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Английский Этимологический словарь - balance


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- c.1200, from O.Fr. balance, from M.L. bilancia, from L.L. bilanx (acc. bilancem), from L. (libra) bilanx "(scale) having two pans," possibly from L. bis "twice" + lanx "a dish, scale." The accounting sense is from 1588; the meaning "general harmony between parts" is from 1732; sense of "physical equipoise" is from 1667.
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Английский словарь американских идиом
  ~1 n 1 »STEADY« a state in which all your weight is evenly spread so that you do not fall  (You need a good sense of balance to ride a bicycle. | lose your balance (=be unable to stay steady and not fall))  (I lost my balance and fell on my face. | keep your balance (=manage to stay steady and not fall, especially when this is difficult)) 2 »EQUALITY« a state in which opposite forces or influences have or are given equal importance + between  (the delicate balance between man and nature) + of  (a realistic balance of work and relaxation) strike a balance (=manage to balance opposing forces)  (We need to strike a balance between the needs of the community and the rights of the individual.)  (- opposite imbalance) 3 on balance if you think something on balance, you think it after considering all the facts  (I think on balance I prefer the old system.) 4 off balance a) unable to stay steady or upright  (I was still off balance when he hit me again.) b) surprised or confused  (throw sb off balance)  (The abrupt question threw her off balance and she couldn't reply.) 5 the balance of evidence/probability etc the most likely answer or result produced by opposing information, reasons etc  (The balance of evidence suggests that at least some of the politicians received money.) 6 »FOR WEIGHING« an instrument for weighing things by seeing whether the amounts in two hanging pans are equal 7 »BANK« the amount of money that you have in your bank account  (Could you tell me what my balance is please?) 8 »THE REST« the amount of something that remains after some has been used or spent + of  (I'd like to take the balance of my vacation in September.) 9 »OPPOSITE FORCE« a force or influence on one side which equals an opposite force or influence  (They work well together - her steadiness acts as a balance to his clever but impractical ideas.) 10 be/hang in the balance if the future or success of something hangs in the balance, you cannot yet know whether the result will be bad or good  (Meanwhile the fate of the refugees...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (balances, balancing, balanced) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If you balance something somewhere, or if it balances there, it remains steady and does not fall. I balanced on the ledge... He balanced a football on his head. VERB: V prep/adv, V n prep/adv 2. Balance is the ability to remain steady when you are standing up. The medicines you are currently taking could be affecting your balance. N-UNCOUNT 3. If you balance one thing with something different, each of the things has the same strength or importance. Balance spicy dishes with mild ones... The state has got to find some way to balance these two needs... Supply and demand on the currency market will generally balance. V-RECIP: V n with n, V pl-n, pl-n V, also V with n • balanced This book is a well balanced biography. ADJ: usu adv ADJ 4. A balance is a situation in which all the different parts are equal in strength or importance. Their marriage is a delicate balance between traditional and contemporary values... ...the ecological balance of the forest. N-SING: with supp, oft N between pl-n 5. If you say that the balance tips in your favour, you start winning or succeeding, especially in a conflict or contest. ...a powerful new gun which could tip the balance of the war in their favour... N-SING: the N 6. If you balance one thing against another, you consider its importance in relation to the other one. She carefully tried to balance religious sensitivities against democratic freedom. VERB: V n against n 7. If someone balances their budget or if a government balances the economy of a country, they make sure that the amount of money that is spent is not greater than the amount that is received. He balanced his budgets by rigid control over public expenditure. VERB: V n 8. If you balance your books or make them balance, you prove by calculation that the amount of money you have received is equal to the amount that you have spent. ...teaching them to balance the...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Vulgar Latin *bilancia, from Late Latin bilanc-, bilanx having two scalepans, from Latin bi- + lanc-, lanx plate  Date: 13th century  1. an instrument for weighing: as  a. a beam that is supported freely in the center and has two pans of equal weight suspended from its ends  b. a device that uses the elasticity of a spiral spring for measuring weight or force  2. a means of judging or deciding  3. a counterbalancing weight, force, or influence  4. an oscillating wheel operating with a hairspring to regulate the movement of a timepiece  5.  a. stability produced by even distribution of weight on each side of the vertical axis  b. equipoise between contrasting, opposing, or interacting elements  c. equality between the totals of the two sides of an account  6.  a. an aesthetically pleasing integration of elements  b. the juxtaposition in writing of syntactically parallel constructions containing similar or contrasting ideas  7.  a. physical equilibrium  b. the ability to retain one's ~  8.  a. weight or force of one side in excess of another  b. something left over ; remainder  c. an amount in excess especially on the credit side of an account  9. mental and emotional steadiness  • ~d adjective  II. verb  (~d; balancing)  Date: 1588  transitive verb  1.  a.  (1) to compute the difference between the debits and credits of (an account)  (2) to pay the amount due on ; settle  b.  (1) to arrange so that one set of elements exactly equals another ~ a mathematical equation  (2) to complete (a chemical equation) so that the same number of atoms and electric charges of each kind appears on each side  2.  a. counter~, offset  b. to equal or equalize in weight, number, or proportion  3. to weigh in or as if in a ~  4.  a. to bring to a state or position of equipoise  b. to poise in or as if in ~  c. to bring into harmony or proportion  intransitive verb  1. to become ~d or established in ~  2. to be an...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 an apparatus for weighing, esp. one with a central pivot, beam, and two scales. 2 a a counteracting weight or force. b (in full balance-wheel) the regulating device in a clock etc. 3 a an even distribution of weight or amount. b stability of body or mind (regained his balance). 4 a preponderating weight or amount (the balance of opinion). 5 a an agreement between or the difference between credits and debits in an account. b the difference between an amount due and an amount paid (will pay the balance next week). c an amount left over; the rest. 6 a Art harmony of design and proportion. b Mus. the relative volume of various sources of sound (bad balance between violins and trumpets). 7 (the Balance) the zodiacal sign or constellation Libra. --v. 1 tr. (foll. by with, against) offset or compare (one thing) with another (must balance the advantages with the disadvantages). 2 tr. counteract, equal, or neutralize the weight or importance of. 3 a tr. bring into or keep in equilibrium (balanced a book on her head). b intr. be in equilibrium (balanced on one leg). 4 tr. (usu. as balanced adj.) establish equal or appropriate proportions of elements in (a balanced diet; balanced opinion). 5 tr. weigh (arguments etc.) against each other. 6 a tr. compare and esp. equalize debits and credits of (an account). b intr. (of an account) have credits and debits equal. Phrases and idioms balance of payments the difference in value between payments into and out of a country. balance of power 1 a situation in which the chief States of the world have roughly equal power. 2 the power held by a small group when larger groups are of equal strength. balance of trade the difference in value between imports and exports. balance sheet a statement giving the balance of an account. in the balance uncertain; at a critical stage. on balance all things considered. strike a balance choose a moderate course or compromise. Derivatives balanceable adj. balancer n. Etymology: ME f. OF, ult. f. LL (libra) bilanx bilancis two-scaled (balance) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) баланс; равновесие 2) уравновешивание; балансировка уравновешивать(ся); балансировать 3) весы 4) компенсация компенсировать 5) строит. противовес 6) симметрия симметрировать 7) (электрический) мост 8) тлв звуковой баланс 9) тлв стереобаланс 10) итог; остаток 11) швейн. баланс (изделия) to close a balance — арретировать (останавливать) весы; to balance cuts and fills — уравновешивать объём выемок и насыпей (при производстве земляных работ); to open a balance — открывать (пускать) весы balance of momentum — баланс количества движения balance of nature — экологическое (природное) равновесие balance of roof — пята свода (печи) - active power balance - aerodynamic balance - air-damped balance - Ampere balance - analytical balance - antenna balance - assay balance - available energy balance - back balance - beam balance - black balance - bridge balance - carbon-gas balance - centesimal balance - channel balance - chemical balance - coal-cleaning balance - color balance - component balance - conveyor balance - corn balance - crane balance - cultural balance - current balance - damped balance - decimal balance - density balance - dial balance - dredge and fill balance - dynamic balance - ecological balance - Edmond balance - electric balance - energy balance - enthalpy balance - equal-arm balance - fission balance - free-swing balance - gas balance - governor weights balance - gray balance - gray-scale balance - hanging-type spring balance - heat balance - horn balance - hydraulic balance - hydrologic balance - hydrophilic-lipophilic balance - induction balance - Jolly balance - knife-edge balance - large balance - low-capacity balance -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  равновесие; баланс находиться в равновесии, сохранять равновесие; уравновешивать балансир; весы balance of forces air balance air balance of building dynamic balance energy balance gas balance heat balance humidity balance inertial balance mass balance moisture balance moment balance sediment balance static balance system balance thermal balance torque balance total system balance water balance ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) баланс, равновесие; балансировать, уравновешивать 2) компенсация 3) мост – active power balance – amplitude balance – antenna balance – audio black balance – black balance – channel balance – color balance – current balance – gamma balance – Kelvin balance – Ledger balance – line balance – magnetic balance – phase balance – power balance – Reyleigh balance – speaker balance – statistic balance – video head balance – voltage balance – white balance ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) весы взвешивать to dampen balance — успокаивать весы to release balance — разарретировать весы 2) баланс, равновесие балансировать, сохранять равновесие balance on — баланс по чему-л. at balance — при равновесии out of balance — неуравновешенный, несбалансированный heat balance equation — уравнение теплового баланса roll balance accumulator — метал. аккумулятор уравновешивания валков weight and balance envelope — физ. диапазон центровок to balance flame —регулировать пламя (горелки) to disturb balance — нарушать равновесие 3) бухгалт. баланс, сальдо подводить баланс turnover balance sheet — бухгалт. оборотно-сальдовая ведомость to draw up a balance — бухгалт. составлять баланс 4) уравновешивать, сопоставлять balance a bridge — уравновешивать измерительный мост to balance by counterweight — уравновешивать грузом 5) маятник; балансир 6) экон. итог, остаток (напр., по финансовым операциям) to strike a balance — проф. подбивать итоги 7) электр. симметрирующее устройство симметрировать 8) электр. мост 9) компенсация компенсировать 10) противовес - Beranger balance - Roberval balance - Westphal balance - adverse balance - air balance - analytical balance - assay balance - balance of couples - balance of couples - balance of forces - balance of forces - balance of node - balance of node - balance of payments - balance of payments - balance of vertex - balance of vertex - beam balance - biological balance -...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) равновесие; уравновешивать 2) уравновешивание; балансировка; уравновешивающий; балансировочный 3) противовес 4) компенсатор; компенсировать 5) весы 6) баланс; балансировать; балансовый 7) симметрирование; симметрировать 8) итог; остаток 9) стереобаланс 10) соотношение ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1. сущ. 1) равновесие, баланс 2) соответствие 3) остаток 4) сальдо (разность между денежными поступлениями и расходами за определенный промежуток времени между стоимостью экспорта и импорта) 5) сальдо банковского счета 6) счет в банке, текущий счет 7) иск, претензия 8) превышение • - account balance - active balance - actual balance - adjusted trial balance - adverse balance - annual balance - average balance - average daily balance - balance brought forward - balance brought from last account - balance brought into equilibrium - balance carried forward - balance due on an order - balance in hand - balance in one's favor - balance list - balance method - balance of account as of... - balance of account - balance of advance - balance of an account - balance of claims and liabilities - balance of debt - balance of forces - balance of foreign payments - balance of income and expenditure - balance of indebtedness - balance of interest - balance of international payments - balance of merchandise trade - balance of migration - balance of national economy - balance of payment account - balance of payments - balance of payments consultations - balance of payments deficit - balance of payments disequilibrium - balance of power - balance of profit - balance of the estimate - balance of the work - balance of trade - balance of trade surplus - balance on current account - balance on deposit - balance on goods and services - balance on liquidity basis - balance on official reserve transaction basis - balance on order - balance on the capital account - balance out - balance receipt - balance runs into the red - balance sheet account - balance sheet auditing - balance sheet profit - balance sheet risk - balance sheet risks - balance sheet value - balance sheets - balance standing to my credit - balance standing to my debit - balance the...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) равновесие; баланс; уравновешивать 2) весы; взвешивать – balance of nature – acid-base balance – analytical balance – biological balance – caloric balance – carbohydrate balance – compression balance – dynamic balance – ecological balance – genetic balance – genic balance – global energy balance – heat balance – immunoregulatory balance – nitrogen balance – oxygen balance – polygenic balance – radiation balance – relational balance – secondary balance – selective balance – terrestrial radiation balance – thermal balance – torsion balance – water balance – water economy balance ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  остаток (на счете) См. тж. bounced check, overdraft ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. весы quick (Roman) balance —- безмен, пружинные весы assay balance —- пробирные весы 2. чаша весов to tip the balance —- склонять чашу весов, давать перевес 3. равновесие; состояние равновесия stable balance —- устойчивое равновесие (также в спорте) balance of nature —- природное равновесие off balance —- неустойчивый, шаткий to maintain a strict balance of forces —- строго поддерживать равновесие сил to hold the balance even —- сохранять равновесие to keep (to hold, to preserve) one's balance —- удерживать (сохранять) равновесие to lose balance —- потерять равновесие to make out the balance —- уравновешивать, приводить в состояние равновесия the blow threw him off his balance —- удар сбил его с ног 4. душевное равновесие; спокойствие; уравновешенность to be off one's balance —- потерять равновесие (душевный покой) to lose one's balance —- выйти из себя, потерять равновесие she was thrown off her balance with anger —- она была вне себя от негодования he kept his balance even at the most trying moments —- он не терял самообладания даже в самые трудные минуты 5. пропорциональность; гармоническое сочетание the balance of colours —- гармония красок 6. спец. баланс heat balance —- физ. тепловой баланс 7. решающий фактор; решающее влияние или значение to hold the balance —- осуществлять контроль, распоряжаться the balance of advantage lies with him —- на...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) весы - quick balance - Roman balance  2) равновесие balance of forces - равновесие сил balance of power - политическое равновесие (между государствами) to keep ones balance - сохранять равновесие; fig. оставаться спокойным to lose ones balance - упасть, потерять равновесие; fig. выйти из себя to be off ones balance - потерять душевное равновесие  3) (Balance) Весы (созвездие и знак зодиака)  4) противовес  5) маятник; балансир, баланс (в часовом механизме)  6) comm. баланс, сальдо (тж. balance in hand) - balance of payments - balance of trade - strike a balance  7) coll. остаток - be in the balance - tremble in the balance - swing in the balance - hang in the balance the balance of advantage lies with him на его стороне значительные преимущества to be weighed in the balance and found wanting не оправдать надежд - hold the balance - upon a fair balance Syn: see left-over  2. v.  1) балансировать; сохранять равновесие, быть в равновесии; уравновешивать  2) взвешивать, обдумывать; сопоставлять (with, against) balance disadvantage by/with smth. - восполнять ущерб чем-л.; нейтрализовать вред  3) колебаться (between)  4) comm. подводить баланс to balance ones accounts - подытоживать счета the accounts dont balance - счета не сходятся - balance out BALANCE of payments платежный баланс BALANCE of trade активный баланс (внешней торговли) BALANCE out приводить в равновесие; уравновешивать, уравнивать I hope that the figures for...
Англо-русский словарь


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