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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - standard


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 I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French e~ banner, ~, of Germanic origin; akin to Old English standan to stand and probably to Old High German hart hard  Date: 12th century  1. a conspicuous object (as a banner) formerly carried at the top of a pole and used to mark a rallying point especially in battle or to serve as an emblem  2.  a. a long narrow tapering flag that is personal to an individual or corporation and bears heraldic devices  b. the personal flag of the head of a state or of a member of a royal family  c. an organization flag carried by a mounted or motorized military unit  d. banner 1  3. something established by authority, custom, or general consent as a model or example ; criterion quite slow by today's ~s  4. something set up and established by authority as a rule for the measure of quantity, weight, extent, value, or quality  5.  a. the fineness and legally fixed weight of the metal used in coins  b. the basis of value in a monetary system the gold ~  6. a structure built for or serving as a base or support  7.  a. a shrub or herb grown with an erect main stem so that it forms or resembles a tree  b. a fruit tree grafted on a stock that does not induce dwarfing  8.  a. the large odd upper petal of a papilionaceous flower (as of the pea)  b. one of the three inner usually erect and incurved petals of an iris  9. a musical composition (as a song) that has become a part of the ~ repertoire  • ~less adjective Synonyms:  ~, criterion, gauge, yardstick, touchstone mean a means of determining what a thing should be. ~ applies to any definite rule, principle, or measure established by authority ~s of behavior. criterion may apply to anything used as a test of quality whether formulated as a rule or principle or not questioned the critic's criteria for excellence. gauge applies to a means of testing a particular dimension (as thickness, depth, diameter) or figuratively a particular quality or aspect polls as a gauge of voter dissatisfaction. yardstick is an informal substitute for criterion that suggests quantity more often than quality housing construction as a yardstick of economic growth. touchstone suggests a simple test of the authenticity or value of something intangible fine service is one touchstone of a first-class restaurant.  II. adjective  Date: 1567  1.  a. constituting or conforming to a ~ especially as established by law or custom ~ weight  b. sound and usable but not of top quality ~ beef  2.  a. regularly and widely used, available, or supplied ~ automobile equipment  b. well-established and very familiar the ~ opera  3. having recognized and permanent value a ~ reference work  4. substantially uniform and well established by usage in the speech and writing of the educated and widely recognized as acceptable ~ pronunciation is subject to regional variations  • ~ly adverb
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  n. & adj. --n. 1 an object or quality or measure serving as a basis or example or principle to which others conform or should conform or by which the accuracy or quality of others is judged (by present-day standards). 2 a the degree of excellence etc. required for a particular purpose (not up to standard). b average quality (of a low standard). 3 the ordinary procedure, or quality or design of a product, without added or novel features. 4 a distinctive flag, esp. the flag of a cavalry regiment as distinct from the colours of an infantry regiment. 5 a an upright support. b an upright water or gas pipe. 6 a a tree or shrub that stands alone without support. b a shrub grafted on an upright stem and trained in tree form (standard rose). 7 a document specifying nationally or internationally agreed properties for manufactured goods etc. (British Standard). 8 a thing recognized as a model for imitation etc. 9 a tune or song of established popularity. 10 a a system by which the value of a currency is defined in terms of gold or silver or both. b the prescribed proportion of the weight of fine metal in gold or silver coins. 11 a measure for timber, equivalent to 165 cu. ft. (4.7 cubic metres). 12 Brit. hist. a grade of classification in elementary schools. --adj. 1 serving or used as a standard (a standard size). 2 of a normal or prescribed quality or size etc. 3 having recognized and permanent value; authoritative (the standard book on the subject). 4 (of language) conforming to established educated usage (Standard English). Phrases and idioms multiple standard a standard of value obtained by averaging the prices of a number of products. raise a standard take up arms; rally support (raised the standard of revolt). standard-bearer 1 a soldier who carries a standard. 2 a prominent leader in a cause. standard deviation see DEVIATION. standard lamp Brit. a lamp set on a tall upright with its base standing on the floor. standard of living the degree of material comfort available to a person or class or community. standard time a uniform time...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) стандарт; норматив 2) образец; эталон; образцовая мера 3) образцовое средство измерения 4) мн. ч. технические условия; технические требования 5) норма 6) колонна; стойка; опора 7) стандарт (единица измерения лесных грузов) above standard — выше стандартных требований; below standard — ниже стандартных требований; to establish a standard — создавать эталон; to keep [to maintain] a standard — хранить и поддерживать эталон; to supersede a standard — заменять эталон - standards of accuracy - standard of behavior - standard of quality - standards of rigidity - acceptance standard - adjustable standard - air-emissions standards - alignment standard - angle standard - atomic standard - authorized economy standard - basic reference standard - branch standard - broadcasting standard - broadcast standard - check standard - class standard - clean-air standard - closed-circuit standard - collective standard - color standard - current standard - digital TV standard - draft standard - electrical standard - engineering standard - fastness standard - frequency standard - fundamental standard - Gardner standards - HDTV standard - IEC standard - individual standard - industrial standard - industrial safety standards - industry standard - in-house standard - international standard - laboratory reference standard - laboratory standard - legal standard - load-shedding standard - local standard - maintainability standard - mandatory standard - material standard - occupational standards - operating standards - part quality standards - pass-off standard - performance standard - plant standard - precision standards - primary standard - reference standard - safety standard - sanitary standard - secondary standard - serviceability standard - state standard - subordinate standard -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  стандарт; норматив; технические условия образец; эталон стойка; столб; опора; поддержка no up to standard standard of construction standard of control standards of organization standard of quality building standard construction safety and health standards design standards indoor air quality standards minimum property standards performance standards quality standards for water reinforcing steel placing standards safety standard for formwork ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) стандарт 2) образец, эталон 3) норма 4) технические условия, ТУ; технические требования, ТТ – Betacam component standards – color standard – communication interface standards – data-encryption standard – de facto standard – DGS standards – digital-television standard – emission standard – engineering standard – frequency standard – gas-cell frequency standard – graphic display standards – HDTV standard – hydrogen-frequency standard – IEC standard – inductance standard – industry standard – interconnect standard – interface standard – international standard – Internet standards – interoperability standard – Josephson-effect standard – JPEG standard – line standard – local standard – mandatory standard – microwave-noise standard – Nexus standard – NMT standards – NTSC standard – open standard – optical standard – output standard – PCS standards – primary-frequency standard – primary-light standard – quantum standard – quartz frequency standard – rubidium-vapor frequency standard – secondary-frequency standard – secondary-light standard – secondary-time standard – state standard – super POCSAC standard – system standard – time standard – TV-broadcast standards – videocoding standard – videotex standards – wavelengh standard – working standard of light – X. standards ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) дерево-маяк 2) компарированный 3) критерий 4) нормальный 5) нормативный 6) нормированный 7) образец 8) образцовый 9) опора 10) принятый 11) стабильный уровень 12) стандарт 13) стандартный 14) стойка 15) стоячий 16) типовой 17) указный 18) условногодовой 19) шаблонный 20) эталон 21) эталонный atomic time standard — атомный эталон времени average standard deviation — среднее значение среднеквадратического отклонения calibrate manometer to standard — калибровать манометр по эталону end standard of meter — концевая мера длины error due to standard used — погрешность меры error in standard deviation — ошибка среднеквадратического отклонения international prototype standard — международный эталон line standard of meter — штриховая мера длины method of means and standard deviations — метод средних значений и среднеквадратических отклонений national standard thread — резьба американская стандартная near standard point — околостандартная точка normalized standard complex — нормализованный стандартный комплекс partial standard domain — частная стандартная область percentage standard deviation — среднеквадратическое отклонение, выраженное в процентах sample standard deviation — выборочное среднеквадратическое отклонение saturated standard cell — насыщенный нормальный элемент standard calculations shows — обычные вычисления...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  стандарт; норма; критерий – standard of examination – standard of invention – standard of living – standard of originality – standard of patentability – accepted standard – consumption standard – graphical standard – international standard – legal standard – mandatory standard – moral standard – objective standard – quality standard – uniform standard STANDARD 1. сущ. 1) стандарт 2) норма 3) масштаб 4) эталон, образец, стандартный образец 5) мера 6) проба (золота) 7) денежная система 8) денежный стандарт 9) уровень 10) конкретная цель • - Central Standard Time - International standard - auditing standard - automatic standard - be above the standard - be below the standard - be on a par with the latest world standards - be up to the latest world standards - best-practice standard - bimetallic standard - commercial standard - commodity standard - common standard - company standard - cost standards - cotton standard - double standard - educational standard - engineering standards - farming standards - fiduciary standard - flat standards - gold bullion standard - gold standard - living standard - living standards - objective standard - paper standard - parallel standard - performance standards - production standards - quality standard - silver standard - single standard - standard costs - standards association - standards of interrelations - tariff standard - technically based standard Syn: mark, norm, quota, rate, principle, ratio 2. прил. 1) стандартный, нормальный, типовой 2) образцовый 3) установленной пробы 4) нормативный 5) общепринятый - standard act - standard costs - standard design - standard hour plan - standard labour - standard level - standard management principles - standard method - standard of behaviour - standard of coinage - standard of construction - standard of culture -...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) стандарт; образец, норма; стандартный; нормальный; образцовый 2) флаг, парус (в околоцветнике бобовых) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. знамя, флаг, штандарт to raise the standard of revolt —- поднять знамя восстания to march under the standard of smb. —- стать под чьи-л. знамена, быть приверженцем (последователем) кого-л. 2. стандарт, норма; образец standard of international law —- нормы международного права work of high standard —- работа высокого качества below standard —- не соответствующий принятому стандарту to fall short of accepted standards —- не соответствовать стандартам 3. уровень standard of life (of living) —- уровень жизни standard of wages —- уровень зарплаты 4. pl. моральные и социальные нормы he has no standards —- он не понимает, что хорошо и что плохо (что можно делать и чего нельзя) 5. критерий standards of judgement —- критерии оценки to judge all men by the same standard —- подходить ко всем с одной меркой 6. эталон, единица измерения standard of comparison —- эталон для сравнения 7. денежный стандарт gold standard —- золотой стандарт 8. тех. нормаль; норматив to compute standards —- составлять нормативы 9. проба (драгоценного металла) 10. класс (в начальной школе) 11. разг. рост (человека) the standard of height —- рост 12. тех. стандарт (мера объема строевого материала, 4,7 куб.м) 13. средний размер (одежды); размер для стандартной фигуры 14. непременный номер в программе (песня и т. п.) 15. нормальный, стандартный,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) знамя, штандарт; to raise the standard of revolt - поднять знамя восстания; to march under the standard of smb. fig. - быть последователем кого-л.  2) стандарт, норма, образец, мерило; standard of culture/education - культурный уровень; standard of life/living - жизненный уровень; standard of price econ. - уровень цен; standards of weight - меры веса; to fall short of accepted standards - не соответствовать принятым нормам; up to (below) standard - соответствует (не соответствует) принятому стандарту  3) стойка, подставка, опора  4) класс (в начальной школе)  5) штамбовое растение  6) денежная система, денежный стандарт; the gold standard - золотой стандарт  7) tech. станина  8) attr. standard lamp - торшер Syn: criterion, gauge, measure, test, touchstone, yardstick  2. adj.  1) стандартный, типовой; нормальный; standard shape (size) - стандартная форма (-ный размер); standard gauge railways - нормальная колея  2) общепринятый, нормативный; образцовый; the standard book on the subject - образцовый труд по данному вопросу  3) штамбовый (о растениях) STANDARD of living уровень жизни STANDARD time стандартное, декретное время ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (standards) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A standard is a level of quality or achievement, especially a level that is thought to be acceptable. The standard of professional cricket has never been lower... There will be new national standards for hospital cleanliness. N-COUNT: with supp 2. A standard is something that you use in order to judge the quality of something else. ...systems that were by later standards absurdly primitive. N-COUNT: with supp 3. Standards are moral principles which affect people’s attitudes and behaviour. My father has always had high moral standards. N-PLURAL: usu with supp see also double standard 4. You use standard to describe things which are usual and normal. It was standard practice for untrained clerks to advise in serious cases such as murder... ADJ: usu ADJ n 5. A standard work or text on a particular subject is one that is widely read and often recommended. ADJ: ADJ n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »LEVEL OF QUALITY« (countable often plural, a level of quality, skill, ability or achievement by which someone or something is judged, that is considered to be necessary or acceptable in a particular situation  (The airline has rigorous safety standards.) + of  (Inspections are meant to ensure the standard of teaching is acceptable.)  (of a) high/low standard  (Our students achieve very high standards of musical ability. | Articles of a low standard will not be accepted. | set a standard (=decide what people are expected to do))  (The International Atomic Energy Agency sets standards for the industry. | meet/reach/attain a standard)  (They have to reach a certain standard or they won't pass. | to standard (=well enough))  (completing work to standard and on time | maintain standards (=keep them the way they are))  (After his early success, Cameron was unable to maintain such high standards. | above/below standard (=better than usual, or not good enough))  (The accommodation here is really below standard. | up to standard (=good enough))  (Your recent work just hasn't been up to standard. | raise/lower a standard)  (We're not about to lower our standards just to make a cheaper product. | let standards fall/drop/slip (=allow them to get worse))  (On no account must we let standards slip.) 2 »COMPARING« C usually plural the ideas of what is good or normal that someone uses to compare one thing with another  (by sb's standards)  (They were all pretty excitable by our quiet English standards. | by any standard (s) (=by anyone's opinion or values))  (It's a deprived area by any standard.) 3 »MORAL RULE« C usually plural rules for behaviour based on an idea of what is morally good and right  (Nobody could live up to his standards.) 4 »MEASUREMENT« a fixed official rule for measuring weight, purity, value etc  (an official government standard for the purity of silver) 5 »SONG« a popular song that has been sung by many different singers 6 »FLAG« a flag used in ceremonies  (the royal standard) 7...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1138, from O.Fr. estandart, probably from Frank. *standhard, lit. "stand fast or firm," a compound of words similar to Gothic standan "to stand" and hardus "hard." So called because the flag was fixed to a pole or spear and stuck in the ground to stand upright. The other theory connects the O.Fr. word to estendre "to stretch out," from L. extendere (see extend). Meaning "unit of measure" is 1327, from Anglo-Fr., where it was used 13c., and is perhaps metaphoric, the royal standard coming to stand for royal authority in matters like setting weights and measures. Standard-bearer in the figurative sense is from 1561. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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