1 intr. rush hastily or forcefully (dashed up the stairs). 2 tr. strike or fling with great force, esp. so as to shatter (dashed it to the ground; the cup was dashed from my hand). 3 tr. frustrate, daunt, dispirit (dashed their hopes). 4 tr. colloq. (esp. dash it or dash it all) = DAMN v. 1. --n. 1 a rush or onset; a sudden advance (made a dash for shelter). 2 a horizontal stroke in writing or printing to mark a pause or break in sense or to represent omitted letters or words. 3 impetuous vigour or the capacity for this. 4 showy appearance or behaviour. 5 US a sprinting-race. 6 the longer signal of the two used in Morse code (cf. DOT(1) n. 3). 7 a slight admixture, esp. of a liquid. 8 = DASHBOARD. Phrases and idioms cut a dash make a brilliant show. dash down (or off) write or finish hurriedly. Etymology: ME, prob. imit. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) тире, чёрточка; прочерк 2) штрих штриховать 3) незначительная примесь 4) раствор - pebble dash - rock dash - slap dash ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  штрих штриховать pebble dash slap dash ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  тлг. тире ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) тире, чёрточка; прочерк 2) линия; мазок 3) штрих штриховать 4) рукоятка молотка или кувалды 5) сильный удар наносить сильный удар 6) авто приборная панель 7) вычёркивать; подчёркивать - dash of the brush ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) примесь 2) всплеск ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  "Дэш" Товарный знак порошка для стирки в воде любой температуры; производится компанией "Проктер энд Гэмбл" Procter and Gamble Co. DASH "ДЭШ" ("Рывок") Вид муниципального маршрутного такси в Лос-Анджелесе. Маршрут проходит по основным деловым и торговым центрам, достопримечательностям и крупнейшим отелям города. (Акроним: DASH = Downtown Area Short Hop ("По центру в мгновение ока")) ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. стремительное движение; рывок, бросок; порыв, натиск bold dash —- смелый натиск to make a dash for the door —- броситься к двери to make a dash against the enemy —- стремительно атаковать противника the prisoner made a dash for freedom —- пленник пытался бежать to have a dash at smth. —- попытаться сделать что-л. to go off at a dash —- стремительно рвануться вперед 2. энергия, решительность, напористость dash and courage —- энергия и мужество skill and dash —- умение и напористость 3. спорт. забег hundred-yard dash —- забег на сто ярдов 4. заезд 5. спурт, рывок в беге 6. быстрый прорыв (в игре) 7. сильный удар, толчок a dash with one's hand —- удар рукой at (the) first dash, at one dash —- с одного раза, сразу; одним ударом; одним махом 8. уст. удар, горе 9. плеск, всплеск the dash of the waves —- удары волн there was a dash of rain on the windows —- дождь хлестал в окна 10. примесь, чуточка wine with a dash of water —- вино, слегка разбавленное водой red with a dash of purple —- красный с оттенком фиолетового there is a romantic dash about it —- в этом есть что-то романтическое add a dash of salt to the rice —- добавь чуточку соли в рис there is a dash of eccentricity in his character —- в его характере заметна некоторая зксцентричность 11. тире, черточка; штрих; прочерк parallel dashs —- параллельные черточки 12. росчерк; замысловатый завиток, закорючка,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  off быстро набросать (письмо, записку и т.п.) I must dash off this letter before the post is collected. DASH  1. noun  1) стремительное движение; порыв; натиск to make a dash against the enemy - стремительно броситься на противника to make a dash for smth. - кинуться к чему-л.  2) энергия, решительность a man of skill and dash - умелый и решительный человек  3) удар, взмах - at one dash  4) sport рывок, бросок (в беге, игре); забег  5) плеск  6) примесь чего-л. чуточка there is a romantic dash about it - в этом есть что-то романтическое  7) быстрый набросок; мазок; штрих; росчерк  8) черта; тире  9) рисовка - cut a dash  10) tech. рукоятка молота - dash line - dash and dash line Syn: see zest  2. v.  1) бросить, швырнуть  2) броситься, ринуться; мчаться, нестись to dash up to the door - броситься к двери to dash away/off - убегать в спешке Im sorry, I must dash away/off now, Im already late for the concert.  3) sport сделать рывок в беге  4) разбивать(ся) the waves dashed against the cliff - волны разбивались о скалу  5) брызгать, плескать to dash colours on the canvas - набрасывать пятна красок на холст - dash away  6) обескураживать; смущать  7) разрушать (планы, надежды и т.п.)  8) разбавлять, смешивать; подмешивать  9) подчеркивать  10) coll. см. damn  2. ; dash it!, dash you! - к черту! - dash off DASH and dash line пунктирная линия DASH away быстро смахнуть (слезы) She turned round, and dashed...
Англо-русский словарь


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