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Английский Этимологический словарь - counter


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- from L. contra "opposite, contrary to, against." As in counteract, first recorded 1678; counter-intelligence, first recorded 1940; counter-productive, first recorded 1959; counter-culture, first recorded 1970; counter-clockwise, first recorded 1888.
COUNTER - 1345, from O.Fr. contouer "counting room, table of a bank," from M.L. computatorium "place of accounts," from L. computare (see compute). Generalized 19c. from banks to shops. The verb is 14c., from O.Fr. countre "facing opposite."
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Английский словарь американских идиом
  ~1 n 1 »SHOP« the place where you pay or are served in a shop, bank, restaurant etc 2 over the counter drugs, medicines etc that are bought over the counter are ones that you can buy in a shop without a prescription (1) from a doctor 3 under the counter if you buy something under the counter, you buy it secretly and usually illegally  (It's risky, but you can get alcohol under the counter.) 4 »KITCHEN« AmE a flat surface on top of a piece of furniture, especially in a kitchen, used for working on, preparing food etc; work-surface BrE  (Just leave my keys on the kitchen counter.) 5 »GAME« a small round object that you use in some games that are played on a board 6 »EQUIPMENT« a piece of electrical equipment that counts something  (Set the video counter to zero before you press play.)  (- see also geiger counter) 7 »ACTION AGAINST STH« an action that is used to try to prevent something bad from happening, or an argument used to prove that something is wrong  (Britain began its pro-Japanese policy as a counter to Russian advances in Asia.) ~2 v 1 to say something in order to try to prove that what someone said was not true + tha  ("That's not what James told me," he countered.) counter an argument/allegation etc  (He was determined to counter the bribery allegations.) 2 to do something in order to reduce the bad effects of something, or to defend yourself against them  (One way of countering these problems would be to redistribute wealth among the poor.) ~3 adv in a way that is opposite to something  (run counter to)  (The child is asked to behave in ways which run counter to his natural desires.) - counter adj  (To publicize this revolting film is counter to the standards of your newspaper.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (counters, countering, countered) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. In a place such as a shop or cafe, a counter is a long narrow table or flat surface at which customers are served. ...those fellows we see working behind the counter at our local video rental store. ...the cosmetics counter... N-COUNT 2. If you do something to counter a particular action or process, you do something which has an opposite effect to it or makes it less effective. The leadership discussed a plan of economic measures to counter the effects of such a blockade... Sears then countered by filing an antitrust lawsuit. VERB: V n, V by -ing 3. Something that is a counter to something else has an opposite effect to it or makes it less effective. ...NATO’s traditional role as a counter to the military might of the Warsaw pact. N-SING: a N to n 4. If you counter something that someone has said, you say something which shows that you disagree with them or which proves that they are wrong. Both of them had to counter fierce criticism... The union countered with letters rebutting the company’s claims... The Prime Minister countered by stating that he had grave misgivings about the advice he had been given... ‘But Peter, it’s not that simple,’ Goldstone countered in a firm voice. VERB: V n, V with n, V by -ing, V with quote, also V that 5. A counter is a mechanical or electronic device which keeps a count of something and displays the total. ...an answerphone with an LED display call counter. N-COUNT: usu supp N 6. A counter is a small, flat, round object used in board games. N-COUNT 7. see also bargaining counter, bean counter, Geiger counter, rev counter 8. If a medicine can be bought over the counter, you do not need a prescription to buy it. Are you taking any other medicines whether on prescription or bought over the counter? ...basic over-the-counter remedies. PHRASE 9. Over-the-counter shares are bought and sold directly rather than on a stock...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English countour, from Anglo-French, from Medieval Latin computatorium computing place, from Latin computare  Date: 14th century  1. a piece (as of metal or plastic) used in reckoning or in games  2. something of value in bargaining ; asset  3. a level surface (as a table, shelf or display case) over which transactions are conducted or food is served or on which goods are displayed or work is conducted jewelry ~ a lunch ~  II. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French cuntur, from cunter to count  Date: 14th century one that counts; especially a device for indicating a number or amount  III. verb  (~ed; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English countren, from Anglo-French cuntre against, opposite, from Latin contra; akin to Latin com- with, together — more at co-  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to act in opposition to ; oppose  b. offset, nullify tried to ~ the trend toward depersonalization  2. to assert in answer we ~ed that our warnings had been ignored  intransitive verb to meet attacks or arguments with defensive or retaliatory steps  IV. adverb  Etymology: Middle English contre, from Anglo-French cuntre  Date: 15th century  1. in an opposite or wrong direction  2. to or toward a different or opposite direction, result, or effect values that run ~ to those of society  V. noun  Date: 15th century  1. contrary, opposite  2. the after portion of a boat from the waterline to the extreme outward swell or stern overhang  3.  a. the act of making an attack while parrying one (as in boxing or fencing); also a blow thus given in boxing  b. an agency or force that offsets ; check  4. a stiffener to give permanent form to a boot or shoe upper around the heel  5. an area within the face of a letter wholly or partly enclosed by strokes  6. a football play in which the ballcarrier goes in a direction opposite to the movement of the play  VI. adjective  Date: 1582  1. marked by or tending toward or in an opposite direction or effect  2. given to...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. n. 1 a a long flat-topped fitment in a shop, bank, etc., across which business is conducted with customers. b a similar structure used for serving food etc. in a cafeteria or bar. 2 a a small disc used for keeping the score etc. esp. in table-games. b a token representing a coin. c something used in bargaining; a pawn (a counter in the struggle for power). 3 an apparatus used for counting. 4 Physics an apparatus used for counting individual ionizing particles etc. 5 a person or thing that counts. Phrases and idioms over the counter by ordinary retail purchase. under the counter (esp. of the sale of scarce goods) surreptitiously, esp. illegally. Etymology: AF count(e)our, OF conteo(i)r, f. med.L computatorium (as COMPUTE) 2. v., adv., adj., & n. --v. 1 tr. a oppose, contradict (countered our proposal with their own). b meet by a countermove. 2 intr. a make a countermove. b make an opposing statement ('I shall!' he countered). 3 intr. Boxing give a return blow while parrying. --adv. 1 in the opposite direction (ran counter to the fox). 2 contrary (his action was counter to my wishes). --adj. 1 opposed; opposite. 2 duplicate; serving as a check. --n. 1 a parry; a countermove. 2 something opposite or opposed. Phrases and idioms act (or go) counter to disobey (instructions etc.). go (or hunt or run) counter run or ride against the direction taken by a quarry. run counter to act contrary to. Etymology: ME f. OF countre f. L contra against: see COUNTER- 3. n. 1 the part of a horse's breast between the shoulders and under the neck. 2 the curved part of the stern of a ship. 3 Printing a part of a printing-type etc. that is completely enclosed by an outline (e.g. the loop of P). Etymology: 17th c.: orig. unkn. 4. n. the back part of a shoe or a boot round the heel. Etymology: abbr. of counterfort buttress ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) счетчик; счётная схема 2) счетчик излучения 3) пересчётное устройство; пересчётная схема 4) дополнительный (разгружающий) раскос фермы 5) мор. кормовой подзор 6) полигр. внутрибуквенный просвет 7) прилавок; стойка 8) противодействовать, оказывать противодействие 9) противоположный, противодействующий - absolute counter - accumulating counter - acoustical frame counter - acoustic frame counter - adding counter - address counter - anchor cable counter - anchor chain counter - batch counter - bidirectional counter - binary counter - capstan counter - character counter - clocked counter - cloud condensation nucleus counter - cloud-drop counter - contamination counter - control counter - copy counter - corona counter - course counter - decade counter - desk counter - diameter detection counter - digit counter - directional counter - discharge counter - down counter - dust counter - electrical counter - electric pulse counter - electromechanical counter - end-window counter - exposed footage counter - exposed frame counter - exposure counter - film counter - fission counter - footage counter - forward-backward counter - frame counter - frequency counter - gamma counter - gamma-radiation counter - gamma-ray counter - Geiger-Muller counter - hot keeping counter - hydraulic impulse counter - impulse counter - instruction counter - ion counter - ionization counter - laser-based single particle counter - lightning counter - line counter - liquid-sample counter - location counter - loop counter - modulo N counter - neutron counter - operation counter - particle counter - photoelectric condensation nucleus counter - photoelectric nucleus counter - photoelectric particle-size counter - photoelectric particle counter - predetermined counter - preset counter - program counter - proportional counter - pulse counter -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  тяж; гибкая подвеска фермы; гибкий раскос прилавок; стойка счётчик; тахометр противоположный; противодействующий; обратный противодействовать airline counter batch counter electrical counter turn counter ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) счетчик 2) пересчетная схема – automatic microwave-frequency counter – batch counter – bidirectional counter – binary-decimal counter – block-acknowledgement counter – block-completed counter – calculation counter – characters-in-line counter – command counter – conversation time counter – decade counter – digital counter – directional counter – electronic counter – forward-backward counter – four-bit binary counter – frame counter – frequency counter – incoming-call counter – induction counter – input-pulse counter – instruction counter – mechanical counter – programmable counter – pulse counter – operation-time counter – outgoing-call counter – photoelectric counter – program counter – reactive-phase counter – repetition counter – reversible counter – sequence counter – single-ended counter – single-phase power counter – step counter – tape counter – universal counter COUNTER CONSTANT постоянная счетчика ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) счётчик 2) пересчётная схема 3) прилавок; стойка 4) горн. поперечная жила, секущая жила 5) строит. гибкий раскос 6) фишка (в игре) 7) шашка (в игре) 8) полигр. внутрибуквенный просвет 9) противодействующий; противоположный, обратный 10) противодействовать counter counts up — счётчик работает на сложение - Cerenkov counter - Geiger counter - Geiger-Muller counter - alpha counter - batch counter - binary counter - binary-decade counter - binary-decimal counter - continuous counter - crystal counter - decade-tube counter - digital counter - directional counter - discharge counter - dust counter - electromagnetic counter - electronic counter - end-around counter - exponent counter - flip-flop counter - flow counter - frame counter - friction revolution counter - gamma counter - gas-discharge counter - gas-flow counter - gated oscillation counter - impulse counter - instructions counter - ion counter - ionization counter - locations counter - lock-on counter - modulo 2 counter - modulo N counter - monitor counter - non-self-quenched counter - particle counter - photoelectric counter - predetermined counter - proportional counter - quench counter - radiation counter - radix two counter - resettable counter - reversible counter - revolution counter - ring counter - ring-of-ten counter - ring-of-three counter - scale-of-ten counter - scale-of-two counter - scaler counter - scintillation counter - seconds counter - software counter - speed counter - stage of counter - start-stop counter - ternary counter - yield of counter - zeroing frame counter ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сущ. 1) стат. счетчик (лицо, проводящее перепись путем опроса) 2) стат. счетчик (устройство для подсчетов) 3) юр. регистр 4) торг. прилавок, стойка, окошко (прилавок внутри магазина, через который передается купленный в отделе товар) counter display - наприлавочная выкладка, After you have finished with accounting please pick up your medication at the medicine counter. - После того как расчеты будут окончены, пожалуйста, заберите свое лекарство в окошке для выдачи лекарств. Syn: stand 1) See: shop store stall 5) торг., амер. отдел скидок* (отдел продажи по сниженным ценам) 6) полигр. внутрибуквенный просвет 7) ТМО канал системы массового обслуживания COUNTER сущ. 1) счетчик (лицо, проводящее перепись путем опроса) 2) прилавок, стойка • - counter a proposal - over the counter COUNTER 1) счетчик; регистр 2) противоположный; встречный – to run counter ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  счётчик – blood counter – Burker's cell counter – colony counter – drop counter – end-window counter – gamma counter – Geiger counter – liquid scintillation counter – particle counter – scintillation counter ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. прилавок; стойка; конторка 2. рабочий стол, высокий длинный кухонный стол 3. касса check-out counter —- контрольно-кассовый пункт 4. фишка, марка; жетон 5. шашка (в игре) 6. тех. счетчик; тахометр Geiger counter —- физ. счетчик Гейгера 7. ист. долговая тюрьма; тюрьма при городском суде Id: fast counter —- ам. ловкий счетчик голосов; пройдоха, мошенник Id: under the counter —- тайно, подпольно Id: to sell under the counter —- продавать из-под прилавка Id: to buy tickets under the counter —- покупать билеты у спекулянта Id: over the counter —- в ручной продаже Id: to buy medicine over the counter —- покупать лекарства без рецепта 8. нечто противоположное, обратное as a counter to smth. —- в противовес чем-л. 9. загривок, зашеек (у лошади) 10. задник (сапога, ботинка) 11. мор. кормовой подзор 12. выкрюк (в фигурном катании) 13. противоположный, обратный, встречный counter revolution —- тех. обратное вращение 14. в противоположном направлении, обратно; напротив, против to act counter to smb.'s wishes —- действовать против чьих-л. желаний to run counter to the rules —- противоречить уставу your plans are counter to ours —- ваши планы идут вразрез с нашими he acted counter to all advice —- он действовал вопреки всем советам 15. противостоять; противиться; противодействовать; противоречить 16....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I noun прилавок; стойка to serve behind the counter - служить в магазине II noun  1) фишка, марка (для счета в играх)  2) шашка (в игре)  3) tech. счетчик; тахометр III  1. noun  1) противное, обратное as a counter to smth. - в противовес чему-л.  2) отражение удара; встречный удар, нанесенный одновременно с парированием удара противника  3) задник (сапога)  4) восьмерка (конькобежная фигура)  5) холка; загривок  6) naut. кормовой подзор  2. adj. противоположный; обратный; встречный  3. adv. обратно; в обратном направлении; напротив to run counter - идти против  4. v.  1) противостоять; противиться; противоречить чем-л. (with) Always counter your opponents attack with a strong return. The chairman countered the committee members suggestion with another question. The trade union leaders countered the governments offer with further demands. to counter a claim - опровергать утверждение  2) sport нанести встречный удар (в боксе) (with - чем-л.) And now the old fighter counters with a blow to the body. His young opponent counters with his left. ...
Англо-русский словарь


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