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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - social


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 I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from Latin ~is, from socius companion, ally, associate; akin to Old English secg man, companion, Latin sequi to followmore at sue  Date: 14th century  1. involving allies or confederates the Social War between the Athenians and their allies  2.  a. marked by or passed in pleasant companionship with one's friends or associates leads a very full ~ life  b. sociable  c. of, relating to, or designed for sociability a ~ club  3. of or relating to human society, the interaction of the individual and the group, or the welfare of human beings as members of society ~ institutions  4.  a. tending to form cooperative and interdependent relationships with others of one's kind ; gregarious  b. living and breeding in more or less organized communities ~ insects  c. of a plant tending to grow in groups or masses so as to form a pure stand  5.  a. of, relating to, or based on rank or status in a particular society a member of our ~ set  b. of, relating to, or characteristic of the upper classes  c. formal  6. being such in ~ situations a ~ drinker  II. noun  Date: 1870 sociable
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  adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or relating to society or its organization. 2 concerned with the mutual relations of human beings or of classes of human beings. 3 living in organized communities; unfitted for a solitary life (man is a social animal). 4 a needing companionship; gregarious, interdependent. b cooperative; practising the division of labour. 5 existing only as a member of a compound organism. 6 a (of insects) living together in organized communities. b (of birds) nesting near each other in communities. 7 (of plants) growing thickly together and monopolizing the ground they grow on. --n. a social gathering, esp. one organized by a club, congregation, etc. Phrases and idioms social anthropology the comparative study of peoples through their culture and kinship systems. social climber derog. a person anxious to gain a higher social status. social contract (or compact) an agreement to cooperate for social benefits, e.g. by sacrificing some individual freedom for State protection. social credit the economic theory that the profits of industry should be distributed to the general public. social democracy a socialist system achieved by democratic means. social democrat a person who advocates social democracy. social order the network of human relationships in society. social realism the expression of social or political views in art. social science a the scientific study of human society and social relationships. b a branch of this (e.g. politics or economics). social scientist a student of or expert in the social sciences. social secretary a person who makes arrangements for the social activities of a person or organization. social security State assistance to those lacking in economic security and welfare, e.g. the aged and the unemployed. social service philanthropic activity. social services services provided by the State for the community, esp. education, health, and housing. social war hist. a war fought between allies. social work work of benefit to those in need of help or welfare, esp. done by specially trained...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) общественный 2) социально-бытовой 3) социальный - social sciences ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  прил. общественный; социальный - Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development - contributions for social insurance - contributions to social security - deduction for social security - department of social services - social and cultural measures - social and economic influences in job choice - social characteristic conditions - social environment - social factor - social groups - social implication - social insurance agent - social insurance tax - social location - social management - social needs - social order - social organizations - social position - social processes - social sciences - social security check - social security cost - social status category - social status groups - social system - social welfare ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  общественный, ведущий общественный образ жизни, живущий в сообществе (себе подобных) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. прием, встреча, собрание (членов клуба, общества) 2. разг. вечеринка 3. общественный, социальный social order (system) —- общественный строй social unit —- ячейка общества (семья, группа) social justice —- социальная справедливость social institutions —- социальные институты bad social behaviour —- антиобщественное повещение social hygiene —- социальная гигиена the social evil —- эвф. общественное зло, проституция social standards —- нормы общественной жизни 4. компанейский, дружеский social drinking —- выпивка в компании, дружеская попойка social visit —- дружеский визит, посещение знакомых; дип. неофициальный (или протокольный) визит to pay a social visit —- пойти в гости, навестить знакомых he leads a very full social life —- он часто бывает в обществе I spent a relaxed social evening —- я приятно провел время на вечере 5. общительный social character —- общительный человек 6. бытовой, относящийся к повседневной жизни purely social club —- клуб, где люди встречаются для отдыха, танцев и т. п. social director of a hotel —- администратор отеля, ведающий культурным обслуживанием (развлечениями, спортивными мероприятиями и т. п.) 7. относящийся к положению в обществе a member of his social set —- человек его круга to move in different social circles —- вращаться в различных кругах (общества) to be...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  climber карьерист SOCIAL change общественные/социальные сдвиги SOCIAL democracy социал-демократия SOCIAL democrat социал-демократ SOCIAL democratic социал-демократический SOCIAL control общественный контроль SOCIAL  1. adj.  1) общественный; социальный; social science - социология; social security - социальное обеспечение; social welfare -  а) социальное обеспечение;  б) патронаж (с благотворительными и воспитательными целями); social evil - проституция  2) общительный  3) светский; social evening - вечеринка Syn: see gregarious  2. noun  1) собрание, встреча (членов общества и т.п.)  2) coll. вечеринка SOCIAL insurance социальное страхование SOCIAL order общественный строй SOCIAL ease умение держать себя, простота в обращении ...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~1 adj 1 »SOCIETY« concerning human society and its organization, or the quality of people's lives  (Various social issues, such as unemployment and education, were discussed. | social trends | demands for social change) 2 »RANK« related to the position in society that you have, according to your job, family, wealth etc  (social status | a wide circle of friends from different social backgrounds | social class (=a group of people who have the same social position))  (every social class, from manual workers to aristocrats | social mobility (=ability to move into a higher social class)) 3 »MEETING PEOPLE« related to the way you meet people and form relationships  (social skills (=ability to meet people easily and deal well with them))  (College gives you an opportunity to develop your social skills. | social contacts (=people you meet outside work) | social graces (=attractive manners, behaviour etc when you meet people)) 4 »WITH FRIENDS« related to the time you spend with your friends for enjoyment  (social life (=activities with your friends))  (You sure seem to have a busy social life these days! | social club/evening/gathering etc (=a club or occasion at which people can enjoy being together) | social drinking (=drinking alcohol with your friends)) 5 »ANIMALS« forming groups or living together in their natural state  (Elephants are social animals.)  (- see also anti­social, sociable1, unsocial) - socially adv  (socially acceptable behaviour | Do you and your colleagues ever meet socially?) ~2 n old-fashioned a planned informal party for the members of a group, club or church ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 14c., from M.Fr. social, from L. socialis "united, living with others," from socius "companion," related to sequi "to follow," from PIE base *seq- "follow." Original sense in Eng. was "domestic;" meaning "living or liking to live with others" is first attested 1722. The noun meaning "friendly gathering" is first recorded 1870, from the adj. Socialization "process of making social" is from 1840. Social climber is from 1924; social work is c.1890; social worker 1904. SOCIALIST - 1827, from Fr. socialiste, in reference to the teachings of Comte de Saint-Simon, founder of Fr. socialism. Socialism is attested from 1837, apparently first in reference to Robert Owen's communes. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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