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Английский Этимологический словарь - bit


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- related O.E. words bite "act of biting," and bita "piece bitten off," are probably the source of the modern words meaning "drill bit," "horse's bit, and "a piece bitten off, morsel." From P.Gmc. *biton. Computerese bit is 1940s abbreviation (coined by J.W. Tukey) of binary digit, probably chosen for its identity with this word. Byte, meaning eight bits, probably coined at IBM c.1964.
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Английский словарь американских идиом
  physiol. abbr. Bitartrate mil. abbr. Built In Test (or Training) mil. abbr. Binary digit physics abbr. Bulk Ion Temperature univ. abbr. Beijing Institute Of Technology softw. abbr. Business And Information Technology gen. comp. abbr. Bitmap Image Touchup gen. comp. abbr. Binary Digit file ext. abbr. Bitmap graphics (X11) chat abbr. Because It's Time ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »SLIGHTLY/FAIRLY« a bit informal, especially BrE a) slightly, but not very; a little  (Could you turn the radio down a bit, please? | Stay a bit longer - it's still early. | I think you're a bit young to be watching this. | a bit more/less)  (Would you like a bit more cake? | a bit like (=a little similar))  (She's a bit like my sister.) b) used when you mean `very' or `quite a lot', but you do not want to emphasize it too much  (It's all a bit depressing, really.) 2 »AMOUNT« informal, especially BrE a small amount, especially of something that is not a physical object + of  (Let me give you a bit of advice. | We may need a bit of help. | He still likes to do a bit of gardening.) 3 »PIECE« a small piece of something + of  (The floor was covered with bits of broken glass.) break/smash/blow sth to bits  (The bridge was blown to bits by the blast. | fall to bits)  (That old table's falling to bits.) 4 »PART« informal especially BrE a part or piece of something larger  (You can play on the grass, but keep off the muddy bits.) + of  (I liked the last bit of the film best.) 5 a good bit/quite a bit especially BrE a fairly large amount, or to a fairly large degree  (She knows quite a bit about European history. | She's quite a bit older than me.) 6 not a bit especially BrE not at all  (You're not a bit like your brother, are you? | I wasn't a bit worried.) 7 every bit as just as much as  (I think she's every bit as pretty as her sister.) 8 bit by bit especially BrE gradually  (It's a slow process, but we're getting there bit by bit.) 9 a bit at a time especially BrE in several small parts, not all at the same time  (Just do a bit at a time.) 10 »TOOL« the sharp part of a tool for cutting or making holes  (a drill bit) 11 »FOR A HORSE« a metal bar that is put in the mouth of a horse and used for controlling its movements 12 »COMPUTER« the smallest unit of information that can be used by a computer  (a 16-bit processor)  (- compare byte) 13 a bit part a very small and unimportant acting job in a play or film...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (bits) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. A bit of something is a small amount of it. All it required was a bit of work... I got paid a little bit of money. QUANT: QUANT of n-uncount 2. A bit means to a small extent or degree. It is sometimes used to make a statement less extreme. This girl was a bit strange... She looks a bit like his cousin Maureen... That sounds a bit technical... Isn’t that a bit harsh? = slightly PHRASE: PHR adj/adv/prep c darkgreen]vagueness 3. You can use a bit of to make a statement less forceful. For example, the statement ‘It’s a bit of a nuisance’ is less forceful than ‘It’s a nuisance’. It’s all a bit of a mess... This comes as a bit of a disappointment. PHRASE: PHR n c darkgreen]vagueness 4. Quite a bit means quite a lot. They’re worth quite a bit of money... Things have changed quite a bit... He’s quite a bit older than me. PHRASE: PHR of n, PHR after v, PHR compar 5. You use a bit before ‘more’ or ‘less’ to mean a small amount more or a small amount less. I still think I have a bit more to offer... Maybe we’ll hear a little bit less noise. PHRASE: PHR more/less 6. If you do something a bit, you do it for a short time. In British English, you can also say that you do something for a bit. Let’s wait a bit... I hope there will be time to talk a bit... That should keep you busy for a bit. PHRASE: PHR with v 7. A bit of something is a small part or section of it. (mainly BRIT) That’s the bit of the meeting that I missed... Now comes the really important bit... The best bit was walking along the glacier. = part N-COUNT: with supp, oft N of n 8. A bit of something is a small piece of it. (mainly BRIT) Only a bit of string looped round a nail in the doorpost held it shut. ...crumpled bits of paper. = piece N-COUNT: usu N of n 9. You can use bit to refer to a particular item or to one of a group or set of things. For example, a bit of information is...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~t, from Old English ~e act of ~ing; akin to Old English bitan ~e  Date: 14th century  1.  a.  (1) the ~ing or cutting edge or part of a tool  (2) a replaceable part of a compound tool that actually performs the function (as drilling or boring) for which the whole tool is designed  b. plural the jaws of tongs or pincers  2. something ~ten or held with the teeth:  a. the usually steel part of a bridle inserted in the mouth of a horse  b. the rimmed mouth end on the stem of a pipe or cigar holder  3. something that curbs or restrains  4. the part of a key that enters the lock and acts on the bolt and tumblers  II. transitive verb  (~ted; ~ting)  Date: 1583  1.  a. to put a ~ in the mouth of (a horse)  b. to control as if with a ~  2. to form a ~ on (a key)  III. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ~a; akin to Old English bitan ~e  Date: before 12th century  1. a small quantity of food; especially a small delicacy  2.  a. a small piece or quantity of some material thing  b.  (1) a small coin  (2) a unit of value equal to 1/8 of a dollar  3. something small or unimportant of its kind: as  a. a brief period ; while wait a ~ longer  b. an indefinite usually small degree, extent, or amount a ~ of a rascal every ~ as powerful  c.  (1) a small part usually with spoken lines in a theatrical performance  (2) a usually short theatrical routine a corny comedy ~  4. the aggregate of items, situations, or activities appropriate to a given style, genre, or role rejected the whole ~ about love-marriage-motherhood — Vance Packard  IV. noun  Etymology: binary digit  Date: 1948  1. a unit of computer information equivalent to the result of a choice between two alternatives (as yes or no, on or off)  2. the physical representation of a ~ by an electrical pulse, a magnetized spot, or a hole whose presence or absence indicates data ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. n. 1 a small piece or quantity (a bit of cheese; give me another bit; that bit is too small). 2 (prec. by a) a a fair amount (sold quite a bit; needed a bit of persuading). b colloq. somewhat (am a bit tired). c (foll. by of) colloq. rather (a bit of an idiot). d (foll. by of) colloq. only a little; a mere (a bit of a boy). 3 a short time or distance (wait a bit; move up a bit). 4 US sl. a unit of 121/2 cents (used only in even multiples). Phrases and idioms bit by bit gradually. bit of all right sl. a pleasing person or thing, esp. a woman. bit of fluff (or skirt or stuff) see FLUFF, SKIRT, STUFF. bit on the side sl. an extramarital sexual relationship. bit part a minor part in a play or a film. bits and pieces (or bobs) an assortment of small items. do one's bit colloq. make a useful contribution to an effort or cause. every bit as see EVERY. not a bit (or not a bit of it) not at all. to bits into pieces. Etymology: OE bita f. Gmc, rel. to BITE 2. past of BITE. 3. n. & v. --n. 1 a metal mouthpiece on a bridle, used to control a horse. 2 a (usu. metal) tool or piece for boring or drilling. 3 the cutting or gripping part of a plane, pincers, etc. 4 the part of a key that engages with the lock-lever. 5 the copper head of a soldering-iron. --v.tr. 1 put a bit into the mouth of (a horse). 2 restrain. Phrases and idioms take the bit between one's teeth 1 take decisive personal action. 2 escape from control. Etymology: OE bite f. Gmc, rel. to BITE 4. n. Computing a unit of information expressed as a choice between two possibilities; a 0 or 1 in binary notation. Etymology: BINARY + DIGIT ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  сокр. от built-in testing встроенный контроль BIT I 1) кусочек; отрезок; частица 2) наконечник 3) лезвие, режущая кромка (инструмента) 4) резец; режущий инструмент 5) бурав; сверло; пёрка; зенковка 6) долото 7) головка (бура), буровая коронка 8) жало (паяльника, отвёртки) 9) каменотёсный молоток 10) вчт. (двоичный) разряд, бит; флажок-признак 11) прицельная отметка 12) текст. платина 13) текст. звено распределительной цепи 14) текст. замочный клин 15) мн. ч. оспины (на поверхности лакокрасочного покрытия) to break drill bit off — отвинчивать буровое долото; to buildback (to buildup) drill bit — восстанавливать буровое долото; to pull drill bit green — поднимать буровое долото несработанным; to trip drill bit — поднимать и спускать буровое долото (в процессе бурения) bit of axe — лезвие топора - address bit - annular bit - auger bit - availability bit - bell-hanger's bit - blade-diamond drill bit - blade drill bit - blasthole bit - blunt drill bit - boring bit - brace bit - broaching bit - broach bit - button bit - cable drill bit - carbide bit - carry bit - center bit - ceramic bit - chamfer bit - change bit - check bit - chert drill bit - chisel drill bit - chisel-type bit - clock bit - collapsible drill bit - common bit - concave bit - control bit - copper bit - core drill bit - counting bit - cutting bit - crown bit - data bit - diamond crown bit - diamond drill bit - drag drill bit - drilling bit - drill bit - drop-center bit - duckbill bit - ear bit - eccentric drill bit - effective bit - end bit - erroneous bit - expandable drill bit...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  буровая колонка; буровое долото лезвие; сверло рабочая головка паяльника auger bit винтовое (витое) сверло; пёрка шнековый бур; земляной бур; буровая желонка carbide bit center bit chisel bit chisel-shaped bit bit chopping bit core bit detachable bit drag bit drilling bit expansion bit fishtail bit gouge bit plug bit roller bit ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) бит, единица информации 2) двоичный разряд – access control bit – address bit – back-up bit – channel bits – check bit – direct indicator bit – edge bits – extra picture bit – extra slice bit – fetch bit – information bit – least significant bit – marker bit – more significant bit – most significant bit – packet identifier bit – parity bit – punctuation bit – redundant bit – reverse indicator bit – service bit – stuffing bit – synchronization bit – tail bits – transmission-end bit – user bits – variable bit ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) вчт. бит, (двоичный) разряд, флаговый признак; двоичный знак - check bit - first bit - information bit - parity bit - redundancy bit 2) т. инф. двоичная единица информации 3) кусок; частица - bit of a key 4) лезвие 5) зубец; бородка (ключа) 6) резец; режущий инструмент; сверло - twist bit 7) головка (бура) 8) жало (паяльника) - right-angle bit - straight bit 9) горн. долото to dress drill bit — заправлять бур - chisel-shaped bit - chopping drill bit - collapsible drill bit - cone drill bit - core bit - core-drill bit - drag drill bit - reamer drill bit - rock bit - rolling cutter bit - six-point drill bit - spoon bit - two-cone drill bit 10) авто участок (дороги) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сущ. мелкая монета - long bit - short bit - two bits BIT сущ. 1) общ. кусочек; частица, небольшое количество bits of glass — кусочки стекла 2) комп. бит (двоичная единица информации, двоичный разряд; единица емкости памяти ЭВМ) 3) фин., амер., разг. мелкая монета See: two bits, short bit long bit 4) общ., сленг заранее разработанный план 5) общ., сленг образ жизни 6) общ. (часть комической или драматической игры в виде жестов, речи или звука, которая зачастую стилистически отождествляется с тем, кто ее снова и снова осуществляет) BIT 1) (binary digit) двоичный разряд; двоичный знак 2) бит, двоичный разряд; единица емкости памяти ЭВМ; единица количества информации – address bit – check bit – control bit ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. кусок; кусочек small bits of sugar —- кусочки сахара small bits of plaster —- куски штукатурки every bit of —- все he ate all the cake bit by bit —- он по кусочку съел весь пирог to go to bits —- разбиться на мелкие кусочки 2. частица, доля give me a bit —- дай мне немного 3. небольшое количество, немного, чуть-чуть a bit at a time —- понемногу, не спеша, постепенно wait a bit —- подожди немного I am a bit tired —- я немного устал he is a bit late —- он слегка опоздал not a bit —- нисколько, ничуть he is a bit of a coward —- он трусоват 4. разг. мелкая монета threepenny bit —- монета в три пенса short bit —- ам. монета в 10 центов long bit —- монета в 15 центов two bits —- ам. монета в 25 центов 5. ам. сл. срок заключения 6. ам. сл. эпизодическая роль bit player —- киноактер или киноактриса, исполняющие эпизодические роли; статистика 7. поведение, образ действий this is strictly a fascist bit —- так могут поступать только фашисты 8. обычная процедура the familiar 1-2-3-4 bit to check the acoustics —- обычная процедура счета вслух, принятый в таких случаях счет раз-два-три-четыре для проверки акустики 9. мода, фасон; стиль (одежды) the bouffant bit —- мода на пышные юбки и рукава 10. предмет обсуждения as for the bit about marriage... —- если речь идет о браке... Id: bit by bit —- постепенно Id: a good bit —- изрядно, много Id: a good bit...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  by bit постепенно BIT part эпизодическая роль BIT I noun  1) кусочек; частица, небольшое количество wait a bit - подождите минуту he is a bit of a coward - он трусоват - a bit - not a bit - bit by bit  2) мелкая монета - short bit - long bit - two bits  3) attr. - bit part to give smb. a bit of ones mind - высказаться напрямик, откровенно to do ones bit - внести свою лепту; делать свое дело, исполнять свой долг bits and pieces - остатки, обрезки, хлам to get a bit on coll. - быть навеселе he (she) is a bit long in the tooth - он (она) уже не ребенок to take a bit of doing - требовать затраты усилий II  1. noun  1) удила; мундштук to draw bit - натянуть поводья, вожжи to take the bit between ones teeth - закусить удила  2) режущий край инструмента; лезвие  3) бур; бурав; зубило  4) бородка (ключа)  2. v.  1) взнуздывать  2) обуздывать, сдерживать III noun двоичный знак (в вычислительных машинах) ...
Англо-русский словарь


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