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Английский Этимологический словарь - cool


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- O.E. col, from P.Gmc. *koluz, from PIE base *gel- "cold, to freeze." The v. form kele (from O.E. colian) was used by Shakespeare, but has been assimilated with the adj. into the modern word. Applied since 1728 to large sums of money to give emphasis to amount. Meaning "calmly audacious" is from 1825. Slang use for "fashionable" is 1933, originally Black English, said to have been popularized in jazz circles by tenor saxophonist Lester Young.
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  See: PLOW ONE'S COOL. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  st. & loc. abbr. Clerk's Office On Line environ. abbr. Clean Our Okanagan Lake libr. abbr. Clear Ongoing Open Library univ. abbr. Campus Outreach Opportunities League univ. abbr. College Opportunities On Line univ. abbr. Campus Outreach Opportunity League univ. abbr. Canberra's Own Outstanding List univ. abbr. Calculus Offered On Line funny abbr. Confederation Of Old Limatians funny abbr. Constipated Overweight Outofstyle Loser funny abbr. Contrived Object Oriented Language funny abbr. Constipated Overall Overweighted Loser clothes abbr. Country Of Origin Label softw. abbr. Ceres Object Oriented Library gen. comp. abbr. C Object Oriented Language gen. comp. abbr. Chinese Object Oriented Language non-prof. org. abbr. Chapter Officers Optimizing Lead educ. abbr. Community Of Online Learners educ. abbr. Cooperative Opportunity For Online Learning educ. abbr. Comprehensive Object Oriented Learning religion abbr. Christian Outreach Of Lutherans religion abbr. Church On Our Level religion abbr. Christ Our Only Lord religion abbr. Children Of Our Lord religion abbr. Christ Ordering Our Lives religion abbr. Christ Over Our Lives law abbr. Character Object Oriented Lessons law abbr. Crisis Over Outrageous Law gen. bus. abbr. Commerce Opportunities On Line int. bus. abbr. Country Of Origin Labeling NASDAQ abbr. Cyberian Outpost, Inc. pos. abbr. Construction Opportunities On Line pos. abbr. Career Options On Line chat abbr. Constipated Overweight Old Lady ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 »TEMPERATURE« low in temperature, but not cold, often in a way that feels pleasant  (There was a cool breeze blowing off the sea. | sipping a cool drink)  (- see cold1) 2 »CALM« calm and not nervous, upset, embarrassed etc  (Now just stay cool. Everything's OK. | (as) cool as a cucumber (=very calm))  (Robert walked into the exam looking cool as a cucumber. | cool customer (=someone who behaves calmly in a difficult situation) | cool head (=ability to remain calm in a difficult situation))  (The job is quite demanding, so we need someone with a cool head. | cool, calm, and collected (=calm))  (Although she was nervous before the interview she managed to appear cool, calm and collected.) 3 »NOT FRIENDLY« behaving in a way that is not as friendly as you expect  (Her gaze was decidedly cool.) + towards  (The boss didn't actually say anything critical, but he was very cool towards me.) 4 »FASHIONABLE« informal very attractive, fashionable, relaxed etc, in a way that people admire  (You look really cool in those sunglasses.) 5 it's cool spoken used to say that something is not a problem  (Don't worry about the work - it's cool!) 6 »COLOUR« a cool colour is one, such as blue or green, that makes you think of cool things 7 a cool million/hundred thousand etc informal a surprisingly large amount of money that someone seems to earn very easily  (He earns a cool half million every year.) - coolness n - coolly adv - coolish adj ~2 v 1 also cool down to become cool or cooler, or make something do this  (You'll need to let your tea cool before you drink it. | They opened the windows to cool the room down.) 2 if a feeling, emotion, or relationship cools, it becomes less strong  (Our initial enthusiasm cooled when we saw how much work was involved.) 3 cool it spoken a) used to tell someone to stop being angry, violent etc  (That's enough arguing, you two - cool it!) b) to stop putting as much effort into something, or pressure on someone as you have been  (The more you chase after him, the less likely he is to go...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (cooler, coolest, cools, cooling, cooled) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. Something that is cool has a temperature which is low but not very low. I felt a current of cool air... The vaccines were kept cool in refrigerators. ? warm ADJ 2. If it is cool, or if a place is cool, the temperature of the air is low but not very low. Thank goodness it’s cool in here... Store grains and cereals in a cool, dry place. ...a cool November evening. ? warm ADJ: oft it v-link ADJ • Cool is also a noun. She walked into the cool of the hallway. N-SING: the N, oft N of n 3. Clothing that is cool is made of thin material so that you do not become too hot in hot weather. In warm weather, you should wear clothing that is cool and comfortable. ? warm ADJ 4. Cool colours are light colours which give an impression of coolness. Choose a cool colour such as cream... ? warm ADJ: ADJ n 5. When something cools or when you cool it, it becomes lower in temperature. Drain the meat and allow it to cool... Huge fans will have to cool the concrete floor to keep it below 150 degrees. ...a cooling breeze. VERB: V, V n, V-ing • To cool down means the same as to cool. Avoid putting your car away until the engine has cooled down... The other main way the body cools itself down is by panting. PHRASAL VERB: V P, V n P 6. When a feeling or emotion cools, or when you cool it, it becomes less powerful. Within a few minutes tempers had cooled... His weird behaviour had cooled her passion. VERB: V, V n 7. If you say that a person or their behaviour is cool, you mean that they are calm and unemotional, especially in a difficult situation. He was marvelously cool again, smiling as if nothing had happened... = calm ADJ c darkgreen]approval • coolly Everyone must think this situation through calmly and coolly. ...coolly ‘objective’ professionals. ADV 8. If you say that a person or their behaviour is cool, you mean that they are...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English col, from Old English col; akin to Old High German kuoli ~, Old English ceald cold — more at cold  Date: before 12th century  1. moderately cold ; lacking in warmth  2.  a. marked by steady dispassionate calmness and self-control a ~ and calculating administrator — Current Biography  b. lacking ardor or friendliness a ~ impersonal manner  c. of jazz marked by restrained emotion and the frequent use of counterpoint  d. free from tensions or violence meeting with minority groups in an attempt to keep the city ~  3. — used as an intensive a ~ million dollars  4. marked by deliberate effrontery or lack of due respect or discretion a ~ reply  5. facilitating or suggesting relief from heat a ~ dress  6.  a. of a color producing an impression of being ~; specifically of a hue in the range violet through blue to green  b. of a musical tone relatively lacking in timbre or resonance  7. slang  a. very good ; excellent; also all right  b. fashionable, hip not happy with the new shoes…because they were not ~ — Celestine Sibley  • ~ish adjective  • ~ly also ~y adverb  • ~ness noun Synonyms:  ~, composed, collected, unruffled, imperturbable, nonchalant mean free from agitation or excitement. ~ may imply calmness, deliberateness, or dispassionateness kept a ~ head. composed implies freedom from agitation as a result of self-discipline or a sedate disposition the composed pianist gave a flawless concert. collected implies a concentration of mind that eliminates distractions especially in moments of crisis the nurse stayed calm and collected. unruffled suggests apparent serenity and poise in the face of setbacks or in the midst of excitement harried but unruffled. imperturbable implies ~ness or assurance even under severe provocation the speaker remained imperturbable despite the heckling. nonchalant stresses an easy ~ness of manner or casualness that suggests indifference or unconcern a nonchalant driver.  II. verb  Date: before 12th century...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adj., n., & v. --adj. 1 of or at a fairly low temperature, fairly cold (a cool day; a cool bath). 2 suggesting or achieving coolness (cool colours; cool clothes). 3 calm, unexcited. 4 lacking zeal or enthusiasm. 5 unfriendly; lacking cordiality (got a cool reception). 6 (of jazz playing) restrained, relaxed. 7 calmly audacious (a cool customer). 8 (prec. by a) colloq. at least; not less than (cost me a cool thousand). 9 sl. esp. US excellent, marvellous. --n. 1 coolness. 2 cool air; a cool place. 3 sl. calmness, composure (keep one's cool; lose one's cool). --v.tr. & intr. (often foll. by down, off) make or become cool. Phrases and idioms cool-bag (or -box) an insulated container for keeping food cool. cool-headed not easily excited. cool one's heels see HEEL(1). cooling-off period an interval to allow for a change of mind before commitment to action. cooling tower a tall structure for cooling hot water before reuse, esp. in industry. cool it sl. relax, calm down. Derivatives coolish adj. coolly adv. coolness n. Etymology: OE col, colian, f. Gmc: cf. COLD ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) охлаждать(ся) 2) метео выхолаживать 3) холодный ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) охлаждаться, остывать 2) охлаждать 3) остыть, успокоиться 4) стынуть 5) хладнокровный 6) прохлада прохладный - forced cool ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. прохлада the cool of the evening —- вечерняя прохлада 2. разг. хладнокровие, невозмутимость to keep one's cool —- сохранять невозмутимый вид to blow one's cool —- выйти из себя, взорваться; потерять самообладание 3. холодность, неприветливость 4. прохладный, свежий cool morning —- прохладное утро cool wind —- свежий ветер to get cool —- стать прохладным, остыть 5. нежаркий cool dress —- легкое платье cool greenhouse —- необогреваемая теплица cool tankard —- прохладительный напиток 6. спокойный, невозмутимый, хладнокровный keep cool! —- не горячись!, успокойся! he is always cool in the face of danger —- он всегда спокоен перед лицом опасности he has a cool head —- он хладнокровный человек in cool blood —- хладнокровно 7. сухой, неприветливый, равнодушный, холодный his manner was very cool —- держался он весьма холодно cool greeting —- холодное приветствие 8. дерзкий, нахальный cool behaviour —- наглое поведение 9. холодный 10. эмоц-усил. круглый to lose a cool thousand —- потерять целую тысячу to walk a cool twenty miles further —- пройти на целых двадцать миль дальше 11. разг. мыслящий, рассудительный 12. высказывающийся сжато или намеком; недоговаривающий 13. сл. модный, современный 14. отличный, первоклассный; "на уровне" you look real cool in that new dress —- это новое платье чертовски тебе...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  fish нахал, наглец COOL hand беззастенчивый человек COOL customer беззастенчивый человек COOL cheek нахальство COOL card хладнокровный человек COOL  1. adj.  1) прохладный, свежий; нежаркий - get cool  2) спокойный, невозмутимый; хладнокровный to keep cool (ones head) - сохранять спокойствие, хладнокровие; не терять голову  3) равнодушный, безучастный; сухой, неласковый, неприветливый  4) дерзкий, беззастенчивый, нахальный - cool hand - cool customer - cool cheek  5) coll. круглый (о сумме) a cool thousand dollars - кругленькая сумма в тысячу долларов a cool twenty kilometres - добрых двадцать километров Syn: see cold  2. noun  1) прохлада  2) хладнокровие  3. v. охлаждать(ся); остывать (часто cool down, cool off) ...
Англо-русский словарь


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