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Английский Этимологический словарь - bug


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- 1622, probably from M.E. bugge "something frightening," a meaning obsolete except in bugbear (1580), bugaboo (1740, probably an alteration of bugbear but connected by Chapman with Bugibu, demon in the O.Fr. poem "Aliscans" from 1141), perhaps influenced in meaning by O.E. -budda used in compounds for "beetle." Meaning of "defect" may have been coined by Thomas Edison, c. 1878. "Concealed microphone" sense is 1919. The verb "to annoy, irritate" is first attested 1949, probably in allusion to insect pests. The meaning "to bulge" is 1870s, perhaps from a humorous or dialect mispronunciation of bulge. Phrase bug off is 1950s, perhaps from bugger off, which is chiefly British, but was picked up in U.S. Air Force slang in the Korean War.
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  3-let. lang. abbr. Buginese airport code Benguela, Angola univ. abbr. Brought Up Grades univ. abbr. Bring Up Grades adult abbr. Big Ugly Grin file ext. abbr. Bugs and Problems media abbr. Bluegrass Ultralight Group media abbr. Bucharest Under Ground educ. abbr. Bringing Up Grades sport abbr. Bicycle User Group sport abbr. Bicycle Users Group sport abbr. Backpacker's Ultimate Guide law abbr. Being Unusually Good ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  ~1 n 1 especially AmE a small insect, especially one that people think is unpleasant 2 informal an illness that people catch very easily from each other but is not very serious  (pick up a bug (=get a bug) | tummy/stomach bug (=illness affecting your stomach)) 3 the travel/ski/parachuting etc bug informal a sudden strong interest in doing something that usually lasts only a short time  (bitten by the fitness bug.) 4 a small fault in the system of instructions that operates a computer  (- see also debug) 5 a small piece of electronic equipment for listening secretly to other people's conversations. ~2 v bugged, bugging 1 informal to annoy  (It really bugs me when the car behind me drives too close.) 2 to put a bug1 (5) somewhere secretly in order to listen to conversations  (Do you think the room is bugged?) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (bugs, bugging, bugged) 1. A bug is an insect or similar small creature. (INFORMAL) We noticed tiny bugs that were all over the walls. N-COUNT: usu pl 2. A bug is an illness which is caused by small organisms such as bacteria. (INFORMAL) I think I’ve got a bit of a stomach bug... ...the killer brain bug meningitis. N-COUNT 3. If there is a bug in a computer program, there is a mistake in it. (COMPUTING) There is a bug in the software. N-COUNT 4. A bug is a tiny hidden microphone which transmits what people are saying. There was a bug on the phone. N-COUNT 5. If someone bugs a place, they hide tiny microphones in it which transmit what people are saying. He heard that they were planning to bug his office... VERB: V n • bugging ...an electronic bugging device. N-UNCOUNT 6. You can say that someone has been bitten by a particular bug when they suddenly become very enthusiastic about something. (INFORMAL) I’ve definitely been bitten by the gardening bug... Roundhay Park in Leeds was the place I first got the fishing bug. N-SING: oft n N 7. If someone or something bugs you, they worry or annoy you. (INFORMAL) I only did it to bug my parents. VERB: V n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   geographical name  1. river over 450 miles (720 kilometers) central Europe rising in W Ukraine, forming part of Ukraine-Poland and Poland-Belarus borders, & flowing into the Vistula in Poland  2. river over 500 miles (805 kilometers) SW Ukraine flowing SE to the Dnieper estuary BUG  I. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~ge hobgoblin; probably akin to Low German bogge goblin  Date: 14th century obsolete bogey, ~bear  II. noun  Etymology: origin unknown  Date: 1622  1.  a. an insect or other creeping or crawling invertebrate (as a spider or centipede)  b. any of several insects (as the bed~ or cockroach) commonly considered obnoxious  c. any of an order (Hemiptera and especially its suborder Heteroptera) of insects that have sucking mouthparts, forewings thickened at the base, and incomplete metamorphosis and are often economic pests — called also true ~  2. an unexpected defect, fault, flaw, or imperfection the software was full of ~s  3.  a. a germ or microorganism especially when causing disease  b. an unspecified or nonspecific sickness usually presumed due to a ~  4. a sudden enthusiasm  5. enthusiast a camera ~  6. a prominent person  7. a crazy person  8. a concealed listening device  9. from its designation by an asterisk on race programs a weight allowance given apprentice jockeys  III. verb  (~ged; ~ging)  Date: 1935  transitive verb  1. to plant a concealed microphone in  2. bother, annoy don't ~ me with petty details  intransitive verb to lose one's composure ; freak — often used with out  IV. verb  (~ged; ~ging)  Etymology: probably from 2~  Date: 1865  intransitive verb of the eyes protrude, bulge — often used with out  transitive verb to cause to ~ his eyes were ~ged with horror ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a any of various hemipterous insects with oval flattened bodies and mouthparts modified for piercing and sucking. b US any small insect. 2 sl. a micro-organism, esp. a bacterium, or a disease caused by it. 3 a concealed microphone. 4 sl. an error in a computer program or system etc. 5 sl. an obsession, enthusiasm, etc. --v. (bugged, bugging) 1 tr. sl. conceal a microphone in (esp. a building or room). 2 tr. sl. annoy, bother. 3 intr. (often foll. by out) US sl. leave quickly. Phrases and idioms bug-eyed with bulging eyes. Etymology: 17th c.: orig. unkn. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) повреждение, неисправность; отказ (схемы) 2) помеха 3) вчт. ошибка (в программе или устройстве) 4) электронное подслушивающее устройство 5) полуавтоматический телеграфный ключ - dust bug - timing bug - welding bug ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) полуавтоматический телеграфный ключ 2) вчт. ошибка 3) поломка, неисправность 4) электронное подслушивающее устройство – electronic bug ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) вчт. ошибка (в программе) 2) помеха; сбой 3) жучок (электронное подслушивающее устройство) 4) неполадка, неисправность to work bugs out of equipment — отлаживать оборудование ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  ошибка (в программе) BUG сущ.; амер. ошибка; недостаток; дефект, неисправность, повреждение - gold bug ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) клоп; pl клопы (Hemiptera) 2) мелкое насекомое; мелкое членистоногое – alfalfa plant bug – alligator bugs – ambush bugs – anthocorid bugs – aquatic sow bug – ash-gray leaf bugs – assassin bugs – bark bugs – bed bug – boat bugs – burrowing bugs – cannibal bugs – caspid bugs – chinch bugs – corizid bugs – cotton lace bug – creeping water bugs – cydnid bugs – damsel bugs – electric-light bug – flat bugs – flower bugs – fungus bugs – giant water bugs – gnat bugs – ground bugs – hydrometrid bugs – jumping bugs – jumping tree bugs – kissing bugs – lace bugs – lantana bug – leaf bugs – leaf-footed bugs – lightning bugs – lygaeid bugs – Miami bug – minute pirate bugs – mirid bugs – palm bugs – pear plant bug – penny bugs – pill bugs – pinch bugs – pirate bugs – plant bugs – pleid bugs – pondweed bugs – red bugs – red soldier bug – ripple bugs – scentless plant bugs – seed bugs – shield bugs – shield-backed bugs – shore bugs – small pirate bugs – snapping bugs – sow bugs – sphagnum bugs – spring shore bugs – stilt bugs – stink bugs – swimming bugs – toad-shaped bugs – true bugs – turtle bugs – velvet shore bugs – velvet water bugs – water bugs ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. энт. клоп (Hemiptera spp.) 2. жук; букашка 3. разг. микроб the flue bug —- вирус гриппа 4. разг. инфекционное заболевание; зараза he's got the bug —- он заболел (схватил простуду) 5. разг. повреждение, неисправность; технический дефект; конструктивный недостаток, недоделка to work the bugs out of a new car —- устранять неполадки в новой машине 6. ам. разг. безумная идея, помешательство he's got the travelling bug —- он помешан на путешествиях 7. ам. разг. помешанный, ненормальный, полоумный, чокнутый 8. ам. разг. энтузиаст; любитель; болельщик 9. ирл. презр. англичанин 10. разг. важный, надутый человек big bug —- "шишка" 11. диктофон; потайной микрофон; аппарат для тайного наблюдения 12. сл. система сигнализации (для защиты от грабителей и т. п.) 13. сл. отделяющийся самоходный отсек (космического корабля) lunar (moon) bug —- небольшой летательный аппарат для доставки людей с космического корабля на Луну и обратно; аппарат для передвижения по Луне 14. "стрекоза", вертолет 15. комп. ошибка (в программе или устройстве) 16. устанавливать потайные микрофоны; подслушивать с помощью микрофонов; вести тайное наблюдение с помощью аппаратуры (магнитофонов, телекамер и т. п.) the room is buged —- в комнате установлены...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  out собираться и переезжать в другое место, часто в спешке Is it true the whole camp is going to bug out in the morning, captain? BUG noun р. Буг BUG  1. noun  1) клоп  2) насекомое; жук  3) coll. вирус; вирусное заболевание  4) amer.; coll. безумная идея, помешательство - go bugs  5) coll. диктофон; аппарат для подслушивания, тайного наблюдения  6) amer.; coll. технический дефект Syn: see insect  2. v. coll. устанавливать аппаратуру для подслушивания, тайного наблюдения; подслушивать, вести тайное наблюдение (с помощью специальной аппаратуры) - bug out Syn: see overhear ...
Англо-русский словарь


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