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Английский Этимологический словарь - arrange


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- 1375, "to draw up a line of battle," from O.Fr. arrangier, from a- "to" + rangier "set in a row," from rang "rank," from Frank. *hring. A rare word until the meaning became more general c.1800.
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  ~ v 1 to organize or make plans for something such as a meeting, party, or trip  (James is arranging a big surprise party for Helen's birthday. | I'd like to arrange a business loan. | arrange to do sth)  (Have you arranged to meet Mark this weekend? | arrange for sb to do sth)  (I've arranged for the window cleaner to come on Thursday. | arrange sth with sb)  (Beth arranged a meeting with the marketing director. | arrange for sth)  (The company will arrange for a taxi to meet you at the airport. | arrange when/where/how etc)  (We still have to arrange how to get home. | as arranged)  (Matthew arrived at 2 o'clock as arranged.) 2 to put a group of things or people in a particular order or position  (I've arranged my CDs in alphabetical order. | arrange sth in pairs/groups etc)  (The children were arranged in lines according to height.) 3 to write or change a piece of music so that it is suitable for particular instruments + for  (a symphony arranged for the piano) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (arranges, arranging, arranged) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If you arrange an event or meeting, you make plans for it to happen. She arranged an appointment for Friday afternoon at four-fifteen... VERB: V n 2. If you arrange with someone to do something, you make plans with them to do it. I’ve arranged to see him on Friday morning... It was arranged that the party would gather for lunch in the Royal Garden Hotel... He had arranged for the boxes to be stored until they could be collected. VERB: V to-inf, it be V-ed that, V for n to-inf 3. If you arrange something for someone, you make it possible for them to have it or to do it. I will arrange for someone to take you round... The hotel manager will arrange for a baby-sitter... I’ve arranged your hotels for you... VERB: V for n to-inf, V for n, V n 4. If you arrange things somewhere, you place them in a particular position, usually in order to make them look attractive or tidy. When she has a little spare time she enjoys arranging dried flowers... VERB: V n 5. If a piece of music is arranged by someone, it is changed or adapted so that it is suitable for particular instruments or voices, or for a particular performance. VERB: usu passive ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   verb  (-ranged; -ranging)  Etymology: Middle English arangen, from Middle French arenger, from a- + renger to set in ranks, from renc, ranc row — more at rank  Date: 1638  transitive verb  1. to put into a proper order or into a correct or suitable sequence, relationship, or adjustment ~ flowers in a vase ~ cards alphabetically  2. to make preparations for ; plan ~d a reception for the visitor  3.  a. to adapt (a musical composition) by scoring for voices or instruments other than those for which originally written  b. orchestrate  4. to bring about an agreement or understanding concerning ; settle ~ an exchange of war prisoners  intransitive verb  1. to bring about an agreement or understanding ~d to have a table at the restaurant  2. to make preparations ; plan ~d for a vacation with his family  Synonyms: see order  • ~r noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. 1 tr. put into the required order; classify. 2 tr. plan or provide for; cause to occur (arranged a meeting). 3 tr. settle beforehand the order or manner of. 4 intr. take measures; form plans; give instructions (arrange to be there at eight; arranged for a taxi to come; will you arrange about the cake?). 5 intr. come to an agreement (arranged with her to meet later). 6 tr. a Mus. adapt (a composition) for performance with instruments or voices other than those originally specified. b adapt (a play etc.) for broadcasting. 7 tr. settle (a dispute etc.). Derivatives arrangeable adj. arranger n. (esp. in sense 6). Etymology: ME f. OF arangier f. {agrave} to + rangier RANGE ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) располагать; расставлять; размещать 2) компоновать; устанавливать; монтировать 3) налаживать; пригонять to arrange in order of magnitude — располагать в порядке возрастания ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) договариваться 2) компоновать 3) приспосабливать 4) организовывать 5) оформлять 6) приводить в порядок, улаживать, урегулировать 7) располагать, упорядочивать 8) устраивать(ся) to arrange abutting — располагать впритык to arrange cylinders in line — располагать цилиндр в ряд to arrange into groups — группировать to arrange shop-windo — оформлять витрину to arrange traffic — организовывать движение ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  гл. 1) улаживать, устраивать, приводить в порядок 2) договариваться, приходить к соглашению 3) располагать 4) классифицировать • - arrange a difference - arrange a matter - arrange for payment Syn: to convene (a meeting) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. приводить в порядок to arrange business —- приводить в порядок дела to arrange one's hair —- привести в порядок волосы to arrange oneself —- приводить себя в порядок 2. располагать в определенном порядке, систематизировать, классифицировать to arrange books in aplhabetical order —- расположить книги в алфавитном порядке to arrange books on the shelves —- расставить книги на полках to arrange flowers —- составлять букеты; расставлять цветы (в помещении, на столе) 3. уславливаться, договариваться, приходить к соглашению to arrange for an appointment —- договориться о свидании day and hour to be arranged —- день и час будут согласованы дополнительно we arranged to meet at five —- мы уговорились встретиться в 5 часов to arrange with the enemy —- договориться с противником (о прекращении огня) to arrange an exchange of war prisoners —- организовать обмен военнопленными 4. уладить, урегулировать she had to arrange disputes between her two sons —- ей приходилось улаживать споры между двумя сыновьями the differences have been arranged —- разногласия урегулированы 5. принимать меры; проводить подготовку, давать распоряжения arrange for the car to be there —- распорядитесь, чтобы туда подали машину they have arranged for the sick man to be hospitalized —- они организовали госпитализацию больного I'll arrange for the parcel to be sent by air mail —- я дам...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  v.  1) приводить в порядок, располагать, классифицировать  2) устраивать(ся)  3) сговариваться, уславливаться, договариваться to arrange with smb. about smth. - договориться с кем-л. о чем-л. we arranged to meet at six - мы условились встретиться в шесть  4) улаживать (спор); приходить к соглашению  5) принимать меры, подготавливать (for)  6) приспосабливать, переделывать (напр., инсценировать роман для сцены)  7) mus. аранжировать  8) tech. монтировать Syn: see organize ...
Англо-русский словарь


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