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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - wit


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 I. verb  (wist; ~ting; present first & third singular wot)  Etymology: Middle English ~en (1st & 3d singular present wot, past wiste), from Old English ~an (1st & 3d singular present wat, past wisse, wiste); akin to Old High German wizzan to know, Latin videre to see, Greek eidenai to know, idein to see  Date: before 12th century  1. archaic know  2. archaic to come to know ; learn  II. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English; akin to Old High German wizzi knowledge, Old English ~an to know  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. mind, memory  b. reasoning power ; intelligence  2.  a. sense 2a — usually used in plural alone and warming his five ~s, the white owl in the belfry sits — Alfred Tennyson  b.  (1) mental soundness ; sanity — usually used in plural  (2) mental capability and resourcefulness ; ingenuity  3.  a. astuteness of perception or judgment ; acumen  b. the ability to relate seemingly disparate things so as to illuminate or amuse  c.  (1) a talent for banter or persiflage  (2) a ~ty utterance or exchange  d. clever or apt humor  4.  a. a person of superior intellect ; thinker  b. an imaginatively perceptive and articulate individual especially skilled in banter or persiflage Synonyms:  ~, humor, irony, sarcasm, satire, repartee mean a mode of expression intended to arouse amusement. ~ suggests the power to evoke laughter by remarks showing verbal felicity or ingenuity and swift perception especially of the incongruous a playful ~. humor implies an ability to perceive the ludicrous, the comical, and the absurd in human life and to express these usually ~hout bitterness a sense of humor. irony applies to a manner of expression in which the intended meaning is the opposite of what is seemingly expressed the irony of the title. sarcasm applies to expression frequently in the form of irony that is intended to cut or wound given to heartless sarcasm. satire applies to writing that exposes or ridicules conduct, doctrines, or institutions either by direct criticism or more often through irony, parody, or caricature a satire on the Congress. repartee implies the power of answering quickly, pointedly, or ~tily a dinner guest noted for repartee.
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  1. n. 1 (in sing. or pl.) intelligence; quick understanding (has quick wits; a nimble wit). 2 a the unexpected, quick, and humorous combining or contrasting of ideas or expressions (conversation sparkling with wit). b the power of giving intellectual pleasure by this. 3 a person possessing such a power, esp. a cleverly humorous person. Phrases and idioms at one's wit's (or wits') end utterly at a loss or in despair. have (or keep) one's wits about one be alert or vigilant or of lively intelligence. live by one's wits live by ingenious or crafty expedients, without a settled occupation. out of one's wits mad, distracted. set one's wits to argue with. Derivatives witted adj. (in sense 1); (also in comb.). Etymology: OE wit(t), gewit(t) f. Gmc 2. v.tr. & intr. (1st & 3rd sing. present wot; past and past part. wist) (often foll. by of) archaic know. Phrases and idioms to wit that is to say; namely. Etymology: OE witan f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  – to wit ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. часто pl. ум, разум quick wits —- сообразительность dull wits —- тупоумие, тупость to be out of one's wits —- обезуметь, утратить способность соображать are you out of your wits? —- да вы в своем уме? to bring (to drive) to one's wits' end —- сводить с ума, выводить из терпения to be at one's wits' —- стать в тупик, не знать, что делать; ума не приложу to have the wit to do smth. —- сообразить сделать что-л. he had the wit to call the doctor —- у него хватило сообразительности вызвать врача to keep one's wits about one —- не растеряться; не потерять головы to have one's wits about one —- быть начеку; быть пройдохой (ловкачом) he has all his wits about him —- его не проведешь to set one's wit to a problem —- ломать голову над задачей 2. остроумие, острословие 3. остряк, остроумный человек Id: to live by one's wits —- изворачиваться, всеми правдами и неправдами добывать средства к жизни; жить на сомнительные доходы 4. уст. знать, ведать let wit —- да будет известно God wot —- Бог ведает 5. уст. узнать Id: to wit —- то есть, а именно ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) oft. pl. ум, разум; he has quick (slow) wits - он сообразителен (несообразителен)  2) остроумие  3) остряк; he sets up for a wit - он хочет казаться остроумным to have/keep ones wits about one -  а) быть начеку;  б) понимать что к чему - be at ones wits end - live by ones wits - out of ones wits  2. v. знать, ведать wit leg. - то есть, a именно ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (wits) 1. Wit is the ability to use words or ideas in an amusing, clever, and imaginative way. Boulding was known for his biting wit... N-UNCOUNT 2. If you describe someone as a wit, you mean that they have the ability to use words or ideas in an amusing, clever, and imaginative way. Holmes was gregarious, a great wit, a man of wide interests. N-COUNT 3. If you say that someone has the wit to do something, you mean that they have the intelligence and understanding to make the right decision or take the right action in a particular situation. The information is there and waiting to be accessed by anyone with the wit to use it. = sense N-SING: the N to-inf 4. You can refer to your ability to think quickly and cleverly in a difficult situation as your wits. She has used her wits to progress to the position she holds today. N-PLURAL: usu poss N 5. You can use wits in expressions such as frighten someone out of their wits and scare the wits out of someone to emphasize that a person or thing worries or frightens someone very much. You scared us out of our wits. We heard you had an accident. N-PLURAL: usu out of poss N c darkgreen]emphasis 6. If you have your wits about you or keep your wits about you, you are alert and ready to act in a difficult situation. Travellers need to keep their wits about them. PHRASE: V inflects 7. If you say that you are at your wits’ end, you are emphasizing that you are so worried and exhausted by problems or difficulties that you do not know what to do next. We row a lot and we never have time on our own. I’m at my wit’s end. PHRASE: usu v-link PHR c darkgreen]emphasis 8. If you pit your wits against someone, you compete against them in a test of knowledge or intelligence. He has to pit his wits against an adversary who is cool, clever and cunning. PHRASE: V inflects, PHR n 9. To wit is used to indicate that you are about to state or describe something more precisely. (LITERARY) He’d like ‘happiness’ to be given a new and more...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 »AMUSING« the ability to say things that are clever and amusing  (a woman of great wit and charm | quick/dry/sharp wit)  (His sharp wit had them all smiling.) 2 »AMUSING PERSON« someone who is able to say clever and funny things  (Oscar Wilde was a famous wit.) 3 wits your ability to think quickly and make the right decisions  (It was a tricky situation - I had to use all my wits to extricate myself. | keep/have your wits about you (=be ready to think quickly and do what is necessary in a difficult situation)) 4 have the wit to do sth to be clever enough to know the right thing to do 5 frighten/scare sb out of their wits informal to frighten someone very much 6 at your wits' end very worried, because you have tried everything possible to solve a problem 7 not beyond the wit of often humorous not too difficult for someone to do  (It's surely not beyond the wit of man to come up with a solution.) 8 to wit old use that is to say; namely  (- see also battle of wits battle1 (5), half­wit, live by your wits live1 (9), outwit, quick­witted, witty) - witless adj ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  mil. abbr. Warriors In Team country abbr. West Indies Territory physics abbr. Wavelinks Interpreting Time univ. abbr. With Intelligent Thoughts univ. abbr. Wentworth Institute of Technology hobby abbr. Winnebago Itaska Travelers softw. abbr. Weak Index Theorem SMS abbr. What Is This SMS abbr. What I Think telec. abbr. Wireless Image Transfer perf. arts abbr. Washington Improvisational Theater educ. abbr. Will Intellect Trust educ. abbr. Wisdom In Training sport abbr. West Island Tournament gen. bus. abbr. Whatever It Takes pos. abbr. Warder In Training firm name abbr. William's Internet Techno chat abbr. What Is There ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом


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